// FSFolderCopy.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "../../../Common/MyWindows.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #include "../../../Common/Defs.h" #include "../../../Common/StringConvert.h" #include "../../../Common/Wildcard.h" #include "../../../Windows/DLL.h" #include "../../../Windows/ErrorMsg.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileDir.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileName.h" #include "../../Common/FilePathAutoRename.h" #include "FSFolder.h" using namespace NWindows; using namespace NFile; using namespace NDir; using namespace NName; using namespace NFind; #ifndef _UNICODE extern bool g_IsNT; #endif namespace NFsFolder { HRESULT CCopyStateIO::MyCopyFile(CFSTR inPath, CFSTR outPath) { ErrorFileIndex = -1; ErrorMessage.Empty(); CurrentSize = 0; { const size_t kBufSize = 1 << 16; CByteArr buf(kBufSize); NIO::CInFile inFile; NIO::COutFile outFile; if (!inFile.Open(inPath)) { ErrorFileIndex = 0; return S_OK; } if (!outFile.Create(outPath, true)) { ErrorFileIndex = 1; return S_OK; } for (;;) { UInt32 num; if (!inFile.Read(buf, kBufSize, num)) { ErrorFileIndex = 0; return S_OK; } if (num == 0) break; UInt32 written = 0; if (!outFile.Write(buf, num, written)) { ErrorFileIndex = 1; return S_OK; } if (written != num) { ErrorMessage = L"Write error"; return S_OK; } CurrentSize += num; if (Progress) { UInt64 completed = StartPos + CurrentSize; RINOK(Progress->SetCompleted(&completed)); } } } if (DeleteSrcFile) { if (!DeleteFileAlways(inPath)) { ErrorFileIndex = 0; return S_OK; } } return S_OK; } /* static bool IsItWindows2000orHigher() { OSVERSIONINFO versionInfo; versionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(versionInfo); if (!::GetVersionEx(&versionInfo)) return false; return (versionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) && (versionInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 5); } */ struct CProgressInfo { UInt64 TotalSize; UInt64 StartPos; UInt64 FileSize; IProgress *Progress; HRESULT ProgressResult; void Init() { ProgressResult = S_OK; } }; #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef PROGRESS_CONTINUE #define PROGRESS_CONTINUE 0 #define PROGRESS_CANCEL 1 #define COPY_FILE_FAIL_IF_EXISTS 0x00000001 typedef DWORD (WINAPI* LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE)( LARGE_INTEGER TotalFileSize, LARGE_INTEGER TotalBytesTransferred, LARGE_INTEGER StreamSize, LARGE_INTEGER StreamBytesTransferred, DWORD dwStreamNumber, DWORD dwCallbackReason, HANDLE hSourceFile, HANDLE hDestinationFile, LPVOID lpData ); #endif static DWORD CALLBACK CopyProgressRoutine( LARGE_INTEGER TotalFileSize, // file size LARGE_INTEGER TotalBytesTransferred, // bytes transferred LARGE_INTEGER /* StreamSize */, // bytes in stream LARGE_INTEGER /* StreamBytesTransferred */, // bytes transferred for stream DWORD /* dwStreamNumber */, // current stream DWORD /* dwCallbackReason */, // callback reason HANDLE /* hSourceFile */, // handle to source file HANDLE /* hDestinationFile */, // handle to destination file LPVOID lpData // from CopyFileEx ) { TotalFileSize = TotalFileSize; // TotalBytesTransferred = TotalBytesTransferred; // StreamSize = StreamSize; // StreamBytesTransferred = StreamBytesTransferred; // dwStreamNumber = dwStreamNumber; // dwCallbackReason = dwCallbackReason; CProgressInfo &pi = *(CProgressInfo *)lpData; if ((UInt64)TotalFileSize.QuadPart > pi.FileSize) { pi.TotalSize += (UInt64)TotalFileSize.QuadPart - pi.FileSize; pi.FileSize = (UInt64)TotalFileSize.QuadPart; pi.ProgressResult = pi.Progress->SetTotal(pi.TotalSize); } UInt64 completed = pi.StartPos + TotalBytesTransferred.QuadPart; pi.ProgressResult = pi.Progress->SetCompleted(&completed); return (pi.ProgressResult == S_OK ? PROGRESS_CONTINUE : PROGRESS_CANCEL); } typedef BOOL (WINAPI * Func_CopyFileExA)( IN LPCSTR lpExistingFileName, IN LPCSTR lpNewFileName, IN LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE lpProgressRoutine OPTIONAL, IN LPVOID lpData OPTIONAL, IN LPBOOL pbCancel OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwCopyFlags ); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * Func_CopyFileExW)( IN LPCWSTR lpExistingFileName, IN LPCWSTR lpNewFileName, IN LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE lpProgressRoutine OPTIONAL, IN LPVOID lpData OPTIONAL, IN LPBOOL pbCancel OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwCopyFlags ); typedef BOOL (WINAPI * Func_MoveFileWithProgressW)( IN LPCWSTR lpExistingFileName, IN LPCWSTR lpNewFileName, IN LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE lpProgressRoutine OPTIONAL, IN LPVOID lpData OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwFlags ); struct CCopyState { CProgressInfo ProgressInfo; IFolderOperationsExtractCallback *Callback; UInt64 TotalSize; bool MoveMode; bool UseReadWriteMode; Func_CopyFileExW my_CopyFileExW; #ifndef UNDER_CE Func_MoveFileWithProgressW my_MoveFileWithProgressW; #endif #ifndef _UNICODE Func_CopyFileExA my_CopyFileExA; #endif void Prepare(); bool CopyFile_NT(const wchar_t *oldFile, const wchar_t *newFile); bool CopyFile_Sys(CFSTR oldFile, CFSTR newFile); bool MoveFile_Sys(CFSTR oldFile, CFSTR newFile); HRESULT CallProgress(); bool IsCallbackProgressError() { return ProgressInfo.ProgressResult != S_OK; } }; #else struct CCopyState { CProgressInfo ProgressInfo; IFolderOperationsExtractCallback *Callback; UInt64 TotalSize; bool MoveMode; bool UseReadWriteMode; HRESULT CallProgress(); void Prepare(); bool CopyFile_NT(const wchar_t *oldFile, const wchar_t *newFile); bool CopyFile_Sys(CFSTR oldFile, CFSTR newFile); bool MoveFile_Sys(CFSTR oldFile, CFSTR newFile); bool IsCallbackProgressError() { return ProgressInfo.ProgressResult != S_OK; } }; #endif HRESULT CCopyState::CallProgress() { return ProgressInfo.Progress->SetCompleted(&ProgressInfo.StartPos); } void CCopyState::Prepare() { #ifdef _WIN32 my_CopyFileExW = NULL; #ifndef UNDER_CE my_MoveFileWithProgressW = NULL; #endif #ifndef _UNICODE my_CopyFileExA = NULL; if (!g_IsNT) { my_CopyFileExA = (Func_CopyFileExA)::GetProcAddress(::GetModuleHandleA("kernel32.dll"), "CopyFileExA"); } else #endif { HMODULE module = ::GetModuleHandleW( #ifdef UNDER_CE L"coredll.dll" #else L"kernel32.dll" #endif ); my_CopyFileExW = (Func_CopyFileExW)My_GetProcAddress(module, "CopyFileExW"); #ifndef UNDER_CE my_MoveFileWithProgressW = (Func_MoveFileWithProgressW)My_GetProcAddress(module, "MoveFileWithProgressW"); #endif } #endif } /* WinXP-64: CopyFileW(fromFile, toFile:altStream) OK - there are NO alt streams in fromFile ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER - there are alt streams in fromFile */ bool CCopyState::CopyFile_NT(const wchar_t *oldFile, const wchar_t *newFile) { #ifdef _WIN32 BOOL cancelFlag = FALSE; if (my_CopyFileExW) return BOOLToBool(my_CopyFileExW(oldFile, newFile, CopyProgressRoutine, &ProgressInfo, &cancelFlag, COPY_FILE_FAIL_IF_EXISTS)); return BOOLToBool(::CopyFileW(oldFile, newFile, TRUE)); #else extern bool wxw_CopyFile(LPCWSTR existingFile, LPCWSTR newFile, bool overwrite); return wxw_CopyFile(oldFile, newFile, true); #endif } bool CCopyState::CopyFile_Sys(CFSTR oldFile, CFSTR newFile) { #ifdef _WIN32 #ifndef _UNICODE if (!g_IsNT) { if (my_CopyFileExA) { BOOL cancelFlag = FALSE; if (my_CopyFileExA(fs2fas(oldFile), fs2fas(newFile), CopyProgressRoutine, &ProgressInfo, &cancelFlag, COPY_FILE_FAIL_IF_EXISTS)) return true; if (::GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) return false; } return BOOLToBool(::CopyFile(fs2fas(oldFile), fs2fas(newFile), TRUE)); } else #endif { IF_USE_MAIN_PATH_2(oldFile, newFile) { if (CopyFile_NT(fs2us(oldFile), fs2us(newFile))) return true; } #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH if (USE_SUPER_PATH_2) { if (IsCallbackProgressError()) return false; UString superPathOld, superPathNew; if (!GetSuperPaths(oldFile, newFile, superPathOld, superPathNew, USE_MAIN_PATH_2)) return false; if (CopyFile_NT(superPathOld, superPathNew)) return true; } #endif return false; } #else extern bool wxw_CopyFile(LPCWSTR existingFile, LPCWSTR newFile, bool overwrite); return wxw_CopyFile(oldFile, newFile, true); #endif } bool CCopyState::MoveFile_Sys(CFSTR oldFile, CFSTR newFile) { #if 0 // FIXME #ifndef UNDER_CE // if (IsItWindows2000orHigher()) // { if (my_MoveFileWithProgressW) { IF_USE_MAIN_PATH_2(oldFile, newFile) { if (my_MoveFileWithProgressW(fs2us(oldFile), fs2us(newFile), CopyProgressRoutine, &ProgressInfo, MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED)) return true; } #ifdef WIN_LONG_PATH if ((!(USE_MAIN_PATH_2) || ::GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) && USE_SUPER_PATH_2) { if (IsCallbackProgressError()) return false; UString superPathOld, superPathNew; if (!GetSuperPaths(oldFile, newFile, superPathOld, superPathNew, USE_MAIN_PATH_2)) return false; if (my_MoveFileWithProgressW(superPathOld, superPathNew, CopyProgressRoutine, &ProgressInfo, MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED)) return true; } #endif if (::GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED) return false; } // } // else #endif return MyMoveFile(oldFile, newFile); } static HRESULT SendMessageError(IFolderOperationsExtractCallback *callback, const wchar_t *message, const FString &fileName) { UString s = message; s += L" : "; s += fs2us(fileName); return callback->ShowMessage(s); } static HRESULT SendMessageError(IFolderOperationsExtractCallback *callback, const char *message, const FString &fileName) { return SendMessageError(callback, MultiByteToUnicodeString(message), fileName); } static DWORD Return_LastError_or_FAIL() { DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); if (errorCode == 0) errorCode = (DWORD)E_FAIL; return errorCode; } static UString GetLastErrorMessage() { return NError::MyFormatMessage(Return_LastError_or_FAIL()); } HRESULT SendLastErrorMessage(IFolderOperationsExtractCallback *callback, const FString &fileName) { return SendMessageError(callback, GetLastErrorMessage(), fileName); } static HRESULT CopyFile_Ask( CCopyState &state, const FString &srcPath, const CFileInfo &srcFileInfo, const FString &destPath) { if (CompareFileNames(destPath, srcPath) == 0) { RINOK(SendMessageError(state.Callback, state.MoveMode ? "can not move file onto itself" : "can not copy file onto itself" , destPath)); return E_ABORT; } Int32 writeAskResult; CMyComBSTR destPathResult; RINOK(state.Callback->AskWrite( fs2us(srcPath), BoolToInt(false), &srcFileInfo.MTime, &srcFileInfo.Size, fs2us(destPath), &destPathResult, &writeAskResult)); if (IntToBool(writeAskResult)) { FString destPathNew = us2fs((LPCOLESTR)destPathResult); RINOK(state.Callback->SetCurrentFilePath(fs2us(srcPath))); if (state.UseReadWriteMode) { NFsFolder::CCopyStateIO state2; state2.Progress = state.Callback; state2.DeleteSrcFile = state.MoveMode; state2.TotalSize = state.TotalSize; state2.StartPos = state.ProgressInfo.StartPos; RINOK(state2.MyCopyFile(srcPath, destPathNew)); if (state2.ErrorFileIndex >= 0) { if (state2.ErrorMessage.IsEmpty()) state2.ErrorMessage = GetLastErrorMessage(); FString errorName; if (state2.ErrorFileIndex == 0) errorName = srcPath; else errorName = destPathNew; RINOK(SendMessageError(state.Callback, state2.ErrorMessage, errorName)); return E_ABORT; } state.ProgressInfo.StartPos += state2.CurrentSize; } else { state.ProgressInfo.FileSize = srcFileInfo.Size; bool res; if (state.MoveMode) res = state.MoveFile_Sys(srcPath, destPathNew); else res = state.CopyFile_Sys(srcPath, destPathNew); RINOK(state.ProgressInfo.ProgressResult); if (!res) { // GetLastError() is ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED in case of PROGRESS_CANCEL. RINOK(SendMessageError(state.Callback, GetLastErrorMessage(), destPathNew)); return E_ABORT; } state.ProgressInfo.StartPos += state.ProgressInfo.FileSize; } } else { if (state.TotalSize >= srcFileInfo.Size) { state.TotalSize -= srcFileInfo.Size; RINOK(state.ProgressInfo.Progress->SetTotal(state.TotalSize)); } } return state.CallProgress(); } static FString CombinePath(const FString &folderPath, const FString &fileName) { return folderPath + FCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR + fileName; } static bool IsDestChild(const FString &src, const FString &dest) { unsigned len = src.Len(); if (dest.Len() < len) return false; if (dest.Len() != len && dest[len] != FCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR) return false; return CompareFileNames(dest.Left(len), src) == 0; } static HRESULT CopyFolder( CCopyState &state, const FString &srcPath, // without TAIL separator const FString &destPath) // without TAIL separator { RINOK(state.CallProgress()); if (IsDestChild(srcPath, destPath)) { RINOK(SendMessageError(state.Callback, state.MoveMode ? "can not copy folder onto itself" : "can not move folder onto itself" , destPath)); return E_ABORT; } if (state.MoveMode) { if (state.MoveFile_Sys(srcPath, destPath)) return S_OK; // MSDN: MoveFile() fails for dirs on different volumes. } if (!CreateComplexDir(destPath)) { RINOK(SendMessageError(state.Callback, "can not create folder", destPath)); return E_ABORT; } CEnumerator enumerator(CombinePath(srcPath, FSTRING_ANY_MASK)); for (;;) { NFind::CFileInfo fi; bool found; if (!enumerator.Next(fi, found)) { SendLastErrorMessage(state.Callback, srcPath); return S_OK; } if (!found) break; const FString srcPath2 = CombinePath(srcPath, fi.Name); const FString destPath2 = CombinePath(destPath, fi.Name); if (fi.IsDir()) { RINOK(CopyFolder(state, srcPath2, destPath2)) } else { RINOK(CopyFile_Ask(state, srcPath2, fi, destPath2)); } } if (state.MoveMode) { if (!RemoveDir(srcPath)) { RINOK(SendMessageError(state.Callback, "can not remove folder", srcPath)); return E_ABORT; } } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CFSFolder::CopyTo(Int32 moveMode, const UInt32 *indices, UInt32 numItems, Int32 /* includeAltStreams */, Int32 /* replaceAltStreamColon */, const wchar_t *path, IFolderOperationsExtractCallback *callback) { if (numItems == 0) return S_OK; FString destPath = us2fs(path); if (destPath.IsEmpty()) return E_INVALIDARG; bool isAltDest = false; // FIXME NName::IsAltPathPrefix(destPath);; bool isDirectPath = (!isAltDest && !IsPathSepar(destPath.Back())); if (isDirectPath) { if (numItems > 1) return E_INVALIDARG; } CFsFolderStat stat; stat.Progress = callback; RINOK(GetItemsFullSize(indices, numItems, stat)); if (stat.NumFolders != 0 && isAltDest) return E_NOTIMPL; RINOK(callback->SetTotal(stat.Size)); RINOK(callback->SetNumFiles(stat.NumFiles)); UInt64 completedSize = 0; RINOK(callback->SetCompleted(&completedSize)); CCopyState state; state.ProgressInfo.TotalSize = stat.Size; state.ProgressInfo.StartPos = 0; state.ProgressInfo.Progress = callback; state.ProgressInfo.Init(); state.Callback = callback; state.MoveMode = IntToBool(moveMode); state.UseReadWriteMode = isAltDest; state.Prepare(); for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { UInt32 index = indices[i]; if (index >= (UInt32)Files.Size()) continue; const CDirItem &fi = Files[index]; FString destPath2 = destPath; if (!isDirectPath) destPath2 += fi.Name; FString srcPath; GetFullPath(fi, srcPath); if (fi.IsDir()) { RINOK(CopyFolder(state, srcPath, destPath2)); } else { RINOK(CopyFile_Ask(state, srcPath, fi, destPath2)); } } return S_OK; } STDMETHODIMP CFSFolder::CopyFrom(Int32 /* moveMode */, const wchar_t * /* fromFolderPath */, const wchar_t * const * /* itemsPaths */, UInt32 /* numItems */, IProgress * /* progress */) { /* UInt64 numFolders, numFiles, totalSize; numFiles = numFolders = totalSize = 0; UInt32 i; for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { UString path = (UString)fromFolderPath + itemsPaths[i]; CFileInfo fi; if (!FindFile(path, fi)) return ::GetLastError(); if (fi.IsDir()) { UInt64 subFolders, subFiles, subSize; RINOK(GetFolderSize(CombinePath(path, fi.Name), subFolders, subFiles, subSize, progress)); numFolders += subFolders; numFolders++; numFiles += subFiles; totalSize += subSize; } else { numFiles++; totalSize += fi.Size; } } RINOK(progress->SetTotal(totalSize)); RINOK(callback->SetNumFiles(numFiles)); for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { UString path = (UString)fromFolderPath + itemsPaths[i]; } return S_OK; */ return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP CFSFolder::CopyFromFile(UInt32 /* index */, const wchar_t * /* fullFilePath */, IProgress * /* progress */) { return E_NOTIMPL; } }