--- prozilla-2.0.3/man/proz.1.orig	2006-01-22 23:26:51.000000000 +0100
+++ prozilla-2.0.3/man/proz.1	2006-01-22 23:29:00.000000000 +0100
@@ -103,12 +103,15 @@
 can be placed in /etc/make.conf to use ProZilla to download your system updates. This example will not do FTP searches for files < 500Kb, uses the text interface (handier with portage) and saves the files in your ${DISTDIR} (normally /usr/portage/distfiles)
-The global config file
+The per\-user config directory
 The per\-user config file
+The per\-user debug log
 A file which can be used to provide ProZilla with hosts, accounts and passwords