diff -Nuar --exclude '*.orig' --exclude '*.rej' klibc-1.5.11.orig/scripts/Kbuild.install klibc-1.5.11/scripts/Kbuild.install
--- klibc-1.5.11.orig/scripts/Kbuild.install	2008-06-15 17:28:23.000000000 -0700
+++ klibc-1.5.11/scripts/Kbuild.install	2008-06-26 10:14:05.365949576 -0700
@@ -84,6 +84,13 @@
 # 1) Create directories, install headers and man pages
 # 2) Tell that we now install binaries
 # 3) Install binaries by descending
+# Arch specific definitions for klibc
+# include/asm-* architecture
 .PHONY: header footer descend
 	$(Q)echo "  INSTALL headers + man pages to $(INSTALLROOT)$(INSTALLDIR)"
@@ -95,7 +102,7 @@
 	$(Q)mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(INSTALLDIR)/$(KCROSS)include
-	$(Q)set -e ; for d in linux asm asm-$(KLIBCARCH) asm-generic $(ASMKLIBCARCH); do \
+	$(Q)set -e ; for d in linux scsi asm-$(KLIBCASMARCH) asm-generic $(ASMKLIBCARCH); do \
 	  for r in $(KLIBCKERNELSRC)/include $(KLIBCKERNELOBJ)/include \
 	           $(KLIBCKERNELOBJ)/include2 ; do \
 	    [ ! -d $$r/$$d ] && continue; \