# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-db/mysql/mysql-5.1.53.ebuild,v 1.1 2010/11/29 00:22:28 robbat2 Exp $


# XtraDB
PERCONA_VER='5.1.45-10' XTRADB_VER='1.0.6-10'

inherit toolchain-funcs mysql
# only to make repoman happy. it is really set in the eclass

# REMEMBER: also update eclass/mysql*.eclass before committing!
KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~sparc-fbsd ~x86-fbsd ~x64-macos ~x86-solaris"

# When MY_EXTRAS is bumped, the index should be revised to exclude these.
# This is often broken still

# Most of these are in the eclass
DEPEND="|| ( >=sys-devel/gcc-3.4.6 >=sys-devel/gcc-apple-4.0 )

# Please do not add a naive src_unpack to this ebuild
# If you want to add a single patch, copy the ebuild to an overlay
# and create your own mysql-extras tarball, looking at 000_index.txt
src_prepare() {
	sed -i \
		-e '/^noinst_PROGRAMS/s/basic-t//g' \

	epatch "${FILESDIR}"/mysql_config.in.patch

# Official test instructions:
# USE='berkdb -cluster embedded extraengine perl ssl community' \
# FEATURES='test userpriv -usersandbox' \
# ebuild mysql-X.X.XX.ebuild \
# digest clean package
src_test() {
	# Bug #213475 - MySQL _will_ object strenously if your machine is named
	# localhost. Also causes weird failures.
	[[ "${HOSTNAME}" == "localhost" ]] && die "Your machine must NOT be named localhost"

	emake check || die "make check failed"
	if ! use "minimal" ; then
		if [[ $UID -eq 0 ]]; then
			die "Testing with FEATURES=-userpriv is no longer supported by upstream. Tests MUST be run as non-root."
		has usersandbox $FEATURES && eerror "Some tests may fail with FEATURES=usersandbox"
		cd "${S}"
		einfo ">>> Test phase [test]: ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
		local retstatus_unit
		local retstatus_ns
		local retstatus_ps
		local t
		addpredict /this-dir-does-not-exist/t9.MYI

		# Ensure that parallel runs don't die
		export MTR_BUILD_THREAD="$((${RANDOM} % 100))"

		# archive_gis really sucks a lot, but it's only relevant for the
		# USE=extraengines case
		case ${PV} in
			mysql_disable_test "archive_gis" "Totally broken in 5.0.42"

			[ "$(tc-endian)" == "big" ] && \
			mysql_disable_test \
				"archive_gis" \
				"Broken in 5.0.43-70 and 5.0.87 on big-endian boxes only"

		# This was a slight testcase breakage when the read_only security issue
		# was fixed.
		case ${PV} in
			mysql_disable_test \
				"read_only" \
				"Broken in 5.0.51-54, output in wrong order"

		# Ditto to read_only
		[ "${PV}" == "5.0.51a" ] && \
			mysql_disable_test \
				"view" \
				"Broken in 5.0.51, output in wrong order"

		# x86-specific, OOM issue with some subselects on low memory servers
		[ "${PV}" == "5.0.54" ] && \
			[ "${ARCH/x86}" != "${ARCH}" ] && \
			mysql_disable_test \
				"subselect" \
				"Testcase needs tuning on x86 for oom condition"

		# Broke with the YaSSL security issue that didn't affect Gentoo.
		[ "${PV}" == "5.0.56" ] && \
			for t in openssl_1 rpl_openssl rpl_ssl ssl \
				ssl_8k_key ssl_compress ssl_connect ; do \
				mysql_disable_test \
					"$t" \
					"OpenSSL tests broken on 5.0.56"

		# New test was broken in first time
		# Upstream bug 41066
		# http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=41066
		[ "${PV}" == "5.0.72" ] && \
			mysql_disable_test \
				"status2" \
				"Broken in 5.0.72, new test is broken, upstream bug #41066"

		# The entire 5.0 series has pre-generated SSL certificates, they have
		# mostly expired now. ${S}/mysql-tests/std-data/*.pem
		# The certs really SHOULD be generated for the tests, so that they are
		# not expiring like this. We cannot do so ourselves as the tests look
		# closely as the cert path data, and we do not have the CA key to regen
		# ourselves. Alternatively, upstream should generate them with at least
		# 50-year validity.
		# Known expiry points:
		# 4.1.*, 5.0.0-5.0.22, 5.1.7: Expires 2013/09/09
		# 5.0.23-5.0.77, 5.1.7-5.1.22?: Expires 2009/01/27
		# 5.0.78-5.0.90, 5.1.??-5.1.42: Expires 2010/01/28
		# mysql-test/std_data/untrusted-cacert.pem is MEANT to be
		# expired/invalid.
		case ${PV} in
				for t in openssl_1 rpl_openssl rpl.rpl_ssl rpl.rpl_ssl1 ssl ssl_8k_key \
					ssl_compress ssl_connect rpl.rpl_heartbeat_ssl ; do \
					mysql_disable_test \
						"$t" \
						"These OpenSSL tests break due to expired certificates"

		# These are also failing in MySQL 5.1 for now, and are believed to be
		# false positives:
		# main.mysql_comment, main.mysql_upgrade, main.information_schema,
		# funcs_1.is_columns_mysql funcs_1.is_tables_mysql funcs_1.is_triggers:
		# fails due to USE=-latin1 / utf8 default
		# main.mysql_client_test:
		# segfaults at random under Portage only, suspect resource limits.
		# main.not_partition:
		# Failure reason unknown at this time, must resolve before package.mask
		# removal FIXME
		case ${PV} in
			for t in main.mysql_client_test main.mysql_comments \
				main.mysql_upgrade  \
				main.information_schema \
				main.not_partition funcs_1.is_columns_mysql \
				funcs_1.is_tables_mysql funcs_1.is_triggers; do
				mysql_disable_test  "$t" "False positives in Gentoo"

		# New failures in 5.1.50/5.1.51, reported by jmbsvicetto.
		# These tests are picking up a 'connect-timeout' config from somewhere,
		# which is not valid, and since it does not have 'loose-' in front of
		# it, it's causing a failure
		case ${PV} in
			for t in rpl.rpl_mysql_upgrade main.log_tables_upgrade ; do
				mysql_disable_test  "$t" \
					"False positives in Gentoo: connect-timeout"

		use profiling && use community \
		|| mysql_disable_test main.profiling \
			"Profiling test needs profiling support"

		if [ "${PN}" == "mariadb" ]; then
			for t in \
				parts.part_supported_sql_func_ndb \
				parts.partition_auto_increment_ndb ; do
					mysql_disable_test $t "ndb not supported in mariadb"

		# This fail with XtraDB in place of normal InnoDB
		# TODO: test if they are broken with the rest of the Percona patches
		if xtradb_patch_available && use xtradb ; then
			for t in main.innodb innodb.innodb_bug51378 \
				main.information_schema_db main.mysqlshow \
				main.innodb-autoinc main.innodb_bug21704 \
				main.innodb_bug44369 main.innodb_bug46000 \
				main.index_merge_innodb \
				innodb.innodb innodb.innodb_misc1 innodb.innodb_bug52663 \
				innodb.innodb-autoinc innodb.innodb-autoinc-44030 \
				innodb.innodb_bug21704 innodb.innodb_bug44369 \
				innodb.innodb_bug46000 innodb.innodb_bug48024 \
				innodb.innodb_bug49164 innodb.innodb_bug51920 \
				innodb.innodb_bug54044 \
				; do
					mysql_disable_test $t "tests broken in xtradb"

		# bug 332565
		if ! use extraengine ; then
			for t in main.range ; do
				mysql_disable_test $t "Test $t requires USE=extraengine"

		# create directories because mysqladmin might make out of order
		mkdir -p "${S}"/mysql-test/var-{ps,ns}{,/log}

		# We run the test protocols seperately
		#emake test-unit
		[[ $retstatus_unit -eq 0 ]] || eerror "test-unit failed"

		emake test-ns force="--force --vardir=${S}/mysql-test/var-ns"
		[[ $retstatus_ns -eq 0 ]] || eerror "test-ns failed"
		has usersandbox $FEATURES && eerror "Some tests may fail with FEATURES=usersandbox"

		emake test-ps force="--force --vardir=${S}/mysql-test/var-ps"
		[[ $retstatus_ps -eq 0 ]] || eerror "test-ps failed"
		has usersandbox $FEATURES && eerror "Some tests may fail with FEATURES=usersandbox"

		# TODO:
		# When upstream enables the pr and nr testsuites, we need those as well.

		# Cleanup is important for these testcases.
		pkill -9 -f "${S}/ndb" 2>/dev/null
		pkill -9 -f "${S}/sql" 2>/dev/null
		[[ $retstatus_unit -eq 0 ]] || failures="${failures} test-unit"
		[[ $retstatus_ns -eq 0 ]] || failures="${failures} test-ns"
		[[ $retstatus_ps -eq 0 ]] || failures="${failures} test-ps"
		has usersandbox $FEATURES && eerror "Some tests may fail with FEATURES=usersandbox"
		[[ -z "$failures" ]] || die "Test failures: $failures"
		einfo "Tests successfully completed"
		einfo "Skipping server tests due to minimal build."