// PanelListNotify.cpp #include "StdAfx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "../../../Common/IntToString.h" #include "../../../Common/StringConvert.h" #include "../../../Windows/PropVariant.h" #include "../../../Windows/PropVariantConv.h" #include "../Common/PropIDUtils.h" #include "../../PropID.h" #include "App.h" #include "Panel.h" #include "FormatUtils.h" using namespace NWindows; #define INT_TO_STR_SPEC(v) \ while (v >= 10) { temp[i++] = (unsigned char)('0' + (unsigned)(v % 10)); v /= 10; } \ *s++ = (unsigned char)('0' + (unsigned)v); static void ConvertSizeToString(UInt64 val, wchar_t *s) throw() { unsigned char temp[32]; unsigned i = 0; if (val <= (UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF) { UInt32 val32 = (UInt32)val; INT_TO_STR_SPEC(val32) } else { INT_TO_STR_SPEC(val) } if (i < 3) { if (i != 0) { *s++ = temp[i - 1]; if (i == 2) *s++ = temp[0]; } *s = 0; return; } unsigned r = i % 3; if (r != 0) { s[0] = temp[--i]; if (r == 2) s[1] = temp[--i]; s += r; } do { s[0] = ' '; s[1] = temp[i - 1]; s[2] = temp[i - 2]; s[3] = temp[i - 3]; s += 4; } while (i -= 3); *s = 0; } UString ConvertSizeToString(UInt64 value) { wchar_t s[32]; ConvertSizeToString(value, s); return s; } static inline unsigned GetHex(unsigned v) { return (v < 10) ? ('0' + v) : ('A' + (v - 10)); } /* static void HexToString(char *dest, const Byte *data, UInt32 size) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < size; i++) { unsigned b = data[i]; dest[0] = GetHex((b >> 4) & 0xF); dest[1] = GetHex(b & 0xF); dest += 2; } *dest = 0; } */ bool IsSizeProp(UINT propID) throw() { switch (propID) { case kpidSize: case kpidPackSize: case kpidNumSubDirs: case kpidNumSubFiles: case kpidOffset: case kpidLinks: case kpidNumBlocks: case kpidNumVolumes: case kpidPhySize: case kpidHeadersSize: case kpidTotalSize: case kpidFreeSpace: case kpidClusterSize: case kpidNumErrors: case kpidNumStreams: case kpidNumAltStreams: case kpidAltStreamsSize: case kpidVirtualSize: case kpidUnpackSize: case kpidTotalPhySize: case kpidTailSize: case kpidEmbeddedStubSize: return true; } return false; } LRESULT CPanel::SetItemText(LVITEMW &item) { if (_dontShowMode) return 0; UInt32 realIndex = GetRealIndex(item); /* if ((item.mask & LVIF_IMAGE) != 0) { bool defined = false; CComPtr folderGetSystemIconIndex; _folder.QueryInterface(&folderGetSystemIconIndex); if (folderGetSystemIconIndex) { folderGetSystemIconIndex->GetSystemIconIndex(index, &item.iImage); defined = (item.iImage > 0); } if (!defined) { NCOM::CPropVariant prop; _folder->GetProperty(index, kpidAttrib, &prop); UINT32 attrib = 0; if (prop.vt == VT_UI4) attrib = prop.ulVal; else if (IsItemFolder(index)) attrib |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; if (_currentFolderPrefix.IsEmpty()) throw 1; else item.iImage = _extToIconMap.GetIconIndex(attrib, GetSystemString(GetItemName(index))); } // item.iImage = 1; } */ if ((item.mask & LVIF_TEXT) == 0) return 0; LPWSTR text = item.pszText; if (item.cchTextMax > 0) text[0] = 0; if (item.cchTextMax <= 1) return 0; const CItemProperty &property = _visibleProperties[item.iSubItem]; PROPID propID = property.ID; if (realIndex == kParentIndex) { if (propID == kpidName) { if (item.cchTextMax > 2) { text[0] = '.'; text[1] = '.'; text[2] = 0; } } return 0; } if (property.IsRawProp) { const void *data; UInt32 dataSize; UInt32 propType; RINOK(_folderRawProps->GetRawProp(realIndex, propID, &data, &dataSize, &propType)); unsigned limit = item.cchTextMax - 1; if (dataSize == 0) { text[0] = 0; return 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (propID == kpidNtReparse) { UString s; ConvertNtReparseToString((const Byte *)data, dataSize, s); if (!s.IsEmpty()) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { wchar_t c = s[i]; if (c == 0) break; text[i] = c; } text[i] = 0; return 0; } } #endif else if (propID == kpidNtSecure) { AString s; ConvertNtSecureToString((const Byte *)data, dataSize, s); if (!s.IsEmpty()) { unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { wchar_t c = (Byte)s[i]; if (c == 0) break; text[i] = c; } text[i] = 0; return 0; } } { const unsigned kMaxDataSize = 64; if (dataSize > kMaxDataSize) { char temp[32]; MyStringCopy(temp, "data:"); ConvertUInt32ToString(dataSize, temp + 5); unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { wchar_t c = (Byte)temp[i]; if (c == 0) break; text[i] = c; } text[i] = 0; } else { if (dataSize > limit) dataSize = limit; WCHAR *dest = text; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { unsigned b = ((const Byte *)data)[i]; dest[0] = (WCHAR)GetHex((b >> 4) & 0xF); dest[1] = (WCHAR)GetHex(b & 0xF); dest += 2; } *dest = 0; } } return 0; } /* { NCOM::CPropVariant prop; if (propID == kpidType) string = GetFileType(index); else { HRESULT result = m_ArchiveFolder->GetProperty(index, propID, &prop); if (result != S_OK) { // PrintMessage("GetPropertyValue error"); return 0; } string = ConvertPropertyToString(prop, propID, false); } } */ // const NFind::CFileInfo &aFileInfo = m_Files[index]; NCOM::CPropVariant prop; /* bool needRead = true; if (propID == kpidSize) { CComPtr getItemFullSize; if (_folder.QueryInterface(&getItemFullSize) == S_OK) { if (getItemFullSize->GetItemFullSize(index, &prop) == S_OK) needRead = false; } } if (needRead) */ if (item.cchTextMax < 32) return 0; if (propID == kpidName) { if (_folderGetItemName) { const wchar_t *name = NULL; unsigned nameLen = 0; _folderGetItemName->GetItemName(realIndex, &name, &nameLen); if (name) { unsigned dest = 0; unsigned limit = item.cchTextMax - 1; for (unsigned i = 0; dest < limit;) { wchar_t c = name[i++]; if (c == 0) break; text[dest++] = c; if (c != ' ') { if (c != 0x202E) // RLO continue; text[dest - 1] = '_'; continue; } if (name[i + 1] != ' ') continue; unsigned t = 2; for (; name[i + t] == ' '; t++); if (t >= 4 && dest + 4 <= limit) { text[dest++] = '.'; text[dest++] = '.'; text[dest++] = '.'; text[dest++] = ' '; i += t; } } text[dest] = 0; return 0; } } } if (propID == kpidPrefix) { if (_folderGetItemName) { const wchar_t *name = NULL; unsigned nameLen = 0; _folderGetItemName->GetItemPrefix(realIndex, &name, &nameLen); if (name) { unsigned dest = 0; unsigned limit = item.cchTextMax - 1; for (unsigned i = 0; dest < limit;) { wchar_t c = name[i++]; if (c == 0) break; text[dest++] = c; } text[dest] = 0; return 0; } } } HRESULT res = _folder->GetProperty(realIndex, propID, &prop); if (res != S_OK) { MyStringCopy(text, L"Error: "); // s = UString(L"Error: ") + HResultToMessage(res); } else if ((prop.vt == VT_UI8 || prop.vt == VT_UI4 || prop.vt == VT_UI2) && IsSizeProp(propID)) { UInt64 v = 0; ConvertPropVariantToUInt64(prop, v); ConvertSizeToString(v, text); } else if (prop.vt == VT_BSTR) { unsigned limit = item.cchTextMax - 1; const wchar_t *src = prop.bstrVal; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { wchar_t c = src[i]; if (c == 0) break; if (c == 0xA) c = ' '; if (c == 0xD) c = ' '; text[i] = c; } text[i] = 0; } else { char temp[64]; ConvertPropertyToShortString(temp, prop, propID, false); unsigned i; unsigned limit = item.cchTextMax - 1; for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) { wchar_t c = (Byte)temp[i]; if (c == 0) break; text[i] = c; } text[i] = 0; } return 0; } #ifndef UNDER_CE extern DWORD g_ComCtl32Version; #endif void CPanel::OnItemChanged(NMLISTVIEW *item) { int index = (int)item->lParam; if (index == kParentIndex) return; bool oldSelected = (item->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED) != 0; bool newSelected = (item->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) != 0; // Don't change this code. It works only with such check if (oldSelected != newSelected) { printf("CPanel::OnItemChanged : _selectedStatusVector[%d]= %d %d => %d\n",index,_selectedStatusVector[index],oldSelected,newSelected); _selectedStatusVector[index] = newSelected; } } extern bool g_LVN_ITEMACTIVATE_Support; void CPanel::OnNotifyActivateItems() { #ifdef _WIN32 bool alt = IsKeyDown(VK_MENU); bool ctrl = IsKeyDown(VK_CONTROL); bool shift = IsKeyDown(VK_SHIFT); if (!shift && alt && !ctrl) Properties(); else OpenSelectedItems(!shift || alt || ctrl); #else OpenSelectedItems(true); #endif } bool CPanel::OnNotifyList(LPNMHDR header, LRESULT &result) { switch (header->code) { case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { if (_enableItemChangeNotify) { if (!_mySelectMode) OnItemChanged((LPNMLISTVIEW)header); // Post_Refresh_StatusBar(); /* 9.26: we don't call Post_Refresh_StatusBar. it was very slow if we select big number of files and then clead slection by selecting just new file. probably it called slow Refresh_StatusBar for each item deselection. I hope Refresh_StatusBar still will be called for each key / mouse action. */ } return false; } /* case LVN_ODSTATECHANGED: { break; } */ #ifdef _WIN32 case LVN_GETDISPINFOW: { LV_DISPINFOW *dispInfo = (LV_DISPINFOW *)header; //is the sub-item information being requested? if ((dispInfo->item.mask & LVIF_TEXT) != 0 || (dispInfo->item.mask & LVIF_IMAGE) != 0) SetItemText(dispInfo->item); return false; } case LVN_KEYDOWN: { LPNMLVKEYDOWN keyDownInfo = LPNMLVKEYDOWN(header); bool boolResult = OnKeyDown(keyDownInfo, result); switch (keyDownInfo->wVKey) { case VK_CONTROL: case VK_SHIFT: case VK_MENU: break; default: Post_Refresh_StatusBar(); } return boolResult; } #endif case LVN_COLUMNCLICK: OnColumnClick(LPNMLISTVIEW(header)); return false; #ifdef _WIN32 case LVN_ITEMACTIVATE: if (g_LVN_ITEMACTIVATE_Support) { OnNotifyActivateItems(); return false; } break; #endif case NM_DBLCLK: // FIXME case NM_RETURN: // FIXME if (!g_LVN_ITEMACTIVATE_Support) { OnNotifyActivateItems(); return false; } break; #ifdef _WIN32 case NM_RCLICK: Post_Refresh_StatusBar(); break; /* return OnRightClick((LPNMITEMACTIVATE)header, result); */ /* case NM_CLICK: SendRefreshStatusBarMessage(); return 0; // TODO : Handler default action... return 0; case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { NMLISTVIEW *pNMLV = (NMLISTVIEW *) lpnmh; SelChange(pNMLV); return TRUE; } case NM_SETFOCUS: return onSetFocus(NULL); case NM_KILLFOCUS: return onKillFocus(NULL); */ case NM_CLICK: { // we need SetFocusToList, if we drag-select items from other panel. SetFocusToList(); Post_Refresh_StatusBar(); if (_mySelectMode) #ifndef UNDER_CE if (g_ComCtl32Version >= MAKELONG(71, 4)) #endif OnLeftClick((MY_NMLISTVIEW_NMITEMACTIVATE *)header); return false; } case LVN_BEGINLABELEDITW: result = OnBeginLabelEdit((LV_DISPINFOW *)header); return true; case LVN_ENDLABELEDITW: result = OnEndLabelEdit((LV_DISPINFOW *)header); return true; case NM_CUSTOMDRAW: { if (_mySelectMode || (_markDeletedItems && _thereAreDeletedItems)) return OnCustomDraw((LPNMLVCUSTOMDRAW)header, result); break; } case LVN_BEGINDRAG: { OnDrag((LPNMLISTVIEW)header); Post_Refresh_StatusBar(); break; } // case LVN_BEGINRDRAG: #endif } return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 bool CPanel::OnCustomDraw(LPNMLVCUSTOMDRAW lplvcd, LRESULT &result) { switch (lplvcd->nmcd.dwDrawStage) { case CDDS_PREPAINT : result = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; return true; case CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: /* SelectObject(lplvcd->nmcd.hdc, GetFontForItem(lplvcd->nmcd.dwItemSpec, lplvcd->nmcd.lItemlParam) ); lplvcd->clrText = GetColorForItem(lplvcd->nmcd.dwItemSpec, lplvcd->nmcd.lItemlParam); lplvcd->clrTextBk = GetBkColorForItem(lplvcd->nmcd.dwItemSpec, lplvcd->nmcd.lItemlParam); */ int realIndex = (int)lplvcd->nmcd.lItemlParam; lplvcd->clrTextBk = _listView.GetBkColor(); if (_mySelectMode) { if (realIndex != kParentIndex && _selectedStatusVector[realIndex]) lplvcd->clrTextBk = RGB(255, 192, 192); } if (_markDeletedItems && _thereAreDeletedItems) { if (IsItem_Deleted(realIndex)) lplvcd->clrText = RGB(255, 0, 0); } // lplvcd->clrText = RGB(0, 0, 0); // result = CDRF_NEWFONT; result = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; return true; // return false; // return true; /* case CDDS_SUBITEM | CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT: if (lplvcd->iSubItem == 0) { // lplvcd->clrText = RGB(255, 0, 0); lplvcd->clrTextBk = RGB(192, 192, 192); } else { lplvcd->clrText = RGB(0, 0, 0); lplvcd->clrTextBk = RGB(255, 255, 255); } return true; */ /* At this point, you can change the background colors for the item and any subitems and return CDRF_NEWFONT. If the list-view control is in report mode, you can simply return CDRF_NOTIFYSUBITEMREDRAW to customize the item's subitems individually */ } return false; } #endif void CPanel::Refresh_StatusBar() { #ifdef _WIN32 /* g_name_cnt++; char s[256]; sprintf(s, "g_name_cnt = %8d", g_name_cnt); OutputDebugStringA(s); */ // DWORD dw = GetTickCount(); CRecordVector indices; GetOperatedItemIndices(indices); wchar_t temp[32]; ConvertUInt32ToString(indices.Size(), temp); // UString s1 = MyFormatNew(g_App.LangString_N_SELECTED_ITEMS, NumberToString(indices.Size())); // UString s1 = MyFormatNew(IDS_N_SELECTED_ITEMS, NumberToString(indices.Size())); _statusBar.SetText(0, MyFormatNew(g_App.LangString_N_SELECTED_ITEMS, temp)); // _statusBar.SetText(0, MyFormatNew(IDS_N_SELECTED_ITEMS, NumberToString(indices.Size()))); wchar_t selectSizeString[32]; selectSizeString[0] = 0; if (indices.Size() > 0) { // for (unsigned ttt = 0; ttt < 1000; ttt++) { UInt64 totalSize = 0; FOR_VECTOR (i, indices) totalSize += GetItemSize(indices[i]); ConvertSizeToString(totalSize, selectSizeString); // } } _statusBar.SetText(1, selectSizeString); int focusedItem = _listView.GetFocusedItem(); wchar_t sizeString[32]; sizeString[0] = 0; wchar_t dateString[32]; dateString[0] = 0; if (focusedItem >= 0 && _listView.GetSelectedCount() > 0) { int realIndex = GetRealItemIndex(focusedItem); if (realIndex != kParentIndex) { ConvertSizeToString(GetItemSize(realIndex), sizeString); NCOM::CPropVariant prop; if (_folder->GetProperty(realIndex, kpidMTime, &prop) == S_OK) { char dateString2[32]; dateString2[0] = 0; ConvertPropertyToShortString(dateString2, prop, kpidMTime, false); for (unsigned i = 0;; i++) { char c = dateString2[i]; dateString[i] = (Byte)c; if (c == 0) break; } } } } _statusBar.SetText(2, sizeString); _statusBar.SetText(3, dateString); // _statusBar.SetText(4, nameString); // _statusBar2.SetText(1, MyFormatNew(L"{0} bytes", NumberToStringW(totalSize))); // } /* dw = GetTickCount() - dw; sprintf(s, "status = %8d ms", dw); OutputDebugStringA(s); */ #endif }