############################################# # void retrieve_file (src, dst) # # Description: retrieve file from an URL # # Parameter # downloader: program to download the files # src: source url to get file from # dst: path to store file to # ############################################# function retrieve_file() { local downloader=$1 local src=$2 local dst=$3 # Check, if the URL is a file URL starting with file:// if [ -f $dst ] && [ -z ${DIST_FORCE_DOWNLOAD} ]; then echo " Info: File still cached/downloaded. To force a download, set DIST_FORCE_DOWNLOAD=1" elif [[ $src == file://* ]]; then fileurl=`echo $src | sed "s/^file:\/\///"` cp $fileurl $dst 2>/dev/null else rm -f $dst if [ "$downloader" = "wget" ]; then wget --no-check-certificate --tries=1 -O $dst --timeout=5 -q --no-verbose "$src" if [ "$?" == "1" ] ; then rm $dst fi elif [ "$downloader" = "plowdown" ]; then plowdown --max-retries=1 -o ${dst%/*} "$src" elif [ "$downloader" = "aria2c" ]; then #aria2c --seed-time=0 -d ${dst%/*} -o ${dst##*/} "$src" aria2c --seed-time=0 --allow-overwrite=true -o ${dst##*/} "$src" mv -f ${dst##*/} ${dst%/*} else fatal_error "Downloader not implemented: $downloader" fi fi } ############################################# # void extract_file (format, src, dst) # # Description: Extract a file # # Parameter # format: compression format # src: source file to be used # dst: path to extract the file # ############################################# function process_file() { local format=$1 local src=$2 local dst=$3 local option=$4 log_debug "Compression format: $format" if [ "$format" = "cp" ]; then cp $src $dst elif [ "$format" = "7zip" ]; then $CMD_7z x -y $option -o$dst $src elif [ "$format" = "unzip" ]; then $CMD_unzip $option -o $src -d $dst elif [ "$format" = "unrar" ]; then $CMD_unrar x -y $option $src $dst elif [ "$format" = "lha" ]; then $CMD_lha x $option -w=$dst $src elif [ "$format" = "targz" ]; then $CMD_tar xzvf $option $src -C $dst elif [ "$format" = "tarbz2" ]; then $CMD_tar xjvf $option $src -C $dst elif [ "$format" = "cab" ]; then $CMD_cabextract $option -d $dst $src else fatal_error "Unknown compression format: $format" fi } ############################################# # check if method is available and call it ############################################# function call_entry_point() { local _resultvar=$1 local func=$2 # Entry point type $func &>/dev/null if [ $? == 0 ] ; then $func eval $_resultvar="0" else eval $_resultvar="1" fi } ################### # Fata Error ################### fatal_error() { echo "FATAL: $1" exit 1 } ################### # Check error ################### builder_check_error() { if [ "$?" == "1" ] ; then fatal_error "$1" fi } ################### # Logging Debug ################### log_debug() { local str=$1 if [ "$DEBUG_LEVEL" = "debug" ] || [ "$DEBUG_LEVEL" = "info" ] ; then echo $str fi } ################### # Logging Info ################### log_info() { local str=$1 if [ "$DEBUG_LEVEL" = "info" ] ; then echo $str fi } ##################### # void calc_release() # # Description: # Calculate new release based on # the latest one found in the repository. # # $RELEASE is set to the calculated release. # #################### function calc_release() { # Find all revision files and sort them local file_list=`mktemp /tmp/aio-builder.calc_release.XXXXXXXXXXX` for cfg_file in `find ${AIO_REPOS_BASE_DIR} -name "${PN}-${VERSION}-${CREATOR_TAG}*.cfg" -print ` ; do . ${cfg_file} printf "%08d;$cfg_file\n" $REV_RELEASE >> ${file_list} done local oldest_cfg=`sort -n ${file_list} | cut -f 2 -d ";" | tail -1` rm -f ${file_list} if [ ! -f "${oldest_cfg}" ] ; then echo "Warning: no cfg-file found for this product. RELEASE will be set to 1" RELEASE=1 else log_debug "calc_release() oldest_cfg: ${oldest_cfg}" . ${oldest_cfg} log_debug " latest release: $REV_RELEASE" RELEASE=`expr ${REV_RELEASE} + 1 2> /dev/null` builder_check_error "Cannot incrememnt REV_RELEASE from file ${oldest_cfg}" fi } ################### # Write Package Ini file # # Create a ini file containing needed information for package uninstall # # Parameter # file: file to create / modify # ################### write_ini_file() { local ini_file=$1 local ini_section=$2 local ini_option=$3 local ini_value=$4 touch $ini_file $CMD_inifile $(cygpath -pw "$ini_file") [$ini_section] $ini_option=$ini_value } ################### # Get Verison of File # # Copy file only if it is newer # # Parameter # File: to process # Var: # ################### get_file_version() { local getver_file=$1 local getver_var=$2 if [ -f "$getver_file" ] ; then $CMD_showver $getver_file | grep FileVersion: | rev | cut -d: -f1 | rev | tr -d ' ' > $getver_ver echo "file $getver_file has version $getver_ver" else echo "$getver_file not found" fi } ################### # Copy Verison # # Copy file only if it is newer # # Parameter # source: sourcefiel # target: Targetfile # ################### copyver() { local source_file=$1 local target_file=$2 local source_ver local target_ver get_file_version $source_file $source_ver } ################### # Tidy xml # # Tidy XML files (mainly Sereby package.xml) # # Parameter # source: sourcefiel # target: Targetfile # ################### tidy_xml() { local source_file=$1 local target_file=$2 cat $source_file | $CMD_tidy -utf8 -xml -w 255 -i -c -q -asxml | sed -e 's!>!>!g' -e 's!<! $target_file }