[Desktop Entry] ServiceTypes=all/allfiles Actions=CompressDialog;Compress7z;CompressZip;extractHere;ExtractSubdir;ExtractTo;test;Benchmark X-KDE-Priority=TopLevel X-KDE-Submenu=7-Zip X-KDE-Icon=p7zip [Desktop Action CompressDialog] Name=Add to Archive ... Icon=p7zip Exec=p7zipForFilemanager ad -t7z %U [Desktop Action Compress7z] Name=Add to 7z Archive Icon=p7zip Exec=p7zipForFilemanager a -t7z %U [Desktop Action CompressZip] Name=Add to Zip Archive Icon=p7zip Exec=p7zipForFilemanager a -tzip %U [Desktop Action extractHere] Name=Extract Here Exec=p7zipForFilemanager x %U Icon=p7zip [Desktop Action ExtractSubdir] Name=Extract to subdirectory Icon=p7zip Exec=p7zipForFilemanager xs %U [Desktop Action ExtractTo] Name=Extract to ... Icon=p7zip Exec=p7zipForFilemanager xd %U [Desktop Action test] Name=Test Archive Exec=p7zipForFilemanager t %U Icon=p7zip [Desktop Action Benchmark] Name=Benchmark Icon=p7zip Exec=p7zipForFilemanager b