// ProgressDialog2.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "../../../Common/IntToString.h" #include "../../../Common/StringConvert.h" #include "../../../Windows/Control/Static.h" #include "../../../Windows/ErrorMsg.h" #include "../GUI/ExtractRes.h" #include "LangUtils.h" #include "DialogSize.h" #include "ProgressDialog2.h" #include "ProgressDialog2Res.h" using namespace NWindows; extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance; static const UINT_PTR kTimerID = 3; static const UINT kCloseMessage = WM_APP + 1; // we can't use WM_USER, since WM_USER can be used by standard Windows procedure for Dialog static const UINT kTimerElapse = #ifdef UNDER_CE 500 #else 200 #endif ; static const UINT kCreateDelay = #ifdef UNDER_CE 2500 #else 500 #endif ; static const DWORD kPauseSleepTime = 100; #ifdef LANG static const UInt32 kLangIDs[] = { IDT_PROGRESS_ELAPSED, IDT_PROGRESS_REMAINING, IDT_PROGRESS_TOTAL, IDT_PROGRESS_SPEED, IDT_PROGRESS_PROCESSED, IDT_PROGRESS_RATIO, IDT_PROGRESS_ERRORS, IDB_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND, IDB_PAUSE }; static const UInt32 kLangIDs_Colon[] = { IDT_PROGRESS_PACKED, IDT_PROGRESS_FILES }; #endif #define UNDEFINED_VAL ((UInt64)(Int64)-1) #define INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(v) v = UNDEFINED_VAL; #define IS_UNDEFINED_VAL(v) ((v) == UNDEFINED_VAL) #define IS_DEFINED_VAL(v) ((v) != UNDEFINED_VAL) CProgressSync::CProgressSync(): _stopped(false), _paused(false), _bytesProgressMode(true), _totalBytes(UNDEFINED_VAL), _completedBytes(0), _totalFiles(UNDEFINED_VAL), _curFiles(0), _inSize(UNDEFINED_VAL), _outSize(UNDEFINED_VAL), _isDir(false) {} #define CHECK_STOP if (_stopped) return E_ABORT; if (!_paused) return S_OK; #define CRITICAL_LOCK NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(_cs); bool CProgressSync::Get_Paused() { CRITICAL_LOCK return _paused; } HRESULT CProgressSync::CheckStop() { for (;;) { { CRITICAL_LOCK CHECK_STOP } ::Sleep(kPauseSleepTime); } } HRESULT CProgressSync::ScanProgress(UInt64 numFiles, UInt64 totalSize, const FString &fileName, bool isDir) { { CRITICAL_LOCK _totalFiles = numFiles; _totalBytes = totalSize; _filePath = fs2us(fileName); _isDir = isDir; // _completedBytes = 0; CHECK_STOP } return CheckStop(); } HRESULT CProgressSync::Set_NumFilesTotal(UInt64 val) { { CRITICAL_LOCK _totalFiles = val; CHECK_STOP } return CheckStop(); } void CProgressSync::Set_NumBytesTotal(UInt64 val) { CRITICAL_LOCK _totalBytes = val; } void CProgressSync::Set_NumFilesCur(UInt64 val) { CRITICAL_LOCK _curFiles = val; } HRESULT CProgressSync::Set_NumBytesCur(const UInt64 *val) { { CRITICAL_LOCK if (val) _completedBytes = *val; CHECK_STOP } return CheckStop(); } HRESULT CProgressSync::Set_NumBytesCur(UInt64 val) { { CRITICAL_LOCK _completedBytes = val; CHECK_STOP } return CheckStop(); } void CProgressSync::Set_Ratio(const UInt64 *inSize, const UInt64 *outSize) { CRITICAL_LOCK if (inSize) _inSize = *inSize; if (outSize) _outSize = *outSize; } void CProgressSync::Set_TitleFileName(const UString &fileName) { CRITICAL_LOCK _titleFileName = fileName; } void CProgressSync::Set_Status(const UString &s) { CRITICAL_LOCK _status = s; } HRESULT CProgressSync::Set_Status2(const UString &s, const wchar_t *path, bool isDir) { { CRITICAL_LOCK _status = s; if (path) _filePath = path; else _filePath.Empty(); _isDir = isDir; } return CheckStop(); } void CProgressSync::Set_FilePath(const wchar_t *path, bool isDir) { CRITICAL_LOCK if (path) _filePath = path; else _filePath.Empty(); _isDir = isDir; } void CProgressSync::AddError_Message(const wchar_t *message) { CRITICAL_LOCK Messages.Add(message); } void CProgressSync::AddError_Message_Name(const wchar_t *message, const wchar_t *name) { UString s; if (name && *name != 0) s += name; if (message && *message != 0 ) { if (!s.IsEmpty()) s.Add_LF(); s += message; if (!s.IsEmpty() && s.Back() == L'\n') s.DeleteBack(); } AddError_Message(s); } void CProgressSync::AddError_Code_Name(DWORD systemError, const wchar_t *name) { UString s = NError::MyFormatMessage(systemError); if (systemError == 0) s = L"Error"; AddError_Message_Name(s, name); } CProgressDialog::CProgressDialog(): _timer(0), CompressingMode(true), MainWindow(0) { _isDir = false; _numMessages = 0; IconID = -1; MessagesDisplayed = false; _wasCreated = false; _needClose = false; _inCancelMessageBox = false; _externalCloseMessageWasReceived = false; _numPostedMessages = 0; _numAutoSizeMessages = 0; _errorsWereDisplayed = false; _waitCloseByCancelButton = false; _cancelWasPressed = false; ShowCompressionInfo = true; // FIXME not supported WaitMode = false; if (_dialogCreatedEvent.Create() != S_OK) throw 1334987; if (_createDialogEvent.Create() != S_OK) throw 1334987; #ifdef __ITaskbarList3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TaskbarList, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITaskbarList3, (void**)&_taskbarList); if (_taskbarList) _taskbarList->HrInit(); #endif } #ifndef _SFX CProgressDialog::~CProgressDialog() { #ifdef __ITaskbarList3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ SetTaskbarProgressState(TBPF_NOPROGRESS); #endif AddToTitle(L""); } void CProgressDialog::AddToTitle(LPCWSTR s) { if (MainWindow != 0) { CWindow window(MainWindow); window.SetText((UString)s + MainTitle); } } #endif void CProgressDialog::SetTaskbarProgressState() { #ifdef __ITaskbarList3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (_taskbarList && _hwndForTaskbar) { TBPFLAG tbpFlags; if (Sync.Get_Paused()) tbpFlags = TBPF_PAUSED; else tbpFlags = _errorsWereDisplayed ? TBPF_ERROR: TBPF_NORMAL; SetTaskbarProgressState(tbpFlags); } #endif } static const unsigned kTitleFileNameSizeLimit = 36; static const unsigned kCurrentFileNameSizeLimit = 82; static void ReduceString(UString &s, unsigned size) { if (s.Len() <= size) return; s.Delete(size / 2, s.Len() - size); s.Insert(size / 2, L" ... "); } void CProgressDialog::EnableErrorsControls(bool enable) { ShowItem_Bool(IDT_PROGRESS_ERRORS, enable); ShowItem_Bool(IDT_PROGRESS_ERRORS_VAL, enable); ShowItem_Bool(IDL_PROGRESS_MESSAGES, enable); } bool CProgressDialog::OnInit() { #ifdef _WIN32 _hwndForTaskbar = MainWindow; if (!_hwndForTaskbar) _hwndForTaskbar = GetParent(); if (!_hwndForTaskbar) _hwndForTaskbar = *this; #endif INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_progressBar_Range); INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_progressBar_Pos); INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_prevPercentValue); INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_prevElapsedSec); INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_prevRemainingSec); INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_prevSpeed); _prevSpeed_MoveBits = 0; _prevTime = ::GetTickCount(); _elapsedTime = 0; INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_totalBytes_Prev); INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_processed_Prev); INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_packed_Prev); INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_ratio_Prev); _filesStr_Prev.Empty(); _foreground = true; m_ProgressBar.Attach(GetItem(IDC_PROGRESS1)); // FIXME _messageList.Attach(GetItem(IDL_PROGRESS_MESSAGES)); // FIXME _messageList.SetUnicodeFormat(); _wasCreated = true; _dialogCreatedEvent.Set(); #ifdef LANG LangSetDlgItems(*this, kLangIDs, ARRAY_SIZE(kLangIDs)); LangSetDlgItems_Colon(*this, kLangIDs_Colon, ARRAY_SIZE(kLangIDs_Colon)); #endif CWindow window(GetItem(IDB_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND)); window.GetText(_background_String); _backgrounded_String = _background_String; _backgrounded_String.RemoveChar(L'&'); window = GetItem(IDB_PAUSE); window.GetText(_pause_String); LangString(IDS_PROGRESS_FOREGROUND, _foreground_String); LangString(IDS_CONTINUE, _continue_String); LangString(IDS_PROGRESS_PAUSED, _paused_String); SetText(_title); SetPauseText(); SetPriorityText(); // FIXME _messageList.InsertColumn(0, L"", 30); // FIXME _messageList.InsertColumn(1, L"", 600); // FIXME _messageList.SetColumnWidthAuto(0); // FIXME _messageList.SetColumnWidthAuto(1); EnableErrorsControls(false); // FIXME GetItemSizes(IDCANCEL, _buttonSizeX, _buttonSizeY); _numReduceSymbols = kCurrentFileNameSizeLimit; NormalizeSize(true); if (!ShowCompressionInfo) { HideItem(IDT_PROGRESS_PACKED); HideItem(IDT_PROGRESS_PACKED_VAL); HideItem(IDT_PROGRESS_RATIO); HideItem(IDT_PROGRESS_RATIO_VAL); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (IconID >= 0) { HICON icon = LoadIcon(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IconID)); // SetIcon(ICON_SMALL, icon); SetIcon(ICON_BIG, icon); } #endif _timer = SetTimer(kTimerID, kTimerElapse); #ifdef UNDER_CE Foreground(); #endif CheckNeedClose(); SetTaskbarProgressState(); return CModalDialog::OnInit(); } static const UINT kIDs[] = { IDT_PROGRESS_ELAPSED, IDT_PROGRESS_ELAPSED_VAL, IDT_PROGRESS_REMAINING, IDT_PROGRESS_REMAINING_VAL, IDT_PROGRESS_FILES, IDT_PROGRESS_FILES_VAL, IDT_PROGRESS_RATIO, IDT_PROGRESS_RATIO_VAL, IDT_PROGRESS_ERRORS, IDT_PROGRESS_ERRORS_VAL, IDT_PROGRESS_TOTAL, IDT_PROGRESS_TOTAL_VAL, IDT_PROGRESS_SPEED, IDT_PROGRESS_SPEED_VAL, IDT_PROGRESS_PROCESSED, IDT_PROGRESS_PROCESSED_VAL, IDT_PROGRESS_PACKED, IDT_PROGRESS_PACKED_VAL }; bool CProgressDialog::OnSize(WPARAM /* wParam */, int xSize, int ySize) { #ifdef _WIN32 int sY; int sStep; int mx, my; { RECT r; GetClientRectOfItem(IDT_PROGRESS_ELAPSED, r); mx = r.left; my = r.top; sY = RECT_SIZE_Y(r); GetClientRectOfItem(IDT_PROGRESS_REMAINING, r); sStep = r.top - my; } InvalidateRect(NULL); int xSizeClient = xSize - mx * 2; { int i; for (i = 800; i > 40; i = i * 9 / 10) if (Units_To_Pixels_X(i) <= xSizeClient) break; _numReduceSymbols = i / 4; } int yPos = ySize - my - _buttonSizeY; ChangeSubWindowSizeX(GetItem(IDT_PROGRESS_STATUS), xSize - mx * 2); ChangeSubWindowSizeX(GetItem(IDT_PROGRESS_FILE_NAME), xSize - mx * 2); ChangeSubWindowSizeX(GetItem(IDC_PROGRESS1), xSize - mx * 2); int bSizeX = _buttonSizeX; int mx2 = mx; for (;; mx2--) { int bSize2 = bSizeX * 3 + mx2 * 2; if (bSize2 <= xSizeClient) break; if (mx2 < 5) { bSizeX = (xSizeClient - mx2 * 2) / 3; break; } } if (bSizeX < 2) bSizeX = 2; { RECT r; GetClientRectOfItem(IDL_PROGRESS_MESSAGES, r); int y = r.top; int ySize2 = yPos - my - y; const int kMinYSize = _buttonSizeY + _buttonSizeY * 3 / 4; int xx = xSize - mx * 2; if (ySize2 < kMinYSize) { ySize2 = kMinYSize; if (xx > bSizeX * 2) xx -= bSizeX; } _messageList.Move(mx, y, xx, ySize2); } { int xPos = xSize - mx; xPos -= bSizeX; MoveItem(IDCANCEL, xPos, yPos, bSizeX, _buttonSizeY); xPos -= (mx2 + bSizeX); MoveItem(IDB_PAUSE, xPos, yPos, bSizeX, _buttonSizeY); xPos -= (mx2 + bSizeX); MoveItem(IDB_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND, xPos, yPos, bSizeX, _buttonSizeY); } int valueSize; int labelSize; int padSize; labelSize = Units_To_Pixels_X(MY_PROGRESS_LABEL_UNITS_MIN); valueSize = Units_To_Pixels_X(MY_PROGRESS_VAL_UNITS); padSize = Units_To_Pixels_X(MY_PROGRESS_PAD_UNITS); int requiredSize = (labelSize + valueSize) * 2 + padSize; int gSize; { if (requiredSize < xSizeClient) { int incr = (xSizeClient - requiredSize) / 3; labelSize += incr; } else labelSize = (xSizeClient - valueSize * 2 - padSize) / 2; if (labelSize < 0) labelSize = 0; gSize = labelSize + valueSize; padSize = xSizeClient - gSize * 2; } labelSize = gSize - valueSize; yPos = my; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(kIDs); i += 2) { int x = mx; const int kNumColumn1Items = 5 * 2; if (i >= kNumColumn1Items) { if (i == kNumColumn1Items) yPos = my; x = mx + gSize + padSize; } MoveItem(kIDs[i], x, yPos, labelSize, sY); MoveItem(kIDs[i + 1], x + labelSize, yPos, valueSize, sY); yPos += sStep; } #endif return false; } void CProgressDialog::OnCancel() { Sync.Set_Stopped(true); } void CProgressDialog::OnOK() { } void CProgressDialog::SetProgressRange(UInt64 range) { if (range == _progressBar_Range) return; _progressBar_Range = range; INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_progressBar_Pos); _progressConv.Init(range); m_ProgressBar.SetRange32(0, _progressConv.Count(range)); } void CProgressDialog::SetProgressPos(UInt64 pos) { if (pos >= _progressBar_Range || pos <= _progressBar_Pos || pos - _progressBar_Pos >= (_progressBar_Range >> 10)) { m_ProgressBar.SetPos(_progressConv.Count(pos)); #ifdef __ITaskbarList3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ if (_taskbarList && _hwndForTaskbar) _taskbarList->SetProgressValue(_hwndForTaskbar, pos, _progressBar_Range); #endif _progressBar_Pos = pos; } } #define UINT_TO_STR_2(val) { s[0] = (wchar_t)('0' + (val) / 10); s[1] = (wchar_t)('0' + (val) % 10); s += 2; } void GetTimeString(UInt64 timeValue, wchar_t *s) { UInt64 hours = timeValue / 3600; UInt32 seconds = (UInt32)(timeValue - hours * 3600); UInt32 minutes = seconds / 60; seconds %= 60; if (hours > 99) { ConvertUInt64ToString(hours, s); for (; *s != 0; s++); } else { UInt32 hours32 = (UInt32)hours; UINT_TO_STR_2(hours32); } *s++ = ':'; UINT_TO_STR_2(minutes); *s++ = ':'; UINT_TO_STR_2(seconds); *s = 0; } static void ConvertSizeToString(UInt64 v, wchar_t *s) { Byte c = 0; if (v >= ((UInt64)100000 << 20)) { v >>= 30; c = 'G'; } else if (v >= ((UInt64)100000 << 10)) { v >>= 20; c = 'M'; } else if (v >= ((UInt64)100000 << 0)) { v >>= 10; c = 'K'; } ConvertUInt64ToString(v, s); if (c != 0) { s += MyStringLen(s); *s++ = ' '; *s++ = c; *s++ = 0; } } void CProgressDialog::ShowSize(int id, UInt64 val, UInt64 &prev) { if (val == prev) return; prev = val; wchar_t s[40]; s[0] = 0; if (IS_DEFINED_VAL(val)) ConvertSizeToString(val, s); SetItemText(id, s); } static void GetChangedString(const UString &newStr, UString &prevStr, bool &hasChanged) { hasChanged = !(prevStr == newStr); if (hasChanged) prevStr = newStr; } static unsigned GetPower32(UInt32 val) { const unsigned kStart = 32; UInt32 mask = ((UInt32)1 << (kStart - 1)); for (unsigned i = kStart;; i--) { if (i == 0 || (val & mask) != 0) return i; mask >>= 1; } } static unsigned GetPower64(UInt64 val) { UInt32 high = (UInt32)(val >> 32); if (high == 0) return GetPower32((UInt32)val); return GetPower32(high) + 32; } static UInt64 MyMultAndDiv(UInt64 mult1, UInt64 mult2, UInt64 divider) { unsigned pow1 = GetPower64(mult1); unsigned pow2 = GetPower64(mult2); while (pow1 + pow2 > 64) { if (pow1 > pow2) { pow1--; mult1 >>= 1; } else { pow2--; mult2 >>= 1; } divider >>= 1; } UInt64 res = mult1 * mult2; if (divider != 0) res /= divider; return res; } void CProgressDialog::UpdateStatInfo(bool showAll) { UInt64 total, completed, totalFiles, completedFiles, inSize, outSize; bool bytesProgressMode; bool titleFileName_Changed; bool curFilePath_Changed; bool status_Changed; unsigned numErrors; { NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(Sync._cs); total = Sync._totalBytes; completed = Sync._completedBytes; totalFiles = Sync._totalFiles; completedFiles = Sync._curFiles; inSize = Sync._inSize; outSize = Sync._outSize; bytesProgressMode = Sync._bytesProgressMode; GetChangedString(Sync._titleFileName, _titleFileName, titleFileName_Changed); GetChangedString(Sync._filePath, _filePath, curFilePath_Changed); GetChangedString(Sync._status, _status, status_Changed); if (_isDir != Sync._isDir) { curFilePath_Changed = true; _isDir = Sync._isDir; } numErrors = Sync.Messages.Size(); } UInt32 curTime = ::GetTickCount(); const UInt64 progressTotal = bytesProgressMode ? total : totalFiles; const UInt64 progressCompleted = bytesProgressMode ? completed : completedFiles; { if (IS_UNDEFINED_VAL(progressTotal)) { // SetPos(0); // SetRange(progressCompleted); } else { if (_progressBar_Pos != 0 || progressCompleted != 0 || (_progressBar_Range == 0 && progressTotal != 0)) { SetProgressRange(progressTotal); SetProgressPos(progressCompleted); } } } ShowSize(IDT_PROGRESS_TOTAL_VAL, total, _totalBytes_Prev); _elapsedTime += (curTime - _prevTime); _prevTime = curTime; UInt64 elapsedSec = _elapsedTime / 1000; bool elapsedChanged = false; if (elapsedSec != _prevElapsedSec) { _prevElapsedSec = elapsedSec; elapsedChanged = true; wchar_t s[40]; GetTimeString(elapsedSec, s); SetItemText(IDT_PROGRESS_ELAPSED_VAL, s); } bool needSetTitle = false; if (elapsedChanged || showAll) { if (numErrors > _numPostedMessages) { UpdateMessagesDialog(); wchar_t s[32]; ConvertUInt64ToString(numErrors, s); SetItemText(IDT_PROGRESS_ERRORS_VAL, s); if (!_errorsWereDisplayed) { _errorsWereDisplayed = true; EnableErrorsControls(true); SetTaskbarProgressState(); } } if (progressCompleted != 0) { if (IS_UNDEFINED_VAL(progressTotal)) { if (IS_DEFINED_VAL(_prevRemainingSec)) { INIT_AS_UNDEFINED(_prevRemainingSec); SetItemText(IDT_PROGRESS_REMAINING_VAL, L""); } } else { UInt64 remainingTime = 0; if (progressCompleted < progressTotal) remainingTime = MyMultAndDiv(_elapsedTime, progressTotal - progressCompleted, progressCompleted); UInt64 remainingSec = remainingTime / 1000; if (remainingSec != _prevRemainingSec) { _prevRemainingSec = remainingSec; wchar_t s[40]; GetTimeString(remainingSec, s); SetItemText(IDT_PROGRESS_REMAINING_VAL, s); } } { UInt64 elapsedTime = (_elapsedTime == 0) ? 1 : _elapsedTime; UInt64 v = (progressCompleted * 1000) / elapsedTime; Byte c = 0; unsigned moveBits = 0; if (v >= ((UInt64)10000 << 10)) { moveBits = 20; c = 'M'; } else if (v >= ((UInt64)10000 << 0)) { moveBits = 10; c = 'K'; } v >>= moveBits; if (moveBits != _prevSpeed_MoveBits || v != _prevSpeed) { _prevSpeed_MoveBits = moveBits; _prevSpeed = v; wchar_t s[40]; ConvertUInt64ToString(v, s); unsigned pos = MyStringLen(s); s[pos++] = ' '; if (moveBits != 0) s[pos++] = c; s[pos++] = 'B'; s[pos++] = '/'; s[pos++] = 's'; s[pos++] = 0; SetItemText(IDT_PROGRESS_SPEED_VAL, s); } } } { UInt64 percent = 0; { if (IS_DEFINED_VAL(progressTotal)) { percent = progressCompleted * 100; if (progressTotal != 0) percent /= progressTotal; } } if (percent != _prevPercentValue) { _prevPercentValue = percent; needSetTitle = true; } } { wchar_t s[64]; ConvertUInt64ToString(completedFiles, s); if (IS_DEFINED_VAL(totalFiles)) { wcscat(s, L" / "); ConvertUInt64ToString(totalFiles, s + wcslen(s)); } if (_filesStr_Prev != s) { _filesStr_Prev = s; SetItemText(IDT_PROGRESS_FILES_VAL, s); } } const UInt64 packSize = CompressingMode ? outSize : inSize; const UInt64 unpackSize = CompressingMode ? inSize : outSize; if (IS_UNDEFINED_VAL(unpackSize) && IS_UNDEFINED_VAL(packSize)) { ShowSize(IDT_PROGRESS_PROCESSED_VAL, completed, _processed_Prev); ShowSize(IDT_PROGRESS_PACKED_VAL, UNDEFINED_VAL, _packed_Prev); } else { ShowSize(IDT_PROGRESS_PROCESSED_VAL, unpackSize, _processed_Prev); ShowSize(IDT_PROGRESS_PACKED_VAL, packSize, _packed_Prev); if (IS_DEFINED_VAL(packSize) && IS_DEFINED_VAL(unpackSize) && unpackSize != 0) { wchar_t s[32]; UInt64 ratio = packSize * 100 / unpackSize; if (_ratio_Prev != ratio) { _ratio_Prev = ratio; ConvertUInt64ToString(ratio, s); wcscat(s, L"%"); SetItemText(IDT_PROGRESS_RATIO_VAL, s); } } } } if (needSetTitle || titleFileName_Changed) SetTitleText(); if (status_Changed) { UString s = _status; ReduceString(s, _numReduceSymbols); SetItemText(IDT_PROGRESS_STATUS, _status); } if (curFilePath_Changed) { UString s1, s2; if (_isDir) s1 = _filePath; else { int slashPos = _filePath.ReverseFind_PathSepar(); if (slashPos >= 0) { s1.SetFrom(_filePath, slashPos + 1); s2 = _filePath.Ptr(slashPos + 1); } else s2 = _filePath; } ReduceString(s1, _numReduceSymbols); ReduceString(s2, _numReduceSymbols); s1.Add_LF(); s1 += s2; SetItemText(IDT_PROGRESS_FILE_NAME, s1); } } bool CProgressDialog::OnTimer(WPARAM /* timerID */, LPARAM /* callback */) { if (Sync.Get_Paused()) return true; CheckNeedClose(); UpdateStatInfo(false); return true; } #ifdef _WIN32 // FIXME struct CWaitCursor { HCURSOR _waitCursor; HCURSOR _oldCursor; CWaitCursor() { _waitCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT); if (_waitCursor != NULL) _oldCursor = SetCursor(_waitCursor); } ~CWaitCursor() { if (_waitCursor != NULL) SetCursor(_oldCursor); } }; #endif INT_PTR CProgressDialog::Create(const UString &title, NWindows::CThread &thread, HWND wndParent) { INT_PTR res = 0; try { #ifdef _WIN32 if (WaitMode) { CWaitCursor waitCursor; HANDLE h[] = { thread, _createDialogEvent }; WRes res = WaitForMultipleObjects(ARRAY_SIZE(h), h, FALSE, kCreateDelay); if (res == WAIT_OBJECT_0 && !Sync.ThereIsMessage()) return 0; } #endif _title = title; BIG_DIALOG_SIZE(360, 192); res = CModalDialog::Create(SIZED_DIALOG(IDD_PROGRESS), wndParent); } catch(...) { _wasCreated = true; _dialogCreatedEvent.Set(); res = res; } thread.Wait(); if (!MessagesDisplayed) MessageBoxW(wndParent, L"Progress Error", L"7-Zip", MB_ICONERROR); return res; } bool CProgressDialog::OnExternalCloseMessage() { // it doesn't work if there is MessageBox. #ifdef __ITaskbarList3_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ SetTaskbarProgressState(TBPF_NOPROGRESS); #endif // AddToTitle(L"Finished "); // SetText(L"Finished2 "); UpdateStatInfo(true); SetItemText(IDCANCEL, LangString(IDS_CLOSE)); // FIXME ::SendMessage(GetItem(IDCANCEL), BM_SETSTYLE, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0)); HideItem(IDB_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND); HideItem(IDB_PAUSE); bool thereAreMessages; CProgressFinalMessage fm; { NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(Sync._cs); thereAreMessages = !Sync.Messages.IsEmpty(); fm = Sync.FinalMessage; } if (!fm.ErrorMessage.Message.IsEmpty()) { MessagesDisplayed = true; if (fm.ErrorMessage.Title.IsEmpty()) fm.ErrorMessage.Title = L"7-Zip"; MessageBoxW(*this, fm.ErrorMessage.Message, fm.ErrorMessage.Title, MB_ICONERROR); } else if (!thereAreMessages) { MessagesDisplayed = true; if (!fm.OkMessage.Message.IsEmpty()) { if (fm.OkMessage.Title.IsEmpty()) fm.OkMessage.Title = L"7-Zip"; MessageBoxW(*this, fm.OkMessage.Message, fm.OkMessage.Title, MB_OK); } } if (thereAreMessages && !_cancelWasPressed) { #ifdef _WIN32 _waitCloseByCancelButton = true; UpdateMessagesDialog(); return true; #else // FIXME : p7zip does not have a messages zone // FIXME : even if so, the close button does not close the main window // So p7zip uses a MessageBoxW ... UStringVector messages; { NWindows::NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(Sync._cs); for (int i = 0; i < Sync.Messages.Size(); i++) messages.Add(Sync.Messages[i]); _numPostedMessages = Sync.Messages.Size(); } if (!messages.IsEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < messages.Size(); i++) fm.ErrorMessage.Message = fm.ErrorMessage.Message + messages[i] + L"\n"; } else fm.ErrorMessage.Message = L"Error(s) in the archive"; MessageBoxW(*this, fm.ErrorMessage.Message, L"7-Zip - ERROR", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK); MessagesDisplayed = true; #endif } End(0); return true; } bool CProgressDialog::OnMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (message) { case kCloseMessage: { KillTimer(_timer); _timer = 0; if (_inCancelMessageBox) { _externalCloseMessageWasReceived = true; break; } return OnExternalCloseMessage(); } /* case WM_SETTEXT: { if (_timer == 0) return true; break; } */ } return CModalDialog::OnMessage(message, wParam, lParam); } void CProgressDialog::SetTitleText() { UString s; if (Sync.Get_Paused()) { s += _paused_String; s.Add_Space(); } if (IS_DEFINED_VAL(_prevPercentValue)) { char temp[32]; ConvertUInt64ToString(_prevPercentValue, temp); s.AddAscii(temp); s += L'%'; } if (!_foreground) { s.Add_Space(); s += _backgrounded_String; } s.Add_Space(); #ifndef _SFX { unsigned len = s.Len(); s += MainAddTitle; AddToTitle(s); s.DeleteFrom(len); } #endif s += _title; if (!_titleFileName.IsEmpty()) { UString fileName = _titleFileName; ReduceString(fileName, kTitleFileNameSizeLimit); s.Add_Space(); s += fileName; } SetText(s); } void CProgressDialog::SetPauseText() { SetItemText(IDB_PAUSE, Sync.Get_Paused() ? _continue_String : _pause_String); SetTitleText(); } void CProgressDialog::OnPauseButton() { bool paused = !Sync.Get_Paused(); Sync.Set_Paused(paused); UInt32 curTime = ::GetTickCount(); if (paused) _elapsedTime += (curTime - _prevTime); SetTaskbarProgressState(); _prevTime = curTime; SetPauseText(); } void CProgressDialog::SetPriorityText() { SetItemText(IDB_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND, _foreground ? _background_String : _foreground_String); SetTitleText(); } void CProgressDialog::OnPriorityButton() { _foreground = !_foreground; #ifndef UNDER_CE SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), _foreground ? NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS); #endif SetPriorityText(); } void CProgressDialog::AddMessageDirect(LPCWSTR message, bool needNumber) { #ifdef _WIN32 // FIXME int itemIndex = _messageList.GetItemCount(); wchar_t sz[16]; sz[0] = 0; if (needNumber) ConvertUInt32ToString(_numMessages + 1, sz); _messageList.InsertItem(itemIndex, sz); _messageList.SetSubItem(itemIndex, 1, message); #endif } void CProgressDialog::AddMessage(LPCWSTR message) { UString s = message; bool needNumber = true; while (!s.IsEmpty()) { int pos = s.Find(L'\n'); if (pos < 0) break; AddMessageDirect(s.Left(pos), needNumber); needNumber = false; s.DeleteFrontal(pos + 1); } AddMessageDirect(s, needNumber); _numMessages++; } static unsigned GetNumDigits(UInt32 val) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; val >= 10; i++) val /= 10; return i; } void CProgressDialog::UpdateMessagesDialog() { UStringVector messages; { NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(Sync._cs); unsigned num = Sync.Messages.Size(); if (num > _numPostedMessages) { messages.ClearAndReserve(num - _numPostedMessages); for (unsigned i = _numPostedMessages; i < num; i++) messages.AddInReserved(Sync.Messages[i]); _numPostedMessages = num; } } if (!messages.IsEmpty()) { FOR_VECTOR (i, messages) AddMessage(messages[i]); if (_numAutoSizeMessages < 256 || GetNumDigits(_numPostedMessages) > GetNumDigits(_numAutoSizeMessages)) { // FIXME _messageList.SetColumnWidthAuto(0); // FIXME _messageList.SetColumnWidthAuto(1); _numAutoSizeMessages = _numPostedMessages; } } } bool CProgressDialog::OnButtonClicked(int buttonID, HWND buttonHWND) { switch (buttonID) { // case IDOK: // if IDCANCEL is not DEFPUSHBUTTON case IDCANCEL: { if (_waitCloseByCancelButton) { MessagesDisplayed = true; End(IDCLOSE); break; } bool paused = Sync.Get_Paused(); if (!paused) OnPauseButton(); _inCancelMessageBox = true; int res = ::MessageBoxW(*this, LangString(IDS_PROGRESS_ASK_CANCEL), _title, MB_YESNOCANCEL); _inCancelMessageBox = false; if (!paused) OnPauseButton(); if (res == IDCANCEL || res == IDNO) { if (_externalCloseMessageWasReceived) OnExternalCloseMessage(); return true; } _cancelWasPressed = true; MessagesDisplayed = true; break; } case IDB_PAUSE: OnPauseButton(); return true; case IDB_PROGRESS_BACKGROUND: OnPriorityButton(); return true; } return CModalDialog::OnButtonClicked(buttonID, buttonHWND); } void CProgressDialog::CheckNeedClose() { if (_needClose) { PostMsg(kCloseMessage); _needClose = false; } } void CProgressDialog::ProcessWasFinished() { // Set Window title here. // FIXME - not supported if (!WaitMode) WaitCreating(); if (_wasCreated) PostMsg(kCloseMessage); else _needClose = true; } HRESULT CProgressThreadVirt::Create(const UString &title, HWND parentWindow) { NWindows::CThread thread; RINOK(thread.Create(MyThreadFunction, this)); ProgressDialog.Create(title, thread, parentWindow); return S_OK; } static void AddMessageToString(UString &dest, const UString &src) { if (!src.IsEmpty()) { if (!dest.IsEmpty()) dest.Add_LF(); dest += src; } } void CProgressThreadVirt::Process() { CProgressCloser closer(ProgressDialog); UString m; try { Result = ProcessVirt(); } catch(const wchar_t *s) { m = s; } catch(const UString &s) { m = s; } catch(const char *s) { m = GetUnicodeString(s); } catch(int v) { wchar_t s[16]; ConvertUInt32ToString(v, s); m = L"Error #"; m += s; } catch(...) { m = L"Error"; } if (Result != E_ABORT) { if (m.IsEmpty() && Result != S_OK) m = HResultToMessage(Result); } AddMessageToString(m, FinalMessage.ErrorMessage.Message); { FOR_VECTOR(i, ErrorPaths) { if (i >= 32) break; AddMessageToString(m, fs2us(ErrorPaths[i])); } } CProgressSync &sync = ProgressDialog.Sync; NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(sync._cs); if (m.IsEmpty()) { if (!FinalMessage.OkMessage.Message.IsEmpty()) sync.FinalMessage.OkMessage = FinalMessage.OkMessage; } else { sync.FinalMessage.ErrorMessage.Message = m; if (Result == S_OK) Result = E_FAIL; } } UString HResultToMessage(HRESULT errorCode) { if (errorCode == E_OUTOFMEMORY) return LangString(IDS_MEM_ERROR); else return NError::MyFormatMessage(errorCode); }