// Windows/DLL.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #ifdef __APPLE_CC__ #include #elif ENV_BEOS #include #include #else #define UINT64 DLL_UINT64 // HP-UX , dlfcn.h defines UINT64 but p7zip also defines UINT64 #include // dlopen ... #undef UINT64 #endif #include "DLL.h" #include "Defs.h" #ifdef _UNICODE #include "../Common/StringConvert.h" #endif #define NEED_NAME_WINDOWS_TO_UNIX #include "myPrivate.h" // #define TRACEN(u) u; #define TRACEN(u) /* */ namespace NWindows { namespace NDLL { bool CLibrary::Free() { TRACEN((printf("CLibrary::Free(this=%p,%p)\n",(void *)this,(void *)_module))) if (_module == 0) return true; #ifdef __APPLE_CC__ int ret = NSUnLinkModule ((NSModule)_module, 0); #elif ENV_BEOS int ret = unload_add_on((image_id)_module); #else int ret = dlclose(_module); #endif TRACEN((printf("CLibrary::Free dlclose(%p)=%d\n",(void *)_module,ret))) if (ret != 0) return false; _module = 0; return true; } static FARPROC local_GetProcAddress(HMODULE module,LPCSTR lpProcName) { void *ptr = 0; TRACEN((printf("local_GetProcAddress(%p,%s)\n",(void *)module,lpProcName))) if (module) { #ifdef __APPLE_CC__ char name[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; snprintf(name,sizeof(name),"_%s",lpProcName); name[sizeof(name)-1] = 0; TRACEN((printf("NSLookupSymbolInModule(%p,%s)\n",(void *)module,name))) NSSymbol sym; sym = NSLookupSymbolInModule((NSModule)module, name); if (sym) { ptr = NSAddressOfSymbol(sym); } else { ptr = 0; } #elif ENV_BEOS if (get_image_symbol((image_id)module, lpProcName, B_SYMBOL_TYPE_TEXT, &ptr) != B_OK) ptr = 0; #else ptr = dlsym (module, lpProcName); #endif TRACEN((printf("CLibrary::GetProc : dlsym(%p,%s)=%p\n",(void *)module,lpProcName,ptr))) } return (FARPROC)ptr; } FARPROC CLibrary::GetProc(LPCSTR lpProcName) const { TRACEN((printf("CLibrary::GetProc(%p,%s)\n",(void *)_module,lpProcName))) return local_GetProcAddress(_module,lpProcName); } bool CLibrary::Load(LPCTSTR lpLibFileName) { if(!Free()) return false; void *handler = 0; char name[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN+1]; #ifdef _UNICODE AString name2 = UnicodeStringToMultiByte(lpLibFileName); strcpy(name,nameWindowToUnix((const char *)name2)); #else strcpy(name,nameWindowToUnix(lpLibFileName)); #endif // replace ".dll" with ".so" size_t len = strlen(name); if ((len >=4) && (strcmp(name+len-4,".dll") == 0)) { strcpy(name+len-4,".so"); } TRACEN((printf("CLibrary::Load(this=%p,%ls) => %s\n",(void *)this,lpLibFileName,name))) #ifdef __APPLE_CC__ NSObjectFileImage image; NSObjectFileImageReturnCode nsret; nsret = NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile (name, &image); if (nsret == NSObjectFileImageSuccess) { TRACEN((printf("NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile(%s) : OK\n",name))) handler = (HMODULE)NSLinkModule(image,name,NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_RETURN_ON_ERROR | NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_PRIVATE | NSLINKMODULE_OPTION_BINDNOW); } else { TRACEN((printf("NSCreateObjectFileImageFromFile(%s) : ERROR\n",name))) } #elif ENV_BEOS // normalize path (remove things like "./", "..", etc..), otherwise it won't work BPath p(name, NULL, true); status_t err = B_OK; image_id image = load_add_on(p.Path()); TRACEN((printf("load_add_on(%s)=%d\n",p.Path(),(int)image))) if (image < 0) { err = (image_id)handler; handler = 0; } else { err = 0; handler = (HMODULE)image; } #else int options_dlopen = 0; #ifdef RTLD_LOCAL options_dlopen |= RTLD_LOCAL; #endif #ifdef RTLD_NOW options_dlopen |= RTLD_NOW; #endif #ifdef RTLD_GROUP #if ! (defined(hpux) || defined(__hpux)) options_dlopen |= RTLD_GROUP; // mainly for solaris but not for HPUX #endif #endif TRACEN((printf("CLibrary::Load - dlopen(%s,0x%d)\n",name,options_dlopen))) handler = dlopen(name,options_dlopen); #endif // __APPLE_CC__ TRACEN((printf("CLibrary::Load(%s) => %p\n",name,handler))) if (handler) { // Call DllMain() like in Windows : useless now // Propagate the value of global_use_utf16_conversion into the plugins int *tmp = (int *)local_GetProcAddress(handler,"global_use_utf16_conversion"); if (tmp) *tmp = global_use_utf16_conversion; #ifdef ENV_HAVE_LSTAT tmp = (int *)local_GetProcAddress(handler,"global_use_lstat"); if (tmp) *tmp = global_use_lstat; #endif // test construtors calls void (*fctTest)(void) = (void (*)(void))local_GetProcAddress(handler,"sync_TestConstructor"); if (fctTest) fctTest(); } else { #ifdef __APPLE_CC__ NSLinkEditErrors c; int num_err; const char *file,*err; NSLinkEditError(&c,&num_err,&file,&err); printf("Can't load '%ls' (%s)\n", lpLibFileName,err); #elif ENV_BEOS printf("Can't load '%ls' (%s)\n", lpLibFileName,strerror(err)); #else printf("Can't load '%ls' (%s)\n", lpLibFileName,dlerror()); #endif } _module = handler; TRACEN((printf("CLibrary::Load(this=%p,%ls) => _module=%p\n",(void *)this,lpLibFileName,_module))) return true; } }}