// App.h #ifndef __APP_H #define __APP_H // #include "../../../Windows/Control/CommandBar.h" // #include "../../../Windows/Control/ImageList.h" #include "AppState.h" #include "Panel.h" class CApp; extern CApp g_App; extern HWND g_HWND; const int kNumPanelsMax = 2; extern bool g_IsSmallScreen; const int kMenuCmdID_Plugin_Start = 10000; // must be large them context menu IDs and above all IDM_ABOUT const int kMenuCmdID_Toolbar_Start = 15000; enum { kMenuCmdID_Toolbar_Add = kMenuCmdID_Toolbar_Start, kMenuCmdID_Toolbar_Extract, kMenuCmdID_Toolbar_Test, kMenuCmdID_Toolbar_End }; class CPanelCallbackImp: public CPanelCallback { CApp *_app; int _index; public: void Init(CApp *app, int index) { _app = app; _index = index; } virtual void OnTab(); virtual void SetFocusToPath(int index); virtual void OnCopy(bool move, bool copyToSame); virtual void OnSetSameFolder(); virtual void OnSetSubFolder(); virtual void PanelWasFocused(); virtual void DragBegin(); virtual void DragEnd(); virtual void RefreshTitle(bool always); }; class CApp; #ifdef _WIN32 class CDropTarget: public IDropTarget, public CMyUnknownImp { CMyComPtr m_DataObject; UStringVector m_SourcePaths; int m_SelectionIndex; bool m_DropIsAllowed; // = true, if data contain fillist bool m_PanelDropIsAllowed; // = false, if current target_panel is source_panel. // check it only if m_DropIsAllowed == true int m_SubFolderIndex; UString m_SubFolderName; CPanel *m_Panel; bool m_IsAppTarget; // true, if we want to drop to app window (not to panel). bool m_SetPathIsOK; bool IsItSameDrive() const; void QueryGetData(IDataObject *dataObject); bool IsFsFolderPath() const; DWORD GetEffect(DWORD keyState, POINTL pt, DWORD allowedEffect); void RemoveSelection(); void PositionCursor(POINTL ptl); UString GetTargetPath() const; bool SetPath(bool enablePath) const; bool SetPath(); public: MY_UNKNOWN_IMP1_MT(IDropTarget) STDMETHOD(DragEnter)(IDataObject * dataObject, DWORD keyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *effect); STDMETHOD(DragOver)(DWORD keyState, POINTL pt, DWORD * effect); STDMETHOD(DragLeave)(); STDMETHOD(Drop)(IDataObject * dataObject, DWORD keyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *effect); CDropTarget(): TargetPanelIndex(-1), SrcPanelIndex(-1), m_IsAppTarget(false), m_Panel(0), App(0), m_PanelDropIsAllowed(false), m_DropIsAllowed(false), m_SelectionIndex(-1), m_SubFolderIndex(-1), m_SetPathIsOK(false) {} CApp *App; int SrcPanelIndex; // index of D&D source_panel int TargetPanelIndex; // what panel to use as target_panel of Application }; #endif class CApp { public: NWindows::CWindow _window; bool ShowSystemMenu; // bool ShowDeletedFiles; int NumPanels; int LastFocusedPanel; bool ShowStandardToolbar; bool ShowArchiveToolbar; bool ShowButtonsLables; bool LargeButtons; CAppState AppState; CPanelCallbackImp m_PanelCallbackImp[kNumPanelsMax]; CPanel Panels[kNumPanelsMax]; bool PanelsCreated[kNumPanelsMax]; #ifdef _WIN32 NWindows::NControl::CImageList _buttonsImageList; #ifdef UNDER_CE NWindows::NControl::CCommandBar _commandBar; #endif NWindows::NControl::CToolBar _toolBar; CDropTarget *_dropTargetSpec; CMyComPtr _dropTarget; #endif UString LangString_N_SELECTED_ITEMS; void ReloadLang(); CApp(): _window(0), NumPanels(2), LastFocusedPanel(0), AutoRefresh_Mode(true) { SetPanels_AutoRefresh_Mode(); } #ifdef _WIN32 void CreateDragTarget() { _dropTargetSpec = new CDropTarget(); _dropTarget = _dropTargetSpec; _dropTargetSpec->App = (this); } #endif void SetFocusedPanel(int index) { LastFocusedPanel = index; // FIXME _dropTargetSpec->TargetPanelIndex = LastFocusedPanel; } #ifdef _WIN32 void DragBegin(int panelIndex) { _dropTargetSpec->TargetPanelIndex = (NumPanels > 1) ? 1 - panelIndex : panelIndex; _dropTargetSpec->SrcPanelIndex = panelIndex; } void DragEnd() { _dropTargetSpec->TargetPanelIndex = LastFocusedPanel; _dropTargetSpec->SrcPanelIndex = -1; } #endif void OnCopy(bool move, bool copyToSame, int srcPanelIndex); void OnSetSameFolder(int srcPanelIndex); void OnSetSubFolder(int srcPanelIndex); HRESULT CreateOnePanel(int panelIndex, const UString &mainPath, const UString &arcFormat, bool &archiveIsOpened, bool &encrypted); HRESULT Create(HWND hwnd, const UString &mainPath, const UString &arcFormat, int xSizes[2], bool &archiveIsOpened, bool &encrypted); void Read(); void Save(); void Release(); // void SetFocus(int panelIndex) { Panels[panelIndex].SetFocusToList(); } // FIXME void SetFocusToLastItem() { Panels[LastFocusedPanel].SetFocusToLastRememberedItem(); } int GetFocusedPanelIndex() const { return LastFocusedPanel; } bool IsPanelVisible(int index) const { return (NumPanels > 1 || index == LastFocusedPanel); } CPanel &GetFocusedPanel() { return Panels[GetFocusedPanelIndex()]; } // File Menu void OpenItem() { GetFocusedPanel().OpenSelectedItems(true); } void OpenItemInside(const wchar_t *type) { GetFocusedPanel().OpenFocusedItemAsInternal(type); } void OpenItemOutside() { GetFocusedPanel().OpenSelectedItems(false); } void EditItem(bool useEditor) { GetFocusedPanel().EditItem(useEditor); } void Rename() { GetFocusedPanel().RenameFile(); } void CopyTo() { OnCopy(false, false, GetFocusedPanelIndex()); } void MoveTo() { OnCopy(true, false, GetFocusedPanelIndex()); } void Delete(bool toRecycleBin) { GetFocusedPanel().DeleteItems(toRecycleBin); } HRESULT CalculateCrc2(const UString &methodName); void CalculateCrc(const UString &methodName); void DiffFiles(); void Split(); void Combine(); void Properties() { GetFocusedPanel().Properties(); } void Comment() { GetFocusedPanel().ChangeComment(); } #ifndef UNDER_CE void Link(); void OpenAltStreams() { GetFocusedPanel().OpenAltStreams(); } #endif void CreateFolder() { GetFocusedPanel().CreateFolder(); } void CreateFile() { GetFocusedPanel().CreateFile(); } // Edit void EditCut() { GetFocusedPanel().EditCut(); } void EditCopy() { GetFocusedPanel().EditCopy(); } void EditPaste() { GetFocusedPanel().EditPaste(); } void SelectAll(bool selectMode) { GetFocusedPanel().SelectAll(selectMode); } void InvertSelection() { GetFocusedPanel().InvertSelection(); } void SelectSpec(bool selectMode) { GetFocusedPanel().SelectSpec(selectMode); } void SelectByType(bool selectMode) { GetFocusedPanel().SelectByType(selectMode); } void Refresh_StatusBar() { /* FIXME GetFocusedPanel().Refresh_StatusBar() */ ; } void SetListViewMode(UInt32 index) { GetFocusedPanel().SetListViewMode(index); } UInt32 GetListViewMode() { return GetFocusedPanel().GetListViewMode(); } PROPID GetSortID() { return GetFocusedPanel().GetSortID(); } void SortItemsWithPropID(PROPID propID) { GetFocusedPanel().SortItemsWithPropID(propID); } void OpenRootFolder() { GetFocusedPanel().OpenDrivesFolder(); } void OpenParentFolder() { GetFocusedPanel().OpenParentFolder(); } void FoldersHistory() { GetFocusedPanel().FoldersHistory(); } void RefreshView() { GetFocusedPanel().OnReload(); } void RefreshAllPanels() { for (int i = 0; i < NumPanels; i++) { int index = i; if (NumPanels == 1) index = LastFocusedPanel; Panels[index].OnReload(); } } /* void SysIconsWereChanged() { for (int i = 0; i < NumPanels; i++) { int index = i; if (NumPanels == 1) index = LastFocusedPanel; Panels[index].SysIconsWereChanged(); } } */ void SetListSettings(); void SetShowSystemMenu(); HRESULT SwitchOnOffOnePanel(); bool GetFlatMode() { return Panels[LastFocusedPanel].GetFlatMode(); } // bool Get_ShowNtfsStrems_Mode() { return Panels[LastFocusedPanel].Get_ShowNtfsStrems_Mode(); } void ChangeFlatMode() { Panels[LastFocusedPanel].ChangeFlatMode(); } // void Change_ShowNtfsStrems_Mode() { Panels[LastFocusedPanel].Change_ShowNtfsStrems_Mode(); } // void Change_ShowDeleted() { ShowDeletedFiles = !ShowDeletedFiles; } bool AutoRefresh_Mode; bool Get_AutoRefresh_Mode() { // return Panels[LastFocusedPanel].Get_ShowNtfsStrems_Mode(); return AutoRefresh_Mode; } void Change_AutoRefresh_Mode() { AutoRefresh_Mode = !AutoRefresh_Mode; SetPanels_AutoRefresh_Mode(); } void SetPanels_AutoRefresh_Mode() { for (int i = 0; i < kNumPanelsMax; i++) Panels[i].Set_AutoRefresh_Mode(AutoRefresh_Mode); } void OpenBookmark(int index) { GetFocusedPanel().OpenBookmark(index); } void SetBookmark(int index) { GetFocusedPanel().SetBookmark(index); } void ReloadToolbars(); void ReadToolbar() { UInt32 mask = ReadToolbarsMask(); if (mask & ((UInt32)1 << 31)) { ShowButtonsLables = !g_IsSmallScreen; LargeButtons = false; ShowStandardToolbar = ShowArchiveToolbar = true; } else { ShowButtonsLables = ((mask & 1) != 0); LargeButtons = ((mask & 2) != 0); ShowStandardToolbar = ((mask & 4) != 0); ShowArchiveToolbar = ((mask & 8) != 0); } } void SaveToolbar() { UInt32 mask = 0; if (ShowButtonsLables) mask |= 1; if (LargeButtons) mask |= 2; if (ShowStandardToolbar) mask |= 4; if (ShowArchiveToolbar) mask |= 8; SaveToolbarsMask(mask); } void SaveToolbarChanges(); void SwitchStandardToolbar() { ShowStandardToolbar = !ShowStandardToolbar; SaveToolbarChanges(); } void SwitchArchiveToolbar() { ShowArchiveToolbar = !ShowArchiveToolbar; SaveToolbarChanges(); } void SwitchButtonsLables() { ShowButtonsLables = !ShowButtonsLables; SaveToolbarChanges(); } void SwitchLargeButtons() { LargeButtons = !LargeButtons; SaveToolbarChanges(); } void AddToArchive() { GetFocusedPanel().AddToArchive(); } void ExtractArchives() { GetFocusedPanel().ExtractArchives(); } void TestArchives() { GetFocusedPanel().TestArchives(); } // void OnNotify(int ctrlID, LPNMHDR pnmh); UString PrevTitle; void RefreshTitle(bool always = false); void RefreshTitleAlways() { RefreshTitle(true); } void RefreshTitle(int panelIndex, bool always = false); void MoveSubWindows(); }; #endif