# ChangeLog for sys-fs/trustees # Copyright 2000-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: $ 19 Feb 2007; Mario Fetka +trustees-3.0.ebuild: Initial Ebuild *trustees-3.0 (26 Aug 2005) 12 Sep 2005; Matt Stegman trustees-3.0.ebuild: Brand new ebuild for Trustees version 3.0, which works only on 2.6 kernels! Includes initscript and corresponding conf.d file, and an additional example trustees.conf in a gentoo-extras tarball. 01 Jul 2004; Jeremy Huddleston trustees-2.10.ebuild: virtual/glibc -> virtual/libc 10 Mar 2004; Max Kalika trustees-2.10.ebuild: Ditch sed dependency. 29 Oct 2003; Max Kalika trustees-2.10.ebuild: Really fix link error. Move kernel check to pkg_setup(). Add echo of the compile operation. Use CFLAGS during compile. 27 Oct 2003; Max Kalika trustees-2.10.ebuild: Fix linking error. *trustees-2.10 (13 Oct 2003) 13 Oct 2003; Max Kalika metadata.xml, trustees-2.10.ebuild, files/trustees.conf, files/trustees.rc6: Cleanup and mark stable. 03 Jul 2003; Max Kalika trustees-2.10.ebuild: Set KEYWORDS to ~x86. 11 Jun 2003; Max Kalika trustees-2.10.ebuild, files/trustees.rc6: Start trustees before net. 23 May 2003; Max Kalika files/trustees.rc6: Add check for /proc/trustee in startup script. 22 May 2003; Max Kalika trustees-2.10.ebuild, files/trustees.conf, files/trustees.rc6: Add startup script and corresponding config file. Remove post-install message about loading permissions on boot. *trustees-2.10 (08 May 2003) 08 May 2003; Max Kalika trustees-2.10.ebuild: Initial version.