2013-09-09 05:06:01 +02:00

43 lines
1.3 KiB

To read statements from an INI file you have to capture the output
of INIfile.exe, which can be done either by ...
+ redirecting the output into a temporary file (all Windows versions),
+ using a FOR /F construct (requires Win2000, XP ++)
Assuming you have the INI file "My.ini" in the current directory,
with a section [Profile], and the item "Name":
Name=John Doe
+++ Example with output redirection:
INIfile.exe My.ini [Profile] Name > temp.bat
call temp.bat
INIfile.exe outputs the statement: SET Name=John Doe
which is redirected and written into "temp.bat",
which is CALLed to run the SET statement.
Note that this method produces a temporary file that you have
to delete later.
+++ Example with FOR construct (asssuming in a batch file):
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('INIfile.exe My.ini [Profile] Name') do %%a
This will capture and run the output line(s) from the command
which is enclosed in single(!) quote marks.
Double quote marks may be used within the command, if necessary.
For details see FOR /? at the command prompt.
In any case the variable %Name% will hold the string that was assigend
in the INI file. Note that the variable may be empty.