// UpdateGUI.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "../../../Common/IntToString.h" #include "../../../Common/StringConvert.h" #include "../../../Common/StringToInt.h" #include "../../../Windows/DLL.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileDir.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileName.h" #include "../../../Windows/Thread.h" #include "../Common/WorkDir.h" #include "../Explorer/MyMessages.h" #include "../FileManager/LangUtils.h" #include "../FileManager/StringUtils.h" #include "../FileManager/resourceGui.h" #include "CompressDialog.h" #include "UpdateGUI.h" #include "resource2.h" using namespace NWindows; using namespace NFile; using namespace NDir; static CFSTR kDefaultSfxModule = FTEXT("7z.sfx"); static const wchar_t *kSFXExtension = L"exe"; extern void AddMessageToString(UString &dest, const UString &src); UString HResultToMessage(HRESULT errorCode); class CThreadUpdating: public CProgressThreadVirt { HRESULT ProcessVirt(); public: CCodecs *codecs; const CObjectVector *formatIndices; const UString *cmdArcPath; CUpdateCallbackGUI *UpdateCallbackGUI; NWildcard::CCensor *WildcardCensor; CUpdateOptions *Options; bool needSetPath; }; HRESULT CThreadUpdating::ProcessVirt() { CUpdateErrorInfo ei; HRESULT res = UpdateArchive(codecs, *formatIndices, *cmdArcPath, *WildcardCensor, *Options, ei, UpdateCallbackGUI, UpdateCallbackGUI, needSetPath); FinalMessage.ErrorMessage.Message.SetFromAscii(ei.Message); ErrorPaths = ei.FileNames; if (ei.SystemError != S_OK && ei.SystemError != E_FAIL && ei.SystemError != E_ABORT) return ei.SystemError; return res; } static void AddProp(CObjectVector &properties, const UString &name, const UString &value) { CProperty prop; prop.Name = name; prop.Value = value; properties.Add(prop); } static void AddProp(CObjectVector &properties, const UString &name, UInt32 value) { wchar_t tmp[32]; ConvertUInt64ToString(value, tmp); AddProp(properties, name, tmp); } static void AddProp(CObjectVector &properties, const UString &name, bool value) { AddProp(properties, name, value ? UString(L"on"): UString(L"off")); } static bool IsThereMethodOverride(bool is7z, const UString &propertiesString) { UStringVector strings; SplitString(propertiesString, strings); FOR_VECTOR (i, strings) { const UString &s = strings[i]; if (is7z) { const wchar_t *end; UInt64 n = ConvertStringToUInt64(s, &end); if (n == 0 && *end == L'=') return true; } else { if (s.Len() > 0) if (s[0] == L'm' && s[1] == L'=') return true; } } return false; } static void ParseAndAddPropertires(CObjectVector &properties, const UString &propertiesString) { UStringVector strings; SplitString(propertiesString, strings); FOR_VECTOR (i, strings) { const UString &s = strings[i]; CProperty property; int index = s.Find(L'='); if (index < 0) property.Name = s; else { property.Name.SetFrom(s, index); property.Value = s.Ptr(index + 1); } properties.Add(property); } } static UString GetNumInBytesString(UInt64 v) { wchar_t s[32]; ConvertUInt64ToString(v, s); size_t len = wcslen(s); s[len++] = L'B'; s[len] = L'\0'; return s; } static void SetOutProperties( CObjectVector &properties, bool is7z, UInt32 level, bool setMethod, const UString &method, UInt32 dictionary, bool orderMode, UInt32 order, bool solidIsSpecified, UInt64 solidBlockSize, bool multiThreadIsAllowed, UInt32 numThreads, const UString &encryptionMethod, bool encryptHeadersIsAllowed, bool encryptHeaders, bool /* sfxMode */) { if (level != (UInt32)(Int32)-1) AddProp(properties, L"x", (UInt32)level); if (setMethod) { if (!method.IsEmpty()) AddProp(properties, is7z ? L"0": L"m", method); if (dictionary != (UInt32)(Int32)-1) { UString name; if (is7z) name = L"0"; if (orderMode) name += L"mem"; else name += L"d"; AddProp(properties, name, GetNumInBytesString(dictionary)); } if (order != (UInt32)(Int32)-1) { UString name; if (is7z) name = L"0"; if (orderMode) name += L"o"; else name += L"fb"; AddProp(properties, name, (UInt32)order); } } if (!encryptionMethod.IsEmpty()) AddProp(properties, L"em", encryptionMethod); if (encryptHeadersIsAllowed) AddProp(properties, L"he", encryptHeaders); if (solidIsSpecified) AddProp(properties, L"s", GetNumInBytesString(solidBlockSize)); if (multiThreadIsAllowed) AddProp(properties, L"mt", numThreads); } struct C_UpdateMode_ToAction_Pair { NCompressDialog::NUpdateMode::EEnum UpdateMode; const NUpdateArchive::CActionSet *ActionSet; }; static const C_UpdateMode_ToAction_Pair g_UpdateMode_Pairs[] = { { NCompressDialog::NUpdateMode::kAdd, &NUpdateArchive::k_ActionSet_Add }, { NCompressDialog::NUpdateMode::kUpdate, &NUpdateArchive::k_ActionSet_Update }, { NCompressDialog::NUpdateMode::kFresh, &NUpdateArchive::k_ActionSet_Fresh }, { NCompressDialog::NUpdateMode::kSync, &NUpdateArchive::k_ActionSet_Sync } }; static int FindActionSet(const NUpdateArchive::CActionSet &actionSet) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(g_UpdateMode_Pairs); i++) if (actionSet.IsEqualTo(*g_UpdateMode_Pairs[i].ActionSet)) return i; return -1; } static int FindUpdateMode(NCompressDialog::NUpdateMode::EEnum mode) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(g_UpdateMode_Pairs); i++) if (mode == g_UpdateMode_Pairs[i].UpdateMode) return i; return -1; } static HRESULT ShowDialog( CCodecs *codecs, const CObjectVector &censor, CUpdateOptions &options, CUpdateCallbackGUI *callback, HWND hwndParent) { if (options.Commands.Size() != 1) throw "It must be one command"; /* FString currentDirPrefix; #ifndef UNDER_CE { if (!MyGetCurrentDirectory(currentDirPrefix)) return E_FAIL; NName::NormalizeDirPathPrefix(currentDirPrefix); } #endif */ bool oneFile = false; NFind::CFileInfo fileInfo; UString name; /* if (censor.Pairs.Size() > 0) { const NWildcard::CPair &pair = censor.Pairs[0]; if (pair.Head.IncludeItems.Size() > 0) { const NWildcard::CItem &item = pair.Head.IncludeItems[0]; if (item.ForFile) { name = pair.Prefix; FOR_VECTOR (i, item.PathParts) { if (i > 0) name.Add_PathSepar(); name += item.PathParts[i]; } if (fileInfo.Find(us2fs(name))) { if (censor.Pairs.Size() == 1 && pair.Head.IncludeItems.Size() == 1) oneFile = !fileInfo.IsDir(); } } } } */ if (censor.Size() > 0) { const NWildcard::CCensorPath &cp = censor[0]; if (cp.Include) { { if (fileInfo.Find(us2fs(cp.Path))) { if (censor.Size() == 1) oneFile = !fileInfo.IsDir(); } } } } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) CCurrentDirRestorer curDirRestorer; #endif CCompressDialog dialog; NCompressDialog::CInfo &di = dialog.Info; dialog.ArcFormats = &codecs->Formats; if (options.MethodMode.Type_Defined) di.FormatIndex = options.MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex; FOR_VECTOR (i, codecs->Formats) { const CArcInfoEx &ai = codecs->Formats[i]; if (!ai.UpdateEnabled) continue; if (!oneFile && ai.Flags_KeepName()) continue; if ((int)i != di.FormatIndex) if (ai.Name.IsEqualTo_Ascii_NoCase("swfc")) if (!oneFile || name.Len() < 4 || !StringsAreEqualNoCase_Ascii(name.RightPtr(4), ".swf")) continue; dialog.ArcIndices.Add(i); } if (dialog.ArcIndices.IsEmpty()) { ShowErrorMessage(L"No Update Engines"); return E_FAIL; } // di.ArchiveName = options.ArchivePath.GetFinalPath(); di.ArcPath = options.ArchivePath.GetPathWithoutExt(); dialog.OriginalFileName = fs2us(fileInfo.Name); di.PathMode = options.PathMode; // di.CurrentDirPrefix = currentDirPrefix; di.SFXMode = options.SfxMode; di.OpenShareForWrite = options.OpenShareForWrite; di.DeleteAfterCompressing = options.DeleteAfterCompressing; di.SymLinks = options.SymLinks; di.HardLinks = options.HardLinks; di.AltStreams = options.AltStreams; di.NtSecurity = options.NtSecurity; if (callback->PasswordIsDefined) di.Password = callback->Password; di.KeepName = !oneFile; NUpdateArchive::CActionSet &actionSet = options.Commands.Front().ActionSet; { int index = FindActionSet(actionSet); if (index < 0) return E_NOTIMPL; di.UpdateMode = g_UpdateMode_Pairs[(unsigned)index].UpdateMode; } if (dialog.Create(hwndParent) != IDOK) return E_ABORT; options.DeleteAfterCompressing = di.DeleteAfterCompressing; options.SymLinks = di.SymLinks; options.HardLinks = di.HardLinks; options.AltStreams = di.AltStreams; options.NtSecurity = di.NtSecurity; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) curDirRestorer.NeedRestore = dialog.CurrentDirWasChanged; #endif options.VolumesSizes = di.VolumeSizes; /* if (di.VolumeSizeIsDefined) { MyMessageBox(L"Splitting to volumes is not supported"); return E_FAIL; } */ { int index = FindUpdateMode(di.UpdateMode); if (index < 0) return E_FAIL; actionSet = *g_UpdateMode_Pairs[index].ActionSet; } options.PathMode = di.PathMode; const CArcInfoEx &archiverInfo = codecs->Formats[di.FormatIndex]; callback->PasswordIsDefined = (!di.Password.IsEmpty()); if (callback->PasswordIsDefined) callback->Password = di.Password; options.MethodMode.Properties.Clear(); bool is7z = archiverInfo.Name.IsEqualTo_Ascii_NoCase("7z"); bool methodOverride = IsThereMethodOverride(is7z, di.Options); SetOutProperties( options.MethodMode.Properties, is7z, di.Level, !methodOverride, di.Method, di.Dictionary, di.OrderMode, di.Order, di.SolidIsSpecified, di.SolidBlockSize, di.MultiThreadIsAllowed, di.NumThreads, di.EncryptionMethod, di.EncryptHeadersIsAllowed, di.EncryptHeaders, di.SFXMode); options.OpenShareForWrite = di.OpenShareForWrite; ParseAndAddPropertires(options.MethodMode.Properties, di.Options); if (di.SFXMode) options.SfxMode = true; options.MethodMode.Type = COpenType(); options.MethodMode.Type_Defined = true; options.MethodMode.Type.FormatIndex = di.FormatIndex; options.ArchivePath.VolExtension = archiverInfo.GetMainExt(); if (di.SFXMode) options.ArchivePath.BaseExtension = kSFXExtension; else options.ArchivePath.BaseExtension = options.ArchivePath.VolExtension; options.ArchivePath.ParseFromPath(di.ArcPath, k_ArcNameMode_Smart); NWorkDir::CInfo workDirInfo; workDirInfo.Load(); options.WorkingDir.Empty(); if (workDirInfo.Mode != NWorkDir::NMode::kCurrent) { FString fullPath; MyGetFullPathName(us2fs(di.ArcPath), fullPath); FString namePart; options.WorkingDir = GetWorkDir(workDirInfo, fullPath, namePart); CreateComplexDir(options.WorkingDir); } return S_OK; } HRESULT UpdateGUI( CCodecs *codecs, const CObjectVector &formatIndices, const UString &cmdArcPath, NWildcard::CCensor &censor, CUpdateOptions &options, bool showDialog, bool &messageWasDisplayed, CUpdateCallbackGUI *callback, HWND hwndParent) { messageWasDisplayed = false; bool needSetPath = true; if (showDialog) { RINOK(ShowDialog(codecs, censor.CensorPaths, options, callback, hwndParent)); needSetPath = false; } if (options.SfxMode && options.SfxModule.IsEmpty()) { FString folder = NWindows::NDLL::GetModuleDirPrefix(); options.SfxModule = folder + kDefaultSfxModule; } CThreadUpdating tu; tu.needSetPath = needSetPath; tu.codecs = codecs; tu.formatIndices = &formatIndices; tu.cmdArcPath = &cmdArcPath; tu.UpdateCallbackGUI = callback; tu.UpdateCallbackGUI->ProgressDialog = &tu.ProgressDialog; tu.UpdateCallbackGUI->Init(); UString title = LangString(IDS_PROGRESS_COMPRESSING); /* if (hwndParent != 0) { tu.ProgressDialog.MainWindow = hwndParent; // tu.ProgressDialog.MainTitle = fileName; tu.ProgressDialog.MainAddTitle = title + L' '; } */ tu.WildcardCensor = &censor; tu.Options = &options; tu.ProgressDialog.IconID = IDI_ICON; RINOK(tu.Create(title, hwndParent)); messageWasDisplayed = tu.ThreadFinishedOK && tu.ProgressDialog.MessagesDisplayed; return tu.Result; }