@echo off echo. echo Running Sabayon in the QEMU virtual machine. echo. echo While running Sabayon in this mode, think of the following: echo. echo 1) Beware that your Microsoft Windows installations might have keyloggers, echo viruses or other malware installed. Incognito's defenses can do nothing echo against them. echo. echo 2) If you are using a persistent home volume your changes will not be saved echo during this session but you will be able to access previously saved data. echo. echo 3) Press CTRL-ALT to escape from the QEMU window, and CTRL-ALT-F to toggle echo fullscreen mode. echo. set DRIVE=%CD:~0,1% rem Start QEMU if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="AMD64" goto 64BIT rem 32bit start /B %DRIVE%:\qemu\qemu.exe -m 768M -localtime -soundhw sb16 -usb -L %DRIVE%:\qemu -cdrom %DRIVE%: goto END :64BIT start /B %DRIVE%:\qemu\qemu-system-x86_64.exe -m 768M -localtime -soundhw sb16 -usb -L %DRIVE%:\qemu -cdrom %DRIVE%: :END