#include "StdAfx.h" #include "../../../Common/IntToString.h" #include "../../../Common/StringConvert.h" #include "../../../Windows/COM.h" #include "../../../Windows/Clipboard.h" #include "../../../Windows/Menu.h" #include "../../../Windows/PropVariant.h" #include "../../../Windows/PropVariantConv.h" #include "../../PropID.h" #include "../Common/PropIDUtils.h" #include "../Explorer/ContextMenu.h" #include "App.h" #include "LangUtils.h" #include "MyLoadMenu.h" #include "PropertyName.h" #include "resource.h" #include "PropertyNameRes.h" using namespace NWindows; LONG g_DllRefCount = 0; static const UINT kSevenZipStartMenuID = kMenuCmdID_Plugin_Start; static const UINT kSystemStartMenuID = kMenuCmdID_Plugin_Start + 100; void CPanel::InvokeSystemCommand(const char *command) { #ifdef _WIN32 NCOM::CComInitializer comInitializer; if (!IsFsOrPureDrivesFolder()) return; CRecordVector operatedIndices; GetOperatedItemIndices(operatedIndices); if (operatedIndices.IsEmpty()) return; CMyComPtr contextMenu; if (CreateShellContextMenu(operatedIndices, contextMenu) != S_OK) return; CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO ci; ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci)); ci.cbSize = sizeof(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO); ci.hwnd = GetParent(); ci.lpVerb = command; contextMenu->InvokeCommand(&ci); #else printf(" WARNING CPanel::InvokeSystemCommand(%s)\n",command); #endif } static const char *kSeparator = "----------------------------\n"; static const char *kSeparatorSmall = "----\n"; static const char *kPropValueSeparator = ": "; extern UString ConvertSizeToString(UInt64 value) throw(); bool IsSizeProp(UINT propID) throw(); UString GetOpenArcErrorMessage(UInt32 errorFlags); static void AddPropertyString(PROPID propID, const wchar_t *nameBSTR, const NCOM::CPropVariant &prop, UString &s) { if (prop.vt != VT_EMPTY) { UString val; if (propID == kpidErrorFlags || propID == kpidWarningFlags) { UInt32 flags = GetOpenArcErrorFlags(prop); if (flags == 0) return; if (flags != 0) val = GetOpenArcErrorMessage(flags); } if (val.IsEmpty()) if ((prop.vt == VT_UI8 || prop.vt == VT_UI4 || prop.vt == VT_UI2) && IsSizeProp(propID)) { UInt64 v = 0; ConvertPropVariantToUInt64(prop, v); val = ConvertSizeToString(v); } else ConvertPropertyToString(val, prop, propID); if (!val.IsEmpty()) { s += GetNameOfProperty(propID, nameBSTR); s.AddAscii(kPropValueSeparator); /* if (propID == kpidComment) s.Add_LF(); */ s += val; s.Add_LF(); } } } static inline char GetHex(Byte value) { return (char)((value < 10) ? ('0' + value) : ('A' + (value - 10))); } static const Byte kSpecProps[] = { kpidPath, kpidType, kpidErrorType, kpidError, kpidErrorFlags, kpidWarning, kpidWarningFlags, kpidOffset, kpidPhySize, kpidTailSize }; void CPanel::Properties() { CMyComPtr getFolderArcProps; _folder.QueryInterface(IID_IGetFolderArcProps, &getFolderArcProps); if (!getFolderArcProps) { InvokeSystemCommand("properties"); return; } { UString message; CRecordVector operatedIndices; GetOperatedItemIndices(operatedIndices); if (operatedIndices.Size() == 1) { UInt32 index = operatedIndices[0]; // message += L"Item:\n"; UInt32 numProps; if (_folder->GetNumberOfProperties(&numProps) == S_OK) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numProps; i++) { CMyComBSTR name; PROPID propID; VARTYPE varType; if (_folder->GetPropertyInfo(i, &name, &propID, &varType) != S_OK) continue; NCOM::CPropVariant prop; if (_folder->GetProperty(index, propID, &prop) != S_OK) continue; AddPropertyString(propID, name, prop, message); } } if (_folderRawProps) { _folderRawProps->GetNumRawProps(&numProps); for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numProps; i++) { CMyComBSTR name; PROPID propID; if (_folderRawProps->GetRawPropInfo(i, &name, &propID) != S_OK) continue; const void *data; UInt32 dataSize; UInt32 propType; if (_folderRawProps->GetRawProp(index, propID, &data, &dataSize, &propType) != S_OK) continue; if (dataSize != 0) { AString s; if (propID == kpidNtSecure) ConvertNtSecureToString((const Byte *)data, dataSize, s); else { const UInt32 kMaxDataSize = 64; if (dataSize > kMaxDataSize) { char temp[64]; s += "data:"; ConvertUInt32ToString(dataSize, temp); s += temp; } else { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { Byte b = ((const Byte *)data)[i]; s += GetHex((Byte)((b >> 4) & 0xF)); s += GetHex((Byte)(b & 0xF)); } } } message += GetNameOfProperty(propID, name); message.AddAscii(kPropValueSeparator); message.AddAscii(s); message.Add_LF(); } } } message.AddAscii(kSeparator); } /* AddLangString(message, IDS_PROP_FILE_TYPE); message += kPropValueSeparator; message += GetFolderTypeID(); message.Add_LF(); */ { NCOM::CPropVariant prop; if (_folder->GetFolderProperty(kpidPath, &prop) == S_OK) { AddPropertyString(kpidName, L"Path", prop, message); } } CMyComPtr folderProperties; _folder.QueryInterface(IID_IFolderProperties, &folderProperties); if (folderProperties) { UInt32 numProps; if (folderProperties->GetNumberOfFolderProperties(&numProps) == S_OK) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numProps; i++) { CMyComBSTR name; PROPID propID; VARTYPE vt; if (folderProperties->GetFolderPropertyInfo(i, &name, &propID, &vt) != S_OK) continue; NCOM::CPropVariant prop; if (_folder->GetFolderProperty(propID, &prop) != S_OK) continue; AddPropertyString(propID, name, prop, message); } } } CMyComPtr getFolderArcProps; _folder.QueryInterface(IID_IGetFolderArcProps, &getFolderArcProps); if (getFolderArcProps) { CMyComPtr getProps; getFolderArcProps->GetFolderArcProps(&getProps); if (getProps) { UInt32 numLevels; if (getProps->GetArcNumLevels(&numLevels) != S_OK) numLevels = 0; for (UInt32 level2 = 0; level2 < numLevels; level2++) { { UInt32 level = numLevels - 1 - level2; UInt32 numProps; if (getProps->GetArcNumProps(level, &numProps) == S_OK) { const int kNumSpecProps = ARRAY_SIZE(kSpecProps); message.AddAscii(kSeparator); for (Int32 i = -(int)kNumSpecProps; i < (Int32)numProps; i++) { CMyComBSTR name; PROPID propID; VARTYPE vt; if (i < 0) propID = kSpecProps[i + kNumSpecProps]; else if (getProps->GetArcPropInfo(level, i, &name, &propID, &vt) != S_OK) continue; NCOM::CPropVariant prop; if (getProps->GetArcProp(level, propID, &prop) != S_OK) continue; AddPropertyString(propID, name, prop, message); } } } if (level2 != numLevels - 1) { UInt32 level = numLevels - 1 - level2; UInt32 numProps; if (getProps->GetArcNumProps2(level, &numProps) == S_OK) { message.AddAscii(kSeparatorSmall); for (Int32 i = 0; i < (Int32)numProps; i++) { CMyComBSTR name; PROPID propID; VARTYPE vt; if (getProps->GetArcPropInfo2(level, i, &name, &propID, &vt) != S_OK) continue; NCOM::CPropVariant prop; if (getProps->GetArcProp2(level, propID, &prop) != S_OK) continue; AddPropertyString(propID, name, prop, message); } } } } } } ::MessageBoxW(*(this), message, LangString(IDS_PROPERTIES), MB_OK); } } void CPanel::EditCut() { // InvokeSystemCommand("cut"); } void CPanel::EditCopy() { /* CMyComPtr getFolderArcProps; _folder.QueryInterface(IID_IGetFolderArcProps, &getFolderArcProps); if (!getFolderArcProps) { InvokeSystemCommand("copy"); return; } */ UString s; CRecordVector indices; GetSelectedItemsIndices(indices); FOR_VECTOR (i, indices) { if (i > 0) s += L"\xD\n"; s += GetItemName(indices[i]); } ClipboardSetText(_mainWindow, s); } void CPanel::EditPaste() { /* UStringVector names; ClipboardGetFileNames(names); CopyFromNoAsk(names); UString s; for (int i = 0; i < names.Size(); i++) { s += L' '; s += names[i]; } MessageBoxW(0, s, L"", 0); */ // InvokeSystemCommand("paste"); } #ifdef _WIN32 HRESULT CPanel::CreateShellContextMenu( const CRecordVector &operatedIndices, CMyComPtr &systemContextMenu) { systemContextMenu.Release(); UString folderPath = GetFsPath(); CMyComPtr desktopFolder; RINOK(::SHGetDesktopFolder(&desktopFolder)); if (!desktopFolder) { // ShowMessage("Failed to get Desktop folder."); return E_FAIL; } // Separate the file from the folder. // Get a pidl for the folder the file // is located in. LPITEMIDLIST parentPidl; DWORD eaten; RINOK(desktopFolder->ParseDisplayName( GetParent(), 0, (wchar_t *)(const wchar_t *)folderPath, &eaten, &parentPidl, 0)); // Get an IShellFolder for the folder // the file is located in. CMyComPtr parentFolder; RINOK(desktopFolder->BindToObject(parentPidl, 0, IID_IShellFolder, (void**)&parentFolder)); if (!parentFolder) { // ShowMessage("Invalid file name."); return E_FAIL; } // Get a pidl for the file itself. CRecordVector pidls; pidls.ClearAndReserve(operatedIndices.Size()); FOR_VECTOR (i, operatedIndices) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl; UString fileName = GetItemRelPath2(operatedIndices[i]); RINOK(parentFolder->ParseDisplayName(GetParent(), 0, (wchar_t *)(const wchar_t *)fileName, &eaten, &pidl, 0)); pidls.AddInReserved(pidl); } ITEMIDLIST temp; if (pidls.Size() == 0) { temp.mkid.cb = 0; /* LPITEMIDLIST pidl; HRESULT result = parentFolder->ParseDisplayName(GetParent(), 0, L"." WSTRING_PATH_SEPARATOR, &eaten, &pidl, 0); if (result != NOERROR) return; */ pidls.Add(&temp); } // Get the IContextMenu for the file. CMyComPtr cm; RINOK( parentFolder->GetUIObjectOf(GetParent(), pidls.Size(), (LPCITEMIDLIST *)&pidls.Front(), IID_IContextMenu, 0, (void**)&cm)); if (!cm) { // ShowMessage("Unable to get context menu interface."); return E_FAIL; } systemContextMenu = cm; return S_OK; } void CPanel::CreateSystemMenu(HMENU menuSpec, const CRecordVector &operatedIndices, CMyComPtr &systemContextMenu) { systemContextMenu.Release(); CreateShellContextMenu(operatedIndices, systemContextMenu); if (systemContextMenu == 0) return; // Set up a CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO structure. CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO ci; ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(ci)); ci.cbSize = sizeof(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO); ci.hwnd = GetParent(); /* if (Sender == GoBtn) { // Verbs that can be used are cut, paste, // properties, delete, and so on. String action; if (CutRb->Checked) action = "cut"; else if (CopyRb->Checked) action = "copy"; else if (DeleteRb->Checked) action = "delete"; else if (PropertiesRb->Checked) action = "properties"; ci.lpVerb = action.c_str(); result = cm->InvokeCommand(&ci); if (result) ShowMessage( "Error copying file to clipboard."); } else */ { // HMENU hMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); CMenu popupMenu; // CMenuDestroyer menuDestroyer(popupMenu); if (!popupMenu.CreatePopup()) throw 210503; HMENU hMenu = popupMenu; DWORD Flags = CMF_EXPLORE; // Optionally the shell will show the extended // context menu on some operating systems when // the shift key is held down at the time the // context menu is invoked. The following is // commented out but you can uncommnent this // line to show the extended context menu. // Flags |= 0x00000080; systemContextMenu->QueryContextMenu(hMenu, 0, kSystemStartMenuID, 0x7FFF, Flags); { CMenu menu; menu.Attach(menuSpec); CMenuItem menuItem; menuItem.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU | MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_ID; menuItem.fType = MFT_STRING; menuItem.hSubMenu = popupMenu.Detach(); // menuDestroyer.Disable(); LangString(IDS_SYSTEM, menuItem.StringValue); menu.InsertItem(0, true, menuItem); } /* if (Cmd < 100 && Cmd != 0) { ci.lpVerb = MAKEINTRESOURCE(Cmd - 1); ci.lpParameters = ""; ci.lpDirectory = ""; ci.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; cm->InvokeCommand(&ci); } // If Cmd is > 100 then it's one of our // inserted menu items. else // Find the menu item. for (int i = 0; i < popupMenu1->Items->Count; i++) { TMenuItem* menu = popupMenu1->Items->Items[i]; // Call its OnClick handler. if (menu->Command == Cmd - 100) menu->OnClick(this); } // Release the memory allocated for the menu. DestroyMenu(hMenu); */ } } void CPanel::CreateFileMenu(HMENU menuSpec) { CreateFileMenu(menuSpec, _sevenZipContextMenu, _systemContextMenu, true); } void CPanel::CreateSevenZipMenu(HMENU menuSpec, const CRecordVector &operatedIndices, CMyComPtr &sevenZipContextMenu) { sevenZipContextMenu.Release(); CMenu menu; menu.Attach(menuSpec); // CMenuDestroyer menuDestroyer(menu); // menu.CreatePopup(); bool sevenZipMenuCreated = false; CZipContextMenu *contextMenuSpec = new CZipContextMenu; CMyComPtr contextMenu = contextMenuSpec; // if (contextMenu.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CZipContextMenu, IID_IContextMenu) == S_OK) { /* CMyComPtr initContextMenu; if (contextMenu.QueryInterface(IID_IInitContextMenu, &initContextMenu) != S_OK) return; */ UString currentFolderUnicode = GetFsPath(); UStringVector names; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < operatedIndices.Size(); i++) names.Add(currentFolderUnicode + GetItemRelPath2(operatedIndices[i])); CRecordVector namePointers; for (i = 0; i < operatedIndices.Size(); i++) namePointers.Add(names[i]); // NFile::NDirectory::MySetCurrentDirectory(currentFolderUnicode); if (contextMenuSpec->InitContextMenu(currentFolderUnicode, &namePointers.Front(), operatedIndices.Size()) == S_OK) { HRESULT res = contextMenu->QueryContextMenu(menu, 0, kSevenZipStartMenuID, kSystemStartMenuID - 1, 0); sevenZipMenuCreated = (HRESULT_SEVERITY(res) == SEVERITY_SUCCESS); if (sevenZipMenuCreated) sevenZipContextMenu = contextMenu; // int code = HRESULT_CODE(res); // int nextItemID = code; } } } #endif static bool IsReadOnlyFolder(IFolderFolder *folder) { if (!folder) return false; bool res = false; { NCOM::CPropVariant prop; if (folder->GetFolderProperty(kpidReadOnly, &prop) == S_OK) if (prop.vt == VT_BOOL) res = VARIANT_BOOLToBool(prop.boolVal); } return res; } bool CPanel::IsThereReadOnlyFolder() const { if (!_folderOperations) return true; if (IsReadOnlyFolder(_folder)) return true; FOR_VECTOR (i, _parentFolders) { if (IsReadOnlyFolder(_parentFolders[i].ParentFolder)) return true; } return false; } bool CPanel::CheckBeforeUpdate(UINT resourceID) { if (!_folderOperations) { MessageBoxErrorLang(IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); // resourceID = resourceID; // MessageBoxErrorForUpdate(E_NOINTERFACE, resourceID); return false; } for (int i = (int)_parentFolders.Size(); i >= 0; i--) { IFolderFolder *folder; if (i == (int)_parentFolders.Size()) folder = _folder; else folder = _parentFolders[i].ParentFolder; if (!IsReadOnlyFolder(folder)) continue; UString s; AddLangString(s, resourceID); s.Add_LF(); AddLangString(s, IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); s.Add_LF(); if (i == 0) s += GetFolderPath(folder); else s += _parentFolders[i - 1].VirtualPath; s.Add_LF(); AddLangString(s, IDS_PROP_READ_ONLY); MessageBoxMyError(s); return false; } return true; } #ifdef _WIN32 void CPanel::CreateFileMenu(HMENU menuSpec, CMyComPtr &sevenZipContextMenu, CMyComPtr &systemContextMenu, bool programMenu) { sevenZipContextMenu.Release(); systemContextMenu.Release(); CRecordVector operatedIndices; GetOperatedItemIndices(operatedIndices); CMenu menu; menu.Attach(menuSpec); if (!IsArcFolder()) { CreateSevenZipMenu(menu, operatedIndices, sevenZipContextMenu); // CreateSystemMenu is very slow if you call it inside ZIP archive with big number of files // Windows probably can parse items inside ZIP archive. if (g_App.ShowSystemMenu) CreateSystemMenu(menu, operatedIndices, systemContextMenu); } /* if (menu.GetItemCount() > 0) menu.AppendItem(MF_SEPARATOR, 0, (LPCTSTR)0); */ unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < operatedIndices.Size(); i++) if (IsItem_Folder(operatedIndices[i])) break; bool allAreFiles = (i == operatedIndices.Size()); CFileMenu fm; fm.readOnly = IsThereReadOnlyFolder(); fm.isFsFolder = Is_IO_FS_Folder(); fm.programMenu = programMenu; fm.allAreFiles = allAreFiles; fm.numItems = operatedIndices.Size(); fm.isAltStreamsSupported = false; if (_folderAltStreams) { if (operatedIndices.Size() <= 1) { Int32 realIndex = -1; if (operatedIndices.Size() == 1) realIndex = operatedIndices[0]; Int32 val = 0; if (_folderAltStreams->AreAltStreamsSupported(realIndex, &val) == S_OK) fm.isAltStreamsSupported = IntToBool(val); } } else { if (fm.numItems == 0) fm.isAltStreamsSupported = IsFSFolder(); else fm.isAltStreamsSupported = IsFolder_with_FsItems(); } fm.Load(menu, menu.GetItemCount()); } bool CPanel::InvokePluginCommand(int id) { return InvokePluginCommand(id, _sevenZipContextMenu, _systemContextMenu); } #if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(UNDER_CE) #define use_CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX #endif bool CPanel::InvokePluginCommand(int id, IContextMenu *sevenZipContextMenu, IContextMenu *systemContextMenu) { UInt32 offset; bool isSystemMenu = (id >= kSystemStartMenuID); if (isSystemMenu) offset = id - kSystemStartMenuID; else offset = id - kSevenZipStartMenuID; #ifdef use_CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX #else CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO #endif commandInfo; memset(&commandInfo, 0, sizeof(commandInfo)); commandInfo.cbSize = sizeof(commandInfo); commandInfo.fMask = 0 #ifdef use_CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX | CMIC_MASK_UNICODE #endif ; commandInfo.hwnd = GetParent(); commandInfo.lpVerb = (LPCSTR)(MAKEINTRESOURCE(offset)); commandInfo.lpParameters = NULL; CSysString currentFolderSys = GetSystemString(_currentFolderPrefix); commandInfo.lpDirectory = (LPCSTR)(LPCTSTR)(currentFolderSys); commandInfo.nShow = SW_SHOW; #ifdef use_CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX commandInfo.lpParametersW = NULL; commandInfo.lpTitle = ""; commandInfo.lpVerbW = (LPCWSTR)(MAKEINTRESOURCEW(offset)); UString currentFolderUnicode = _currentFolderPrefix; commandInfo.lpDirectoryW = currentFolderUnicode; commandInfo.lpTitleW = L""; // commandInfo.ptInvoke.x = xPos; // commandInfo.ptInvoke.y = yPos; commandInfo.ptInvoke.x = 0; commandInfo.ptInvoke.y = 0; #endif HRESULT result; if (isSystemMenu) result = systemContextMenu->InvokeCommand(LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO(&commandInfo)); else result = sevenZipContextMenu->InvokeCommand(LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO(&commandInfo)); if (result == NOERROR) { KillSelection(); return true; } return false; } bool CPanel::OnContextMenu(HANDLE windowHandle, int xPos, int yPos) { if (::GetParent((HWND)windowHandle) == _listView) { ShowColumnsContextMenu(xPos, yPos); return true; } if (windowHandle != _listView) return false; /* POINT point; point.x = xPos; point.y = yPos; if (!_listView.ScreenToClient(&point)) return false; LVHITTESTINFO info; info.pt = point; int index = _listView.HitTest(&info); */ CRecordVector operatedIndices; GetOperatedItemIndices(operatedIndices); // negative x,y are possible for multi-screen modes. // x=-1 && y=-1 for keyboard call (SHIFT+F10 and others). if (xPos == -1 && yPos == -1) { if (operatedIndices.Size() == 0) { xPos = 0; yPos = 0; } else { int itemIndex = _listView.GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_FOCUSED); if (itemIndex == -1) return false; RECT rect; if (!_listView.GetItemRect(itemIndex, &rect, LVIR_ICON)) return false; xPos = (rect.left + rect.right) / 2; yPos = (rect.top + rect.bottom) / 2; } POINT point = {xPos, yPos}; _listView.ClientToScreen(&point); xPos = point.x; yPos = point.y; } CMenu menu; CMenuDestroyer menuDestroyer(menu); menu.CreatePopup(); CMyComPtr sevenZipContextMenu; CMyComPtr systemContextMenu; CreateFileMenu(menu, sevenZipContextMenu, systemContextMenu, false); int result = menu.Track(TPM_LEFTALIGN #ifndef UNDER_CE | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON #endif | TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_NONOTIFY, xPos, yPos, _listView); if (result == 0) return true; if (result >= kMenuCmdID_Plugin_Start) { InvokePluginCommand(result, sevenZipContextMenu, systemContextMenu); return true; } if (ExecuteFileCommand(result)) return true; return true; } #endif