// LzxDecoder.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include // #define SHOW_DEBUG_INFO #ifdef SHOW_DEBUG_INFO #include #define PRF(x) x #else #define PRF(x) #endif #include "../../../C/Alloc.h" #include "LzxDecoder.h" namespace NCompress { namespace NLzx { static void x86_Filter(Byte *data, UInt32 size, UInt32 processedSize, UInt32 translationSize) { const UInt32 kResidue = 10; if (size <= kResidue) return; size -= kResidue; Byte save = data[size + 4]; data[size + 4] = 0xE8; for (UInt32 i = 0;;) { const Byte *p = data + i; for (;;) { if (*p++ == 0xE8) break; if (*p++ == 0xE8) break; if (*p++ == 0xE8) break; if (*p++ == 0xE8) break; } i = (UInt32)(p - data); if (i > size) break; { Int32 v = GetUi32(p); Int32 pos = (Int32)((Int32)1 - (Int32)(processedSize + i)); i += 4; if (v >= pos && v < (Int32)translationSize) { v += (v >= 0 ? pos : translationSize); SetUi32(p, v); } } } data[size + 4] = save; } CDecoder::CDecoder(bool wimMode): _win(NULL), _keepHistory(false), _skipByte(false), _wimMode(wimMode), _numDictBits(15), _unpackBlockSize(0), _x86_buf(NULL), _x86_translationSize(0), KeepHistoryForNext(true), NeedAlloc(true), _unpackedData(NULL) { } CDecoder::~CDecoder() { if (NeedAlloc) ::MidFree(_win); ::MidFree(_x86_buf); } HRESULT CDecoder::Flush() { if (_x86_translationSize != 0) { Byte *destData = _win + _writePos; UInt32 curSize = _pos - _writePos; if (KeepHistoryForNext) { if (!_x86_buf) { // we must change it to support another chunk sizes const size_t kChunkSize = (size_t)1 << 15; if (curSize > kChunkSize) return E_NOTIMPL; _x86_buf = (Byte *)::MidAlloc(kChunkSize); if (!_x86_buf) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } memcpy(_x86_buf, destData, curSize); _unpackedData = _x86_buf; destData = _x86_buf; } x86_Filter(destData, (UInt32)curSize, _x86_processedSize, _x86_translationSize); _x86_processedSize += (UInt32)curSize; if (_x86_processedSize >= ((UInt32)1 << 30)) _x86_translationSize = 0; } return S_OK; } UInt32 CDecoder::ReadBits(unsigned numBits) { return _bitStream.ReadBitsSmall(numBits); } #define RIF(x) { if (!(x)) return false; } bool CDecoder::ReadTable(Byte *levels, unsigned numSymbols) { { Byte levels2[kLevelTableSize]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < kLevelTableSize; i++) levels2[i] = (Byte)ReadBits(kNumLevelBits); RIF(_levelDecoder.Build(levels2)); } unsigned i = 0; do { UInt32 sym = _levelDecoder.Decode(&_bitStream); if (sym <= kNumHuffmanBits) { int delta = (int)levels[i] - (int)sym; delta += (delta < 0) ? (kNumHuffmanBits + 1) : 0; levels[i++] = (Byte)delta; continue; } unsigned num; Byte symbol; if (sym < kLevelSym_Same) { sym -= kLevelSym_Zero1; num = kLevelSym_Zero1_Start + ((unsigned)sym << kLevelSym_Zero1_NumBits) + (unsigned)ReadBits(kLevelSym_Zero1_NumBits + sym); symbol = 0; } else if (sym == kLevelSym_Same) { num = kLevelSym_Same_Start + (unsigned)ReadBits(kLevelSym_Same_NumBits); sym = _levelDecoder.Decode(&_bitStream); if (sym > kNumHuffmanBits) return false; int delta = (int)levels[i] - (int)sym; delta += (delta < 0) ? (kNumHuffmanBits + 1) : 0; symbol = (Byte)delta; } else return false; unsigned limit = i + num; if (limit > numSymbols) return false; do levels[i++] = symbol; while (i < limit); } while (i < numSymbols); return true; } bool CDecoder::ReadTables(void) { { if (_skipByte) { if (_bitStream.DirectReadByte() != 0) return false; } _bitStream.NormalizeBig(); unsigned blockType = (unsigned)ReadBits(kBlockType_NumBits); if (blockType > kBlockType_Uncompressed) return false; _unpackBlockSize = (1 << 15); if (!_wimMode || ReadBits(1) == 0) { _unpackBlockSize = ReadBits(16); // wimlib supports chunks larger than 32KB (unsupported my MS wim). if (!_wimMode || _numDictBits >= 16) { _unpackBlockSize <<= 8; _unpackBlockSize |= ReadBits(8); } } PRF(printf("\nBlockSize = %6d %s ", _unpackBlockSize, (_pos & 1) ? "@@@" : " ")); _isUncompressedBlock = (blockType == kBlockType_Uncompressed); _skipByte = false; if (_isUncompressedBlock) { _skipByte = ((_unpackBlockSize & 1) != 0); PRF(printf(" UncompressedBlock ")); if (_unpackBlockSize & 1) { PRF(printf(" ######### ")); } if (!_bitStream.PrepareUncompressed()) return false; if (_bitStream.GetRem() < kNumReps * 4) return false; for (unsigned i = 0; i < kNumReps; i++) { UInt32 rep = _bitStream.ReadUInt32(); if (rep > _winSize) return false; _reps[i] = rep; } return true; } _numAlignBits = 64; if (blockType == kBlockType_Aligned) { Byte levels[kAlignTableSize]; _numAlignBits = kNumAlignBits; for (unsigned i = 0; i < kAlignTableSize; i++) levels[i] = (Byte)ReadBits(kNumAlignLevelBits); RIF(_alignDecoder.Build(levels)); } } RIF(ReadTable(_mainLevels, 256)); RIF(ReadTable(_mainLevels + 256, _numPosLenSlots)); unsigned end = 256 + _numPosLenSlots; memset(_mainLevels + end, 0, kMainTableSize - end); RIF(_mainDecoder.Build(_mainLevels)); RIF(ReadTable(_lenLevels, kNumLenSymbols)); return _lenDecoder.Build(_lenLevels); } HRESULT CDecoder::CodeSpec(UInt32 curSize) { if (!_keepHistory || !_isUncompressedBlock) _bitStream.NormalizeBig(); if (!_keepHistory) { _skipByte = false; _unpackBlockSize = 0; memset(_mainLevels, 0, kMainTableSize); memset(_lenLevels, 0, kNumLenSymbols); { _x86_translationSize = 12000000; if (!_wimMode) { _x86_translationSize = 0; if (ReadBits(1) != 0) { UInt32 v = ReadBits(16) << 16; v |= ReadBits(16); _x86_translationSize = v; } } _x86_processedSize = 0; } _reps[0] = 1; _reps[1] = 1; _reps[2] = 1; } while (curSize > 0) { if (_bitStream.WasExtraReadError_Fast()) return S_FALSE; if (_unpackBlockSize == 0) { if (!ReadTables()) return S_FALSE; continue; } UInt32 next = _unpackBlockSize; if (next > curSize) next = curSize; if (_isUncompressedBlock) { size_t rem = _bitStream.GetRem(); if (rem == 0) return S_FALSE; if (next > rem) next = (UInt32)rem; _bitStream.CopyTo(_win + _pos, next); _pos += next; curSize -= next; _unpackBlockSize -= next; /* we don't know where skipByte can be placed, if it's end of chunk: 1) in current chunk - there are such cab archives, if chunk is last 2) in next chunk - are there such archives ? */ if (_skipByte && _unpackBlockSize == 0 && curSize == 0 && _bitStream.IsOneDirectByteLeft()) { _skipByte = false; if (_bitStream.DirectReadByte() != 0) return S_FALSE; } continue; } curSize -= next; _unpackBlockSize -= next; Byte *win = _win; while (next > 0) { if (_bitStream.WasExtraReadError_Fast()) return S_FALSE; UInt32 sym = _mainDecoder.Decode(&_bitStream); if (sym < 256) { win[_pos++] = (Byte)sym; next--; continue; } { sym -= 256; if (sym >= _numPosLenSlots) return S_FALSE; UInt32 posSlot = sym / kNumLenSlots; UInt32 lenSlot = sym % kNumLenSlots; UInt32 len = kMatchMinLen + lenSlot; if (lenSlot == kNumLenSlots - 1) { UInt32 lenTemp = _lenDecoder.Decode(&_bitStream); if (lenTemp >= kNumLenSymbols) return S_FALSE; len = kMatchMinLen + kNumLenSlots - 1 + lenTemp; } UInt32 dist; if (posSlot < kNumReps) { dist = _reps[posSlot]; _reps[posSlot] = _reps[0]; _reps[0] = dist; } else { unsigned numDirectBits; if (posSlot < kNumPowerPosSlots) { numDirectBits = (unsigned)(posSlot >> 1) - 1; dist = ((2 | (posSlot & 1)) << numDirectBits); } else { numDirectBits = kNumLinearPosSlotBits; dist = ((posSlot - 0x22) << kNumLinearPosSlotBits); } if (numDirectBits >= _numAlignBits) { dist += (_bitStream.ReadBitsSmall(numDirectBits - kNumAlignBits) << kNumAlignBits); UInt32 alignTemp = _alignDecoder.Decode(&_bitStream); if (alignTemp >= kAlignTableSize) return S_FALSE; dist += alignTemp; } else dist += _bitStream.ReadBitsBig(numDirectBits); dist -= kNumReps - 1; _reps[2] = _reps[1]; _reps[1] = _reps[0]; _reps[0] = dist; } if (len > next) return S_FALSE; if (dist > _pos && !_overDict) return S_FALSE; Byte *dest = win + _pos; const UInt32 mask = (_winSize - 1); UInt32 srcPos = (_pos - dist) & mask; next -= len; if (len > _winSize - srcPos) { _pos += len; do { *dest++ = win[srcPos++]; srcPos &= mask; } while (--len); } else { ptrdiff_t src = (ptrdiff_t)srcPos - (ptrdiff_t)_pos; _pos += len; const Byte *lim = dest + len; *(dest) = *(dest + src); dest++; do *(dest) = *(dest + src); while (++dest != lim); } } } } if (!_bitStream.WasFinishedOK()) return S_FALSE; return S_OK; } HRESULT CDecoder::Code(const Byte *inData, size_t inSize, UInt32 outSize) { if (!_keepHistory) { _pos = 0; _overDict = false; } else if (_pos == _winSize) { _pos = 0; _overDict = true; } _writePos = _pos; _unpackedData = _win + _pos; if (outSize > _winSize - _pos) return S_FALSE; PRF(printf("\ninSize = %d", inSize)); if ((inSize & 1) != 0) { PRF(printf(" ---------")); } if (inSize < 1) return S_FALSE; _bitStream.Init(inData, inSize); HRESULT res = CodeSpec(outSize); HRESULT res2 = Flush(); return (res == S_OK ? res2 : res); } HRESULT CDecoder::SetParams2(unsigned numDictBits) { _numDictBits = numDictBits; if (numDictBits < kNumDictBits_Min || numDictBits > kNumDictBits_Max) return E_INVALIDARG; unsigned numPosSlots = (numDictBits < 20) ? numDictBits * 2 : 34 + ((unsigned)1 << (numDictBits - 17)); _numPosLenSlots = numPosSlots * kNumLenSlots; return S_OK; } HRESULT CDecoder::SetParams_and_Alloc(unsigned numDictBits) { RINOK(SetParams2(numDictBits)); UInt32 newWinSize = (UInt32)1 << numDictBits; if (NeedAlloc) { if (!_win || newWinSize != _winSize) { ::MidFree(_win); _winSize = 0; _win = (Byte *)::MidAlloc(newWinSize); if (!_win) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } _winSize = (UInt32)newWinSize; return S_OK; } }}