# ChangeLog for media-gfx/gphoto2 # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-gfx/gphoto2/ChangeLog,v 1.83 2009/08/16 10:01:09 maekke Exp $ 16 Aug 2009; Markus Meier gphoto2-2.4.5.ebuild: migrate to EAPI=2 26 Jul 2009; Arun Raghavan gphoto2-2.4.5.ebuild: Bump libgphoto2 dependency to 2.4.5 as per configure.ac (bug #279033). 16 May 2009; Hanno Boeck gphoto2-2.4.5.ebuild: Take virtual/libusb dependency from 2.4.4-r1 ebuild. *gphoto2-2.4.5 (16 May 2009) 16 May 2009; Hanno Boeck +gphoto2-2.4.5.ebuild: Version bump. 16 May 2009; Robin H. Johnson gphoto2-2.4.3.ebuild, gphoto2-2.4.4.ebuild, gphoto2-2.4.4-r1.ebuild: Migration to virtual/libusb. Verified by code inspection. *gphoto2-2.4.4-r1 (05 Apr 2009) 05 Apr 2009; Gilles Dartiguelongue -gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild, -gphoto2-2.4.2.ebuild, +gphoto2-2.4.4-r1.ebuild: Clean up old revisions. Fix USE="exif", bug #259196. 06 Mar 2009; Jeroen Roovers gphoto2-2.4.4.ebuild: Marked ~hppa too. 16 Feb 2009; Brent Baude gphoto2-2.4.3.ebuild: Marking gphoto2-2.4.3 ppc for bug 255825 04 Feb 2009; Raúl Porcel gphoto2-2.4.3.ebuild: sparc stable wrt #255825 *gphoto2-2.4.4 (31 Jan 2009) 31 Jan 2009; Gilles Dartiguelongue +gphoto2-2.4.4.ebuild: Bump to 2.4.4. Translation updates. 25 Jan 2009; Tobias Klausmann gphoto2-2.4.3.ebuild: Stable on alpha, bug #255825 25 Jan 2009; Brent Baude gphoto2-2.4.3.ebuild: Marking gphoto2-2.4.3 ppc64 for bug 255825 25 Jan 2009; Markus Meier gphoto2-2.4.3.ebuild: amd64/x86 stable, bug #255825 *gphoto2-2.4.3 (29 Nov 2008) 29 Nov 2008; Gilles Dartiguelongue +gphoto2-2.4.3.ebuild: Bump to 2.4.3. Enhancement for command line, updated translations. *gphoto2-2.4.2 (04 Aug 2008) 04 Aug 2008; Gilles Dartiguelongue +gphoto2-2.4.2.ebuild: bump to 2.4.2. 03 Aug 2008; Gilles Dartiguelongue -gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild, -gphoto2-2.3.1.ebuild, -gphoto2-2.4.0.ebuild: clean up old revisions. 28 May 2008; Markus Meier gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: fix docdir, bug #223881 25 May 2008; Markus Meier gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: amd64 stable, bug #221853 24 May 2008; Tobias Klausmann gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: Stable on alpha, bug #221853 18 May 2008; Raúl Porcel gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: sparc stable wrt #221853 17 May 2008; Raúl Porcel gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild, gphoto2-2.3.1.ebuild, gphoto2-2.4.0.ebuild, gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: Drop ia64, no hardware to test 17 May 2008; Christian Faulhammer gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: stable x86, bug 221853 16 May 2008; nixnut gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: Stable on ppc wrt bug 221853 14 May 2008; Markus Rothe gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: Stable on ppc64; bug #221853 31 Mar 2008; Gilles Dartiguelongue gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: fix built_with_use arguments order 31 Mar 2008; Mart Raudsepp gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: Fix build by inheriting eutils to get built_with_use definition, bug 215517 *gphoto2-2.4.1 (30 Mar 2008) 30 Mar 2008; Gilles Dartiguelongue -gphoto2-2.1.4.ebuild, -gphoto2-2.1.5.ebuild, -gphoto2-2.1.6.ebuild, +gphoto2-2.4.1.ebuild: bump to 2.4.1 with a fix for bug #194929. Clean up old revisions. 07 Oct 2007; Gilles Dartiguelongue gphoto2-2.4.0.ebuild: raising libgphoto dependency per bug #194929 *gphoto2-2.4.0 (03 Oct 2007) 03 Oct 2007; Gilles Dartiguelongue +gphoto2-2.4.0.ebuild: bump to 2.4.0 30 Aug 2007; Christian Heim metadata.xml: Removing liquidx from metadata due to his retirement (see #171155 for reference). 06 Jun 2007; Matthias Schwarzott metadata.xml: I do no longer maintain gphoto. Added to herd graphics. 28 Mar 2007; Raúl Porcel gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild: ia64 stable wrt bug 158684 *gphoto2-2.3.1 (27 Jan 2007) 27 Jan 2007; Alon Bar-Lev +gphoto2-2.3.1.ebuild: Version bump, bug#159609, maintainer is not responsive 11 Jan 2007; Daniel Gryniewicz gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild: Marked stable on amd64 for bug #158684 30 Dec 2006; Bryan Østergaard gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild: Stable on Alpha, bug 158684. 23 Dec 2006; Matthias Schwarzott metadata.xml: Added me to maintainers. 22 Dec 2006; Tobias Scherbaum gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild: Stable on ppc wrt bug #158684. 22 Dec 2006; Andrej Kacian gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild: Stable on x86, bug #158684. 21 Dec 2006; Markus Rothe gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild: Stable on ppc64; bug #158684 21 Dec 2006; Gustavo Zacarias gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild: Stable on sparc wrt #158684 20 Dec 2006; Matthias Schwarzott gphoto2-2.1.6.ebuild, gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild: Removed calls to eautoreconf which never worked anyway, also removed now useless eclasses. *gphoto2-2.2.0 (05 Jul 2006) 05 Jul 2006; Daniel Gryniewicz +gphoto2-2.2.0.ebuild: Bump to 2.2.0. Bug #138962 25 Nov 2005; Marcus D. Hanwell gphoto2-2.1.6.ebuild: Stable on amd64. 03 Nov 2005; Alastair Tse gphoto2-2.1.4.ebuild, gphoto2-2.1.5.ebuild: fix elibtoolize before autotools (#106176) 16 Sep 2005; gphoto2-2.1.6.ebuild: Don't re-autotool after elibtoolize. Bug #106176 05 Sep 2005; Markus Rothe gphoto2-2.1.6.ebuild: Stable on ppc64 26 Aug 2005; Aron Griffis gphoto2-2.1.6.ebuild: stable on alpha ia64 24 Aug 2005; Aron Griffis gphoto2-2.1.5.ebuild: stable on ia64 31 Jul 2005; Tobias Scherbaum gphoto2-2.1.5.ebuild: ppc stable 27 Jun 2005; Markus Rothe gphoto2-2.1.5.ebuild: Stable on ppc64 25 Jun 2005; Gustavo Zacarias gphoto2-2.1.5.ebuild: Stable on sparc 24 Jun 2005; Alastair Tse gphoto2-2.1.6.ebuild: change jpeg USE flag to exif (#93652) *gphoto2-2.1.6 (24 Jun 2005) 24 Jun 2005; Alastair Tse -gphoto2-2.1.1-r1.ebuild, -gphoto2-2.1.2.ebuild, -gphoto2-2.1.3.ebuild, gphoto2-2.1.5.ebuild, +gphoto2-2.1.6.ebuild: version bump (#96879) 08 May 2005; Aron Griffis gphoto2-2.1.4.ebuild: stable on ia64 30 Mar 2005; Bryan Østergaard gphoto2-2.1.5.ebuild: Add ~alpha keyword, bug 87009. *gphoto2-2.1.5 (13 Jan 2005) 13 Jan 2005; Alastair Tse +gphoto2-2.1.5.ebuild: version bump (#74640) thanks to Robert Davis . 17 Oct 2004; Dylan Carlson gphoto2-2.1.4.ebuild: stable on amd64. 31 Jul 2004; Tom Gall gphoto2-2.1.4.ebuild: stable on ppc64, bug #57131 25 Apr 2004; Aron Griffis gphoto2-2.1.1-r1.ebuild, gphoto2-2.1.2.ebuild, gphoto2-2.1.3.ebuild, gphoto2-2.1.4.ebuild: Add die following econf for bug 48950 23 Feb 2004; Sven Blumenstein gphoto2-2.1.4.ebuild: Stable on sparc. 18 Feb 2004; Aron Griffis gphoto2-2.1.3.ebuild, gphoto2-2.1.4.ebuild: add ia64/~ia64 keywords 05 Feb 2004; Luca Barbato gphoto2-2.1.3.ebuild: Marked ppc *gphoto2-2.1.4 (01 Feb 2004) 01 Feb 2004; Alastair Tse gphoto2-2.1.3.ebuild, gphoto2-2.1.4.ebuild: version bump (#38713) 29 Nov 2003; Brad House gphoto2-2.1.3.ebuild: mark stable on amd64 *gphoto2-2.1.3 (28 Oct 2003) 28 Oct 2003; Alastair Tse gphoto2-2.1.3.ebuild: version bump (#31566) 26 Oct 2003; Brad House gphoto2-2.1.2.ebuild: add ~amd64 flag 12 Oct 2003; Heinrich Wendel gphoto2-2.1.2.ebuild: fixed dep on libgphoto2 *gphoto2-2.1.2 (28 Aug 2003) 28 Aug 2003; Alastair Tse gphoto2-2.1.2.ebuild, metadata.xml: version bump, add maintainer 09 Jul 2003; Alastair Tse gphoto2-2.1.1-r1.ebuild: added pkgconfig dep 02 Jul 2003; Jason Wever gphoto2-2.1.1-r1.ebuild: Changed ~sparc keyword to sparc. 10 Jun 2003; Alastair Tse gphoto2-2.1.1-r1.ebuild: bumped to stable x86 20 May 2003; Jason Wever gphoto2-2.1.1-r1.ebuild: Added ~sparc to keywords. *gphoto2-2.1.1-r1 (11 May 2003) 11 May 2003; Alastair Tse gphoto2-2.1.1-r1.ebuild: added optional exif support. Bug #12044. *gphoto2-2.1.1 (12 feb 2003) 12 feb 2003; Spider gphoto2-2.1.1.ebuild : lots of changes, libgphoto2 dependency, added aalib? useflag (jpeg is only used to transfer data to aalib for previews.) added ncurses for the configurator frontend, added readline optional diable switch. Marked popt as a fixed dep, since it will become the defacto standard *gphoto2-2.1.0 (23 Oct 2002) 02 Dec 2002; Spider gphoto2-2.1.0 : marked it as x86 06 Nov 2002; Seemant Kulleen gphoto2-2.0-r1.ebuild gphoto2-2.1.0.ebuild : Introduced flag-o-matic inheritance to filter out the -pipe optimisation flag. USE dependent NLS compilation. Man pages installed into FHS correct locations. 23 Oct 2002 ; Spider gphoto2-2.1.0.ebuild : new ebuild introduced to bugzilla by Robert Davis *gphoto2-2.0-r1 (01 April 2002) 19 Oct 2002; Calum Selkirk gphoto2-2.0-r1.ebuild : Added ppc to KEYWORDS. 11 Apr 2002; Spider Update all glib dependencies to use glib-1.2* in preparation of unmasking the glib-2.0.1 packages 01 April 2002; Spider move to gphoto2 *gphoto-2.0-r1 (16 March 2002) 16 March 2002; M.Schlemmer : Libtoolize gphoto to properly fix the compile/missing libraries. *gphoto-2.0 (11 March 2002) *gphoto-2.0_beta3 (1 Feb 2002) 1 Feb 2002; G.Bevin ChangeLog : Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you can find in the root directory of the portage repository.