-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Our objective: Prevent mixing up custom related files with opsi packages If you install opsi packages on the OPSI-Server, they will be extracted to /opt/pcbin/install. For some packages it's necessary to place customized files inside this area (e.g. /opt/pcbin/install//custom/myconfig.cfg) In this situation, opsi-packages are mixed up with private/individual files. This could be a problem for maintenance, update or prtivacy reason. ** Solution: Separation of custom files To separate the opsi-packages from the custom files, we setup a unionfs filesystem and publish two directories as one, readonly aggregation filesystem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Installation of unionfs-fuse on a centos system # Prerequirements for compiling unionfs yum install gcc yum install fuse yum install fuse-devel # Downloading and installing unionfs wget http://podgorny.cz/unionfs-fuse/releases/unionfs-fuse-0.24.tar.bz2 tar xfvj unionfs-fuse-0.24.tar.bz2 cd unionfs-fuse-0.24 make make install # automatically loading the module /etc/modprobe.d/fuse.conf install fuse /sbin/modprobe fuse; /sbin/modprobe fuse modprobe fuse ** Configure the aggreeagated opsi depot # Create a depot directory containing the customized files. mkdir /srv/opsi/depot.custom # mount the new, aggregated depot to a new mountpoint mkdir /dynamic/opsi-depot.unionfs # Mount example1: unionfs -o max_files=32768 \ -o allow_other,use_ino,suid,dev,nonempty \ /srv/opsi/depot.custom=RO:/opt/pcbin/install=RO \ /dynamic/opsi-depot.unionfs # Mount example2: mount -t fuse -o max_files=32768 \ -o allow_other,use_ino,suid,dev,nonempty \ unionfs\#/srv/opsi/depot.custom=RO:/opt/pcbin/install=RO \ /dynamic/opsi-depot.unionfs # Automount aggreeagated depot by fstab /etc/fstab unionfs#/srv/opsi/depot.custom=RO:/opt/pcbin/install=RO /dynamic/opsi-depot.unionfs fuse allow_other,use_ino,suid,dev,nonempty,max_files=32768 0 0 # check, if you can access the new filesystem ls -la /dynamic/opsi-depot.unionfs ** check functionallay using the swdaudit project # create a custom file an validate the aggregated filesystem touch /srv/opsi/depot.custom/MY_INDIVIDUAL_FILE.txt # checks ls /opt/pcbin/install/swaudit ls /dynamic/opsi-depot.unionfs rm /srv/opsi/depot.custom/MY_INDIVIDUAL_FILE.txt ** setup samba to use this new filesystem /etc/samba/smb.conf [opsi_depot] available = yes comment = opsi depot share (ro) ; path = /var/lib/opsi/depot path = /dynamic/opsi-depot.unionfs oplocks = no level2 oplocks = no writeable = no invalid users = root service smb restart --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------