// PanelSort.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "../../../../C/CpuArch.h" #include "../../../Windows/PropVariant.h" #include "../../PropID.h" #include "Panel.h" using namespace NWindows; int CompareFileNames_ForFolderList(const wchar_t *s1, const wchar_t *s2) { for (;;) { wchar_t c1 = *s1; wchar_t c2 = *s2; if ((c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9') && (c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9')) { for (; *s1 == '0'; s1++); for (; *s2 == '0'; s2++); size_t len1 = 0; size_t len2 = 0; for (; (s1[len1] >= '0' && s1[len1] <= '9'); len1++); for (; (s2[len2] >= '0' && s2[len2] <= '9'); len2++); if (len1 < len2) return -1; if (len1 > len2) return 1; for (; len1 > 0; s1++, s2++, len1--) { if (*s1 == *s2) continue; return (*s1 < *s2) ? -1 : 1; } c1 = *s1; c2 = *s2; } s1++; s2++; if (c1 != c2) { // Probably we need to change the order for special characters like in Explorer. wchar_t u1 = MyCharUpper(c1); wchar_t u2 = MyCharUpper(c2); if (u1 < u2) return -1; if (u1 > u2) return 1; } if (c1 == 0) return 0; } } static int CompareFileNames_Le16(const Byte *s1, unsigned size1, const Byte *s2, unsigned size2) { size1 &= ~1; size2 &= ~1; for (unsigned i = 0;; i += 2) { if (i >= size1) return (i >= size2) ? 0 : -1; if (i >= size2) return 1; UInt16 c1 = GetUi16(s1 + i); UInt16 c2 = GetUi16(s2 + i); if (c1 == c2) { if (c1 == 0) return 0; continue; } if (c1 < c2) return -1; return 1; } } static inline const wchar_t *GetExtensionPtr(const UString &name) { int dotPos = name.ReverseFind_Dot(); return name.Ptr((dotPos < 0) ? name.Len() : dotPos); } void CPanel::SetSortRawStatus() { _isRawSortProp = false; FOR_VECTOR (i, _properties) { const CItemProperty &prop = _properties[i]; if (prop.ID == _sortID) { _isRawSortProp = prop.IsRawProp ? 1 : 0; return; } } } int CALLBACK CompareItems2(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lpData) { if (lpData == 0) return 0; CPanel *panel = (CPanel*)lpData; PROPID propID = panel->_sortID; if (propID == kpidNoProperty) return MyCompare(lParam1, lParam2); if (panel->_isRawSortProp) { // Sha1, NtSecurity, NtReparse const void *data1; const void *data2; UInt32 dataSize1; UInt32 dataSize2; UInt32 propType1; UInt32 propType2; if (panel->_folderRawProps->GetRawProp((UInt32)lParam1, propID, &data1, &dataSize1, &propType1) != 0) return 0; if (panel->_folderRawProps->GetRawProp((UInt32)lParam2, propID, &data2, &dataSize2, &propType2) != 0) return 0; if (dataSize1 == 0) return (dataSize2 == 0) ? 0 : -1; if (dataSize2 == 0) return 1; if (propType1 != NPropDataType::kRaw) return 0; if (propType2 != NPropDataType::kRaw) return 0; #ifdef _WIN32 if (propID == kpidNtReparse) { NFile::CReparseShortInfo r1; r1.Parse((const Byte *)data1, dataSize1); NFile::CReparseShortInfo r2; r2.Parse((const Byte *)data2, dataSize2); return CompareFileNames_Le16( (const Byte *)data1 + r1.Offset, r1.Size, (const Byte *)data2 + r2.Offset, r2.Size); } #endif } if (panel->_folderCompare) return panel->_folderCompare->CompareItems((UInt32)lParam1, (UInt32)lParam2, propID, panel->_isRawSortProp); switch (propID) { // if (panel->_sortIndex == 0) case kpidName: { const UString name1 = panel->GetItemName((int)lParam1); const UString name2 = panel->GetItemName((int)lParam2); int res = CompareFileNames_ForFolderList(name1, name2); /* if (res != 0 || !panel->_flatMode) return res; const UString prefix1 = panel->GetItemPrefix(lParam1); const UString prefix2 = panel->GetItemPrefix(lParam2); return res = CompareFileNames_ForFolderList(prefix1, prefix2); */ return res; } case kpidExtension: { const UString name1 = panel->GetItemName((int)lParam1); const UString name2 = panel->GetItemName((int)lParam2); return CompareFileNames_ForFolderList( GetExtensionPtr(name1), GetExtensionPtr(name2)); } } /* if (panel->_sortIndex == 1) return MyCompare(file1.Size, file2.Size); return ::CompareFileTime(&file1.MTime, &file2.MTime); */ // PROPID propID = panel->_properties[panel->_sortIndex].ID; NCOM::CPropVariant prop1, prop2; // Name must be first property panel->_folder->GetProperty((UInt32)lParam1, propID, &prop1); panel->_folder->GetProperty((UInt32)lParam2, propID, &prop2); if (prop1.vt != prop2.vt) { return MyCompare(prop1.vt, prop2.vt); } if (prop1.vt == VT_BSTR) { return _wcsicmp(prop1.bstrVal, prop2.bstrVal); } return prop1.Compare(prop2); // return 0; } int CALLBACK CompareItems(LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lpData) { if (lpData == 0) return 0; if (lParam1 == kParentIndex) return -1; if (lParam2 == kParentIndex) return 1; CPanel *panel = (CPanel*)lpData; bool isDir1 = panel->IsItem_Folder((int)lParam1); bool isDir2 = panel->IsItem_Folder((int)lParam2); if (isDir1 && !isDir2) return -1; if (isDir2 && !isDir1) return 1; int result = CompareItems2(lParam1, lParam2, lpData); return panel->_ascending ? result: (-result); } int #if defined(__WIN32__) && !defined(__WXMICROWIN__) // FIXME wxCALLBACK #endif CompareItems_WX(long item1, long item2, long sortData) { return CompareItems(item1,item2,sortData); } /* void CPanel::SortItems(int index) { if (index == _sortIndex) _ascending = !_ascending; else { _sortIndex = index; _ascending = true; switch (_properties[_sortIndex].ID) { case kpidSize: case kpidPackedSize: case kpidCTime: case kpidATime: case kpidMTime: _ascending = false; break; } } _listView.SortItems(CompareItems, (LPARAM)this); _listView.EnsureVisible(_listView.GetFocusedItem(), false); } void CPanel::SortItemsWithPropID(PROPID propID) { int index = _properties.FindItemWithID(propID); if (index >= 0) SortItems(index); } */ void CPanel::SortItemsWithPropID(PROPID propID) { if (propID == _sortID) _ascending = !_ascending; else { _sortID = propID; _ascending = true; switch (propID) { case kpidSize: case kpidPackSize: case kpidCTime: case kpidATime: case kpidMTime: _ascending = false; break; } } SetSortRawStatus(); if (sizeof(long) != sizeof(LPARAM)) { printf("INTERNAL ERROR : sizeof(long) != sizeof(LPARAM)\n"); exit(-1); } _listView.SortItems(CompareItems_WX, (LPARAM)this); // FIXED _listView.SortItems(CompareItems, (LPARAM)this); _listView.EnsureVisible(_listView.GetFocusedItem(), false); } void CPanel::OnColumnClick(LPNMLISTVIEW info) { /* int index = _properties.FindItemWithID(_visibleProperties[info->iSubItem].ID); SortItems(index); */ SortItemsWithPropID(_visibleProperties[info->iSubItem].ID); }