// AgentProxy.h #ifndef __AGENT_PROXY_H #define __AGENT_PROXY_H #include "../Common/OpenArchive.h" struct CProxyFile { const wchar_t *Name; unsigned NameLen; bool NeedDeleteName; CProxyFile(): Name(NULL), NameLen(0), NeedDeleteName(false) {} ~CProxyFile() { if (NeedDeleteName) delete [](wchar_t *)Name; } }; const unsigned k_Proxy_RootDirIndex = 0; struct CProxyDir { const wchar_t *Name; unsigned NameLen; int ArcIndex; // index in proxy->Files[] ; -1 if there is no item for that folder int ParentDir; // index in proxy->Dirs[] ; -1 for root folder; ; CRecordVector SubDirs; CRecordVector SubFiles; UInt64 Size; UInt64 PackSize; UInt32 Crc; UInt32 NumSubDirs; UInt32 NumSubFiles; bool CrcIsDefined; CProxyDir(): Name(NULL), NameLen(0), ParentDir(-1) {}; ~CProxyDir() { delete [](wchar_t *)Name; } void Clear(); bool IsLeaf() const { return ArcIndex >= 0; } }; class CProxyArc { int FindSubDir(unsigned dirIndex, const wchar_t *name, unsigned &insertPos) const; void CalculateSizes(unsigned dirIndex, IInArchive *archive); unsigned AddDir(unsigned dirIndex, int arcIndex, const UString &name); public: CObjectVector Dirs; // Dirs[0] - root CObjArray Files; // all items from archive in same order // returns index in Dirs[], or -1, int FindSubDir(unsigned dirIndex, const wchar_t *name) const; void GetDirPathParts(int dirIndex, UStringVector &pathParts) const; // returns full path of Dirs[dirIndex], including back slash UString GetDirPath_as_Prefix(int dirIndex) const; // AddRealIndices DOES ADD also item represented by dirIndex (if it's Leaf) void AddRealIndices(unsigned dirIndex, CUIntVector &realIndices) const; int GetRealIndex(unsigned dirIndex, unsigned index) const; void GetRealIndices(unsigned dirIndex, const UInt32 *indices, UInt32 numItems, CUIntVector &realIndices) const; HRESULT Load(const CArc &arc, IProgress *progress); }; // ---------- for Tree-mode archive ---------- struct CProxyFile2 { int DirIndex; // >= 0 for dir. (index in ProxyArchive2->Dirs) int AltDirIndex; // >= 0 if there are alt streams. (index in ProxyArchive2->Dirs) int Parent; // >= 0 if there is parent. (index in archive and in ProxyArchive2->Files) const wchar_t *Name; unsigned NameLen; bool NeedDeleteName; bool Ignore; bool IsAltStream; int GetDirIndex(bool forAltStreams) const { return forAltStreams ? AltDirIndex : DirIndex; } bool IsDir() const { return DirIndex >= 0; } CProxyFile2(): DirIndex(-1), AltDirIndex(-1), Parent(-1), Name(NULL), NameLen(0), NeedDeleteName(false), Ignore(false), IsAltStream(false) {} ~CProxyFile2() { if (NeedDeleteName) delete [](wchar_t *)Name; } }; struct CProxyDir2 { int ArcIndex; // = -1 for root folders, index in proxy->Files[] CRecordVector Items; UString PathPrefix; UInt64 Size; UInt64 PackSize; bool CrcIsDefined; UInt32 Crc; UInt32 NumSubDirs; UInt32 NumSubFiles; CProxyDir2(): ArcIndex(-1) {}; void AddFileSubItem(UInt32 index, const UString &name); void Clear(); }; const unsigned k_Proxy2_RootDirIndex = k_Proxy_RootDirIndex; const unsigned k_Proxy2_AltRootDirIndex = 1; const unsigned k_Proxy2_NumRootDirs = 2; class CProxyArc2 { void CalculateSizes(unsigned dirIndex, IInArchive *archive); // AddRealIndices_of_Dir DOES NOT ADD item itself represented by dirIndex void AddRealIndices_of_Dir(unsigned dirIndex, bool includeAltStreams, CUIntVector &realIndices) const; public: CObjectVector Dirs; // Dirs[0] - root folder // Dirs[1] - for alt streams of root dir CObjArray Files; // all items from archive in same order bool IsThere_SubDir(unsigned dirIndex, const UString &name) const; void GetDirPathParts(int dirIndex, UStringVector &pathParts, bool &isAltStreamDir) const; UString GetDirPath_as_Prefix(unsigned dirIndex, bool &isAltStreamDir) const; bool IsAltDir(unsigned dirIndex) const; // AddRealIndices_of_ArcItem DOES ADD item and subItems void AddRealIndices_of_ArcItem(unsigned arcIndex, bool includeAltStreams, CUIntVector &realIndices) const; unsigned GetRealIndex(unsigned dirIndex, unsigned index) const; void GetRealIndices(unsigned dirIndex, const UInt32 *indices, UInt32 numItems, bool includeAltStreams, CUIntVector &realIndices) const; HRESULT Load(const CArc &arc, IProgress *progress); int GetParentDirOfFile(UInt32 arcIndex) const { const CProxyFile2 &file = Files[arcIndex]; if (file.Parent < 0) return file.IsAltStream ? k_Proxy2_AltRootDirIndex : k_Proxy2_RootDirIndex; const CProxyFile2 &parentFile = Files[file.Parent]; return file.IsAltStream ? parentFile.AltDirIndex : parentFile.DirIndex; } int FindItem(unsigned dirIndex, const wchar_t *name, bool foldersOnly) const; }; #endif