// App.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "OverwriteDialogRes.h" #include "../../../Windows/FileName.h" #include "../../../Windows/PropVariantConv.h" /* #include "Windows/COM.h" #include "Windows/Error.h" #include "Windows/FileDir.h" #include "Windows/PropVariant.h" #include "Windows/Thread.h" */ #include "App.h" #include "CopyDialog.h" #include "ExtractCallback.h" #include "FormatUtils.h" #include "IFolder.h" #include "LangUtils.h" #include "RegistryUtils.h" #include "ViewSettings.h" #include "PropertyNameRes.h" using namespace NWindows; using namespace NFile; using namespace NDir; using namespace NFind; using namespace NName; extern DWORD g_ComCtl32Version; extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance; static CFSTR kTempDirPrefix = FTEXT("7zE"); void CPanelCallbackImp::OnTab() { if (g_App.NumPanels != 1) _app->Panels[1 - _index].SetFocusToList(); _app->RefreshTitle(); } void CPanelCallbackImp::SetFocusToPath(int index) { int newPanelIndex = index; if (g_App.NumPanels == 1) newPanelIndex = g_App.LastFocusedPanel; _app->RefreshTitle(); // FIXME _app->Panels[newPanelIndex]._headerComboBox.SetFocus(); // FIXME _app->Panels[newPanelIndex]._headerComboBox.ShowDropDown(); } void CPanelCallbackImp::OnCopy(bool move, bool copyToSame) { _app->OnCopy(move, copyToSame, _index); } void CPanelCallbackImp::OnSetSameFolder() { _app->OnSetSameFolder(_index); } void CPanelCallbackImp::OnSetSubFolder() { _app->OnSetSubFolder(_index); } void CPanelCallbackImp::PanelWasFocused() { _app->SetFocusedPanel(_index); _app->RefreshTitle(_index); } void CPanelCallbackImp::DragBegin() { /* FIXME _app->DragBegin(_index) */ ; } void CPanelCallbackImp::DragEnd() { /* FIXME _app->DragEnd() */ ; } void CPanelCallbackImp::RefreshTitle(bool always) { _app->RefreshTitle(_index, always); } void CApp::ReloadLang() { LangString(IDS_N_SELECTED_ITEMS, LangString_N_SELECTED_ITEMS); } void CApp::SetListSettings() { bool showDots = ReadShowDots(); bool showRealFileIcons = ReadShowRealFileIcons(); DWORD extendedStyle = 0; /* FIXME LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP; if (ReadFullRow()) extendedStyle |= LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT; if (ReadShowGrid()) extendedStyle |= LVS_EX_GRIDLINES; */ bool mySelectionMode = ReadAlternativeSelection(); #ifdef _WIN32 if (ReadSingleClick()) { extendedStyle |= LVS_EX_ONECLICKACTIVATE | LVS_EX_TRACKSELECT; /* if (ReadUnderline()) extendedStyle |= LVS_EX_UNDERLINEHOT; */ } #endif for (int i = 0; i < kNumPanelsMax; i++) { CPanel &panel = Panels[i]; panel._mySelectMode = mySelectionMode; panel._showDots = showDots; panel._showRealFileIcons = showRealFileIcons; panel._exStyle = extendedStyle; #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD style = (DWORD)panel._listView.GetStyle(); if (mySelectionMode) style |= LVS_SINGLESEL; else style &= ~LVS_SINGLESEL; panel._listView.SetStyle(style); #endif panel.SetExtendedStyle(); } } void CApp::SetShowSystemMenu() { ShowSystemMenu = Read_ShowSystemMenu(); } #ifndef ILC_COLOR32 #define ILC_COLOR32 0x0020 #endif HRESULT CApp::CreateOnePanel(int panelIndex, const UString &mainPath, const UString &arcFormat, bool &archiveIsOpened, bool &encrypted) { if (PanelsCreated[panelIndex]) return S_OK; m_PanelCallbackImp[panelIndex].Init(this, panelIndex); UString path; if (mainPath.IsEmpty()) { if (!::ReadPanelPath(panelIndex, path)) path.Empty(); } else path = mainPath; int id = 1000 + 100 * panelIndex; RINOK(Panels[panelIndex].Create(_window, _window, id, path, arcFormat, &m_PanelCallbackImp[panelIndex], &AppState, archiveIsOpened, encrypted)); PanelsCreated[panelIndex] = true; return S_OK; } #ifdef _WIN32 static void CreateToolbar(HWND parent, NControl::CImageList &imageList, NControl::CToolBar &toolBar, bool largeButtons) { toolBar.Attach(::CreateWindowEx(0, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, NULL, 0 | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | TBSTYLE_FLAT | TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS | TBSTYLE_WRAPABLE // | TBSTYLE_AUTOSIZE // | CCS_NORESIZE #ifdef UNDER_CE | CCS_NODIVIDER | CCS_NOPARENTALIGN #endif ,0,0,0,0, parent, NULL, g_hInstance, NULL)); // TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE message, which is required for // backward compatibility. toolBar.ButtonStructSize(); imageList.Create( largeButtons ? 48: 24, largeButtons ? 36: 24, ILC_MASK | ILC_COLOR32, 0, 0); toolBar.SetImageList(0, imageList); } #endif struct CButtonInfo { int CommandID; UINT BitmapResID; UINT Bitmap2ResID; UINT StringResID; UString GetText() const { return LangString(StringResID); } }; static CButtonInfo g_StandardButtons[] = { { IDM_COPY_TO, IDB_COPY, IDB_COPY2, IDS_BUTTON_COPY }, { IDM_MOVE_TO, IDB_MOVE, IDB_MOVE2, IDS_BUTTON_MOVE }, { IDM_DELETE, IDB_DELETE, IDB_DELETE2, IDS_BUTTON_DELETE } , { IDM_PROPERTIES, IDB_INFO, IDB_INFO2, IDS_BUTTON_INFO } }; static CButtonInfo g_ArchiveButtons[] = { { kMenuCmdID_Toolbar_Add, IDB_ADD, IDB_ADD2, IDS_ADD }, { kMenuCmdID_Toolbar_Extract, IDB_EXTRACT, IDB_EXTRACT2, IDS_EXTRACT }, { kMenuCmdID_Toolbar_Test, IDB_TEST, IDB_TEST2, IDS_TEST } }; static bool SetButtonText(int commandID, CButtonInfo *buttons, int numButtons, UString &s) { for (int i = 0; i < numButtons; i++) { const CButtonInfo &b = buttons[i]; if (b.CommandID == commandID) { s = b.GetText(); return true; } } return false; } static void SetButtonText(int commandID, UString &s) { if (SetButtonText(commandID, g_StandardButtons, ARRAY_SIZE(g_StandardButtons), s)) return; SetButtonText(commandID, g_ArchiveButtons, ARRAY_SIZE(g_ArchiveButtons), s); } #ifdef _WIN32 static void AddButton( NControl::CImageList &imageList, NControl::CToolBar &toolBar, CButtonInfo &butInfo, bool showText, bool large) { TBBUTTON but; but.iBitmap = 0; but.idCommand = butInfo.CommandID; but.fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; but.fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON; but.dwData = 0; UString s = butInfo.GetText(); but.iString = 0; if (showText) but.iString = (INT_PTR)(LPCWSTR)s; but.iBitmap = imageList.GetImageCount(); HBITMAP b = ::LoadBitmap(g_hInstance, large ? MAKEINTRESOURCE(butInfo.BitmapResID): MAKEINTRESOURCE(butInfo.Bitmap2ResID)); if (b != 0) { imageList.AddMasked(b, RGB(255, 0, 255)); ::DeleteObject(b); } #ifdef _UNICODE toolBar.AddButton(1, &but); #else toolBar.AddButtonW(1, &but); #endif } void CApp::ReloadToolbars() { _buttonsImageList.Destroy(); _toolBar.Destroy(); if (ShowArchiveToolbar || ShowStandardToolbar) { CreateToolbar(_window, _buttonsImageList, _toolBar, LargeButtons); int i; if (ShowArchiveToolbar) for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(g_ArchiveButtons); i++) AddButton(_buttonsImageList, _toolBar, g_ArchiveButtons[i], ShowButtonsLables, LargeButtons); if (ShowStandardToolbar) for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(g_StandardButtons); i++) AddButton(_buttonsImageList, _toolBar, g_StandardButtons[i], ShowButtonsLables, LargeButtons); _toolBar.AutoSize(); } } #endif void CApp::SaveToolbarChanges() { #ifdef _WIN32 SaveToolbar(); ReloadToolbars(); MoveSubWindows(); #endif } void MyLoadMenu(); HRESULT CApp::Create(HWND hwnd, const UString &mainPath, const UString &arcFormat, int xSizes[2], bool &archiveIsOpened, bool &encrypted) { _window.Attach(hwnd); #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef UNDER_CE _commandBar.Create(g_hInstance, hwnd, 1); #endif MyLoadMenu(); #ifdef UNDER_CE _commandBar.AutoSize(); #endif ReadToolbar(); ReloadToolbars(); #endif int i; for (i = 0; i < kNumPanelsMax; i++) PanelsCreated[i] = false; AppState.Read(); SetListSettings(); SetShowSystemMenu(); if (LastFocusedPanel >= kNumPanelsMax) LastFocusedPanel = 0; // ShowDeletedFiles = Read_ShowDeleted(); CListMode listMode; listMode.Read(); for (i = 0; i < kNumPanelsMax; i++) { CPanel &panel = Panels[i]; panel._ListViewMode = listMode.Panels[i]; panel._xSize = xSizes[i]; panel._flatModeForArc = ReadFlatView(i); } for (i = 0; i < kNumPanelsMax; i++) if (NumPanels > 1 || i == LastFocusedPanel) { if (NumPanels == 1) Panels[i]._xSize = xSizes[0] + xSizes[1]; bool archiveIsOpened2 = false; bool encrypted2 = false; bool mainPanel = (i == LastFocusedPanel); RINOK(CreateOnePanel(i, mainPanel ? mainPath : L"", arcFormat, archiveIsOpened2, encrypted2)); if (mainPanel) { archiveIsOpened = archiveIsOpened2; encrypted = encrypted2; } } SetFocusedPanel(LastFocusedPanel); Panels[LastFocusedPanel].SetFocusToList(); return S_OK; } HRESULT CApp::SwitchOnOffOnePanel() { if (NumPanels == 1) { NumPanels++; bool archiveIsOpened, encrypted; RINOK(CreateOnePanel(1 - LastFocusedPanel, UString(), UString(), archiveIsOpened, encrypted)); // FIXME Panels[1 - LastFocusedPanel].Enable(true); // FIXME Panels[1 - LastFocusedPanel].Show(SW_SHOWNORMAL); } else { NumPanels--; // FIXME Panels[1 - LastFocusedPanel].Enable(false); // FIXME Panels[1 - LastFocusedPanel].Show(SW_HIDE); } // FIXME MoveSubWindows(); return S_OK; } void CApp::Save() { AppState.Save(); CListMode listMode; for (int i = 0; i < kNumPanelsMax; i++) { const CPanel &panel = Panels[i]; UString path; if (panel._parentFolders.IsEmpty()) path = panel._currentFolderPrefix; else path = panel._parentFolders[0].ParentFolderPath; // GetFolderPath(panel._parentFolders[0].ParentFolder); SavePanelPath(i, path); listMode.Panels[i] = panel.GetListViewMode(); SaveFlatView(i, panel._flatModeForArc); } listMode.Save(); // Save_ShowDeleted(ShowDeletedFiles); } void CApp::Release() { // It's for unloading COM dll's: don't change it. for (int i = 0; i < kNumPanelsMax; i++) Panels[i].Release(); } // reduces path to part that exists on disk (or root prefix of path) // output path is normalized (with WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR) static void ReducePathToRealFileSystemPath(UString &path) { unsigned prefixSize = GetRootPrefixSize(path); while (!path.IsEmpty()) { if (NFind::DoesDirExist(us2fs(path))) { NName::NormalizeDirPathPrefix(path); break; } int pos = path.ReverseFind_PathSepar(); if (pos < 0) { path.Empty(); break; } path.DeleteFrom(pos + 1); if ((unsigned)pos + 1 == prefixSize) break; path.DeleteFrom(pos); } } // returns: true, if such dir exists or is root /* static bool CheckFolderPath(const UString &path) { UString pathReduced = path; ReducePathToRealFileSystemPath(pathReduced); return (pathReduced == path); } */ extern UString ConvertSizeToString(UInt64 value); static void AddSizeValue(UString &s, UInt64 size) { s += MyFormatNew(IDS_FILE_SIZE, ConvertSizeToString(size)); } static void AddValuePair1(UString &s, UINT resourceID, UInt64 size) { AddLangString(s, resourceID); s += L": "; AddSizeValue(s, size); s.Add_LF(); } void AddValuePair2(UString &s, UINT resourceID, UInt64 num, UInt64 size) { if (num == 0) return; AddLangString(s, resourceID); s += L": "; s += ConvertSizeToString(num); if (size != (UInt64)(Int64)-1) { s += L" ( "; AddSizeValue(s, size); s += L" )"; } s.Add_LF(); } static void AddPropValueToSum(IFolderFolder *folder, int index, PROPID propID, UInt64 &sum) { if (sum == (UInt64)(Int64)-1) return; NCOM::CPropVariant prop; folder->GetProperty(index, propID, &prop); UInt64 val = 0; if (ConvertPropVariantToUInt64(prop, val)) sum += val; else sum = (UInt64)(Int64)-1; } UString CPanel::GetItemsInfoString(const CRecordVector &indices) { UString info; UInt64 numDirs, numFiles, filesSize, foldersSize; numDirs = numFiles = filesSize = foldersSize = 0; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < indices.Size(); i++) { int index = indices[i]; if (IsItem_Folder(index)) { AddPropValueToSum(_folder, index, kpidSize, foldersSize); numDirs++; } else { AddPropValueToSum(_folder, index, kpidSize, filesSize); numFiles++; } } AddValuePair2(info, IDS_PROP_FOLDERS, numDirs, foldersSize); AddValuePair2(info, IDS_PROP_FILES, numFiles, filesSize); int numDefined = ((foldersSize != (UInt64)(Int64)-1) && foldersSize != 0) ? 1: 0; numDefined += ((filesSize != (UInt64)(Int64)-1) && filesSize != 0) ? 1: 0; if (numDefined == 2) AddValuePair1(info, IDS_PROP_SIZE, filesSize + foldersSize); info.Add_LF(); #ifdef _WIN32 info += _currentFolderPrefix; #else { extern const TCHAR * nameWindowToUnix(const TCHAR * lpFileName); UString tmp = nameWindowToUnix(_currentFolderPrefix); info += tmp; } #endif for (i = 0; i < indices.Size() && (int)i < (int)kCopyDialog_NumInfoLines - 6; i++) { info += L"\n "; int index = indices[i]; info += GetItemRelPath(index); if (IsItem_Folder(index)) info.Add_PathSepar(); } if (i != indices.Size()) info += L"\n ..."; return info; } bool IsCorrectFsName(const UString &name); /* Returns true, if path is path that can be used as path for File System functions */ /* static bool IsFsPath(const FString &path) { if (!IsAbsolutePath(path)) return false; unsigned prefixSize = GetRootPrefixSize(path); } */ void CApp::OnCopy(bool move, bool copyToSame, int srcPanelIndex) { int destPanelIndex = (NumPanels <= 1) ? srcPanelIndex : (1 - srcPanelIndex); CPanel &srcPanel = Panels[srcPanelIndex]; CPanel &destPanel = Panels[destPanelIndex]; CPanel::CDisableTimerProcessing disableTimerProcessing1(destPanel); CPanel::CDisableTimerProcessing disableTimerProcessing2(srcPanel); if (move) { if (!srcPanel.CheckBeforeUpdate(IDS_MOVE)) return; } else if (!srcPanel.DoesItSupportOperations()) { srcPanel.MessageBoxErrorLang(IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } CRecordVector indices; UString destPath; bool useDestPanel = false; { if (copyToSame) { int focusedItem = srcPanel._listView.GetFocusedItem(); if (focusedItem < 0) return; int realIndex = srcPanel.GetRealItemIndex(focusedItem); if (realIndex == kParentIndex) return; indices.Add(realIndex); destPath = srcPanel.GetItemName(realIndex); } else { srcPanel.GetOperatedIndicesSmart(indices); if (indices.Size() == 0) return; destPath = destPanel.GetFsPath(); if (NumPanels == 1) ReducePathToRealFileSystemPath(destPath); } } UStringVector copyFolders; ReadCopyHistory(copyFolders); { CCopyDialog copyDialog; copyDialog.Strings = copyFolders; copyDialog.Value = destPath; LangString(move ? IDS_MOVE : IDS_COPY, copyDialog.Title); LangString(move ? IDS_MOVE_TO : IDS_COPY_TO, copyDialog.Static); copyDialog.Info = srcPanel.GetItemsInfoString(indices); if (copyDialog.Create(srcPanel.GetParent()) != IDOK) return; destPath = copyDialog.Value; } { if (destPath.IsEmpty()) { srcPanel.MessageBoxErrorLang(IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } UString correctName; if (!srcPanel.CorrectFsPath(destPath, correctName)) { srcPanel.MessageBoxError(E_INVALIDARG); return; } if (IsAbsolutePath(destPath)) destPath.Empty(); else destPath = srcPanel.GetFsPath(); destPath += correctName; #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(UNDER_CE) if (destPath.Len() > 0 && destPath[0] == '\\') if (destPath.Len() == 1 || destPath[1] != '\\') { srcPanel.MessageBoxErrorLang(IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } #endif bool possibleToUseDestPanel = false; if (CompareFileNames(destPath, destPanel.GetFsPath()) == 0) { if (NumPanels == 1 || CompareFileNames(destPath, srcPanel.GetFsPath()) == 0) { srcPanel.MessageBoxMyError(L"Can not copy files onto itself"); return; } if (destPanel.DoesItSupportOperations()) possibleToUseDestPanel = true; } bool destIsFsPath = false; if (possibleToUseDestPanel) { if (destPanel.IsFSFolder() || destPanel.IsAltStreamsFolder()) destIsFsPath = true; else if (destPanel.IsFSDrivesFolder() || destPanel.IsRootFolder()) { srcPanel.MessageBoxErrorLang(IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } } else { #ifdef _WIN32 if (IsAltPathPrefix(us2fs(destPath))) { // we allow alt streams dest only to alt stream folder in second panel srcPanel.MessageBoxErrorLang(IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; /* FString basePath = us2fs(destPath); basePath.DeleteBack(); if (!DoesFileOrDirExist(basePath)) { srcPanel.MessageBoxError2Lines(basePath, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); // GetLastError() return; } destIsFsPath = true; */ } else #endif { if (indices.Size() == 1 && !destPath.IsEmpty() && destPath.Back() != WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR) { int pos = destPath.ReverseFind_PathSepar(); if (pos < 0) { srcPanel.MessageBoxErrorLang(IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } { /* #ifdef _WIN32 UString name = destPath.Ptr(pos + 1); if (name.Find(L':') >= 0) { srcPanel.MessageBoxErrorLang(IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } #endif */ UString prefix = destPath.Left(pos + 1); if (!CreateComplexDir(us2fs(prefix))) { srcPanel.MessageBoxError2Lines(prefix, GetLastError()); return; } } // bool isFolder = srcPanael.IsItem_Folder(indices[0]); } else { NName::NormalizeDirPathPrefix(destPath); if (!CreateComplexDir(us2fs(destPath))) { srcPanel.MessageBoxError2Lines(destPath, GetLastError()); return; } } destIsFsPath = true; } } if (!destIsFsPath) useDestPanel = true; AddUniqueStringToHeadOfList(copyFolders, destPath); while (copyFolders.Size() > 20) copyFolders.DeleteBack(); SaveCopyHistory(copyFolders); } bool useSrcPanel = !useDestPanel || !srcPanel.Is_IO_FS_Folder(); bool useTemp = useSrcPanel && useDestPanel; if (useTemp && NumPanels == 1) { srcPanel.MessageBoxErrorLang(IDS_OPERATION_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED); return; } CTempDir tempDirectory; FString tempDirPrefix; if (useTemp) { tempDirectory.Create(kTempDirPrefix); tempDirPrefix = tempDirectory.GetPath(); NFile::NName::NormalizeDirPathPrefix(tempDirPrefix); } CSelectedState srcSelState; CSelectedState destSelState; srcPanel.SaveSelectedState(srcSelState); destPanel.SaveSelectedState(destSelState); CPanel::CDisableNotify disableNotify1(destPanel); CPanel::CDisableNotify disableNotify2(srcPanel); HRESULT result = S_OK; if (useSrcPanel) { CCopyToOptions options; options.folder = useTemp ? fs2us(tempDirPrefix) : destPath; options.moveMode = move; options.includeAltStreams = true; options.replaceAltStreamChars = false; options.showErrorMessages = true; result = srcPanel.CopyTo(options, indices, NULL); } if (result == S_OK && useDestPanel) { UStringVector filePaths; UString folderPrefix; if (useTemp) folderPrefix = fs2us(tempDirPrefix); else folderPrefix = srcPanel.GetFsPath(); filePaths.ClearAndReserve(indices.Size()); FOR_VECTOR (i, indices) filePaths.AddInReserved(srcPanel.GetItemRelPath2(indices[i])); result = destPanel.CopyFrom(move, folderPrefix, filePaths, true, 0); } if (result != S_OK) { // disableNotify1.Restore(); // disableNotify2.Restore(); // For Password: // srcPanel.SetFocusToList(); // srcPanel.InvalidateList(NULL, true); if (result != E_ABORT) srcPanel.MessageBoxError(result, L"Error"); // return; } RefreshTitleAlways(); if (copyToSame || move) { srcPanel.RefreshListCtrl(srcSelState); } if (!copyToSame) { destPanel.RefreshListCtrl(destSelState); srcPanel.KillSelection(); } disableNotify1.Restore(); disableNotify2.Restore(); srcPanel.SetFocusToList(); } void CApp::OnSetSameFolder(int srcPanelIndex) { if (NumPanels <= 1) return; const CPanel &srcPanel = Panels[srcPanelIndex]; CPanel &destPanel = Panels[1 - srcPanelIndex]; destPanel.BindToPathAndRefresh(srcPanel._currentFolderPrefix); } void CApp::OnSetSubFolder(int srcPanelIndex) { if (NumPanels <= 1) return; const CPanel &srcPanel = Panels[srcPanelIndex]; CPanel &destPanel = Panels[1 - srcPanelIndex]; int focusedItem = srcPanel._listView.GetFocusedItem(); if (focusedItem < 0) return; int realIndex = srcPanel.GetRealItemIndex(focusedItem); if (!srcPanel.IsItem_Folder(realIndex)) return; // destPanel.BindToFolder(srcPanel._currentFolderPrefix + srcPanel.GetItemName(realIndex) + WCHAR_PATH_SEPARATOR); CMyComPtr newFolder; if (realIndex == kParentIndex) { if (srcPanel._folder->BindToParentFolder(&newFolder) != S_OK) return; } else { if (srcPanel._folder->BindToFolder(realIndex, &newFolder) != S_OK) return; } destPanel.CloseOpenFolders(); destPanel.SetNewFolder(newFolder); destPanel.RefreshListCtrl(); } /* int CApp::GetFocusedPanelIndex() const { return LastFocusedPanel; HWND hwnd = ::GetFocus(); for (;;) { if (hwnd == 0) return 0; for (int i = 0; i < kNumPanelsMax; i++) { if (PanelsCreated[i] && ((HWND)Panels[i] == hwnd || Panels[i]._listView == hwnd)) return i; } hwnd = GetParent(hwnd); } } */ static UString g_ToolTipBuffer; static CSysString g_ToolTipBufferSys; #ifdef _WIN32 void CApp::OnNotify(int /* ctrlID */, LPNMHDR pnmh) { { if (pnmh->code == TTN_GETDISPINFO) { LPNMTTDISPINFO info = (LPNMTTDISPINFO)pnmh; info->hinst = 0; g_ToolTipBuffer.Empty(); SetButtonText((int)info->hdr.idFrom, g_ToolTipBuffer); g_ToolTipBufferSys = GetSystemString(g_ToolTipBuffer); info->lpszText = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)g_ToolTipBufferSys; return; } #ifndef _UNICODE if (pnmh->code == TTN_GETDISPINFOW) { LPNMTTDISPINFOW info = (LPNMTTDISPINFOW)pnmh; info->hinst = 0; g_ToolTipBuffer.Empty(); SetButtonText((int)info->hdr.idFrom, g_ToolTipBuffer); info->lpszText = (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)g_ToolTipBuffer; return; } #endif } } #endif void CApp::RefreshTitle(bool always) { UString path = GetFocusedPanel()._currentFolderPrefix; #ifndef _WIN32 { extern const TCHAR * nameWindowToUnix(const TCHAR * lpFileName); UString tmp = nameWindowToUnix(path); path = tmp; } #endif if (path.IsEmpty()) path = L"7-Zip"; // LangString(IDS_APP_TITLE); if (!always && path == PrevTitle) return; PrevTitle = path; NWindows::MySetWindowText(_window, path); } void CApp::RefreshTitle(int panelIndex, bool always) { if (panelIndex != GetFocusedPanelIndex()) return; RefreshTitle(always); } void AddUniqueStringToHead(UStringVector &list, const UString &s) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < list.Size();) if (s.IsEqualTo_NoCase(list[i])) list.Delete(i); else i++; list.Insert(0, s); } void CFolderHistory::Normalize() { const unsigned kMaxSize = 100; if (Strings.Size() > kMaxSize) Strings.DeleteFrom(kMaxSize); } void CFolderHistory::AddString(const UString &s) { NSynchronization::CCriticalSectionLock lock(_criticalSection); AddUniqueStringToHead(Strings, s); Normalize(); }