#!/bin/bash _is_live() { cdroot=$(cat /proc/cmdline | grep cdroot) if [ -n "${cdroot}" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } _setup_fds_live() { # setup 389-ds tmp_config_file="$(mktemp)" echo "[General] FullMachineName=localhost.localdomain SuiteSpotUserID=dirsrv SuiteSpotGroup=dirsrv ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd=mcsmanager [slapd] ServerPort=389 ServerIdentifier=sabayon Suffix=dc=babel,dc=it RootDN=cn=Directory Manager RootDNPwd=mcsmanager [admin] Port=9830 SysUser=dirsrv ServerIpAddress= ServerAdminID=admin ServerAdminPwd=mcsmanager " > "${tmp_config_file}" # FIXME: calling the script directly, from init, won't work, WTF! su - -c "/usr/sbin/setup-ds-admin.pl -f ${tmp_config_file} --silent" || return 1 # init MCS ldap data # TODO #( /usr/sbin/mcs-ldapinit.pl -d localhost.localdomain -b "dc=babel,dc=it" \ # -s sa -p mcsmanager -a node1 -B "db1,db2" -f /tmp/base.ldif ) || return 1 #/usr/bin/ldapmodify -a -D "cn=directory manager" -h localhost -w mcsmanager \ # -f /tmp/base.ldif || return 1 echo "389 Directory Server configured." return 0 } FDS_SETUP_FILE="/etc/.389-sabayon-configured" _setup_fds_installed() { if [ -e "${FDS_SETUP_FILE}" ]; then return fi # First, setup 389 _setup_fds_live # then make it autostart at the next boot rc-update add 389-ds default rc-update add 389-admin default # do the whole thing once touch "${FDS_SETUP_FILE}" } setup_fds() { # setup 389 if _is_live; then _setup_fds_live else _setup_fds_installed fi }