
 * Write or generate API documentation.

 * Honor the environment variables http_proxy and ftp_proxy. 
   NOTE: Should this be part of libprozilla or the interface?

 * Port to other platforms than GNU/Linux, e.g. SunOS/Solaris, FreeBSD etc...

 * Add cookies support.
 * DONE: Make the threads download to a single file, will need a state monitor
   which saves the state of each thread to resume properly.

 * DONE: Bandwidth throttling?

 * DONE: Use libtool.

 * DONE: I need to stat the file's size, so we have to check and include
    sys/stat.h in common.h

 * DONE: refreer support ftp

 * The FTP through HTTP proxying needs a bit of chechin on how it would
  handle login rejection attempts when the ftp server disallows it

  * DONE: write a function for getting the version of libprozilla