// PanelFolderChange.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "../../../Common/StringConvert.h" #include "../../../Common/Wildcard.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileName.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileDir.h" #include "../../../Windows/PropVariant.h" #include "../../PropID.h" #ifdef UNDER_CE #include "FSFolder.h" #else #include "FSDrives.h" #endif #include "LangUtils.h" #include "ListViewDialog.h" #include "Panel.h" #include "RootFolder.h" #include "ViewSettings.h" #include "resource.h" using namespace NWindows; using namespace NFile; using namespace NFind; void CPanel::ReleaseFolder() { _folder.Release(); _folderCompare.Release(); _folderGetItemName.Release(); _folderRawProps.Release(); _folderAltStreams.Release(); _folderOperations.Release(); _thereAreDeletedItems = false; } void CPanel::SetNewFolder(IFolderFolder *newFolder) { ReleaseFolder(); _folder = newFolder; if (_folder) { _folder.QueryInterface(IID_IFolderCompare, &_folderCompare); _folder.QueryInterface(IID_IFolderGetItemName, &_folderGetItemName); _folder.QueryInterface(IID_IArchiveGetRawProps, &_folderRawProps); _folder.QueryInterface(IID_IFolderAltStreams, &_folderAltStreams); _folder.QueryInterface(IID_IFolderOperations, &_folderOperations); } } void CPanel::SetToRootFolder() { ReleaseFolder(); _library.Free(); CRootFolder *rootFolderSpec = new CRootFolder; SetNewFolder(rootFolderSpec); rootFolderSpec->Init(); } HRESULT CPanel::BindToPath(const UString &fullPath, const UString &arcFormat, bool &archiveIsOpened, bool &encrypted) { UString path = fullPath; #ifdef _WIN32 path.Replace(L'/', WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR); #endif archiveIsOpened = false; encrypted = false; CDisableTimerProcessing disableTimerProcessing(*this); CDisableNotify disableNotify(*this); for (; !_parentFolders.IsEmpty(); CloseOneLevel()) { // ---------- we try to use open archive ---------- const CFolderLink &link = _parentFolders.Back(); const UString &virtPath = link.VirtualPath; if (!path.IsPrefixedBy(virtPath)) continue; UString relatPath = path.Ptr(virtPath.Len()); if (!relatPath.IsEmpty()) { if (!IS_PATH_SEPAR(relatPath[0])) continue; else relatPath.Delete(0); } UString relatPath2 = relatPath; if (!relatPath2.IsEmpty() && !IS_PATH_SEPAR(relatPath2.Back())) relatPath2.Add_PathSepar(); for (;;) { const UString foldPath = GetFolderPath(_folder); if (relatPath2 == foldPath) break; if (relatPath.IsPrefixedBy(foldPath)) { path = relatPath.Ptr(foldPath.Len()); break; } CMyComPtr newFolder; if (_folder->BindToParentFolder(&newFolder) != S_OK) throw 20140918; if (!newFolder) // we exit from loop above if (relatPath.IsPrefixedBy(empty path for root folder) throw 20140918; SetNewFolder(newFolder); } break; } if (_parentFolders.IsEmpty()) { // ---------- we open file or folder from file system ---------- CloseOpenFolders(); UString sysPath = path; unsigned prefixSize = NName::GetRootPrefixSize(sysPath); if (prefixSize == 0 || sysPath[prefixSize] == 0) sysPath.Empty(); #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) if (!sysPath.IsEmpty() && sysPath.Back() == ':' && (sysPath.Len() != 2 || !NName::IsDrivePath2(sysPath))) { UString baseFile = sysPath; baseFile.DeleteBack(); if (NFind::DoesFileOrDirExist(us2fs(baseFile))) sysPath.Empty(); } #endif CFileInfo fileInfo; while (!sysPath.IsEmpty()) { if (fileInfo.Find(us2fs(sysPath))) break; int pos = sysPath.ReverseFind_PathSepar(); if (pos < 0) sysPath.Empty(); else { /* if (reducedParts.Size() > 0 || pos < (int)sysPath.Len() - 1) reducedParts.Add(sysPath.Ptr(pos + 1)); */ #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) if (pos == 2 && NName::IsDrivePath2(sysPath) && sysPath.Len() > 3) pos++; #endif sysPath.DeleteFrom(pos); } } SetToRootFolder(); CMyComPtr newFolder; if (sysPath.IsEmpty()) { _folder->BindToFolder(path, &newFolder); } else if (fileInfo.IsDir()) { NName::NormalizeDirPathPrefix(sysPath); _folder->BindToFolder(sysPath, &newFolder); } else { FString dirPrefix, fileName; NDir::GetFullPathAndSplit(us2fs(sysPath), dirPrefix, fileName); HRESULT res; // = OpenItemAsArchive(fs2us(fileName), arcFormat, encrypted); { CTempFileInfo tfi; tfi.RelPath = fs2us(fileName); tfi.FolderPath = dirPrefix; tfi.FilePath = us2fs(sysPath); res = OpenItemAsArchive(NULL, tfi, sysPath, arcFormat, encrypted); } if (res == S_FALSE) _folder->BindToFolder(fs2us(dirPrefix), &newFolder); else { RINOK(res); archiveIsOpened = true; _parentFolders.Back().ParentFolderPath = fs2us(dirPrefix); path.DeleteFrontal(sysPath.Len()); if (!path.IsEmpty() && IS_PATH_SEPAR(path[0])) path.Delete(0); } } if (newFolder) { SetNewFolder(newFolder); // LoadFullPath(); return S_OK; } } { // ---------- we open folder remPath in archive and sub archives ---------- for (unsigned curPos = 0; curPos != path.Len();) { UString s = path.Ptr(curPos); int slashPos = NName::FindSepar(s); unsigned skipLen = s.Len(); if (slashPos >= 0) { s.DeleteFrom(slashPos); skipLen = slashPos + 1; } CMyComPtr newFolder; _folder->BindToFolder(s, &newFolder); if (newFolder) curPos += skipLen; else if (_folderAltStreams) { int pos = s.Find(L':'); if (pos >= 0) { UString baseName = s; baseName.DeleteFrom(pos); if (_folderAltStreams->BindToAltStreams(baseName, &newFolder) == S_OK && newFolder) curPos += pos + 1; } } if (!newFolder) break; SetNewFolder(newFolder); } } return S_OK; } HRESULT CPanel::BindToPathAndRefresh(const UString &path) { CDisableTimerProcessing disableTimerProcessing(*this); CDisableNotify disableNotify(*this); bool archiveIsOpened, encrypted; RINOK(BindToPath(path, UString(), archiveIsOpened, encrypted)); RefreshListCtrl(UString(), -1, true, UStringVector()); return S_OK; } void CPanel::SetBookmark(int index) { _appState->FastFolders.SetString(index, _currentFolderPrefix); } void CPanel::OpenBookmark(int index) { BindToPathAndRefresh(_appState->FastFolders.GetString(index)); } UString GetFolderPath(IFolderFolder *folder) { { NCOM::CPropVariant prop; if (folder->GetFolderProperty(kpidPath, &prop) == S_OK) if (prop.vt == VT_BSTR) return (wchar_t *)prop.bstrVal; } return UString(); } void CPanel::LoadFullPath() { _currentFolderPrefix.Empty(); FOR_VECTOR (i, _parentFolders) { const CFolderLink &folderLink = _parentFolders[i]; _currentFolderPrefix += folderLink.ParentFolderPath; // GetFolderPath(folderLink.ParentFolder); _currentFolderPrefix += folderLink.RelPath; _currentFolderPrefix.Add_PathSepar(); } if (_folder) _currentFolderPrefix += GetFolderPath(_folder); } static int GetRealIconIndex(CFSTR path, DWORD attributes) { int index = -1; if (GetRealIconIndex(path, attributes, index) != 0) return index; return -1; } void CPanel::LoadFullPathAndShow() { LoadFullPath(); _appState->FolderHistory.AddString(_currentFolderPrefix); #ifdef _WIN32 _headerComboBox.SetText(_currentFolderPrefix); #else { extern const TCHAR * nameWindowToUnix(const TCHAR * lpFileName); UString tmp = nameWindowToUnix(_currentFolderPrefix); _headerComboBox.SetText(tmp); } #endif #ifdef _WIN32 // FIXME #ifndef UNDER_CE COMBOBOXEXITEM item; item.mask = 0; UString path = _currentFolderPrefix; if (path.Len() > #ifdef _WIN32 3 #else 1 #endif && path.Back() == WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR) path.DeleteBack(); DWORD attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; // GetRealIconIndex is slow for direct DVD/UDF path. So we use dummy path if (path.IsPrefixedBy(L"\\\\.\\")) path = L"_TestFolder_"; else { CFileInfo fi; if (fi.Find(us2fs(path))) attrib = fi.Attrib; } item.iImage = GetRealIconIndex(us2fs(path), attrib); if (item.iImage >= 0) { item.iSelectedImage = item.iImage; item.mask |= (CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE); } item.iItem = -1; _headerComboBox.SetItem(&item); #endif #endif RefreshTitle(); } #ifndef UNDER_CE LRESULT CPanel::OnNotifyComboBoxEnter(const UString &s) { if (BindToPathAndRefresh(GetUnicodeString(s)) == S_OK) { // FIXME PostMsg(kSetFocusToListView); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bool CPanel::OnNotifyComboBoxEndEdit(PNMCBEENDEDITW info, LRESULT &result) { if (info->iWhy == CBENF_ESCAPE) { _headerComboBox.SetText(_currentFolderPrefix); // FIXME PostMsg(kSetFocusToListView); result = FALSE; return true; } /* if (info->iWhy == CBENF_DROPDOWN) { result = FALSE; return true; } */ if (info->iWhy == CBENF_RETURN) { // When we use Edit control and press Enter. UString s; _headerComboBox.GetText(s); result = OnNotifyComboBoxEnter(s); return true; } return false; } #endif #ifndef _UNICODE bool CPanel::OnNotifyComboBoxEndEdit(PNMCBEENDEDIT info, LRESULT &result) { if (info->iWhy == CBENF_ESCAPE) { _headerComboBox.SetText(_currentFolderPrefix); PostMsg(kSetFocusToListView); result = FALSE; return true; } /* if (info->iWhy == CBENF_DROPDOWN) { result = FALSE; return true; } */ if (info->iWhy == CBENF_RETURN) { UString s; _headerComboBox.GetText(s); // GetUnicodeString(info->szText) result = OnNotifyComboBoxEnter(s); return true; } return false; } #endif void CPanel::AddComboBoxItem(const UString &name, int iconIndex, int indent, bool addToList) { #if 1 // ifdef UNDER_CE UString s; iconIndex = iconIndex; for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++) s += L" "; _headerComboBox.AddString(s + name); #else COMBOBOXEXITEMW item; item.mask = CBEIF_TEXT | CBEIF_INDENT; item.iSelectedImage = item.iImage = iconIndex; if (iconIndex >= 0) item.mask |= (CBEIF_IMAGE | CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE); item.iItem = -1; item.iIndent = indent; item.pszText = (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)name; _headerComboBox.InsertItem(&item); #endif if (addToList) ComboBoxPaths.Add(name); } extern UString RootFolder_GetName_Computer(int &iconIndex); extern UString RootFolder_GetName_Network(int &iconIndex); extern UString RootFolder_GetName_Documents(int &iconIndex); bool CPanel::OnComboBoxCommand(UINT code, LPARAM /* param */, LRESULT &result) { #ifdef _WIN32 // FIXME result = FALSE; switch (code) { case CBN_DROPDOWN: { ComboBoxPaths.Clear(); _headerComboBox.ResetContent(); unsigned i; UStringVector pathParts; SplitPathToParts(_currentFolderPrefix, pathParts); UString sumPass; if (!pathParts.IsEmpty()) pathParts.DeleteBack(); for (i = 0; i < pathParts.Size(); i++) { UString name = pathParts[i]; sumPass += name; sumPass.Add_PathSepar(); CFileInfo info; DWORD attrib = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if (info.Find(us2fs(sumPass))) attrib = info.Attrib; AddComboBoxItem(name.IsEmpty() ? L"\\" : name, GetRealIconIndex(us2fs(sumPass), attrib), i, false); ComboBoxPaths.Add(sumPass); } #ifndef UNDER_CE int iconIndex; UString name; name = RootFolder_GetName_Documents(iconIndex); AddComboBoxItem(name, iconIndex, 0, true); name = RootFolder_GetName_Computer(iconIndex); AddComboBoxItem(name, iconIndex, 0, true); FStringVector driveStrings; MyGetLogicalDriveStrings(driveStrings); for (i = 0; i < driveStrings.Size(); i++) { FString s = driveStrings[i]; ComboBoxPaths.Add(fs2us(s)); int iconIndex = GetRealIconIndex(s, 0); if (s.Len() > 0 && s.Back() == FCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR) s.DeleteBack(); AddComboBoxItem(fs2us(s), iconIndex, 1, false); } name = RootFolder_GetName_Network(iconIndex); AddComboBoxItem(name, iconIndex, 0, true); #endif return false; } case CBN_SELENDOK: { code = code; int index = _headerComboBox.GetCurSel(); if (index >= 0) { UString pass = ComboBoxPaths[index]; _headerComboBox.SetCurSel(-1); // _headerComboBox.SetText(pass); // it's fix for seclecting by mouse. if (BindToPathAndRefresh(pass) == S_OK) { PostMsg(kSetFocusToListView); #ifdef UNDER_CE PostMsg(kRefresh_HeaderComboBox); #endif return true; } } return false; } /* case CBN_CLOSEUP: { LoadFullPathAndShow(); true; } case CBN_SELCHANGE: { // LoadFullPathAndShow(); return true; } */ } #endif return false; } bool CPanel::OnNotifyComboBox(LPNMHDR NON_CE_VAR(header), LRESULT & NON_CE_VAR(result)) { #ifndef UNDER_CE switch (header->code) { case CBEN_BEGINEDIT: { _lastFocusedIsList = false; _panelCallback->PanelWasFocused(); break; } #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef _UNICODE case CBEN_ENDEDIT: { return OnNotifyComboBoxEndEdit((PNMCBEENDEDIT)header, result); } #endif #endif case CBEN_ENDEDITW: { return OnNotifyComboBoxEndEdit((PNMCBEENDEDITW)header, result); } } #endif return false; } void CPanel::FoldersHistory() { CListViewDialog listViewDialog; listViewDialog.DeleteIsAllowed = true; LangString(IDS_FOLDERS_HISTORY, listViewDialog.Title); _appState->FolderHistory.GetList(listViewDialog.Strings); if (listViewDialog.Create(GetParent()) != IDOK) return; UString selectString; if (listViewDialog.StringsWereChanged) { _appState->FolderHistory.RemoveAll(); for (int i = listViewDialog.Strings.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) _appState->FolderHistory.AddString(listViewDialog.Strings[i]); if (listViewDialog.FocusedItemIndex >= 0) selectString = listViewDialog.Strings[listViewDialog.FocusedItemIndex]; } else { if (listViewDialog.FocusedItemIndex >= 0) selectString = listViewDialog.Strings[listViewDialog.FocusedItemIndex]; } if (listViewDialog.FocusedItemIndex >= 0) BindToPathAndRefresh(selectString); } void CPanel::OpenParentFolder() { LoadFullPath(); // Maybe we don't need it ?? UString parentFolderPrefix; UString focusedName; if (!_currentFolderPrefix.IsEmpty()) { wchar_t c = _currentFolderPrefix.Back(); if (c == WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR || c == ':') { focusedName = _currentFolderPrefix; focusedName.DeleteBack(); /* if (c == ':' && !focusedName.IsEmpty() && focusedName.Back() == WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR) { focusedName.DeleteBack(); } else */ if (focusedName != L"\\\\." && focusedName != L"\\\\?") { int pos = focusedName.ReverseFind_PathSepar(); if (pos >= 0) { parentFolderPrefix = focusedName; parentFolderPrefix.DeleteFrom(pos + 1); focusedName.DeleteFrontal(pos + 1); } } } } CDisableTimerProcessing disableTimerProcessing(*this); CDisableNotify disableNotify(*this); CMyComPtr newFolder; _folder->BindToParentFolder(&newFolder); // newFolder.Release(); // for test if (newFolder) SetNewFolder(newFolder); else { bool needSetFolder = true; if (!_parentFolders.IsEmpty()) { { const CFolderLink &link = _parentFolders.Back(); parentFolderPrefix = link.ParentFolderPath; focusedName = link.RelPath; } CloseOneLevel(); needSetFolder = (!_folder); } if (needSetFolder) { { bool archiveIsOpened; bool encrypted; BindToPath(parentFolderPrefix, UString(), archiveIsOpened, encrypted); } } } UStringVector selectedItems; /* if (!focusedName.IsEmpty()) selectedItems.Add(focusedName); */ LoadFullPath(); // ::SetCurrentDirectory(::_currentFolderPrefix); RefreshListCtrl(focusedName, -1, true, selectedItems); // _listView.EnsureVisible(_listView.GetFocusedItem(), false); } void CPanel::CloseOneLevel() { ReleaseFolder(); _library.Free(); { CFolderLink &link = _parentFolders.Back(); if (link.ParentFolder) SetNewFolder(link.ParentFolder); _library.Attach(link.Library.Detach()); } if (_parentFolders.Size() > 1) OpenParentArchiveFolder(); _parentFolders.DeleteBack(); if (_parentFolders.IsEmpty()) _flatMode = _flatModeForDisk; } void CPanel::CloseOpenFolders() { while (!_parentFolders.IsEmpty()) CloseOneLevel(); _flatMode = _flatModeForDisk; ReleaseFolder(); _library.Free(); } void CPanel::OpenRootFolder() { CDisableTimerProcessing disableTimerProcessing(*this); CDisableNotify disableNotify(*this); _parentFolders.Clear(); SetToRootFolder(); RefreshListCtrl(UString(), -1, true, UStringVector()); // ::SetCurrentDirectory(::_currentFolderPrefix); /* BeforeChangeFolder(); _currentFolderPrefix.Empty(); AfterChangeFolder(); SetCurrentPathText(); RefreshListCtrl(UString(), 0, UStringVector()); _listView.EnsureVisible(_listView.GetFocusedItem(), false); */ } void CPanel::OpenDrivesFolder() { CloseOpenFolders(); #ifdef UNDER_CE NFsFolder::CFSFolder *folderSpec = new NFsFolder::CFSFolder; SetNewFolder(folderSpec); folderSpec->InitToRoot(); #else CFSDrives *folderSpec = new CFSDrives; SetNewFolder(folderSpec); folderSpec->Init(); #endif RefreshListCtrl(); } void CPanel::OpenFolder(int index) { if (index == kParentIndex) { OpenParentFolder(); return; } CMyComPtr newFolder; _folder->BindToFolder(index, &newFolder); if (!newFolder) return; SetNewFolder(newFolder); LoadFullPath(); RefreshListCtrl(); _listView.SetItemState_Selected(_listView.GetFocusedItem()); _listView.EnsureVisible(_listView.GetFocusedItem(), false); } void CPanel::OpenAltStreams() { CRecordVector indices; GetOperatedItemIndices(indices); Int32 realIndex = -1; if (indices.Size() > 1) return; if (indices.Size() == 1) realIndex = indices[0]; if (_folderAltStreams) { CMyComPtr newFolder; _folderAltStreams->BindToAltStreams(realIndex, &newFolder); if (newFolder) { CDisableTimerProcessing disableTimerProcessing(*this); CDisableNotify disableNotify(*this); SetNewFolder(newFolder); RefreshListCtrl(UString(), -1, true, UStringVector()); return; } return; } #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) UString path; if (realIndex >= 0) path = GetItemFullPath(realIndex); else { path = GetFsPath(); if (!NName::IsDriveRootPath_SuperAllowed(us2fs(path))) if (!path.IsEmpty() && IS_PATH_SEPAR(path.Back())) path.DeleteBack(); } path += L':'; BindToPathAndRefresh(path); #endif }