# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/trac-webadmin/trac-webadmin-0.1.2.ebuild,v 1.4 2007/02/13 20:39:33 corsair Exp $

inherit distutils subversion

DESCRIPTION="This is a plugin which enables GIT to be used instead of Subversion."
# SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2"

KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc64 ~x86"



# from marienz's setuptools.eclass:
src_install() {
	"${python}" setup.py install --root=${D} --no-compile \
		--single-version-externally-managed "$@" || die "install failed"

src_test() {
	"${python}" setup.py test || die "tests failed"

pkg_postinst() {
	elog "To enable the GitPlugin plugin in your Trac environments, you have to add:"
	elog "	[components]"
	elog "	# for plugin version"
	elog "	tracext.git.* = enabled"
	elog ""
	elog "	[trac]"
	elog "	repository_dir = /var/git/Test.git"
	elog "	repository_type = git"
	elog ""
	elog "	## the following is only for the 0.11 branch"
	elog "	[git]"
	elog "	## let Trac cache meta-data via CachedRepository wrapper; default: false"
	elog "	cached_repository = true"
	elog ""
	elog "	## disable automatic garbage collection for in-memory commit-tree cache; default: false"
	elog "	persistent_cache = true"
	elog ""
	elog "	## length revision sha-sums should be tried to be abbreviated to (must be >= 4 and <= 40); default: 7"
	elog "	shortrev_len = 6"
	elog ""
	elog "	## executable file name (optionally with path) of git binary; default: 'git'"
	elog "	git_bin = /usr/src/git-dev/git"
	elog ""
	elog "to your trac.ini files."