DIB Engine: Add clipping on xxxBlt and AlphaBlend

From: Massimo Del Fedele <max@veneto.com>


 dlls/winedib.drv/bitblt.c   |  332 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 dlls/winedib.drv/clipping.c |   42 +++++
 dlls/winedib.drv/dc.c       |   14 ++
 dlls/winedib.drv/dibdrv.h   |    6 +
 4 files changed, 341 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/winedib.drv/bitblt.c b/dlls/winedib.drv/bitblt.c
index c0227a0..05c9392 100644
--- a/dlls/winedib.drv/bitblt.c
+++ b/dlls/winedib.drv/bitblt.c
@@ -33,6 +33,26 @@ static inline void intSwap(int *a, int *b)
     *b = tmp;
+static inline void setRect(RECT *r, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
+    r->left   = x1;
+    r->top    = y1;
+    r->right  = x2;
+    r->bottom = y2;
+static inline void setPoint(POINT *p, int x, int y)
+    p->x = x;
+    p->y = y;
+static inline void setSize(SIZE *sz, int cx, int cy)
+    sz->cx = cx;
+    sz->cy = cy;
 /* clips a source and destination areas to their respective clip rectangles
    returning both source and dest modified; result is TRUE if clipping
    leads to a non null rectangle, FALSE otherwise */
@@ -130,13 +150,158 @@ static BOOL BitBlt_ClipAreas(POINT *ps, POINT *pd, SIZE *sz, RECT*srcClip, RECT*
    leads to a non null rectangle, FALSE otherwise */
 static BOOL StretchBlt_ClipAreas(POINT *ps, POINT *pd, SIZE *szSrc, SIZE *szDst, RECT*srcClip, RECT*dstClip)
-    ONCE(FIXME("TO DO\n"));
+    int xs1, ys1, xs2, ys2;
+    int xsc1, ysc1, xsc2, ysc2;
+    int xd1, yd1, xd2, yd2;
+    int xdc1, ydc1, xdc2, ydc2;
+    int ws, hs, wd, hd, dx, dy;
+    int mulh, divh, mulv, divv;
+    /* extract sizes */
+    ws = szSrc->cx; hs = szSrc->cy;
+    wd = szDst->cx; hd = szDst->cy;
+    /* if sizes null or negative, just return false */
+    /* FIXME : add support for mirror stretch */
+    if(ws <= 0 || hs <= 0 || wd <= 0 || hd <= 0)
+        return FALSE;
+    /* stores scaling factors from source rect to dest one */
+    mulh = wd; divh = ws;
+    mulv = hd; divv = hs;
+    /* extract dest area data */
+    xd1 = pd->x;
+    yd1 = pd->y;
+    xd2 = xd1 + wd;
+    yd2 = yd1 + hd;
+    /* extract source data */
+    xs1 = ps->x;
+    ys1 = ps->y;
+    xs2 = xs1 + ws;
+    ys2 = ys1 + hs;
+    /* if source clip area is not null, do first clipping on it */
+    if(srcClip)
+    {
+        /* extract source clipping area */
+        xsc1 = srcClip->left;
+        ysc1 = srcClip->top;
+        xsc2 = srcClip->right;
+        ysc2 = srcClip->bottom;
+        /* order clip area rectangle points */
+        if(xsc1 > xsc2) intSwap(&xsc1, &xsc2);
+        if(ysc1 > ysc2) intSwap(&ysc1, &ysc2);
+        /* clip on source clipping start point */
+        if(xs1 < xsc1) { dx = xsc1 - xs1; ws -= dx; xd1 += MulDiv(dx, mulh, divh); xs1 = xsc1; }
+        if(ys1 < ysc1) { dy = ysc1 - ys1; hs -= dy; yd1 += MulDiv(dy, mulv, divv); ys1 = ysc1; }
+        /* clip on source clipping end point */
+        if(xs2 > xsc2) { dx = xs2 - xsc2; ws -= dx; xd2 -= MulDiv(dx, mulh, divh); xs2 = xsc2; }
+        if(ys2 > ysc2) { dy = ys2 - ysc2; hs -= dy; yd2 -= MulDiv(dy, mulv, divv); ys2 = ysc2; }
+        /* if already zero area, return false */
+        if(ws <= 0 || hs <= 0)
+            return FALSE;
+        wd = xd2 - xd1;
+        hd = yd2 - yd1;
+    }
+    /* now do clipping on destination area */
+    if(dstClip)
+    {    
+        /* extract destination clipping area */
+        xdc1 = dstClip->left;
+        ydc1 = dstClip->top;
+        xdc2 = dstClip->right;
+        ydc2 = dstClip->bottom;
+        /* order clip area rectangle points */
+        if(xdc1 > xdc2) intSwap(&xdc1, &xdc2);
+        if(ydc1 > ydc2) intSwap(&ydc1, &ydc2);
+        /* clip on dest clipping start point */
+        if(xd1 < xdc1) { dx = xdc1 - xd1; wd -= dx; xs1 += MulDiv(dx, divh, mulh); xd1 = xdc1; }
+        if(yd1 < ydc1) { dy = ydc1 - yd1; hd -= dy; ys1 += MulDiv(dy, divv, mulv); yd1 = ydc1; }
+        /* clip on dest clipping end point */
+        if(xd2 > xdc2) { dx = xd2 - xdc2; wd -= dx; xs2 -= MulDiv(dx, divh, mulh); xd2 = xdc2; }
+        if(yd2 > ydc2) { dy = yd2 - ydc2; hd -= dy; ys2 -= MulDiv(dy, divv, mulv); yd2 = ydc2; }
+        /* if already zero area, return false */
+        if(wd <= 0 || hd <= 0)
+            return FALSE;
+        ws = xs2 - xs1;
+        hs = ys2 - ys1;
+    }
+    /* sets clipped/translated points and sizes and returns TRUE */
+    ps->x = xs1; ps->y = ys1;
+    pd->x = xd1; pd->y = yd1;
+    szSrc->cx = ws; szSrc->cy = hs;
+    szDst->cx = wd; szDst->cy = hd;
     return TRUE;
+ *           _DIBDRV_InternalAlphaBlend
+ */
+BOOL _DIBDRV_InternalAlphaBlend( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst, INT widthDst, INT heightDst,
+                        DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevSrc, INT xSrc, INT ySrc, INT widthSrc, INT heightSrc,
+                        BLENDFUNCTION blendfn)
+    BOOL res;
+    POINT pd, ps;
+    SIZE szSrc, szDst;
+    int iRec;
+    RECT dstClip, srcClip;
+    /* first clip on physical DC sizes */
+    setPoint(&pd, xDst, yDst);
+    setPoint(&ps, xSrc, ySrc);
+    setSize(&szDst, widthDst, heightDst);
+    setSize(&szSrc, widthSrc, heightSrc);
+    setRect(&dstClip, 0, 0, physDevDst->physBitmap.width, physDevDst->physBitmap.height);
+    if(physDevSrc)
+    {
+        setRect(&srcClip, 0, 0, physDevSrc->physBitmap.width, physDevSrc->physBitmap.height);
+        res = StretchBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &szSrc, &szDst, &srcClip, &dstClip);
+    }
+    else
+        res = StretchBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &szSrc, &szDst, 0, &dstClip);
+    if(!res)
+        return FALSE;
+    xDst = pd.x; yDst = pd.y;
+    xSrc = ps.x; ySrc = ps.y;
+    widthDst = szDst.cx; heightDst = szDst.cy;
+    widthSrc = szSrc.cx; heightSrc = szSrc.cy;
+    /* then, do blitting for each dest clip area (no clipping on source) */
+    res = FALSE;
+    for(iRec = 0; iRec < physDevDst->regionRectCount; iRec++)
+    {
+        RECT *r = physDevDst->regionRects + iRec;
+        setRect(&dstClip, r->left, r->top, r->right, r->bottom);
+        setPoint(&pd, xDst, yDst);
+        setPoint(&ps, xSrc, ySrc);
+        setSize(&szDst, widthDst, heightDst);
+        setSize(&szSrc, widthSrc, heightSrc);
+        if(!StretchBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &szSrc, &szDst, 0, &dstClip))
+            continue;
+        if(physDevDst->physBitmap.funcs->AlphaBlend(physDevDst, pd.x, pd.y, szDst.cx, szDst.cy,
+                                                    physDevSrc, ps.x, ps.y, szSrc.cx, szSrc.cy, blendfn))
+            res = TRUE;
+    }
+    return res;
  *           DIBDRV_AlphaBlend
 BOOL DIBDRV_AlphaBlend( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst, INT widthDst, INT heightDst,
@@ -145,6 +310,11 @@ BOOL DIBDRV_AlphaBlend( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst, INT width
     BOOL res;
+    POINT pd = {xDst, yDst};
+    POINT ps = {xSrc, ySrc};
+    SIZE szDst = {widthDst, heightDst};
+    SIZE szSrc = {widthSrc, heightSrc};
     MAYBE(TRACE("physDevDst:%p(%s%s), xDst:%d, yDst:%d, widthDst:%d, heightDst:%d, physDevSrc:%p(%s%s), xSrc:%d, ySrc:%d, widthSrc:%d, heightSrc:%d\n",
           physDevDst, physDevDst->hasDIB ? "DIB-" : "DDB", physDevDst->hasDIB ? _DIBDRVBITMAP_GetFormatName(&physDevDst->physBitmap) : "",
           xDst, yDst, widthDst, heightDst,
@@ -177,16 +347,24 @@ BOOL DIBDRV_AlphaBlend( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst, INT width
         /* DIB section selected in dest DC, use DIB Engine */
         MAYBE(TRACE("Blending DIB->DIB\n"));
-        res = physDevDst->physBitmap.funcs->AlphaBlend(physDevDst, xDst, yDst, widthDst, heightDst,
-                                                       physDevSrc, xSrc, ySrc, widthSrc, heightSrc, blendfn);
+        res = _DIBDRV_InternalAlphaBlend(physDevDst, xDst, yDst, widthDst, heightDst,
+                                         physDevSrc, xSrc, ySrc, widthSrc, heightSrc, blendfn);
         /* DDB selected on dest DC -- must double-convert */
         HBITMAP tmpDIB, stock;
         HDC tmpDC;
+        RECT srcClip = {0, 0, physDevSrc->physBitmap.width, physDevSrc->physBitmap.height};
         MAYBE(TRACE("Blending DIB->DDB\n"));
+        /* clip blit area */
+        res = StretchBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &szSrc, &szDst, &srcClip, 0);
+        if(!res)
+            goto fin;
+        xDst = pd.x; yDst = pd.y; widthDst = szDst.cx; heightDst = szDst.cy; 
+        xSrc = ps.x; ySrc = ps.y; widthSrc = szSrc.cx; heightSrc = szSrc.cy;
         /* converts dest DDB onto a temporary DIB -- just the needed part */
         tmpDIB = _DIBDRV_ConvertDevDDBtoDIB(physDevDst->hdc, physDevSrc->hdc, xDst, yDst, widthDst, heightDst);
@@ -232,8 +410,55 @@ fin:
- *           DIBDRV_BitBlt
+ *           _DIBDRV_InternalBitBlt
+BOOL _DIBDRV_InternalBitBlt( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst,
+                    INT width, INT height, DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevSrc,
+                    INT xSrc, INT ySrc, DWORD rop )
+    BOOL res;
+    POINT pd, ps;
+    SIZE sz;
+    int iRec;
+    RECT dstClip, srcClip;
+    /* first clip on physical DC sizes */
+    setPoint(&pd, xDst, yDst);
+    setPoint(&ps, xSrc, ySrc);
+    setSize(&sz, width, height);
+    setRect(&dstClip, 0, 0, physDevDst->physBitmap.width, physDevDst->physBitmap.height);
+    if(physDevSrc)
+    {
+        setRect(&srcClip, 0, 0, physDevSrc->physBitmap.width, physDevSrc->physBitmap.height);
+        res = BitBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &sz, &srcClip, &dstClip);
+    }
+    else
+        res = BitBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &sz, 0, &dstClip);
+    if(!res)
+        return FALSE;
+    xDst = pd.x; yDst = pd.y;
+    xSrc = ps.x; ySrc = ps.y;
+    width = sz.cx; height = sz.cy;
+    /* then, do blitting for each dest clip area (no clipping on source) */
+    res = FALSE;
+    for(iRec = 0; iRec < physDevDst->regionRectCount; iRec++)
+    {
+        RECT *r = physDevDst->regionRects + iRec;
+        setRect(&dstClip, r->left, r->top, r->right, r->bottom);
+        setPoint(&pd, xDst, yDst);
+        setPoint(&ps, xSrc, ySrc);
+        setSize(&sz, width, height);
+        if(!BitBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &sz, 0, &dstClip))
+            continue;
+        if(physDevDst->physBitmap.funcs->BitBlt(physDevDst, pd.x, pd.y, sz.cx, sz.cy, physDevSrc, ps.x, ps.y, rop))
+            res = TRUE;
+    }
+    return res;
+ *           DIBDRV_BitBlt                                             */
                     INT width, INT height, DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevSrc,
                     INT xSrc, INT ySrc, DWORD rop )
@@ -254,26 +479,13 @@ BOOL DIBDRV_BitBlt( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst,
         /* DIB section selected in dest DC, use DIB Engine */
         /* clip blit area */
         RECT dstClip = {0, 0, physDevDst->physBitmap.width, physDevDst->physBitmap.height};
         if(!physDevSrc || physDevSrc->hasDIB)
-            /* clip blit area */
-            if(physDevSrc)
-            {
-                RECT srcClip = {0, 0, physDevSrc->physBitmap.width, physDevSrc->physBitmap.height};
-                res = BitBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &sz, &srcClip, &dstClip);
-            }
-            else
-                res = BitBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &sz, 0, &dstClip);
-            if(!res)
-                goto noBlt2;
-            xDst = pd.x; yDst = pd.y; width = sz.cx; height = sz.cy; xSrc = ps.x; ySrc = ps.y;
             /* source is null or has a DIB, no need to convert anyting */
-            res = physDevDst->physBitmap.funcs->BitBlt(physDevDst, xDst, yDst, width, height, physDevSrc, xSrc, ySrc, rop);
+            res = _DIBDRV_InternalBitBlt(physDevDst, xDst, yDst, width, height, physDevSrc, xSrc, ySrc, rop);
@@ -309,8 +521,7 @@ BOOL DIBDRV_BitBlt( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst,
                     goto noBlt1;
                 SelectObject(physDevSrc->hdc, dib);
-                res = physDevDst->physBitmap.funcs->BitBlt(physDevDst, xDst, yDst, width, height,
-                                                           physDevSrc, xSrc, 0, rop);
+                res = _DIBDRV_InternalBitBlt(physDevDst, xDst, yDst, width, height, physDevSrc, xSrc, 0, rop);
                 SelectObject(physDevSrc->hdc, ddb);
@@ -410,6 +621,58 @@ noBlt3:
+ *           _DIBDRV_InternalStretchBlt
+ */
+BOOL _DIBDRV_InternalStretchBlt( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst,
+                    INT widthDst, INT heightDst, DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevSrc,
+                    INT xSrc, INT ySrc, int widthSrc, int heightSrc, DWORD rop )
+    BOOL res;
+    POINT pd, ps;
+    SIZE szSrc, szDst;
+    int iRec;
+    RECT dstClip, srcClip;
+    /* first clip on physical DC sizes */
+    setPoint(&pd, xDst, yDst);
+    setPoint(&ps, xSrc, ySrc);
+    setSize(&szDst, widthDst, heightDst);
+    setSize(&szSrc, widthSrc, heightSrc);
+    setRect(&dstClip, 0, 0, physDevDst->physBitmap.width, physDevDst->physBitmap.height);
+    if(physDevSrc)
+    {
+        setRect(&srcClip, 0, 0, physDevSrc->physBitmap.width, physDevSrc->physBitmap.height);
+        res = StretchBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &szSrc, &szDst, &srcClip, &dstClip);
+    }
+    else
+        res = StretchBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &szSrc, &szDst, 0, &dstClip);
+    if(!res)
+        return FALSE;
+    xDst = pd.x; yDst = pd.y;
+    xSrc = ps.x; ySrc = ps.y;
+    widthDst = szDst.cx; heightDst = szDst.cy;
+    widthSrc = szSrc.cx; heightSrc = szSrc.cy;
+    /* then, do blitting for each dest clip area (no clipping on source) */
+    res = FALSE;
+    for(iRec = 0; iRec < physDevDst->regionRectCount; iRec++)
+    {
+        RECT *r = physDevDst->regionRects + iRec;
+        setRect(&dstClip, r->left, r->top, r->right, r->bottom);
+        setPoint(&pd, xDst, yDst);
+        setPoint(&ps, xSrc, ySrc);
+        setSize(&szDst, widthDst, heightDst);
+        setSize(&szSrc, widthSrc, heightSrc);
+        if(!StretchBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &szSrc, &szDst, 0, &dstClip))
+            continue;
+        if(physDevDst->physBitmap.funcs->StretchBlt(physDevDst, pd.x, pd.y, szDst.cx, szDst.cy,
+                                                    physDevSrc, ps.x, ps.y, szSrc.cx, szSrc.cy, rop))
+            res = TRUE;
+    }
+    return res;
  *           DIBDRV_StretchBlt
 BOOL DIBDRV_StretchBlt( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst,
@@ -439,38 +702,15 @@ BOOL DIBDRV_StretchBlt( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst,
         /* DIB section selected in dest DC, use DIB Engine */
-        /* clip blit area */
-        RECT dstClip = {0, 0, physDevDst->physBitmap.width, physDevDst->physBitmap.height};
         if(!physDevSrc || physDevSrc->hasDIB)
-            /* clip blit area */
-            if(physDevSrc)
-            {
-                RECT srcClip = {0, 0, physDevSrc->physBitmap.width, physDevSrc->physBitmap.height};
-                res = StretchBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &szSrc, &szDst, &srcClip, &dstClip);
-            }
-            else
-                res = StretchBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &szSrc, &szDst, 0, &dstClip);
-            if(!res)
-                goto noBlt2;
-            xDst = pd.x; yDst = pd.y; widthDst = szDst.cx; heightDst = szDst.cy; 
-            xSrc = ps.x; ySrc = ps.y; widthSrc = szSrc.cx; heightSrc = szSrc.cy;
             /* source is null or has a DIB, no need to convert anyting */
-            res = physDevDst->physBitmap.funcs->StretchBlt(physDevDst, xDst, yDst, widthDst, heightDst, physDevSrc, xSrc, ySrc, widthSrc, heightSrc, rop);
+            res = _DIBDRV_InternalStretchBlt(physDevDst, xDst, yDst, widthDst, heightDst, physDevSrc, xSrc, ySrc, widthSrc, heightSrc, rop);
             /* source is a DDB, must convert it to DIB */
-            /* don't clip on source */            
-            res = StretchBlt_ClipAreas(&ps, &pd, &szSrc, &szDst, 0, &dstClip);
-            if(!res)
-                goto noBlt2;
-            xDst = pd.x; yDst = pd.y; widthDst = szDst.cx; heightDst = szDst.cy; 
-            xSrc = ps.x; ySrc = ps.y; widthSrc = szSrc.cx; heightSrc = szSrc.cy;
             /* we must differentiate from 2 cases :
                1) source DC is a memory DC
                2) source DC is a device DC */
@@ -495,8 +735,8 @@ BOOL DIBDRV_StretchBlt( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDevDst, INT xDst, INT yDst,
                     goto noBlt1;
                 SelectObject(physDevSrc->hdc, dib);
-                res = physDevDst->physBitmap.funcs->StretchBlt(physDevDst, xDst, yDst, widthDst, heightDst,
-                                                           physDevSrc, xSrc, 0, widthSrc, heightSrc, rop);
+                res = _DIBDRV_InternalStretchBlt(physDevDst, xDst, yDst, widthDst, heightDst,
+                                                 physDevSrc, xSrc, 0, widthSrc, heightSrc, rop);
                 SelectObject(physDevSrc->hdc, ddb);
diff --git a/dlls/winedib.drv/clipping.c b/dlls/winedib.drv/clipping.c
index 81dec25..ed10b92 100644
--- a/dlls/winedib.drv/clipping.c
+++ b/dlls/winedib.drv/clipping.c
@@ -25,22 +25,50 @@
  *           DIBDRV_SetDeviceClipping
 void DIBDRV_SetDeviceClipping( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDev, HRGN vis_rgn, HRGN clip_rgn )
+    RGNDATA *data;
+    DWORD size;
+    int iRect;
     MAYBE(TRACE("physDev:%p, vis_rgn:%p, clip_rgn:%p\n", physDev, vis_rgn, clip_rgn));
-    if(physDev->hasDIB)
+    /* sets the region for X11 driver anyways... we may change bitmap later on */
+    _DIBDRV_GetDisplayDriver()->pSetDeviceClipping(physDev->X11PhysDev, vis_rgn, clip_rgn);
+    /* then we set the region for DIB engine, same reason */
+    CombineRgn( physDev->region, vis_rgn, clip_rgn, clip_rgn ? RGN_AND : RGN_COPY );
+    /* get region rectangles */
+    if(!(size = GetRegionData(physDev->region, 0, NULL)))
+        return;
+    data = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size);
+    if (!GetRegionData(physDev->region, size, data))
-        /* DIB section selected in, use DIB Engine */
-        ONCE(FIXME("STUB\n"));
+        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, data );
+        return;
-    else
+    /* frees any previous regions rectangles in DC */
+    if(physDev->regionData)
+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, physDev->regionData);
+    /* sets the rectangles on physDev */
+    physDev->regionData = data;
+    physDev->regionRects = (RECT *)data->Buffer;
+    physDev->regionRectCount = data->rdh.nCount;
+    if(TRACE_ON(dibdrv))
-        /* DDB selected in, use X11 driver */
-        _DIBDRV_GetDisplayDriver()->pSetDeviceClipping(physDev->X11PhysDev, vis_rgn, clip_rgn);
+        TRACE("Region dump : %d rectangles\n", physDev->regionRectCount);
+        for(iRect = 0; iRect < physDev->regionRectCount; iRect++)
+        {
+            RECT *r = physDev->regionRects + iRect;
+            TRACE("Rect #%03d, x1:%4d, y1:%4d, x2:%4d, y2:%4d\n", iRect, r->left, r->top, r->right, r->bottom);
+        }
diff --git a/dlls/winedib.drv/dc.c b/dlls/winedib.drv/dc.c
index 6184677..8212d42 100644
--- a/dlls/winedib.drv/dc.c
+++ b/dlls/winedib.drv/dc.c
@@ -165,6 +165,12 @@ BOOL DIBDRV_CreateDC( HDC hdc, DIBDRVPHYSDEV **pdev, LPCWSTR driver, LPCWSTR dev
     /* clears pen and brush */
     physDev->rop2 = R2_COPYPEN;
+    /* clipping region */
+    physDev->region = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+    physDev->regionData = NULL;
+    physDev->regionRects = NULL;
+    physDev->regionRectCount = 0;
     physDev->backgroundColor = 0;
     _DIBDRV_CalcAndXorMasks(physDev->rop2, 0, &physDev->backgroundAnd, &physDev->backgroundXor);
@@ -228,6 +234,14 @@ BOOL DIBDRV_DeleteDC( DIBDRVPHYSDEV *physDev )
     physDev->brushAnds = NULL;
     physDev->brushXors = NULL;
+    /* frees clipping region */
+    DeleteObject(physDev->region);
+    if(physDev->regionData)
+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, physDev->regionData);
+    physDev->regionData = NULL;
+    physDev->regionRects = NULL;
+    physDev->regionRectCount = 0;
     /* frees DIB Engine device */
     HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, physDev);
diff --git a/dlls/winedib.drv/dibdrv.h b/dlls/winedib.drv/dibdrv.h
index c801d96..b0f128e 100644
--- a/dlls/winedib.drv/dibdrv.h
+++ b/dlls/winedib.drv/dibdrv.h
@@ -204,6 +204,12 @@ typedef struct _DIBDRVPHYSDEV
     /* active ROP2 */
     INT rop2;
+    /* clipping region and its rectangles */
+    HRGN region;
+    RGNDATA *regionData;
+    RECT *regionRects;
+    int regionRectCount;
     /* background color and active ROP2 precalculated
        AND and XOR values for it */