www-apps/trac-gitplugin: new version string

git-svn-id: https://svn.disconnected-by-peer.at/svn/linamh/trunk/linamh@1362 6952d904-891a-0410-993b-d76249ca496b
This commit is contained in:
geos_one 2009-07-12 10:31:00 +00:00
parent 104ef94f8d
commit 564791eba8
3 changed files with 65 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
# ChangeLog for www-apps/trac-gitplugin # ChangeLog for www-apps/trac-gitplugin
# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $ # $Header: $
*trac-gitplugin- (12 Jul 2009)
12 Jul 2009; Mario Fetka <mario.fetka@gmail.com>
new version string
23 Nov 2008; Mario Fetka <mario.fetka@gmail.com> ChangeLog: 23 Nov 2008; Mario Fetka <mario.fetka@gmail.com> ChangeLog:
initial checkin initial checkin

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
EBUILD trac-gitplugin- 1818 RMD160 c71a5c0cea7a112502d9b89d7207fc4b1e335554 SHA1 df06b901efff7f5b55859212a6849d14113561b3 SHA256 f63f2b8d3b8e833ec8a99838d73c7a48f3d59097a227110fbf89f99d24eb0905 EBUILD trac-gitplugin- 1818 RMD160 c71a5c0cea7a112502d9b89d7207fc4b1e335554 SHA1 df06b901efff7f5b55859212a6849d14113561b3 SHA256 f63f2b8d3b8e833ec8a99838d73c7a48f3d59097a227110fbf89f99d24eb0905
EBUILD trac-gitplugin- 1818 RMD160 c71a5c0cea7a112502d9b89d7207fc4b1e335554 SHA1 df06b901efff7f5b55859212a6849d14113561b3 SHA256 f63f2b8d3b8e833ec8a99838d73c7a48f3d59097a227110fbf89f99d24eb0905 EBUILD trac-gitplugin- 1818 RMD160 2bf4eae664b5469d9b80131faac6afebdd000198 SHA1 cc75b46e9f8a6761de10d53097437bf37cc5cea6 SHA256 bfabb062f99f87b794cc30e798f0b8cf101740a4bdc01203e8cdcf8767b59bb9
MISC ChangeLog 205 RMD160 45c47942fb475c3f7a71934e456cad653225a23f SHA1 1ec52d7bf1afc93ea4fd2a70613009e8127eda0d SHA256 c30a9b8bde5dcecc032d300c57f442bfa750bcc1623300ce9001bbcf0fb9fd31 MISC ChangeLog 353 RMD160 d86b5818edf2ae4d61ac255d06c8fcb0265084c8 SHA1 b33e65377549fc70820f85d887ca8382c2ca163c SHA256 6008fc8c40798e2ae162ffde65a03e1790f7296eeb4b2907c77d7aef0fb8f2ca
MISC metadata.xml 170 RMD160 645927a396fdc21cdeb089fe42c5397332420ea6 SHA1 ac7f48a14fec325926f9ce1be8fbf1f311b4f2e4 SHA256 d797a2ec6f9dc516c9f9c1a758ee87ad3e8c43101b5dc76c2f872d5bd4639b42 MISC metadata.xml 170 RMD160 645927a396fdc21cdeb089fe42c5397332420ea6 SHA1 ac7f48a14fec325926f9ce1be8fbf1f311b4f2e4 SHA256 d797a2ec6f9dc516c9f9c1a758ee87ad3e8c43101b5dc76c2f872d5bd4639b42

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/trac-webadmin/trac-webadmin-0.1.2.ebuild,v 1.4 2007/02/13 20:39:33 corsair Exp $
inherit distutils subversion
DESCRIPTION="This is a plugin which enables GIT to be used instead of Subversion."
# SRC_URI="mirror://gentoo/${P}.tar.bz2"
KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc64 ~x86"
# from marienz's setuptools.eclass:
src_install() {
"${python}" setup.py install --root=${D} --no-compile \
--single-version-externally-managed "$@" || die "install failed"
src_test() {
"${python}" setup.py test || die "tests failed"
pkg_postinst() {
elog "To enable the GitPlugin plugin in your Trac environments, you have to add:"
elog " [components]"
elog " # for plugin version"
elog " tracext.git.* = enabled"
elog ""
elog " [trac]"
elog " repository_dir = /var/git/Test.git"
elog " repository_type = git"
elog ""
elog " ## the following is only for the 0.11 branch"
elog " [git]"
elog " ## let Trac cache meta-data via CachedRepository wrapper; default: false"
elog " cached_repository = true"
elog ""
elog " ## disable automatic garbage collection for in-memory commit-tree cache; default: false"
elog " persistent_cache = true"
elog ""
elog " ## length revision sha-sums should be tried to be abbreviated to (must be >= 4 and <= 40); default: 7"
elog " shortrev_len = 6"
elog ""
elog " ## executable file name (optionally with path) of git binary; default: 'git'"
elog " git_bin = /usr/src/git-dev/git"
elog ""
elog "to your trac.ini files."