#!perl -w use strict; use Archive::SevenZip; use File::Basename; use Test::More tests => 2; use File::Temp 'tempfile'; my $version = Archive::SevenZip->find_7z_executable(); if( ! $version ) { SKIP: { skip "7z binary not found (not installed?)", 2; } exit; }; diag "7-zip version $version"; if( $version <= 9.20) { SKIP: { skip "7z version $version does not support renaming", 2; } exit }; my $base = dirname($0) . '/data'; my $ar = Archive::SevenZip->new( #archivename => $archivename, #type => '7z', ); #(my $tempname, undef) = tempfile; my $content = "This is\x{0d}\x{0a}the content"; $ar->add_scalar('some-member.txt',$content); #$ar->writeToFileNamed($tempname); my @contents = map { $_->fileName } $ar->list(); is_deeply \@contents, ["some-member.txt"], "Contents of created archive are OK"; my $written = $ar->content( membername => 'some-member.txt', binmode => ':raw'); is $written, $content, "Reading back the same data as we wrote";