diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-doc/apparmor-docs/Manifest b/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-doc/apparmor-docs/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index ded1a25..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-doc/apparmor-docs/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-DIST apparmor-docs-2.0-6269.tar.gz 2697657 RMD160 474048d988d72cbf9bf21d50e8aef37d06d9b000 SHA1 792f4339d86d02d179b786de87a47394abfdadae SHA256 9c2d63bfe42cc4582e24d1248a7560dd19cee718db513c7dedb12d45fe168221
-EBUILD apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269.ebuild 955 RMD160 7d0ef9d6bc1a7742684c3c3ced41fd846647a659 SHA1 1f46784c84ea199daa365a19e5d2ff500b84540b SHA256 0db0811764e7dee4543a7d8435f998a76d01ac54335d1b6603295a7a7d929c12
-MD5 38dd72e1548593a135e9e3554d583b3a apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269.ebuild 955
-RMD160 7d0ef9d6bc1a7742684c3c3ced41fd846647a659 apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269.ebuild 955
-SHA256 0db0811764e7dee4543a7d8435f998a76d01ac54335d1b6603295a7a7d929c12 apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269.ebuild 955
-MD5 2729ec9e31f63d936db2d7745ef9be57 files/digest-apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269 271
-RMD160 1c537c1e781a06a7bac39b2cfb7170ba281bb875 files/digest-apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269 271
-SHA256 1a62f3ad2e11540f9e65c1c623357a588f44ecd1244c2559c6436f426aa210ba files/digest-apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269 271
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-doc/apparmor-docs/apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-doc/apparmor-docs/apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 640416c..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-doc/apparmor-docs/apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils perl-module toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Documentation for AppArmor."
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${MY_S}
- sed -i "s:NOVELL/SUSE:Gentoo:g" Makefile
-src_compile() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" || die
-src_install() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- make DESTDIR=${D} install_manpages || die
- # Some files are missing from the doc distribution, so no '|| die'
- # bug submitted upstream
- make DESTDIR=${D} DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/${P} install_documents
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-doc/apparmor-docs/files/digest-apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-doc/apparmor-docs/files/digest-apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c4eee3..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-doc/apparmor-docs/files/digest-apparmor-docs-2.0_p6269
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 a5130a30a6a9e7cac316fe7658af031a apparmor-docs-2.0-6269.tar.gz 2697657
-RMD160 474048d988d72cbf9bf21d50e8aef37d06d9b000 apparmor-docs-2.0-6269.tar.gz 2697657
-SHA256 9c2d63bfe42cc4582e24d1248a7560dd19cee718db513c7dedb12d45fe168221 apparmor-docs-2.0-6269.tar.gz 2697657
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/apparmor-syntax/Manifest b/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/apparmor-syntax/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 327e782..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/apparmor-syntax/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-DIST apparmor-syntax-200609.tar.bz2 1944 RMD160 ffffda77d691edfdbdc2044f6b7aa6f33f7bb223 SHA1 602a63663b4c82183cdee568fffee6eea53b3ee1 SHA256 db5aa288aa500f6b7d3bbe3a51949d3a427ee015b385c5353ada8d78846dfe0a
-EBUILD apparmor-syntax-200609.ebuild 424 RMD160 7791f7d04affb46b767f0d329a888c7be42d984e SHA1 420618adeb7b0ed315cdb1a8e29e0fa8bddc3995 SHA256 60ec62ca7820c57ca4caa25a913c476cf6ea5a060d6befab151a5335fb3303f1
-MD5 780f8eead7c9f97774e2fb98d66a12c0 apparmor-syntax-200609.ebuild 424
-RMD160 7791f7d04affb46b767f0d329a888c7be42d984e apparmor-syntax-200609.ebuild 424
-SHA256 60ec62ca7820c57ca4caa25a913c476cf6ea5a060d6befab151a5335fb3303f1 apparmor-syntax-200609.ebuild 424
-MD5 c72538221b6d11278c4aa3364e2818bb files/digest-apparmor-syntax-200609 265
-RMD160 feff8dcf95a810e9ee6eba1e03a135379d2434ef files/digest-apparmor-syntax-200609 265
-SHA256 e7cfd2f74c1811198bee4763f1f5f8400d8780bd9d3c49eeed2a977540d2e6f5 files/digest-apparmor-syntax-200609 265
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/apparmor-syntax/apparmor-syntax-200609.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/apparmor-syntax/apparmor-syntax-200609.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 06fddf4..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/apparmor-syntax/apparmor-syntax-200609.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit vim-plugin
-DESCRIPTION="vim plugin: AppArmor policy syntax"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 ia64 mips ~ppc ppc64 sparc x86"
-VIM_PLUGIN_HELPTEXT="This plugin provides syntax highlighting for Apparmor
-policy files."
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/apparmor-syntax/files/digest-apparmor-syntax-200609 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/apparmor-syntax/files/digest-apparmor-syntax-200609
deleted file mode 100644
index f424879..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/apparmor-syntax/files/digest-apparmor-syntax-200609
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 c44d7356708377424d641aa0c66a72a8 apparmor-syntax-200609.tar.bz2 1944
-RMD160 ffffda77d691edfdbdc2044f6b7aa6f33f7bb223 apparmor-syntax-200609.tar.bz2 1944
-SHA256 db5aa288aa500f6b7d3bbe3a51949d3a427ee015b385c5353ada8d78846dfe0a apparmor-syntax-200609.tar.bz2 1944
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/metadata.xml b/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index df7f603..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/app-vim/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- The app-vim category contains plugins, syntax file and spelling
- packages for the Vim text editor.
- Die Kategorie app-vim enthält Plugins und
- Syntax-Pakete für den Vim Texteditor.
- La categoría app-vim contiene extensiones y paquetes
- de syntaxis para el editor de texto Vim.
- De app-vim categorie bevat plugins en syntax-bestanden
- voor de vim text editor.
- Nhóm app-vim chứa các plugin và các gói syntax cho
- trình soạn thảo văn bản Vim.
- La categoria app-vim contiene estensioni e pacchetti di sintassi
- per l'editor di testo Vim.
- A categoria app-vim contém plugins e pacotes de sintaxe e grafia
- para o editor de texto Vim.
- Kategoria app-vim zawiera rozszerzenia, schematy podświetlania składni
- oraz dodatki służące do sprawdzania pisowni dla edytora tekstu Vim.
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/distfiles/apparmor-syntax-200609.tar.bz2 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/distfiles/apparmor-syntax-200609.tar.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index fc1961c..0000000
Binary files a/trunk/novell4gentoo/distfiles/apparmor-syntax-200609.tar.bz2 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/ChangeLog b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 297df4b..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for sec-policy/apparmor-profiles
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 13 Aug 2006; Mario Fetka
- +apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376.ebuild:
- Initial Import of
- Matthew Snelham
- Apparmor ebuilds
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/Manifest b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 5756df0..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-DIST apparmor-profiles-2.0-119.tar.gz 38442 RMD160 41960baad897408ef9fed48829975b7d7ad5381a SHA1 ced8c4e1a8837b9c243fba9146454cf284e357f6 SHA256 747be3c170cd9bb599e6c5a6b1c19a1ec8e8f614b469ef52d7e6640830698efd
-DIST apparmor-profiles-2.0-6376.tar.gz 33651 RMD160 cd64269b9c12fd60256f624b7b81aa1bddbb74c3 SHA1 151a18c3bc05355f24188cd1bc4b77cbae7e15dd SHA256 55103b0ce98616b6860fb43eff23587ad0faf5e38ab828bdd025d87a55b0f073
-EBUILD apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119.ebuild 1770 RMD160 685fb1f50b304a0e926a4cfe5f83f56668e66089 SHA1 2f99943e2dd586f370a44930a2fe77bf4c5d5d24 SHA256 e45329f2b1d6ee704507ca81af87b910b24390cb215de7ef198029661c720433
-MD5 237f7fa6f27dbff8548383c39213645d apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119.ebuild 1770
-RMD160 685fb1f50b304a0e926a4cfe5f83f56668e66089 apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119.ebuild 1770
-SHA256 e45329f2b1d6ee704507ca81af87b910b24390cb215de7ef198029661c720433 apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119.ebuild 1770
-EBUILD apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376.ebuild 1761 RMD160 c71682fbb885b3be54813c691258d4c6a3d6de59 SHA1 778fa06e704b167e03946a0a26f2b6e5f282f37f SHA256 350943388432d8280888d86ea36e3fb92af128c64553ef99f3421c07b2274d04
-MD5 84869f70eb14cb24d0d296fa2f764cef apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376.ebuild 1761
-RMD160 c71682fbb885b3be54813c691258d4c6a3d6de59 apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376.ebuild 1761
-SHA256 350943388432d8280888d86ea36e3fb92af128c64553ef99f3421c07b2274d04 apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376.ebuild 1761
-MISC ChangeLog 298 RMD160 b9b60d4693e022c3a3b51d7a125fcfb8a81accff SHA1 f5cace28303705a7765c4b80748f2d17918bdad8 SHA256 d0ed57cfaa564a15c378fd4ed2417338c1f228a7facf33f2dc7e2679ccc514c1
-MD5 754dcad22d0341872441dba94bca8272 ChangeLog 298
-RMD160 b9b60d4693e022c3a3b51d7a125fcfb8a81accff ChangeLog 298
-SHA256 d0ed57cfaa564a15c378fd4ed2417338c1f228a7facf33f2dc7e2679ccc514c1 ChangeLog 298
-MISC metadata.xml 409 RMD160 968882ff27e0b0a3f97af92b6f537b8b00a646ff SHA1 3fcb95fd59a93e7aa310e0a41474df97187da15a SHA256 3043f699fbff382064ac346e6be45c4bdfa03ab4e0a92f8cdaea0737f9edce0f
-MD5 042c5aa592b5d0dbb5fce79de0cd78d8 metadata.xml 409
-RMD160 968882ff27e0b0a3f97af92b6f537b8b00a646ff metadata.xml 409
-SHA256 3043f699fbff382064ac346e6be45c4bdfa03ab4e0a92f8cdaea0737f9edce0f metadata.xml 409
-MD5 009b398f5b231e38fc3422558483629e files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119 274
-RMD160 d85cd1212273237347788ba31a1b757e9aec6635 files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119 274
-SHA256 a51796af9a3ecb31ff8752d4f3d3d19a6c3f613e8da9e32d02b7a79101996232 files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119 274
-MD5 45e145b77a88f384033973676b4cf1c0 files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376 277
-RMD160 75b6c9ba5340bafa72a8410339ceeeda13a71d00 files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376 277
-SHA256 b4229927d9665b3c60a9ba4d956d942083d5d7c59b8f3ced3c36d8741efad10d files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376 277
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 3684820..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="AppArmor pre-built application encapsulation profiles."
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-pkg_postinst() {
- ewarn
- ewarn " Expect that ENABLING THEM WILL BREAK things"
- ewarn " "
- ewarn "These profiles were built to work with a SuSE base install, and "
- ewarn "make many assumptions about file placement and system facilities "
- ewarn "that are quite possibly untrue on any Gentoo system ever emerged."
- ewarn " "
- ewarn "They are provided for reference purposes only, until profiles can "
- ewarn "be created and verified for Gentoo. If you are interested in using "
- ewarn "AppArmor, and modifiying these base profiles for a Gentoo package, "
- ewarn "please feel free to do so, and contact the AppArmor package "
- ewarn "maintainer with your working profiles!"
- ewarn
- epause
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${MY_S}
- # Move profiles to a different dir so that none of
- # them are sourced by default on startup.
- sed -i 's:apparmor.d$:apparmor.d/suse-defaults:g' Makefile
-src_compile() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" || die
-src_install() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- # Place profiles in /usr/share, instead of /usr/src/Immunix
- MY_SHAREDIR="/usr/share/${PN}"
- make DESTDIR=${D} EXTRASDIR=${D}/${MY_SHAREDIR} install || die
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b5b188..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils
-DESCRIPTION="AppArmor pre-built application encapsulation profiles."
-pkg_postinst() {
- ewarn
- ewarn " Expect that ENABLING THEM WILL BREAK things"
- ewarn " "
- ewarn "These profiles were built to work with a SuSE base install, and "
- ewarn "make many assumptions about file placement and system facilities "
- ewarn "that are quite possibly untrue on any Gentoo system ever emerged."
- ewarn " "
- ewarn "They are provided for reference purposes only, until profiles can "
- ewarn "be created and verified for Gentoo. If you are interested in using "
- ewarn "AppArmor, and modifiying these base profiles for a Gentoo package, "
- ewarn "please feel free to do so, and contact the AppArmor package "
- ewarn "maintainer with your working profiles!"
- ewarn
- epause
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${MY_S}
- # Move profiles to a different dir so that none of
- # them are sourced by default on startup.
- sed -i 's:apparmor.d$:apparmor.d/suse-defaults:g' Makefile
-src_compile() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" || die
-src_install() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- # Place profiles in /usr/share, instead of /usr/src/Immunix
- MY_SHAREDIR="/usr/share/${PN}"
- make DESTDIR=${D} EXTRASDIR=${D}/${MY_SHAREDIR} install || die
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119
deleted file mode 100644
index d55b122..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p119
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 93e3dbee491b4dc5c12ea6b4ccf7309a apparmor-profiles-2.0-119.tar.gz 38442
-RMD160 41960baad897408ef9fed48829975b7d7ad5381a apparmor-profiles-2.0-119.tar.gz 38442
-SHA256 747be3c170cd9bb599e6c5a6b1c19a1ec8e8f614b469ef52d7e6640830698efd apparmor-profiles-2.0-119.tar.gz 38442
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376
deleted file mode 100644
index 5144385..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/files/digest-apparmor-profiles-2.0_p6376
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 526e971c18cc6588271e9ad1787adf2a apparmor-profiles-2.0-6376.tar.gz 33651
-RMD160 cd64269b9c12fd60256f624b7b81aa1bddbb74c3 apparmor-profiles-2.0-6376.tar.gz 33651
-SHA256 55103b0ce98616b6860fb43eff23587ad0faf5e38ab828bdd025d87a55b0f073 apparmor-profiles-2.0-6376.tar.gz 33651
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/metadata.xml b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 966145c..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/apparmor-profiles/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- zepher@sigalrm.com
- Matthew Snelham
- Primary Maintainer
-Default Apparmor profiles from the official Novell releases.
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/metadata.xml b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 054eb1d..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sec-policy/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- The sec-policy category contains security policies for
- access control systems such as SELinux.
- La categoría sec-policy contiene políticas de seguridad para sistemas de
- control de acceso como SELinux.
- Die Kategorie sec-policy enthält Sicherheitsrichtlinien für
- Zugriffskontrollsysteme wie SELinux.
- sec-policyカテゴリーにはSELinuxのようなアクセス・コントロール・システムの
- ためのセキュリティポリシー(修正をが加えられたパッケージ)が含まれています。
- De sec-policy categorie bevat beveilingsrichtlijnen voor toegangscontrole-
- systemen als SELinux.
- Nhóm sec-policy chứa các chính sách an ninh cho các hệ thống
- điều khiển quyền truy cập như SELinux.
- La categoria sec-policy contiene le politiche di sicurezza per i sistemi di controllo
- di accesso come SELinux.
- A categoria sec-policy contém políticas de segurança para
- sistemas de controle de acesso como SELinux.
- Kategoria sec-policy zawiera polityki bezpieczeństwa i programy kontroli
- dostępu takie jak np. SELinux.
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/Manifest b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cf7a52..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-AUX apparmor-modules-2.0_2.6.17.9_symbol_export.patch 2976 RMD160 b9232cb4b78bfccd7154f27af554aedc0a01b53f SHA1 19ac2f051379f6733f7760eee2c37dde670bb746 SHA256 f364111249e598379886880d427435474609898dd77df8770112b3594305bd80
-MD5 fb0f6966a5fafacc3ca5cd453973e3f9 files/apparmor-modules-2.0_2.6.17.9_symbol_export.patch 2976
-RMD160 b9232cb4b78bfccd7154f27af554aedc0a01b53f files/apparmor-modules-2.0_2.6.17.9_symbol_export.patch 2976
-SHA256 f364111249e598379886880d427435474609898dd77df8770112b3594305bd80 files/apparmor-modules-2.0_2.6.17.9_symbol_export.patch 2976
-DIST apparmor-external-module.tar.gz 112408 RMD160 b333459588b0ccaaf36c6247555ff560daa3f95c SHA1 fbef407f3611c8c38ca66ce977fc5271e4140eec SHA256 70d66089a46f87f7fbaf504a3e40e4511e21c4a03345f0142315743bb9278d2f
-EBUILD apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013.ebuild 2247 RMD160 2d24031783f504a6b14c851ad6b17c71321734c6 SHA1 654ad904b3fc212aac414ac1f5d5232481521dbd SHA256 6bb6ab77b7031d06f15ca6e7d184106bdac67cb5fb1140a4fb5e7c49c4ae878e
-MD5 28986c695d0e89060b84df4f2ba26ef0 apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013.ebuild 2247
-RMD160 2d24031783f504a6b14c851ad6b17c71321734c6 apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013.ebuild 2247
-SHA256 6bb6ab77b7031d06f15ca6e7d184106bdac67cb5fb1140a4fb5e7c49c4ae878e apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013.ebuild 2247
-MISC metadata.xml 380 RMD160 95812084d1fe1893b607bec7b448d2bd7920600a SHA1 766cf3cabd61149d9041b84aee4953f4f4e89b86 SHA256 5decb87b114447cecedd46af9b0ee264093dd4b0b1550aa6414c2fdf44ef26ee
-MD5 cf1a96cd124b5fc5b8646794bbc6b3cc metadata.xml 380
-RMD160 95812084d1fe1893b607bec7b448d2bd7920600a metadata.xml 380
-SHA256 5decb87b114447cecedd46af9b0ee264093dd4b0b1550aa6414c2fdf44ef26ee metadata.xml 380
-MD5 ada15501d8ce59813443b9fb8b7359ef files/digest-apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013 274
-RMD160 76b75c7fd71ca82c198ecb095af6723f6314188e files/digest-apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013 274
-SHA256 f382eb61c05a9f0e47d7b5e336bb296846875f76e2fe59261eaab4cf9d42d93c files/digest-apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013 274
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 284d0d6..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit linux-mod
-DESCRIPTION="Kernel modules for AppArmor"
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
- sys-apps/apparmor-parser"
-pkg_setup() {
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- if kernel_is lt 2 6 16 ; then
- eerror "You must have at least a 2.6.16 kernel to use this package."
- die "Insufficent kernel version"
- fi
- #if kernel_is eq 2 6 18 ; then
- # eerror "Support for 2.6.18 and forward kernels is not yet availible"
- # die "Unsupported kernel version"
- #fi
- if linux_chkconfig_present CONFIG_SECURITY ; then
- eerror "CONFIG_SECURITY must be enabled in your kernel to build ${PN}"
- die "Bad kernel config"
- fi
- if (grep 'namespace_sem' ${KV_DIR}/include/linux/namespace.h >/dev/null 2>&1 && grep 'AUDIT_SD' ${KV_DIR}/include/linux/audit.h >/dev/null 2>&1 )
- then
- einfo "Required Symbol patch seems to have been applied; continuing."
- else
- eerror "Required symbols do not appear to be exported."
- ewarn
- ewarn "AppArmor modules requires a patch be applied against the"
- ewarn "kernel source to export several symbols."
- ewarn
- ewarn "Current patches can currently be found in: "
- ewarn " ${FILESDIR}"
- ewarn "where the clostest matching KERNEL_VER patch:"
- ewarn " ${P/_p*/}_[KERNEL_VER]_symbol_export.patch"
- ewarn "should apply cleanly."
- ewarn
- ewarn "After applying this patch and re-compiling,"
- ewarn "re-emerge this package"
- ewarn
- die "Missing apparmor symbol export patch"
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${MY_S}"
- sed -i 's/^all:/modules:/g' Makefile
- sed -i 's/mv/#mv/g' Makefile
-src_compile() {
- cd "${MY_S}"
- unset ARCH
-src_install() {
- cd "${MY_S}"
- insinto /lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/security/apparmor
- doins apparmor.ko
- insinto /lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/security/apparmor/aamatch
- doins aamatch/aamatch_pcre.ko
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/files/apparmor-modules-2.0_2.6.17.9_symbol_export.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/files/apparmor-modules-2.0_2.6.17.9_symbol_export.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c0e97bb..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/files/apparmor-modules-2.0_2.6.17.9_symbol_export.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-From: tonyj@suse.de
-Subject: Export namespace semaphore
-Patch-mainline: no
-Export global namespace_sem (this used to be a per namespace semaphore).
-Alas, this isn't going to win _any_ points for style.
-Patch is not in mainline -- pending AppArmor code submission to lkml
---- linux-
-+++ linux-
-@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ static int event;
- static struct list_head *mount_hashtable __read_mostly;
- static int hash_mask __read_mostly, hash_bits __read_mostly;
- static kmem_cache_t *mnt_cache __read_mostly;
--static struct rw_semaphore namespace_sem;
-+struct rw_semaphore namespace_sem;
- /* /sys/fs */
- decl_subsys(fs, NULL, NULL);
---- linux-
-+++ linux-
-@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
- #include
- #include
-+/* exported for AppArmor (SubDomain) */
-+extern struct rw_semaphore namespace_sem;
- struct namespace {
- atomic_t count;
- struct vfsmount * root;
-From: tonyj@suse.de
-Subject: Export audit subsystem for use by modules
-Patch-mainline: no
-Adds necessary export symbols for audit subsystem routines.
-Changes audit_log_vformat to be externally visible (analagous to vprintf)
-Patch is not in mainline -- pending AppArmor code submission to lkml
---- linux-
-+++ linux-
-@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@
- #define AUDIT_ANOM_PROMISCUOUS 1700 /* Device changed promiscuous mode */
-+#define AUDIT_SD 1500 /* AppArmor (SubDomain) audit */
- #define AUDIT_KERNEL 2000 /* Asynchronous audit record. NOT A REQUEST. */
- /* Rule flags */
-@@ -357,6 +359,9 @@ extern void audit_log(struct audit_
- __attribute__((format(printf,4,5)));
- extern struct audit_buffer *audit_log_start(struct audit_context *ctx, gfp_t gfp_mask, int type);
-+extern void audit_log_vformat(struct audit_buffer *ab,
-+ const char *fmt, va_list args)
-+ __attribute__((format(printf,2,0)));
- extern void audit_log_format(struct audit_buffer *ab,
- const char *fmt, ...)
- __attribute__((format(printf,2,3)));
---- linux-
-+++ linux-
-@@ -893,8 +893,7 @@ static inline int audit_expand(struct au
- * will be called a second time. Currently, we assume that a printk
- * can't format message larger than 1024 bytes, so we don't either.
- */
--static void audit_log_vformat(struct audit_buffer *ab, const char *fmt,
-- va_list args)
-+void audit_log_vformat(struct audit_buffer *ab, const char *fmt, va_list args)
- {
- int len, avail;
- struct sk_buff *skb;
-@@ -1096,3 +1095,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(audit_log_start);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(audit_log_end);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(audit_log_format);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(audit_log);
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/files/digest-apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/files/digest-apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f05f65..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/files/digest-apparmor-modules-2.0_p20061013
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 919d64ba6c357a24a3c8e78ea0f94058 apparmor-external-module.tar.gz 112408
-RMD160 b333459588b0ccaaf36c6247555ff560daa3f95c apparmor-external-module.tar.gz 112408
-SHA256 70d66089a46f87f7fbaf504a3e40e4511e21c4a03345f0142315743bb9278d2f apparmor-external-module.tar.gz 112408
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/metadata.xml b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f3db4f..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-modules/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- zepher@sigalrm.com
- Matthew Snelham
- Primary Maintainer
-Apparmor kernel modules
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/Manifest b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 21cda47..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-AUX aaeventd 824 RMD160 032cce20f81b7b0e1f6f38cb6e1c392d70407ad5 SHA1 8adaa5e21867cab21c5fa907c974fb94cb280f70 SHA256 dbaa7fd1197388146c7a1a9b59553815fdcd0498510f7b7bf752af88f8eb1780
-MD5 379ee71ea946bd90c98e94e362bf9f2c files/aaeventd 824
-RMD160 032cce20f81b7b0e1f6f38cb6e1c392d70407ad5 files/aaeventd 824
-SHA256 dbaa7fd1197388146c7a1a9b59553815fdcd0498510f7b7bf752af88f8eb1780 files/aaeventd 824
-AUX apparmor 1090 RMD160 8d9781974318232731ef26881d7d57fc5991044c SHA1 2acee7585d1329bcb92cb8902ec36e1d0b94f5d6 SHA256 5c7b251473e7bf6a876e0d59d89cff3707bf5a6fcda0d9e95d50a463c8eddc8f
-MD5 7771cab70810b82185f0ed211f131018 files/apparmor 1090
-RMD160 8d9781974318232731ef26881d7d57fc5991044c files/apparmor 1090
-SHA256 5c7b251473e7bf6a876e0d59d89cff3707bf5a6fcda0d9e95d50a463c8eddc8f files/apparmor 1090
-AUX rc.apparmor.functions 11898 RMD160 12453790ffd14deed48b062f27d12bf2b2910ee4 SHA1 ec936b69474750dfd0205f451472e7d81b66f41a SHA256 d9cdb82c10bb5aa40c39d0f93c418a11020abc2d6df7154a831a71c816345618
-MD5 2adf748409596598872530ec06ef8717 files/rc.apparmor.functions 11898
-RMD160 12453790ffd14deed48b062f27d12bf2b2910ee4 files/rc.apparmor.functions 11898
-SHA256 d9cdb82c10bb5aa40c39d0f93c418a11020abc2d6df7154a831a71c816345618 files/rc.apparmor.functions 11898
-AUX rc.helper.functions 690 RMD160 d0b3b06a45645be5bc9d30b8ef19d518ac59940a SHA1 a58ba3ca5d59e099a3570ee21a62f5b4a6eb25fa SHA256 d065ac76a66d856716d77dd06b64478ed90c3b487d414cf8e33fc46ea77a723d
-MD5 5d9c000b99bd66788b988cb6d14b9b3d files/rc.helper.functions 690
-RMD160 d0b3b06a45645be5bc9d30b8ef19d518ac59940a files/rc.helper.functions 690
-SHA256 d065ac76a66d856716d77dd06b64478ed90c3b487d414cf8e33fc46ea77a723d files/rc.helper.functions 690
-DIST apparmor-parser-2.0-150.tar.gz 189171 RMD160 cf3299716fdf042cf326cf884d93fdcb5089dba6 SHA1 099ae08655ee2fc1d206166a7a4f8622637c02fc SHA256 678027c88cf69b42f8c7a36adfbe917489eb80800bc9eefe3b3f043bf01e6ee6
-EBUILD apparmor-parser-2.0_p150.ebuild 1534 RMD160 652650ef546dc3c89047c57ad786d26b7dc01a9e SHA1 88f2bc8bc7edf9e78191de27da30d657d1de8f58 SHA256 57b280dbe289c33afc5bee01eccaf6656db9a3d6836b2c1a00d5a307207e19cf
-MD5 cca56bab055f29313b607265af189cb4 apparmor-parser-2.0_p150.ebuild 1534
-RMD160 652650ef546dc3c89047c57ad786d26b7dc01a9e apparmor-parser-2.0_p150.ebuild 1534
-SHA256 57b280dbe289c33afc5bee01eccaf6656db9a3d6836b2c1a00d5a307207e19cf apparmor-parser-2.0_p150.ebuild 1534
-MISC metadata.xml 436 RMD160 e15033b9b3e6c069ebf4fc0e0470c5792e33030a SHA1 a441df5f7fca5964bd09ff8f81af063aada1d157 SHA256 5781a6c617edd46a5bb4976d24b07d8df048a7e03b2cf36ea9edcee4fc9e3cfc
-MD5 832848da3df614d8f1bcb956856bb75e metadata.xml 436
-RMD160 e15033b9b3e6c069ebf4fc0e0470c5792e33030a metadata.xml 436
-SHA256 5781a6c617edd46a5bb4976d24b07d8df048a7e03b2cf36ea9edcee4fc9e3cfc metadata.xml 436
-MD5 f8b11c14f5b9a1945c17a5f94b338d2b files/digest-apparmor-parser-2.0_p150 271
-RMD160 a70e60c1977d77b9b90bca4617758a60e1449115 files/digest-apparmor-parser-2.0_p150 271
-SHA256 0d5798506f6e78b3f6f8bff3f1d8d98d43d040576e2edbe3c893ac8fa164847a files/digest-apparmor-parser-2.0_p150 271
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/apparmor-parser-2.0_p150.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/apparmor-parser-2.0_p150.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 49d7a19..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/apparmor-parser-2.0_p150.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils perl-module toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="The userspace tools and init scripts to load security profiles into the apparmor kernel security module."
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
- sys-libs/libcap
- dev-libs/libpcre
- sys-devel/bison
- sys-devel/flex"
-RDEPEND="(sys-kernel/apparmor-sources || sys-apps/apparmor-modules)"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- ## apparmor-parser
- cd ${MY_S}
- # the Make.rules isn't needed for Gentoo
- sed -i "s/^include Make.rules//g" Makefile
- # Un-needed historical artifact, AND ugly non-LSB path
- # This is mounted at /sys/kernel/security/subdomain, not /subdomain
- sed -i 's/^.*\/subdomain//g' Makefile
-src_compile() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" || die
-src_install() {
- ## apparmor-parser
- cd ${MY_S}
- make DESTDIR=${D} install || die
- ## Init script and addtional files
- doinitd ${FILESDIR}/apparmor
- doinitd ${FILESDIR}/aaeventd
- insopts -m0644
- insinto /lib/apparmor
- doins ${FILESDIR}/rc.helper.functions
- doins ${FILESDIR}/rc.apparmor.functions
- dodir /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/aaeventd b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/aaeventd
deleted file mode 100755
index efe9cc3..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/aaeventd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-if [ -f "${APPARMOR_HELPERS}" -a -f "${APPARMOR_FUNCTIONS}" ]; then
- eend 1 "Unable to find AppArmor initscript functions"
-depend() {
- need apparmor
- use logger dns
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting aaeventd (AppArmor Event Daemon)"
- if [ "${APPARMOR_ENABLE_AAEVENTD}" = "no" ]; then
- eend 1 " aaeventd disabled in ${APPARMOR_CONF}."
- fi
- start_sd_event
- eend $waserror
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping aaeventd (AppArmor Event Daemon)"
- stop_sd_event
- eend $waserror
-restart() {
- srv_stop
- srv_start
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/apparmor b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/apparmor
deleted file mode 100755
index 26daeca..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/apparmor
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# rc.apparmor.gentoo: contribuited by Matthew Snelham
-# /etc/init.d/apparmor
-if [ -f "${APPARMOR_HELPERS}" -a -f "${APPARMOR_FUNCTIONS}" ]; then
- eend 1 "Unable to find AppArmor initscript functions"
-opts="${opts} reload status"
-depend() {
- need localmount
- ## AppArmor needs to be loaded before any other
- ## (potentially protected) user-space services come up.
- #before *
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting AppArmor"
- subdomain_start
- einfo "...AppArmor Start"
- eend $waserror
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping AppArmor"
- subdomain_stop
- einfo "...AppArmor Stop"
- eend $waserror
-restart() {
- svc_stop; svc_start
-reload() {
- ebegin "Restarting AppArmor"
- subdomain_restart
- eend $?
-status() {
- ebegin "Checking AppArmor Status"
- subdomain_status
- eend $?
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/digest-apparmor-parser-2.0_p150 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/digest-apparmor-parser-2.0_p150
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b254d3..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/digest-apparmor-parser-2.0_p150
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 cbb25435e4353b10b5fdd96f80c854b9 apparmor-parser-2.0-150.tar.gz 189171
-RMD160 cf3299716fdf042cf326cf884d93fdcb5089dba6 apparmor-parser-2.0-150.tar.gz 189171
-SHA256 678027c88cf69b42f8c7a36adfbe917489eb80800bc9eefe3b3f043bf01e6ee6 apparmor-parser-2.0-150.tar.gz 189171
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/rc.apparmor.functions b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/rc.apparmor.functions
deleted file mode 100755
index 890f3fb..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/rc.apparmor.functions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 20001, 2004, 2005, NOVELL (All rights reserved)
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
-# License published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, contact Novell, Inc.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# rc.subdomain.functions by Steve Beattie
-# Modified for Gentoo Linux, by Matthew Snelham
-# Modifications Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# NOTE: rc.subdomain initscripts that source this file need to implement
-# the following set of functions:
-# sd_action
-# sd_log_info_msg
-# sd_log_success_msg
-# sd_log_warning_msg
-# sd_log_failure_msg
-if [ -f "${CONFIG_DIR}/${MODULE}.conf" ] ; then
-elif [ -f "${CONFIG_DIR}/${OLD_MODULE}.conf" ] ; then
- sd_log_warning_msg "Unable to find config file in ${CONFIG_DIR}, installation problem?"
-# Read configuration options from ${APPARMOR_CONF}, default is to
-# warn if subdomain won't load.
-if [ -f "${APPARMOR_CONF}" ] ; then
- source "${APPARMOR_CONF}"
-if [ -f /sbin/apparmor_parser ] ; then
- PARSER=/sbin/apparmor_parser
- sd_log_failure_msg "Unable to find apparmor_parser, installation problem?"
- exit 1
-# APPARMOR_DIR might be redefined in ${APPARMOR_CONF}
-if [ -d "${APPAMROR_DIR}" ] ; then
-elif [ -d /etc/apparmor.d ] ; then
- PROFILE_DIR=/etc/apparmor.d
-if grep -q securityfs /proc/filesystems ; then
- SECURITYFS=/sys/kernel/security
-SUBDOMAINFS_MOUNTPOINT=$(grep subdomainfs /etc/fstab | \
- sed -e 's|^[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]\+[[:space:]]\+\(/[^[:space:]]*\)[[:space:]]\+subdomainfs.*$|\1|' 2> /dev/null)
-if [ -d "/var/lib/${MODULE}" ] ; then
-function parse_profiles() {
- # get parser arg
- case "$1" in
- load)
- PARSER_ARGS="--add"
- PARSER_MSG="Loading AppArmor profiles "
- ;;
- reload)
- PARSER_ARGS="--replace"
- PARSER_MSG="Reloading AppArmor profiles "
- ;;
- *)
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- sd_log_info_msg "$PARSER_MSG"
- # run the parser on all of the apparmor profiles
- if [ ! -f "$PARSER" ]; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "$PARSER_MSG - AppArmor parser not found"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -d "$PROFILE_DIR" ]; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "$PARSER_MSG - Profile directory not found"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ "X" == "X$(ls $PROFILE_DIR/)" ]; then
- sd_log_warning_msg "$PARSER_MSG - No profiles found"
- exit 1
- fi
- for profile in $PROFILE_DIR/*; do
- if [ "${profile%.rpmnew}" != "${profile}" -o \
- "${profile%.rpmsave}" != "${profile}" -o \
- "${profile%\~}" != "${profile}" ]
- then
- sd_log_warning_msg "Skipping profile $profile"
- elif [ -f "${profile}" ] ; then
- sd_action " Adding profile: `basename ${profile}`" $PARSER $ABSTRACTIONS $PARSER_ARGS ${profile}
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- waserror=1
- fi
- fi
- done
-function profiles_names_list() {
- # run the parser on all of the apparmor profiles
- if [ ! -f "$PARSER" ]; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "AppArmor parser ($PARSER) not found"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -d "$PROFILE_DIR" ]; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "Profile directory ($PROFILE_DIR) not found"
- exit 1
- fi
- for profile in $PROFILE_DIR/*; do
- if [ "${profile%.rpmnew}" != "${profile}" -o \
- "${profile%.rpmsave}" != "${profile}" -o \
- "${profile%\~}" != "${profile}" ]
- then
- echo "nop" >/dev/null
- elif [ -f "${profile}" ] ; then
- LIST_ADD=$($PARSER $ABSTRACTIONS -N "$profile" | grep -v '\^')
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "$LIST_ADD" >>$TMPFILE
- fi
- fi
- done
-function is_securityfs_mounted() {
- if grep -q securityfs /proc/filesystems && grep -q securityfs /proc/mounts ; then
- if [ -f "${SECURITYFS}/${MODULE}/profiles" ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- fi
- return 1
-function mount_securityfs() {
- if [ "X" != "X${SECURITYFS}" ]; then
- if ! grep -q securityfs /proc/mounts ; then
- sd_action "Mounting securityfs on ${SECURITYFS}" \
- mount -t securityfs securityfs "${SECURITYFS}"
- rc=$?
- if [ -f "${SECURITYFS}/${MODULE}/profiles" ]; then
- else
- fi
- return $rc
- fi
- fi
- return 0
-function unmount_securityfs() {
- SUBDOMAINFS=$(grep subdomainfs /proc/mounts | cut -d" " -f2 2> /dev/null)
- if [ "X" != "X${SUBDOMAINFS}" ]; then
- sd_action "Unmounting securityfs" umount ${SUBDOMAINFS}
- fi
-function failstop_system() {
- level=$(runlevel | cut -d" " -f2)
- if [ $level -ne "1" ] ; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "Could not start AppArmor. Changing to runlevel 1"
- telinit 1;
- return -1;
- fi
- sd_log_failure_msg "Could not start AppArmor."
- return -1
-function module_panic() {
- # the module failed to load, determine what action should be taken
- "warn"|"WARN") sd_log_failure_msg "Could not start AppArmor"
- return -1 ;;
- "panic"|"PANIC") failstop_system
- rc=$?
- return $rc ;;
- *) sd_log_failure_msg "Invalid AppArmor module fail option"
- return -1 ;;
- esac
-function load_module() {
- if modinfo -F filename apparmor > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- MODULE=apparmor
- elif modinfo -F filename subdomain > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- MODULE=subdomain
- fi
- if ! grep -qE "^(subdomain|apparmor)[[:space:]]" /proc/modules ; then
- sd_action "Loading AppArmor module" /sbin/modprobe $MODULE $1
- rc=$?
- if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
- # we couldn't find the module
- module_panic
- rc=$?
- if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
- exit $rc
- fi
- fi
- fi
-function start_sd_event() {
- if [ -x "$AA_EV_BIN" -a "${APPARMOR_ENABLE_AAEVENTD}" = "yes" ] ; then
- sd_action "Starting AppArmor Event daemon" startproc -f -p $AA_EV_PIDFILE $AA_EV_BIN -p $AA_EV_PIDFILE
- elif [ -x "$SD_EV_BIN" -a "${APPARMOR_ENABLE_AAEVENTD}" = "yes" ] ; then
- sd_action "Starting AppArmor Event daemon" startproc -f -p $SD_EV_PIDFILE $SD_EV_BIN -p $SD_EV_PIDFILE
- fi
-function stop_sd_event() {
- if [ -x "$AA_EV_BIN" -a -f "$AA_EV_PIDFILE" ] ; then
- sd_action "Shutting down AppArmor Event daemon" killproc -G -p $AA_EV_PIDFILE -INT $AA_EV_BIN
- fi
- if [ -f "$SD_EV_PIDFILE" ] ; then
- sd_action "Shutting down AppArmor Event daemon" killproc -G -p $SD_EV_PIDFILE -INT $SD_EV_BIN
- fi
-function subdomain_start() {
- if ! grep -qE "^(subdomain|apparmor)[[:space:]]" /proc/modules ; then
- load_module
- rc=$?
- if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
- return $rc
- fi
- fi
- if ! is_securityfs_mounted ; then
- mount_securityfs
- rc=$?
- if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
- return $rc
- fi
- fi
- if [ ! -w "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/.load" ] ; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "Loading AppArmor profiles - failed, Do you have the correct privileges?"
- return 1
- fi
- configure_owlsm
- if [ $(wc -l "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/profiles" | awk '{print $1}') -eq 0 ] ; then
- parse_profiles load
- else
- sd_log_warning_msg "Loading AppArmor profiles - AppArmor already loaded with profiles."
- fi
-function remove_profiles() {
- # removing profiles as we directly read from subdomainfs
- # doesn't work, since we are removing entries which screws up
- # our position. Lets hope there are never enough profiles to
- # overflow the variable
- if ! is_securityfs_mounted ; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "failed: is securityfs loaded?"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ ! -w "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/.remove" ] ; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "failed: Do you have the correct privileges?"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ ! -x "${PARSER}" ] ; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "failed: unable to execute subdomain parser"
- return 1
- fi
- retval=0
- IFS=$'\n'
- enforced_profiles=$(sed -e "s/ (\(enforce\|complain\))$//" "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/profiles")
- for profile in $enforced_profiles ; do
- sd_action " Removing profile: ${profile}" sh -c "echo \"$profile { }\" | $PARSER -R"
- rc=$?
- if [ ${rc} -ne 0 ] ; then
- retval=${rc}
- fi
- done
- if [ ${retval} -ne 0 ] ; then
- waserror=1
- fi
-function subdomain_stop() {
- stop_sd_event
- sd_log_info_msg "Unloading AppArmor profiles"
- remove_profiles
-function subdomain_kill() {
- stop_sd_event
- unmount_securityfs
- if grep -qE "^apparmor[[:space:]]" /proc/modules ; then
- MODULE=apparmor
- elif grep -qE "^subdomain[[:space:]]" /proc/modules ; then
- MODULE=subdomain
- else
- MODULE=apparmor
- fi
- sd_action "Unloading AppArmor modules" /sbin/modprobe -r $MODULE
-function __subdomain_restart() {
- if [ ! -w "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/.load" ] ; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "Loading AppArmor profiles - failed, Do you have the correct privileges?"
- return 4
- fi
- configure_owlsm
- parse_profiles reload
- profiles_names_list ${PNAMES_LIST}
- sed -e "s/ (\(enforce\|complain\))$//" "$SFS_MOUNTPOINT/profiles" | sort >"$MODULE_PLIST"
- #profiles=$(cat $PNAMES_LIST | sort | comm -2 -3 "$MODULE_PLIST" -)
- #for profile in $profiles ; do
- IFS=$'\n' && for profile in $(cat $PNAMES_LIST | sort | comm -2 -3 "$MODULE_PLIST" -) ; do
- echo "\"$profile\" {}" | $PARSER -R >/dev/null
- done
- return 0
-function subdomain_restart() {
- if ! grep -qE "^(subdomain|apparmor)[[:space:]]" /proc/modules ; then
- subdomain_start
- rc=$?
- return $rc
- fi
- if ! is_securityfs_mounted ; then
- mount_securityfs
- rc=$?
- if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
- return $rc
- fi
- fi
- __subdomain_restart
- rc=$?
- return $rc
-function subdomain_try_restart() {
- if ! grep -qE "^(subdomain|apparmor)[[:space:]]" /proc/modules ; then
- return 1
- fi
- if ! is_securityfs_mounted ; then
- return 1
- fi
- __subdomain_restart
- rc=$?
- return $rc
-function subdomain_debug() {
- subdomain_kill
- load_module "subdomain_debug=1"
- mount_securityfs
- configure_owlsm
- parse_profiles load
-function configure_owlsm () {
- if [ "${SUBDOMAIN_ENABLE_OWLSM}" = "yes" -a -f ${SFS_MOUNTPOINT}/control/owlsm ] ; then
- # Sigh, the "sh -c" is necessary for the SuSE sd_action
- # and it can't be abstracted out as a seperate function, as
- # that breaks under RedHat's action, which needs a
- # binary to invoke.
- sd_action "Enabling OWLSM extension" sh -c "echo -n \"1\" > \"${SFS_MOUNTPOINT}/control/owlsm\""
- elif [ -f "${SFS_MOUNTPOINT}/control/owlsm" ] ; then
- sd_action "Disabling OWLSM extension" sh -c "echo -n \"0\" > \"${SFS_MOUNTPOINT}/control/owlsm\""
- fi
-function subdomain_status () {
- if test -x ${AA_STATUS} ; then
- ${AA_STATUS} --verbose
- return $?
- fi
- if test -x ${SD_STATUS} ; then
- ${SD_STATUS} --verbose
- return $?
- fi
- if ! grep -qE "^(subdomain|apparmor)[[:space:]]" /proc/modules ; then
- sd_log_failure_msg "AppArmor not loaded."
- rc=1
- else
- sd_log_success_msg "AppArmor module enabled."
- rc=0
- fi
- sd_log_warning_msg "Install the apparmor-utils package to receive more detailed"
- sd_log_warning_msg "status information here (or examine ${SFS_MOUNTPOINT} directly)."
- return $rc
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/rc.helper.functions b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/rc.helper.functions
deleted file mode 100644
index 692414e..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/files/rc.helper.functions
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-function sd_action() {
- MSG=$1
- shift
- #echo "ACTION: $*"
- $* > /dev/null
- rc=$?
- if [ $rc -ne 0 ] ; then
- sd_log_failure_msg $"$MSG"
- else
- sd_log_success_msg $"$MSG"
- fi
- return $rc
-function sd_log_info_msg() {
- einfo " $*"
-function sd_log_warning_msg() {
- ewarn " $*"
-function sd_log_success_msg() {
- einfo " $*"
- eend 0
-function sd_log_failure_msg() {
- waserror=1
- einfo " $*"
- eend 1
-function startproc() {
- /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start -p $3 --exec $4 -- -p $3
-function killproc() {
- /sbin/start-stop-daemon --stop -p $3
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/metadata.xml b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f03219..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-parser/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- zepher@sigalrm.com
- Matthew Snelham
- Primary Maintainer
-Core Apparmor package containing userspace policy parser, utilities, and documentation.
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/Manifest b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 8524a70..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-DIST apparmor-utils-2.0-142.tar.gz 87393 RMD160 306371feded05fd6fc0daeb418aa85ed0a07f95b SHA1 7686dbc1e5a1df0f7fba9fff95d6d692372e3360 SHA256 27e1d9716bcfa82ebb12163e59734b1ce3a8598b9af3031b04498142e872c6b8
-EBUILD apparmor-utils-2.0_p142.ebuild 1179 RMD160 876ccf1fab163dcc310280f8d489efc9e7079a17 SHA1 795fa5c5558185638062cf011b26a78547e213a3 SHA256 9fd1410245fbca6c76de0f67f8a10e430e50d154d9facc82ceb840cd806bfd21
-MD5 a05a89d6ce564e3215e08ef3e7ecd20f apparmor-utils-2.0_p142.ebuild 1179
-RMD160 876ccf1fab163dcc310280f8d489efc9e7079a17 apparmor-utils-2.0_p142.ebuild 1179
-SHA256 9fd1410245fbca6c76de0f67f8a10e430e50d154d9facc82ceb840cd806bfd21 apparmor-utils-2.0_p142.ebuild 1179
-MISC metadata.xml 412 RMD160 7e37f8a3e1009597bbd430fd280b15009e3b01d8 SHA1 681094f0550454d2931d0e08f50ab9829b61c625 SHA256 658f844f1a47f69962d42d4fd00961327f7a42bdfee2737bfe22605c4a23d8ec
-MD5 f3a4b4e95726969c96d8930966395051 metadata.xml 412
-RMD160 7e37f8a3e1009597bbd430fd280b15009e3b01d8 metadata.xml 412
-SHA256 658f844f1a47f69962d42d4fd00961327f7a42bdfee2737bfe22605c4a23d8ec metadata.xml 412
-MD5 fa93f53f0da00233ecf5f96ca3205461 files/digest-apparmor-utils-2.0_p142 265
-RMD160 fb95c24dd19ede19556c35a65085736241a5a868 files/digest-apparmor-utils-2.0_p142 265
-SHA256 9e4f3666c0beaa61748c798a3937b529cc8110901f5405bdc498f4668c8d6eb9 files/digest-apparmor-utils-2.0_p142 265
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/apparmor-utils-2.0_p142.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/apparmor-utils-2.0_p142.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a48e33..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/apparmor-utils-2.0_p142.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils perl-module toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="AppArmor utilities for profile creation and management."
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
- sys-apps/aparmor-parser
- sys-libs/libcap
- dev-libs/libpcre
- dev-lang/perl
- perl-core/Test-Harness
- perl-core/Getopt-Long
- dev-perl/DBI
- dev-perl/DBD-SQLite
- dev-perl/TimeDate
- dev-perl/File-Tail
- dev-perl/Locale-gettext"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${MY_S}
- # Correct path for logger
- sed -i "s/\/bin\/logger/\/usr\/bin\/logger/g" genprof
-src_compile() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" || die
-src_install() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- perlinfo
- make DESTDIR=${D} PERLDIR="${D}/${VENDOR_LIB}/Immunix" install || die
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/files/digest-apparmor-utils-2.0_p142 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/files/digest-apparmor-utils-2.0_p142
deleted file mode 100644
index 3829459..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/files/digest-apparmor-utils-2.0_p142
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 b2447c84edc2df843b7bc4baa8a1eb2c apparmor-utils-2.0-142.tar.gz 87393
-RMD160 306371feded05fd6fc0daeb418aa85ed0a07f95b apparmor-utils-2.0-142.tar.gz 87393
-SHA256 27e1d9716bcfa82ebb12163e59734b1ce3a8598b9af3031b04498142e872c6b8 apparmor-utils-2.0-142.tar.gz 87393
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/metadata.xml b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 38f7385..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/apparmor-utils/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- zepher@sigalrm.com
- Matthew Snelham
- Primary Maintainer
-Apparmor utilities allowing for profile creation and mangement.
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/metadata.xml b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e780a89..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-apps/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
- The sys-apps category contains various core system applications, and
- some non-core system applications which have not yet been moved out into
- other sys- categories.
- La categoría sys-apps contiene varios paquetes esenciales del sistema, y
- algunos paquetes no esenciales que aún no han sido movidos a otras
- categorías sys-.
- Die Kategorie sys-apps enthält sowohl Programme die Bestandteil des Basissystems sind,
- als auch Applikationen die noch nicht in eine der anderen sys- Kategorien eingeordnet
- wurden.
- sys-appsカテゴリには様々なコアシステムアプリケーションの他、まだ他のsys-カテゴリに
- 移動されていないシステムアプリケーションが含まれています。
- De sys-apps categorie bevat kerenbestanddelen van het systeem, en bepaalde
- niet-kern toepassingen die nog niet in andere categorien zijn geplaatst.
- Nhóm sys-apps chứa các phần mềm hệ thống cốt lõi, và vài phần mềm
- hệ thống không phải cốt lõi mà chưa được chuyển sang các nhóm sys- khác.
- La categoria sys-apps contiene vari pacchetti essenziali per il sistema, e alcuni pacchetti
- non essenziali che non sono ancora stati spostati in altre categorie sys-.
- A categoria sys-apps contém vários pacotes essenciais do sistema, e
- algumas aplicações não-centrais que ainda não foram colocadas em
- outras categorias sys-.
- Kategoria sys-apps zawiera programy systemowe oraz inne dodatkowe
- programy, których jeszcze nie przeniesiono do kategorii sys-.
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/ChangeLog b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 64e901f..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for sys-kernel/apparmor-sources
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 13 Aug 2006; Mario Fetka
- +files/5000_apparmor-integrate.patch,
- +files/5001_apparmor-core-header.patch,
- +files/5002_apparmor-lsm-interface.patch,
- +files/5004_apparmor-filesystem.patch, +apparmor-sources-2.6.17.ebuild,
- +files/5003_apparmor-core-access-controls.patch,
- +files/5006_apparmor-misc.patch, +files/5008_apparmor-audit-changes.patch,
- +apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1.ebuild,
- +files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_main.patch,
- +files/5007_apparmor-pathname-matching-submodule.patch,
- +files/5010_apparmor-export-namespace-semaphor.patch,
- +files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_audit.patch,
- +files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_namespacesem.patch,
- +files/5005_apparmor-userspace-interface.patch,
- +files/5009_apparmor-add-flags.patch:
- Initial Import of
- Matthew Snelham
- Apparmor ebuilds
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/Manifest b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 36145c2..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-AUX 5000_apparmor-integrate.patch 2398 RMD160 4f3100e01a64531217137303b151d4b8f57cb5ea SHA1 c61a433e8449cd2e173eaf4526de807cd074d12b SHA256 558a025803b209d2502562553e7ec1a42dde706c6a3de4d1a442f4a4a17e8b89
-MD5 d98fc30c0c02d3b6e1fdb5a56973ed67 files/5000_apparmor-integrate.patch 2398
-RMD160 4f3100e01a64531217137303b151d4b8f57cb5ea files/5000_apparmor-integrate.patch 2398
-SHA256 558a025803b209d2502562553e7ec1a42dde706c6a3de4d1a442f4a4a17e8b89 files/5000_apparmor-integrate.patch 2398
-AUX 5001_apparmor-core-header.patch 21692 RMD160 d991a62378cf9394ed785ce170567c5a1636ed3a SHA1 6646b0ab9603356241ca09ac26093649b264e6f5 SHA256 104c8a90f300b967937d2930bfdb46fccc14d1c33e0eeeaccc2539795b02c9f7
-MD5 589ca3ad54269790ce4ff0ac86bf1e22 files/5001_apparmor-core-header.patch 21692
-RMD160 d991a62378cf9394ed785ce170567c5a1636ed3a files/5001_apparmor-core-header.patch 21692
-SHA256 104c8a90f300b967937d2930bfdb46fccc14d1c33e0eeeaccc2539795b02c9f7 files/5001_apparmor-core-header.patch 21692
-AUX 5002_apparmor-lsm-interface.patch 21459 RMD160 b61ddaab908a7a790472d7de3c0ee03dfe576489 SHA1 464d3806b9db782adfba98e37884f538f4f02fdd SHA256 8f22edd4509598b9188ef05b47028a745905af4402482f1698bf123f66d3b407
-MD5 2ef63832bbbef8442cbf8a08d0279425 files/5002_apparmor-lsm-interface.patch 21459
-RMD160 b61ddaab908a7a790472d7de3c0ee03dfe576489 files/5002_apparmor-lsm-interface.patch 21459
-SHA256 8f22edd4509598b9188ef05b47028a745905af4402482f1698bf123f66d3b407 files/5002_apparmor-lsm-interface.patch 21459
-AUX 5003_apparmor-core-access-controls.patch 42703 RMD160 fa685b1526b69cc5e436707b0e94513c963cf7e5 SHA1 756e4adac0c15e216b21c4b86bd390d2318f2092 SHA256 585f135ce0b07bc325503cccd5da07afa559ca75c9c3c0aeef3b1309f59aacb5
-MD5 282fc71ae3ba0b0f37b10e856cb0bbb7 files/5003_apparmor-core-access-controls.patch 42703
-RMD160 fa685b1526b69cc5e436707b0e94513c963cf7e5 files/5003_apparmor-core-access-controls.patch 42703
-SHA256 585f135ce0b07bc325503cccd5da07afa559ca75c9c3c0aeef3b1309f59aacb5 files/5003_apparmor-core-access-controls.patch 42703
-AUX 5004_apparmor-filesystem.patch 11823 RMD160 c356279b0a7aa3c86b7e61fa4fd19fcae01e4e28 SHA1 7bac3503d5d3c1c89c3c83824ce4db5fb4b76d4d SHA256 8ff511068c44f09fa9e9b0892323876373a0dd20cbdafab1847439fb7293228a
-MD5 9b00001fd17410a6c5c8d93e1d791a4f files/5004_apparmor-filesystem.patch 11823
-RMD160 c356279b0a7aa3c86b7e61fa4fd19fcae01e4e28 files/5004_apparmor-filesystem.patch 11823
-SHA256 8ff511068c44f09fa9e9b0892323876373a0dd20cbdafab1847439fb7293228a files/5004_apparmor-filesystem.patch 11823
-AUX 5005_apparmor-userspace-interface.patch 25246 RMD160 1aa62cbead83275308c9b2e5bf3658261d1a9381 SHA1 93a99de540ffbec0946192851832b823956cb3a6 SHA256 970934bf9e9d9a4e98e4d78eb4540d1b8d5409f5c97bbbd266ae473b7263d92f
-MD5 f9ca3674c76ad58917df78d9ca55a461 files/5005_apparmor-userspace-interface.patch 25246
-RMD160 1aa62cbead83275308c9b2e5bf3658261d1a9381 files/5005_apparmor-userspace-interface.patch 25246
-SHA256 970934bf9e9d9a4e98e4d78eb4540d1b8d5409f5c97bbbd266ae473b7263d92f files/5005_apparmor-userspace-interface.patch 25246
-AUX 5006_apparmor-misc.patch 16419 RMD160 7be689597785f339dd8d8d41fc46c48283acd329 SHA1 728e32285aeb1e8e7ef28c2d8aa8a775ad4b1ab2 SHA256 c44468fd5a698d11095cccb439541feac587388f348bec5f8105449294e1b8f6
-MD5 eda12351340ca5e03ce2df5be7ab1396 files/5006_apparmor-misc.patch 16419
-RMD160 7be689597785f339dd8d8d41fc46c48283acd329 files/5006_apparmor-misc.patch 16419
-SHA256 c44468fd5a698d11095cccb439541feac587388f348bec5f8105449294e1b8f6 files/5006_apparmor-misc.patch 16419
-AUX 5007_apparmor-pathname-matching-submodule.patch 7130 RMD160 53203c04619a1d1491f32af7b67d645cab2b42fd SHA1 f6e08796e9de778de5614f7dc0b3226ec3e0c886 SHA256 08f8cef053a986ac38130743cba28a584c0539f1e7d370cdff3e829e4cd48567
-MD5 2d77b49c08b0f975660174c410f57cfe files/5007_apparmor-pathname-matching-submodule.patch 7130
-RMD160 53203c04619a1d1491f32af7b67d645cab2b42fd files/5007_apparmor-pathname-matching-submodule.patch 7130
-SHA256 08f8cef053a986ac38130743cba28a584c0539f1e7d370cdff3e829e4cd48567 files/5007_apparmor-pathname-matching-submodule.patch 7130
-AUX 5008_apparmor-audit-changes.patch 2107 RMD160 d333371405ac7c595763bc35f312784cc811d366 SHA1 8801e85d409017c6693656b9e41973703170cad8 SHA256 adfed39273b71c470f8eebddf43f0eef2146b3114e517eb574f033005f5a95e5
-MD5 2a4a92e7b58dafaee09f69fa05ebd89a files/5008_apparmor-audit-changes.patch 2107
-RMD160 d333371405ac7c595763bc35f312784cc811d366 files/5008_apparmor-audit-changes.patch 2107
-SHA256 adfed39273b71c470f8eebddf43f0eef2146b3114e517eb574f033005f5a95e5 files/5008_apparmor-audit-changes.patch 2107
-AUX 5009_apparmor-add-flags.patch 5477 RMD160 fc48784cb74cba9cdbdf61c2f561e8951152344e SHA1 f70cad7a35362ff584991c70c1b481127e4b3799 SHA256 adae3a61e66d527586d8118b94843b3021b4c99224d2d8888e37f7dbed5ef783
-MD5 29efc91d396797479864537b9f1e1b6f files/5009_apparmor-add-flags.patch 5477
-RMD160 fc48784cb74cba9cdbdf61c2f561e8951152344e files/5009_apparmor-add-flags.patch 5477
-SHA256 adae3a61e66d527586d8118b94843b3021b4c99224d2d8888e37f7dbed5ef783 files/5009_apparmor-add-flags.patch 5477
-AUX 5010_apparmor-export-namespace-semaphor.patch 2052 RMD160 70bae68ca3aef38c9aea0b4add916fc759efb420 SHA1 4f553490593ebaddec1a8695e6da471466e4cc70 SHA256 42fd27dc8e65a450b6369638495ebcd1d615a23881f4ff7c4a8a334ac6e1e00a
-MD5 5d38d075644b24d5018152b2b4a29514 files/5010_apparmor-export-namespace-semaphor.patch 2052
-RMD160 70bae68ca3aef38c9aea0b4add916fc759efb420 files/5010_apparmor-export-namespace-semaphor.patch 2052
-SHA256 42fd27dc8e65a450b6369638495ebcd1d615a23881f4ff7c4a8a334ac6e1e00a files/5010_apparmor-export-namespace-semaphor.patch 2052
-AUX apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_audit.patch 2247 RMD160 d6c5937273d30de4a83a42ad9256416bf2931a03 SHA1 113abbb7664e6cf205606c78c39086c4aea5883d SHA256 27b8c610ec1dd4b6b8474194061a6616359aa942f3dddf3ae197cadeea8e411c
-MD5 aa55bffe2d0bf05ef6b6281dfb4c459c files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_audit.patch 2247
-RMD160 d6c5937273d30de4a83a42ad9256416bf2931a03 files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_audit.patch 2247
-SHA256 27b8c610ec1dd4b6b8474194061a6616359aa942f3dddf3ae197cadeea8e411c files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_audit.patch 2247
-AUX apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_main.patch 219968 RMD160 8ac7a4ee65da4180684634b82bd468e2ff0ff790 SHA1 610451e2eb4c7b03ed4a37d527543dea8a0f6743 SHA256 f799f9f570dd1de355aad61a3583a6e06aba6138f4b7c064274ad524d4c6ab18
-MD5 665706462da47fc5dde62b016bb6af49 files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_main.patch 219968
-RMD160 8ac7a4ee65da4180684634b82bd468e2ff0ff790 files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_main.patch 219968
-SHA256 f799f9f570dd1de355aad61a3583a6e06aba6138f4b7c064274ad524d4c6ab18 files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_main.patch 219968
-AUX apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_namespacesem.patch 1197 RMD160 99acdb25d6384f650edb2914fb05205abe2a4f48 SHA1 21ee82c1bc2089f8af1985fcc57049422f5e02ba SHA256 1c6c97d3ef47c3b21e335246fabc4dbdb446e5fd638250a928ed62c8277ac015
-MD5 ebc4034d4b5410191a67a3d5f2e7d82b files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_namespacesem.patch 1197
-RMD160 99acdb25d6384f650edb2914fb05205abe2a4f48 files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_namespacesem.patch 1197
-SHA256 1c6c97d3ef47c3b21e335246fabc4dbdb446e5fd638250a928ed62c8277ac015 files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_namespacesem.patch 1197
-DIST apparmor-kernel-patches- 231231 RMD160 762d4b59aa508cfd82ebbeba4822ffb0551f5888 SHA1 bb754f57340ce90e25bb18be7030776ee4b9e823 SHA256 0884cd7bfdff4505fd5271ca68b72f74b352d209321ef60dc81620b0539f0ec7
-DIST apparmor-kernel-patches-2.6.18.tar.gz 231072 RMD160 f734125d986dcb3aec371f0e24126a5473d5637f SHA1 e6136d224d58ad90fd174d3c03290942644e5c45 SHA256 91224ff1f45de306c0720a5680a8f883888b52f296b0de24c63ec02668782b63
-DIST genpatches-2.6.17-1.base.tar.bz2 3337 RMD160 f9b5621fed8fcfee7da697d89097842287b41b24 SHA1 308e3daec11899f03103b5dcd2bfcff7e116c52c SHA256 2208b72729dce6daef7dc5700192aec0ae17327c794681621d2123f0c483ae21
-DIST genpatches-2.6.17-1.extras.tar.bz2 138704 RMD160 14b17e02b7893e6b023bee9e1b40f4bc85a30f05 SHA1 e671dbc29239116e627aea3d87ff7aefd8b5ca00 SHA256 fa10ec7d3d74c8bf57fb3bd01c33f83dcca3c1e4cd4601937cc2ef904cce1dfe
-DIST genpatches-2.6.18-1.base.tar.bz2 2397 RMD160 1b02d9e5adba7a9a17f85691f312ee2c870c9a48 SHA1 790186d9d44c358d05489cdff417beab03124708 SHA256 e87db440591d48f74b8d50f47bde55a1652c969626befa94aba48cee57aa5da8
-DIST genpatches-2.6.18-1.extras.tar.bz2 147040 RMD160 f62b371d522fa8978cee4e809baea364ed8e804a SHA1 e98309b0203bf2f41e8efe1cd396dcfd5aec483a SHA256 080b19f98ffa8f5edbccabfa9dd4ac845ecc1b21c7fba761ad3d011893117b01
-DIST linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919 RMD160 26aad30c9a6610665c6c7d62401d79bf56a6a699 SHA1 0605c975b9dead2af31a3decf09dd4138fadaf2b SHA256 ab0f647d52f124958439517df9e1ae0efda90cdb851f59f522fa1749f1d87d58
-DIST linux-2.6.18.tar.bz2 41863580 RMD160 f92283f956880676bfb1f1d5288325461e4e02e7 SHA1 178f7d5bb3af0978d42b37651b8753323c7129c2 SHA256 c95280ff6c5d2a17788f7cc582d23ae8a9a7ba3f202ec6e4238eaadfce7c163d
-EBUILD apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1.ebuild 1142 RMD160 434a48918c3a4cff03e438c83918d7ba0d871311 SHA1 e8dc728915cf06e20da6dff8b10704f04be381d1 SHA256 48f9d6b7a3b8febc92fe5ef755e96d5d88354949947a355d77fce7300de7e332
-MD5 94d4c12fce6b5bb9e42a2d22942d7c61 apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1.ebuild 1142
-RMD160 434a48918c3a4cff03e438c83918d7ba0d871311 apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1.ebuild 1142
-SHA256 48f9d6b7a3b8febc92fe5ef755e96d5d88354949947a355d77fce7300de7e332 apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1.ebuild 1142
-EBUILD apparmor-sources-2.6.17.ebuild 1233 RMD160 70a5b495ed179b57e825b99b26751725a6f12c8d SHA1 30744886818231b12ee378450aae835bb2ab35f9 SHA256 ddb3a0c0fa067b2ef1c32ad12925ee96c6467660e8f0ac896c56f8202ce40e5c
-MD5 e52d364ef1955d471e087f21fb2d3e3c apparmor-sources-2.6.17.ebuild 1233
-RMD160 70a5b495ed179b57e825b99b26751725a6f12c8d apparmor-sources-2.6.17.ebuild 1233
-SHA256 ddb3a0c0fa067b2ef1c32ad12925ee96c6467660e8f0ac896c56f8202ce40e5c apparmor-sources-2.6.17.ebuild 1233
-EBUILD apparmor-sources-2.6.18.ebuild 1229 RMD160 f3a233d92a3b085426e64129a46d4eeae762be45 SHA1 5d4206a1521d63c4df44a472f49933cce9fe82cc SHA256 d97f7607222cb43076f73e9a549384d55dbfc6470ac5be6d3ea0d5047c5fff68
-MD5 9aeafb7f5c77d3a0841c4e9fb71eeb5f apparmor-sources-2.6.18.ebuild 1229
-RMD160 f3a233d92a3b085426e64129a46d4eeae762be45 apparmor-sources-2.6.18.ebuild 1229
-SHA256 d97f7607222cb43076f73e9a549384d55dbfc6470ac5be6d3ea0d5047c5fff68 apparmor-sources-2.6.18.ebuild 1229
-MISC ChangeLog 1008 RMD160 88f5deb153f61b500a1eb1672d9f01c87ab553f9 SHA1 8478c09f09812bf558e31516c03e21ae4f493c35 SHA256 83a27b6318f963a9668ce161f8c57969d3d1fa066df89850d85b727566a14bdc
-MD5 2d787835eb0dc12e4feb5e29420c2927 ChangeLog 1008
-RMD160 88f5deb153f61b500a1eb1672d9f01c87ab553f9 ChangeLog 1008
-SHA256 83a27b6318f963a9668ce161f8c57969d3d1fa066df89850d85b727566a14bdc ChangeLog 1008
-MISC metadata.xml 478 RMD160 207b43ac7f50efbd5d3c8fdad96559adf422b0d2 SHA1 3adc61e526559bc5ac91aace569a588c4171e8cd SHA256 183e2d218aa6c62702bb9b81ee598eea27e51b6703b33fbf1a34d4b9674fd67a
-MD5 c2ac84763e2d8238dea3eb3ba93b59aa metadata.xml 478
-RMD160 207b43ac7f50efbd5d3c8fdad96559adf422b0d2 metadata.xml 478
-SHA256 183e2d218aa6c62702bb9b81ee598eea27e51b6703b33fbf1a34d4b9674fd67a metadata.xml 478
-MD5 fb69ab075d009cf49c155c082fe75937 files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17 1099
-RMD160 4c24baa45ae97f17ed503bfc4f0ed6ae8db520b4 files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17 1099
-SHA256 a2efb919c008a7777773d5faed808c1b64b7e5dd97408131904897c5154520ce files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17 1099
-MD5 0e1ade0aa9228c7dad088db16e4f1d3a files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1 801
-RMD160 74e1080cfdd78f0b7cc0314a2822efbe02ec2333 files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1 801
-SHA256 482238abaafe1482e35b0de5d6fbde3cc5f3e307aa885f823693b5bf01edcc09 files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1 801
-MD5 e08285915ab6ffc164d7178cd2d01c59 files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.18 1093
-RMD160 2b50e09bbfb91bbb0b46974e7b22de322d3b8520 files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.18 1093
-SHA256 71f364dffa2f917a0ce28c423627808f06dd547bc7d3d0599ea13e6a28d94693 files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.18 1093
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c1e43f..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-K_WANT_GENPATCHES="base extras"
-inherit eutils kernel-2
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-DESCRIPTION="Full sources to provide the required AppArmor modules and kernel hooks. Based on the gentoo-sources tree."
-src_unpack() {
- kernel-2_src_unpack
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PF}*.patch
-pkg_postinst() {
- postinst_sources
- einfo
- einfo "For more info on this patchset, and how to report problems, see:"
- einfo "${HOMEPAGE}"
- einfo
- einfo "Make sure that your kernel configuration file is set with:"
- einfo " CONFIG_SECURITY=y"
- einfo "Without these, apparmor will not function."
- einfo
- einfo "Apparmor can be sensitive to module load order. Make sure"
- einfo "it is listed before any other modules that rely on the "
- einfo "'capability' module."
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/apparmor-sources-2.6.17.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/apparmor-sources-2.6.17.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 93fc471..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/apparmor-sources-2.6.17.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-K_WANT_GENPATCHES="base extras"
-inherit eutils kernel-2
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-DESCRIPTION="Full sources to provide the required AppArmor modules and kernel hooks. Based on the gentoo-sources tree."
-src_unpack() {
- unpack "apparmor-kernel-patches-${UP_KPVER}.tar.gz"
- kernel-2_src_unpack
- epatch ${WORKDIR}/${UP_KPVER}/current/apparmor-
-pkg_postinst() {
- postinst_sources
- einfo
- einfo "For more info on this patchset, and how to report problems, see:"
- einfo "${HOMEPAGE}"
- einfo
- einfo "Make sure that your kernel configuration file is set with:"
- einfo " CONFIG_SECURITY=y"
- einfo "Without these, apparmor will not function."
- einfo
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/apparmor-sources-2.6.18.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/apparmor-sources-2.6.18.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index e173057..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/apparmor-sources-2.6.18.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-K_WANT_GENPATCHES="base extras"
-inherit eutils kernel-2
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-DESCRIPTION="Full sources to provide the required AppArmor modules and kernel hooks. Based on the gentoo-sources tree."
-src_unpack() {
- unpack "apparmor-kernel-patches-${UP_KPVER}.tar.gz"
- kernel-2_src_unpack
- epatch ${WORKDIR}/${UP_KPVER}/current/apparmor-2.6.18-v154-fullseries.patch
-pkg_postinst() {
- postinst_sources
- einfo
- einfo "For more info on this patchset, and how to report problems, see:"
- einfo "${HOMEPAGE}"
- einfo
- einfo "Make sure that your kernel configuration file is set with:"
- einfo " CONFIG_SECURITY=y"
- einfo "Without these, apparmor will not function."
- einfo
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5000_apparmor-integrate.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5000_apparmor-integrate.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f729072..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5000_apparmor-integrate.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-This patch glues AppArmor into the security configuration and Makefile.
-It also creates the AppArmor configuration and Makefile.
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- MAINTAINERS | 7 +++++++
- security/Kconfig | 1 +
- security/Makefile | 1 +
- security/apparmor/Kconfig | 9 +++++++++
- security/apparmor/Makefile | 6 ++++++
- 5 files changed, 24 insertions(+)
---- linux-2.6.17-rc1.orig/MAINTAINERS
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/MAINTAINERS
-@@ -284,6 +284,13 @@
- W: http://www.canb.auug.org.au/~sfr/
- S: Supported
-+P: Tony Jones
-+M: tonyj@suse.de
-+L: apparmor-dev@forge.novell.com
-+W: http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?apparmor
-+S: Supported
- P: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo
- M: acme@conectiva.com.br
---- linux-2.6.17-rc1.orig/security/Kconfig
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/security/Kconfig
-@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
- If you are unsure how to answer this question, answer N.
- source security/selinux/Kconfig
-+source security/apparmor/Kconfig
- endmenu
---- linux-2.6.17-rc1.orig/security/Makefile
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/security/Makefile
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- obj-$(CONFIG_KEYS) += keys/
- subdir-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX) += selinux
-+subdir-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR) += apparmor
- # if we don't select a security model, use the default capabilities
- ifneq ($(CONFIG_SECURITY),y)
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/security/apparmor/Kconfig
-@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
-+ tristate "AppArmor support"
-+ depends on SECURITY!=n
-+ help
-+ This enables the AppArmor security module.
-+ Required userspace tools (if they are not included in your
-+ distribution) and further information may be found at
-+ If you are unsure how to answer this question, answer N.
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/security/apparmor/Makefile
-@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
-+# Makefile for AppArmor Linux Security Module
-+subdir-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR) += match
-+obj-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR) += apparmor.o
-+apparmor-y := main.o list.o procattr.o lsm.o apparmorfs.o capabilities.o module_interface.o
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
-the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
-More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
-Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5001_apparmor-core-header.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5001_apparmor-core-header.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd74be..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5001_apparmor-core-header.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,728 +0,0 @@
-This patch provides the various common headerfiles used by the AppArmor module.
-apparmor.h contains the core data structures.
-shared.h contains definitions that are common to the userspace policy loader.
-inline.h implements various inline utility functions
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- security/apparmor/apparmor.h | 325 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- security/apparmor/inline.h | 333 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- security/apparmor/shared.h | 41 +++++
- 3 files changed, 699 insertions(+)
---- security/apparmor/apparmor.h.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/apparmor.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor internal prototypes
-+ */
-+#ifndef __SUBDOMAIN_H
-+#define __SUBDOMAIN_H
-+#include /* Include for defn of iattr */
-+#include "shared.h"
-+/* Control parameters (0 or 1), settable thru module/boot flags or
-+ * via /sys/kernel/security/apparmor/control */
-+extern int apparmor_complain;
-+extern int apparmor_debug;
-+extern int apparmor_audit;
-+extern int apparmor_logsyscall;
-+/* from net/socket.c */
-+#define SOCKFS_MAGIC 0x534F434B
-+/* from inotify.c */
-+#define VALID_FSTYPE(inode) ((inode)->i_sb->s_magic != PIPEFS_MAGIC && \
-+ (inode)->i_sb->s_magic != SOCKFS_MAGIC && \
-+ (inode)->i_sb->s_magic != INOTIFYFS_MAGIC)
-+#define PROFILE_COMPLAIN(_profile) \
-+ (apparmor_complain == 1 || ((_profile) && (_profile)->flags.complain))
-+#define SUBDOMAIN_COMPLAIN(_sd) \
-+ (apparmor_complain == 1 || \
-+ ((_sd) && (_sd)->active && (_sd)->active->flags.complain))
-+#define PROFILE_AUDIT(_profile) \
-+ (apparmor_audit == 1 || ((_profile) && (_profile)->flags.audit))
-+#define SUBDOMAIN_AUDIT(_sd) \
-+ (apparmor_audit == 1 || \
-+ ((_sd) && (_sd)->active && (_sd)->active->flags.audit))
-+ * DEBUG remains global (no per profile flag) since it is mostly used in sysctl
-+ * which is not related to profile accesses.
-+ */
-+#define AA_DEBUG(fmt, args...) \
-+ do { \
-+ if (apparmor_debug) \
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "AppArmor: " fmt, ##args); \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define AA_INFO(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_INFO "AppArmor: " fmt, ##args)
-+#define AA_WARN(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_WARNING "AppArmor: " fmt, ##args)
-+#define AA_ERROR(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_ERR "AppArmor: " fmt, ##args)
-+/* basic AppArmor data structures */
-+struct flagval {
-+ int debug;
-+ int complain;
-+ int audit;
-+enum entry_match_type {
-+ aa_entry_literal,
-+ aa_entry_tailglob,
-+ aa_entry_pattern,
-+ aa_entry_invalid
-+/* struct aa_entry - file ACL *
-+ * @filename: filename controlled by this ACL
-+ * @mode: permissions granted by ACL
-+ * @type: type of match to perform against @filename
-+ * @extradata: any extra data needed by an extended matching type
-+ * @list: list the ACL is on
-+ * @listp: permission partitioned lists this ACL is on.
-+ *
-+ * Each entry describes a file and an allowed access mode.
-+ */
-+struct aa_entry {
-+ char *filename;
-+ int mode; /* mode is 'or' of READ, WRITE, EXECUTE,
-+ * (meaning don't prefetch). */
-+ enum entry_match_type type;
-+ void *extradata;
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct list_head listp[POS_AA_FILE_MAX + 1];
-+#define AA_EXEC_MASK(mask) ((mask) & (AA_MAY_EXEC |\
-+/* struct aaprofile - basic confinement data
-+ * @parent: non refcounted pointer to parent profile
-+ * @name: the profiles name
-+ * @file_entry: file ACL
-+ * @file_entryp: vector of file ACL by permission granted
-+ * @list: list this profile is on
-+ * @sub: profiles list of subprofiles (HATS)
-+ * @flags: flags controlling profile behavior
-+ * @null_profile: if needed per profile learning and null confinement profile
-+ * @isstale: flag to indicate the profile is stale
-+ * @num_file_entries: number of file entries the profile contains
-+ * @num_file_pentries: number of file entries for each partitioned list
-+ * @capabilities: capabilities granted by the process
-+ * @rcu: rcu head used when freeing the profile
-+ * @count: reference count of the profile
-+ *
-+ * The AppArmor profile contains the basic confinement data. Each profile
-+ * has a name and potentially a list of profile entries. The profiles are
-+ * connected in a list
-+ */
-+struct aaprofile {
-+ struct aaprofile *parent;
-+ char *name;
-+ struct list_head file_entry;
-+ struct list_head file_entryp[POS_AA_FILE_MAX + 1];
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct list_head sub;
-+ struct flagval flags;
-+ struct aaprofile *null_profile;
-+ int isstale;
-+ int num_file_entries;
-+ int num_file_pentries[POS_AA_FILE_MAX + 1];
-+ kernel_cap_t capabilities;
-+ struct rcu_head rcu;
-+ struct kref count;
-+ * struct subdomain - primary label for confined tasks
-+ * @active: the current active profile
-+ * @hat_magic: the magic token controling the ability to leave a hat
-+ * @list: list this subdomain is on
-+ * @task: task that the subdomain confines
-+ *
-+ * Contains the tasks current active profile (which could change due to
-+ * change_hat). Plus the hat_magic needed during change_hat.
-+ *
-+ * N.B AppArmor's previous product name SubDomain was derived from the name
-+ * of this structure/concept (changehat reducing a task into a sub-domain).
-+ */
-+struct subdomain {
-+ struct aaprofile *active; /* The current active profile */
-+ u32 hat_magic; /* used with change_hat */
-+ struct list_head list; /* list of subdomains */
-+ struct task_struct *task;
-+typedef int (*aa_iter) (struct subdomain *, void *);
-+/* aa_path_data
-+ * temp (cookie) data used by aa_path_* functions, see inline.h
-+ */
-+struct aa_path_data {
-+ struct dentry *root, *dentry;
-+ struct namespace *namespace;
-+ struct list_head *head, *pos;
-+ int errno;
-+#define AA_SUBDOMAIN(sec) ((struct subdomain*)(sec))
-+#define AA_PROFILE(sec) ((struct aaprofile*)(sec))
-+/* Lock protecting access to 'struct subdomain' accesses */
-+extern spinlock_t sd_lock;
-+extern struct aaprofile *null_complain_profile;
-+/* aa_audit - AppArmor auditing structure
-+ * Structure is populated by access control code and passed to aa_audit which
-+ * provides for a single point of logging.
-+ */
-+struct aa_audit {
-+ unsigned short type, flags;
-+ unsigned int result;
-+ unsigned int gfp_mask;
-+ int error_code;
-+ const char *name;
-+ unsigned int ival;
-+ union {
-+ const void *pval;
-+ va_list vaval;
-+ };
-+/* audit types */
-+#define AA_AUDITTYPE_DIR 2
-+#define AA_AUDITTYPE_CAP 6
-+#define AA_AUDITTYPE_MSG 7
-+#define AA_AUDITTYPE__END 9
-+/* audit flags */
-+#define AA_AUDITFLAG_AUDITSS_SYSCALL 1 /* log syscall context */
-+#define AA_AUDITFLAG_LOGERR 2 /* log operations that failed due to
-+ non permission errors */
-+#define HINT_UNKNOWN_HAT "unknown_hat"
-+#define HINT_FORK "fork"
-+#define HINT_MANDPROF "missing_mandatory_profile"
-+#define HINT_CHGPROF "changing_profile"
-+#define LOG_HINT(p, gfp, hint, fmt, args...) \
-+ do {\
-+ aa_audit_message(p, gfp, 0, \
-+ "LOGPROF-HINT " hint " " fmt, ##args);\
-+ } while(0)
-+/* directory op type, for aa_perm_dir */
-+enum aa_diroptype {
-+ aa_dir_mkdir,
-+ aa_dir_rmdir
-+/* xattr op type, for aa_xattr */
-+enum aa_xattroptype {
-+ aa_xattr_get,
-+ aa_xattr_set,
-+ aa_xattr_list,
-+ aa_xattr_remove
-+#define BASE_PROFILE(p) ((p)->parent ? (p)->parent : (p))
-+#define IN_SUBPROFILE(p) ((p)->parent)
-+/* main.c */
-+extern int alloc_null_complain_profile(void);
-+extern void free_null_complain_profile(void);
-+extern int attach_nullprofile(struct aaprofile *profile);
-+extern int aa_audit_message(struct aaprofile *active, unsigned int gfp, int,
-+ const char *, ...);
-+extern int aa_audit_syscallreject(struct aaprofile *active, unsigned int gfp,
-+ const char *);
-+extern int aa_audit(struct aaprofile *active, const struct aa_audit *);
-+extern char *aa_get_name(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *mnt);
-+extern int aa_attr(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct iattr *iattr);
-+extern int aa_xattr(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ const char *xattr, enum aa_xattroptype xattroptype);
-+extern int aa_capability(struct aaprofile *active, int cap);
-+extern int aa_perm(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct vfsmount *mnt, int mask);
-+extern int aa_perm_nameidata(struct aaprofile *active, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ int mask);
-+extern int aa_perm_dentry(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int mask);
-+extern int aa_perm_dir(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ enum aa_diroptype diroptype);
-+extern int aa_link(struct aaprofile *active,
-+ struct dentry *link, struct dentry *target);
-+extern int aa_fork(struct task_struct *p);
-+extern int aa_register(struct file *file);
-+extern void aa_release(struct task_struct *p);
-+extern int aa_change_hat(const char *id, u32 hat_magic);
-+extern int aa_associate_filp(struct file *filp);
-+/* list.c */
-+extern struct aaprofile *aa_profilelist_find(const char *name);
-+extern int aa_profilelist_add(struct aaprofile *profile);
-+extern struct aaprofile *aa_profilelist_remove(const char *name);
-+extern void aa_profilelist_release(void);
-+extern struct aaprofile *aa_profilelist_replace(struct aaprofile *profile);
-+extern void aa_profile_dump(struct aaprofile *);
-+extern void aa_profilelist_dump(void);
-+extern void aa_subdomainlist_add(struct subdomain *);
-+extern void aa_subdomainlist_remove(struct subdomain *);
-+extern void aa_subdomainlist_iterate(aa_iter, void *);
-+extern void aa_subdomainlist_iterateremove(aa_iter, void *);
-+extern void aa_subdomainlist_release(void);
-+/* module_interface.c */
-+extern ssize_t aa_file_prof_add(void *, size_t);
-+extern ssize_t aa_file_prof_repl(void *, size_t);
-+extern ssize_t aa_file_prof_remove(const char *, size_t);
-+extern void free_aaprofile(struct aaprofile *profile);
-+extern void free_aaprofile_kref(struct kref *kref);
-+/* procattr.c */
-+extern size_t aa_getprocattr(struct aaprofile *active, char *str, size_t size);
-+extern int aa_setprocattr_changehat(char *hatinfo, size_t infosize);
-+extern int aa_setprocattr_setprofile(struct task_struct *p, char *profilename,
-+ size_t profilesize);
-+/* apparmorfs.c */
-+extern int create_apparmorfs(void);
-+extern void destroy_apparmorfs(void);
-+/* capabilities.c */
-+extern const char *capability_to_name(unsigned int cap);
-+#endif /* __SUBDOMAIN_H */
---- security/apparmor/inline.h.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/inline.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ */
-+#ifndef __INLINE_H
-+#define __INLINE_H
-+static inline int __aa_is_confined(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ return (sd && sd->active);
-+ * aa_is_confined
-+ * Determine whether current task contains a valid profile (confined).
-+ * Return %1 if confined, %0 otherwise.
-+ */
-+static inline int aa_is_confined(void)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = AA_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ return __aa_is_confined(sd);
-+static inline int __aa_sub_defined(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ return __aa_is_confined(sd) && !list_empty(&BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->sub);
-+ * aa_sub_defined - check to see if current task has any subprofiles
-+ * Return 1 if true, 0 otherwise
-+ */
-+static inline int aa_sub_defined(void)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = AA_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ return __aa_sub_defined(sd);
-+ * get_aaprofile - increment refcount on profile @p
-+ * @p: profile
-+ */
-+static inline struct aaprofile *get_aaprofile(struct aaprofile *p)
-+ if (p)
-+ kref_get(&(BASE_PROFILE(p)->count));
-+ return p;
-+ * put_aaprofile - decrement refcount on profile @p
-+ * @p: profile
-+ */
-+static inline void put_aaprofile(struct aaprofile *p)
-+ if (p)
-+ kref_put(&BASE_PROFILE(p)->count, free_aaprofile_kref);
-+ * get_task_activeptr_rcu - get pointer to @tsk's active profile.
-+ * @tsk: task to get active profile from
-+ *
-+ * Requires rcu_read_lock is held
-+ */
-+static inline struct aaprofile *get_task_activeptr_rcu(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = AA_SUBDOMAIN(tsk->security);
-+ struct aaprofile *active = NULL;
-+ if (sd)
-+ active = (struct aaprofile *) rcu_dereference(sd->active);
-+ return active;
-+ * get_activeptr_rcu - get pointer to current task's active profile
-+ * Requires rcu_read_lock is held
-+ */
-+static inline struct aaprofile *get_activeptr_rcu(void)
-+ return get_task_activeptr_rcu(current);
-+ * get_task_active_aaprofile - get a reference to tsk's active profile.
-+ * @tsk: the task to get the active profile reference for
-+ */
-+static inline struct aaprofile *get_task_active_aaprofile(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ rcu_read_lock();
-+ active = get_aaprofile(get_task_activeptr_rcu(tsk));
-+ rcu_read_unlock();
-+ return active;
-+ * get_active_aaprofile - get a reference to the current tasks active profile
-+ */
-+static inline struct aaprofile *get_active_aaprofile(void)
-+ return get_task_active_aaprofile(current);
-+ * aa_switch - change subdomain to use a new profile
-+ * @sd: subdomain to switch the active profile on
-+ * @newactive: new active profile
-+ *
-+ * aa_switch handles the changing of a subdomain's active profile. The
-+ * sd_lock must be held to ensure consistency against other writers.
-+ * Some write paths (ex. aa_register) require sd->active not to change
-+ * over several operations, so the calling function is responsible
-+ * for grabing the sd_lock to meet its consistency constraints before
-+ * calling aa_switch
-+ */
-+static inline void aa_switch(struct subdomain *sd, struct aaprofile *newactive)
-+ struct aaprofile *oldactive = sd->active;
-+ /* noop if NULL */
-+ rcu_assign_pointer(sd->active, get_aaprofile(newactive));
-+ put_aaprofile(oldactive);
-+ * aa_switch_unconfined - change subdomain to be unconfined (no profile)
-+ * @sd: subdomain to switch
-+ *
-+ * aa_switch_unconfined handles the removal of a subdomain's active profile.
-+ * The sd_lock must be held to ensure consistency against other writers.
-+ * Like aa_switch the sd_lock is used to maintain consistency.
-+ */
-+static inline void aa_switch_unconfined(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ aa_switch(sd, NULL);
-+ /* reset magic in case we were in a subhat before */
-+ sd->hat_magic = 0;
-+ * alloc_subdomain - allocate a new subdomain
-+ * @tsk: task struct
-+ *
-+ * Allocate a new subdomain including a backpointer to it's referring task.
-+ */
-+static inline struct subdomain *alloc_subdomain(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ struct subdomain *sd;
-+ sd = kzalloc(sizeof(struct subdomain), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!sd)
-+ goto out;
-+ /* back pointer to task */
-+ sd->task = tsk;
-+ /* any readers of the list must make sure that they can handle
-+ * case where sd->active is not yet set (null)
-+ */
-+ aa_subdomainlist_add(sd);
-+ return sd;
-+ * free_subdomain - Free a subdomain previously allocated by alloc_subdomain
-+ * @sd: subdomain
-+ */
-+static inline void free_subdomain(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ aa_subdomainlist_remove(sd);
-+ kfree(sd);
-+ * alloc_aaprofile - Allocate, initialize and return a new zeroed profile.
-+ * Returns NULL on failure.
-+ */
-+static inline struct aaprofile *alloc_aaprofile(void)
-+ struct aaprofile *profile;
-+ profile = (struct aaprofile *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct aaprofile),
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s(%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, profile);
-+ if (profile) {
-+ int i;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&profile->list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&profile->sub);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&profile->file_entry);
-+ for (i = 0; i <= POS_AA_FILE_MAX; i++) {
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&profile->file_entryp[i]);
-+ }
-+ INIT_RCU_HEAD(&profile->rcu);
-+ kref_init(&profile->count);
-+ }
-+ return profile;
-+ * aa_put_name
-+ * @name: name to release.
-+ *
-+ * Release space (free_page) allocated to hold pathname
-+ * name may be NULL (checked for by free_page)
-+ */
-+static inline void aa_put_name(const char *name)
-+ free_page((unsigned long)name);
-+/** __aa_find_profile
-+ * @name: name of profile to find
-+ * @head: list to search
-+ *
-+ * Return reference counted copy of profile. NULL if not found
-+ * Caller must hold any necessary locks
-+ */
-+static inline struct aaprofile *__aa_find_profile(const char *name,
-+ struct list_head *head)
-+ struct aaprofile *p;
-+ if (!name || !head)
-+ return NULL;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: finding profile %s\n", __FUNCTION__, name);
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, head, list) {
-+ if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) {
-+ /* return refcounted object */
-+ p = get_aaprofile(p);
-+ return p;
-+ } else {
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: skipping %s\n", __FUNCTION__, p->name);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+/** __aa_path_begin
-+ * @rdentry: filesystem root dentry (searching for vfsmnts matching this)
-+ * @dentry: dentry object to obtain pathname from (relative to matched vfsmnt)
-+ *
-+ * Setup data for iterating over vfsmounts (in current tasks namespace).
-+ */
-+static inline void __aa_path_begin(struct dentry *rdentry,
-+ struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct aa_path_data *data)
-+ data->dentry = dentry;
-+ data->root = dget(rdentry->d_sb->s_root);
-+ data->namespace = current->namespace;
-+ data->head = &data->namespace->list;
-+ data->pos = data->head->next;
-+ prefetch(data->pos->next);
-+ data->errno = 0;
-+ down_read(&namespace_sem);
-+/** aa_path_begin
-+ * @dentry: filesystem root dentry and object to obtain pathname from
-+ *
-+ * Utility function for calling _aa_path_begin for when the dentry we are
-+ * looking for and the root are the same (this is the usual case).
-+ */
-+static inline void aa_path_begin(struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct aa_path_data *data)
-+ __aa_path_begin(dentry, dentry, data);
-+/** aa_path_end
-+ * @data: data object previously initialized by aa_path_begin
-+ *
-+ * End iterating over vfsmounts.
-+ * If an error occured in begin or get, it is returned. Otherwise 0.
-+ */
-+static inline int aa_path_end(struct aa_path_data *data)
-+ up_read(&namespace_sem);
-+ dput(data->root);
-+ return data->errno;
-+/** aa_path_getname
-+ * @data: data object previously initialized by aa_path_begin
-+ *
-+ * Return the next mountpoint which has the same root dentry as data->root.
-+ * If no more mount points exist (or in case of error) NULL is returned
-+ * (caller should call aa_path_end() and inspect return code to differentiate)
-+ */
-+static inline char *aa_path_getname(struct aa_path_data *data)
-+ char *name = NULL;
-+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
-+ while (data->pos != data->head) {
-+ mnt = list_entry(data->pos, struct vfsmount, mnt_list);
-+ /* advance to next -- so that it is done before we break */
-+ data->pos = data->pos->next;
-+ prefetch(data->pos->next);
-+ if (mnt->mnt_root == data->root) {
-+ name = aa_get_name(data->dentry, mnt);
-+ if (!name)
-+ data->errno = -ENOMEM;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return name;
-+#endif /* __INLINE_H__ */
---- security/apparmor/shared.h.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/shared.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * Immunix AppArmor LSM
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _SHARED_H
-+#define _SHARED_H
-+/* start of system offsets */
-+#define POS_AA_FILE_MIN 0
-+/* end of system offsets */
-+/* Modeled after MAY_READ, MAY_WRITE, MAY_EXEC def'ns */
-+#define AA_MAY_EXEC (0x01 << POS_AA_MAY_EXEC)
-+#define AA_MAY_WRITE (0x01 << POS_AA_MAY_WRITE)
-+#define AA_MAY_READ (0x01 << POS_AA_MAY_READ)
-+#define AA_MAY_LINK (0x01 << POS_AA_MAY_LINK)
-+#endif /* _SHARED_H */
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5002_apparmor-lsm-interface.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5002_apparmor-lsm-interface.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index d4b6617..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5002_apparmor-lsm-interface.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,880 +0,0 @@
-Implements the lsm interface used by AppArmor.
-The code composes the functionality provided by commoncap therefore there
-is no requirement for it to stack with the capability module.
-See linux/include/security.h for a full description of all the LSM hooks.
-Consistency of the subdomain (task) data is implemented on the reader side
-via rcu. Logical consistency across profile replacement/removal and change
-hat is provided via the spinlock sd_lock. Since profile manipulation and
-change_hat are infrequent, most syscall accesses requires no spin lock.
-Certain syscalls are prevented for confined processes. These are:
- ptrace
- mount
- umount
- sysctl writes also require CAP_SYS_ADMIN
-File access checks are performed when a file is initially opened
-(inode_permission) and cached to avoid revalidation unless where necessary
-(passing descriptors between tasks confined with differing profiles, and
-profile replacement, for example). Further patches are in development
-to support caching of multiple profiles against an open file to minimise
-the need for subsequent revalidation across profiles.
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- security/apparmor/lsm.c | 840 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 files changed, 840 insertions(+)
---- security/apparmor/lsm.c.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/lsm.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?apparmor
-+ *
-+ * Immunix AppArmor LSM interface
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+/* struct subdomain write update lock (read side is RCU). */
-+spinlock_t sd_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+/* Flag values, also controllable via apparmorfs/control.
-+ * We explicitly do not allow these to be modifiable when exported via
-+ * /sys/modules/parameters, as we want to do additional mediation and
-+ * don't want to add special path code. */
-+/* Complain mode -- in complain mode access failures result in auditing only
-+ * and task is allowed access. audit events are processed by userspace to
-+ * generate policy. Default is 'enforce' (0).
-+ * Value is also togglable per profile and referenced when global value is
-+ * enforce.
-+ */
-+int apparmor_complain = 0;
-+module_param_named(complain, apparmor_complain, int, S_IRUSR);
-+MODULE_PARM_DESC(apparmor_complain, "Toggle AppArmor complain mode");
-+/* Debug mode */
-+int apparmor_debug = 0;
-+module_param_named(debug, apparmor_debug, int, S_IRUSR);
-+MODULE_PARM_DESC(apparmor_debug, "Toggle AppArmor debug mode");
-+/* Audit mode */
-+int apparmor_audit = 0;
-+module_param_named(audit, apparmor_audit, int, S_IRUSR);
-+MODULE_PARM_DESC(apparmor_audit, "Toggle AppArmor audit mode");
-+/* Syscall logging mode */
-+int apparmor_logsyscall = 0;
-+module_param_named(logsyscall, apparmor_logsyscall, int, S_IRUSR);
-+MODULE_PARM_DESC(apparmor_logsyscall, "Toggle AppArmor logsyscall mode");
-+#ifndef MODULE
-+static int __init aa_getopt_complain(char *str)
-+ get_option(&str, &apparmor_complain);
-+ return 1;
-+__setup("apparmor_complain=", aa_getopt_complain);
-+static int __init aa_getopt_debug(char *str)
-+ get_option(&str, &apparmor_debug);
-+ return 1;
-+__setup("apparmor_debug=", aa_getopt_debug);
-+static int __init aa_getopt_audit(char *str)
-+ get_option(&str, &apparmor_audit);
-+ return 1;
-+__setup("apparmor_audit=", aa_getopt_audit);
-+static int __init aa_getopt_logsyscall(char *str)
-+ get_option(&str, &apparmor_logsyscall);
-+ return 1;
-+__setup("apparmor_logsyscall=", aa_getopt_logsyscall);
-+static int apparmor_ptrace(struct task_struct *parent,
-+ struct task_struct *child)
-+ int error;
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ error = cap_ptrace(parent, child);
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (!error && active) {
-+ error = aa_audit_syscallreject(active, GFP_KERNEL, "ptrace");
-+ WARN_ON(error != -EPERM);
-+ }
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_capget(struct task_struct *target,
-+ kernel_cap_t *effective,
-+ kernel_cap_t *inheritable,
-+ kernel_cap_t *permitted)
-+ return cap_capget(target, effective, inheritable, permitted);
-+static int apparmor_capset_check(struct task_struct *target,
-+ kernel_cap_t *effective,
-+ kernel_cap_t *inheritable,
-+ kernel_cap_t *permitted)
-+ return cap_capset_check(target, effective, inheritable, permitted);
-+static void apparmor_capset_set(struct task_struct *target,
-+ kernel_cap_t *effective,
-+ kernel_cap_t *inheritable,
-+ kernel_cap_t *permitted)
-+ cap_capset_set(target, effective, inheritable, permitted);
-+ return;
-+static int apparmor_capable(struct task_struct *tsk, int cap)
-+ int error;
-+ /* cap_capable returns 0 on success, else -EPERM */
-+ error = cap_capable(tsk, cap);
-+ if (error == 0) {
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_task_active_aaprofile(tsk);
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_capability(active, cap);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_sysctl(struct ctl_table *table, int op)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if ((op & 002) && active && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
-+ error = aa_audit_syscallreject(active, GFP_KERNEL,
-+ "sysctl (write)");
-+ WARN_ON(error != -EPERM);
-+ }
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_syslog(int type)
-+ return cap_syslog(type);
-+static int apparmor_netlink_send(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return cap_netlink_send(sk, skb);
-+static int apparmor_netlink_recv(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return cap_netlink_recv(skb);
-+static void apparmor_bprm_apply_creds(struct linux_binprm *bprm, int unsafe)
-+ cap_bprm_apply_creds(bprm, unsafe);
-+ return;
-+static int apparmor_bprm_set_security(struct linux_binprm *bprm)
-+ /* handle capability bits with setuid, etc */
-+ cap_bprm_set_security(bprm);
-+ /* already set based on script name */
-+ if (bprm->sh_bang)
-+ return 0;
-+ return aa_register(bprm->file);
-+static int apparmor_sb_mount(char *dev_name, struct nameidata *nd, char *type,
-+ unsigned long flags, void *data)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active) {
-+ error = aa_audit_syscallreject(active, GFP_KERNEL, "mount");
-+ WARN_ON(error != -EPERM);
-+ }
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_umount(struct vfsmount *mnt, int flags)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active) {
-+ error = aa_audit_syscallreject(active, GFP_KERNEL, "umount");
-+ WARN_ON(error != -EPERM);
-+ }
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_mkdir(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int mask)
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_perm_dir(active, dentry, aa_dir_mkdir);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_rmdir(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_perm_dir(active, dentry, aa_dir_rmdir);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_create(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int mask)
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ /* At a minimum, need write perm to create */
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_perm_dentry(active, dentry, MAY_WRITE);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_link(struct dentry *old_dentry, struct inode *inode,
-+ struct dentry *new_dentry)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_link(active, new_dentry, old_dentry);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_unlink(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_perm_dentry(active, dentry, MAY_WRITE);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_mknod(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int mode, dev_t dev)
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_perm_dentry(active, dentry, MAY_WRITE);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_rename(struct inode *old_inode,
-+ struct dentry *old_dentry,
-+ struct inode *new_inode,
-+ struct dentry *new_dentry)
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active) {
-+ error = aa_perm_dentry(active, old_dentry, MAY_READ |
-+ if (!error)
-+ error = aa_perm_dentry(active, new_dentry,
-+ }
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask,
-+ struct nameidata *nd)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ /* Do not perform check on pipes or sockets
-+ * Same as apparmor_file_permission
-+ */
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(inode)) {
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_perm_nameidata(active, nd, mask);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *iattr)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(dentry->d_inode)) {
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ /*
-+ * Mediate any attempt to change attributes of a file
-+ * (chmod, chown, chgrp, etc)
-+ */
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_attr(active, dentry, iattr);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_setxattr(struct dentry *dentry, char *name,
-+ void *value, size_t size, int flags)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(dentry->d_inode)) {
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_xattr(active, dentry, name, aa_xattr_set);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_getxattr(struct dentry *dentry, char *name)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(dentry->d_inode)) {
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_xattr(active, dentry, name, aa_xattr_get);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_listxattr(struct dentry *dentry)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(dentry->d_inode)) {
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_xattr(active, dentry, NULL, aa_xattr_list);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_inode_removexattr(struct dentry *dentry, char *name)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(dentry->d_inode)) {
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active)
-+ error = aa_xattr(active, dentry, name,
-+ aa_xattr_remove);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_file_permission(struct file *file, int mask)
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ struct aaprofile *f_profile;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ f_profile = AA_PROFILE(file->f_security);
-+ /* bail out early if this isn't a mediated file */
-+ if (!(f_profile && VALID_FSTYPE(file->f_dentry->d_inode)))
-+ goto out;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (active && f_profile != active)
-+ error = aa_perm(active, file->f_dentry, file->f_vfsmnt,
-+ mask & (MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE | MAY_READ));
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_file_alloc_security(struct file *file)
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ file->f_security = get_aaprofile(active);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return 0;
-+static void apparmor_file_free_security(struct file *file)
-+ struct aaprofile *p = AA_PROFILE(file->f_security);
-+ put_aaprofile(p);
-+static int apparmor_file_mmap(struct file *file, unsigned long reqprot,
-+ unsigned long prot, unsigned long flags)
-+ int error = 0, mask = 0;
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ if (!file)
-+ goto out;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (prot & PROT_READ)
-+ mask |= MAY_READ;
-+ /* Private mappings don't require write perms since they don't
-+ * write back to the files */
-+ if (prot & PROT_WRITE && !(flags & MAP_PRIVATE))
-+ mask |= MAY_WRITE;
-+ if (prot & PROT_EXEC)
-+ mask |= MAY_EXEC;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, mask);
-+ error = aa_perm(active, file->f_dentry, file->f_vfsmnt, mask);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_task_alloc_security(struct task_struct *p)
-+ return aa_fork(p);
-+static void apparmor_task_free_security(struct task_struct *p)
-+ aa_release(p);
-+static int apparmor_task_post_setuid(uid_t id0, uid_t id1, uid_t id2,
-+ int flags)
-+ return cap_task_post_setuid(id0, id1, id2, flags);
-+static void apparmor_task_reparent_to_init(struct task_struct *p)
-+ cap_task_reparent_to_init(p);
-+ return;
-+static int apparmor_getprocattr(struct task_struct *p, char *name, void *value,
-+ size_t size)
-+ int error;
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ char *str = value;
-+ /* Subdomain only supports the "current" process attribute */
-+ if (strcmp(name, "current") != 0) {
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (!size) {
-+ error = -ERANGE;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* must be task querying itself or admin */
-+ if (current != p && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ active = get_task_active_aaprofile(p);
-+ error = aa_getprocattr(active, str, size);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_setprocattr(struct task_struct *p, char *name, void *value,
-+ size_t size)
-+ const char *cmd_changehat = "changehat ",
-+ *cmd_setprofile = "setprofile ";
-+ int error = -EACCES; /* default to a perm denied */
-+ char *cmd = (char *)value;
-+ /* only support messages to current */
-+ if (strcmp(name, "current") != 0) {
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (!size) {
-+ error = -ERANGE;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* CHANGE HAT -- switch task into a subhat (subprofile) if defined */
-+ if (size > strlen(cmd_changehat) &&
-+ strncmp(cmd, cmd_changehat, strlen(cmd_changehat)) == 0) {
-+ char *hatinfo = cmd + strlen(cmd_changehat);
-+ size_t infosize = size - strlen(cmd_changehat);
-+ /* Only the current process may change it's hat */
-+ if (current != p) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Attempt by foreign task %s(%d) "
-+ "[user %d] to changehat of task %s(%d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ current->comm,
-+ current->pid,
-+ current->uid,
-+ p->comm,
-+ p->pid);
-+ error = -EACCES;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ error = aa_setprocattr_changehat(hatinfo, infosize);
-+ if (error == 0)
-+ /* success, set return to #bytes in orig request */
-+ error = size;
-+ } else if (size > strlen(cmd_setprofile) &&
-+ strncmp(cmd, cmd_setprofile, strlen(cmd_setprofile)) == 0) {
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ /* only an unconfined process with admin capabilities
-+ * may change the profile of another task
-+ */
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Unprivileged attempt by task %s(%d) "
-+ "[user %d] to assign profile to task %s(%d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ current->comm,
-+ current->pid,
-+ current->uid,
-+ p->comm,
-+ p->pid);
-+ error = -EACCES;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (!active) {
-+ char *profile = cmd + strlen(cmd_setprofile);
-+ size_t profilesize = size - strlen(cmd_setprofile);
-+ error = aa_setprocattr_setprofile(p, profile, profilesize);
-+ if (error == 0)
-+ /* success,
-+ * set return to #bytes in orig request
-+ */
-+ error = size;
-+ } else {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Attempt by confined task %s(%d) "
-+ "[user %d] to assign profile to task %s(%d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ current->comm,
-+ current->pid,
-+ current->uid,
-+ p->comm,
-+ p->pid);
-+ error = -EACCES;
-+ }
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ } else {
-+ /* unknown operation */
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Unknown setprocattr command '%.*s' by task %s(%d) "
-+ "[user %d] for task %s(%d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ size < 16 ? (int)size : 16,
-+ cmd,
-+ current->comm,
-+ current->pid,
-+ current->uid,
-+ p->comm,
-+ p->pid);
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+struct security_operations apparmor_ops = {
-+ .ptrace = apparmor_ptrace,
-+ .capget = apparmor_capget,
-+ .capset_check = apparmor_capset_check,
-+ .capset_set = apparmor_capset_set,
-+ .sysctl = apparmor_sysctl,
-+ .capable = apparmor_capable,
-+ .syslog = apparmor_syslog,
-+ .netlink_send = apparmor_netlink_send,
-+ .netlink_recv = apparmor_netlink_recv,
-+ .bprm_apply_creds = apparmor_bprm_apply_creds,
-+ .bprm_set_security = apparmor_bprm_set_security,
-+ .sb_mount = apparmor_sb_mount,
-+ .sb_umount = apparmor_umount,
-+ .inode_mkdir = apparmor_inode_mkdir,
-+ .inode_rmdir = apparmor_inode_rmdir,
-+ .inode_create = apparmor_inode_create,
-+ .inode_link = apparmor_inode_link,
-+ .inode_unlink = apparmor_inode_unlink,
-+ .inode_mknod = apparmor_inode_mknod,
-+ .inode_rename = apparmor_inode_rename,
-+ .inode_permission = apparmor_inode_permission,
-+ .inode_setattr = apparmor_inode_setattr,
-+ .inode_setxattr = apparmor_inode_setxattr,
-+ .inode_getxattr = apparmor_inode_getxattr,
-+ .inode_listxattr = apparmor_inode_listxattr,
-+ .inode_removexattr = apparmor_inode_removexattr,
-+ .file_permission = apparmor_file_permission,
-+ .file_alloc_security = apparmor_file_alloc_security,
-+ .file_free_security = apparmor_file_free_security,
-+ .file_mmap = apparmor_file_mmap,
-+ .task_alloc_security = apparmor_task_alloc_security,
-+ .task_free_security = apparmor_task_free_security,
-+ .task_post_setuid = apparmor_task_post_setuid,
-+ .task_reparent_to_init = apparmor_task_reparent_to_init,
-+ .getprocattr = apparmor_getprocattr,
-+ .setprocattr = apparmor_setprocattr,
-+static int __init apparmor_init(void)
-+ int error;
-+ const char *complainmsg = ": complainmode enabled";
-+ if ((error = create_apparmorfs())) {
-+ AA_ERROR("Unable to activate AppArmor filesystem\n");
-+ goto createfs_out;
-+ }
-+ if ((error = alloc_null_complain_profile())){
-+ AA_ERROR("Unable to allocate null complain profile\n");
-+ goto alloc_out;
-+ }
-+ if ((error = register_security(&apparmor_ops))) {
-+ AA_ERROR("Unable to load AppArmor\n");
-+ goto register_security_out;
-+ }
-+ AA_INFO("AppArmor initialized%s\n",
-+ apparmor_complain ? complainmsg : "");
-+ aa_audit_message(NULL, GFP_KERNEL, 0,
-+ "AppArmor initialized%s\n",
-+ apparmor_complain ? complainmsg : "");
-+ return error;
-+ free_null_complain_profile();
-+ (void)destroy_apparmorfs();
-+ return error;
-+static int apparmor_exit_removeall_iter(struct subdomain *sd, void *cookie)
-+ /* spin_lock(&sd_lock) held here */
-+ if (__aa_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: Dropping profiles %s(%d) "
-+ "profile %s(%p) active %s(%p)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ sd->task->comm, sd->task->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->name,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(sd->active),
-+ sd->active->name, sd->active);
-+ aa_switch_unconfined(sd);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static void __exit apparmor_exit(void)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ /* Remove profiles from the global profile list.
-+ * This is just for tidyness as there is no way to reference this
-+ * list once the AppArmor lsm hooks are detached (below)
-+ */
-+ aa_profilelist_release();
-+ /* Remove profiles from active tasks
-+ * If this is not done, if module is reloaded after being removed,
-+ * old profiles (still refcounted in memory) will become 'magically'
-+ * reattached
-+ */
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ aa_subdomainlist_iterate(apparmor_exit_removeall_iter, NULL);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ /* Free up list of active subdomain */
-+ aa_subdomainlist_release();
-+ free_null_complain_profile();
-+ destroy_apparmorfs();
-+ if (unregister_security(&apparmor_ops))
-+ AA_WARN("Unable to properly unregister AppArmor\n");
-+ /* delay for an rcu cycle to make ensure that profiles pending
-+ * destruction in the rcu callback are freed.
-+ */
-+ synchronize_rcu();
-+ AA_INFO("AppArmor protection removed\n");
-+ aa_audit_message(NULL, GFP_KERNEL, 0,
-+ "AppArmor protection removed\n");
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AppArmor process confinement");
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("Tony Jones ");
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
-the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
-More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5003_apparmor-core-access-controls.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5003_apparmor-core-access-controls.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 66b44d8..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5003_apparmor-core-access-controls.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1643 +0,0 @@
-This patch implements core AppArmor access control (where appropriate using
-functionality provided by the sub matching module [apparmor_match]), code to
-assign policy (subdomains and by connection profiles) to tasks during task
-creation, remove them during task release and for determining appropiate
-confinement upon domain changes (exec). It is also responsible for the low
-level implementation of change_hat, switching confined tasks between their
-primary and child profiles. Finally it implements the interface to the kernel
-audit subsystem through which enforcement and learning events are passed to
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- security/apparmor/main.c | 1618 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 files changed, 1618 insertions(+)
---- security/apparmor/main.c.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/main.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,1618 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor Core
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "match/match.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+/* NULL complain profile
-+ *
-+ * Used when in complain mode, to emit Permitting messages for non-existant
-+ * profiles and hats. This is necessary because of selective mode, in which
-+ * case we need a complain null_profile and enforce null_profile
-+ *
-+ * The null_complain_profile cannot be statically allocated, because it
-+ * can be associated to files which keep their reference even if subdomain is
-+ * unloaded
-+ */
-+struct aaprofile *null_complain_profile;
-+ * Private utility functions
-+ **************************/
-+ * aa_taskattr_access
-+ * @procrelname: name of file to check permission
-+ *
-+ * Determine if request is for write access to /proc/self/attr/current
-+ * This file is the usermode iterface for changing it's hat.
-+ */
-+static inline int aa_taskattr_access(const char *procrelname)
-+ char buf[sizeof("/attr/current") + 10];
-+ const int maxbuflen = sizeof(buf);
-+ /* assumption, 32bit pid (10 decimal digits incl \0) */
-+ snprintf(buf, maxbuflen, "%d/attr/current", current->pid);
-+ buf[maxbuflen - 1] = 0;
-+ return strcmp(buf, procrelname) == 0;
-+ * aa_file_mode - get full mode for file entry from profile
-+ * @profile: profile
-+ * @name: filename
-+ */
-+static inline int aa_file_mode(struct aaprofile *profile, const char *name)
-+ struct aa_entry *entry;
-+ int mode = 0;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, name);
-+ if (!name) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: no name\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (!profile) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: no profile\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ list_for_each_entry(entry, &profile->file_entry, list) {
-+ if (aamatch_match(name, entry->filename,
-+ entry->type, entry->extradata))
-+ mode |= entry->mode;
-+ }
-+ return mode;
-+ * aa_get_execmode - calculate what qualifier to apply to an exec
-+ * @active: profile to search
-+ * @name: name of file to exec
-+ * @xmod: pointer to a execution mode bit for the rule that was matched
-+ * if the rule has no execuition qualifier {pui} then
-+ * %AA_MAY_EXEC is returned indicating a naked x
-+ * if the has an exec qualifier then only the qualifier bit {pui}
-+ * is returned (%AA_MAY_EXEC) is not set.
-+ *
-+ * Returns %0 (false):
-+ * if unable to find profile or there are conflicting pattern matches.
-+ * *xmod - is not modified
-+ *
-+ * Returns %1 (true):
-+ * if not confined
-+ * *xmod = %AA_MAY_EXEC
-+ * if exec rule matched
-+ * if the rule has an execution mode qualifier {pui} then
-+ * *xmod = the execution qualifier of the rule {pui}
-+ * else
-+ * *xmod = %AA_MAY_EXEC
-+ */
-+static inline int aa_get_execmode(struct aaprofile *active, const char *name,
-+ int *xmod)
-+ struct aa_entry *entry;
-+ struct aa_entry *match = NULL;
-+ int pattern_match_invalid = 0, rc = 0;
-+ /* search list of profiles with 'x' permission
-+ * this will also include entries with 'p', 'u' and 'i'
-+ * qualifiers.
-+ *
-+ * If we find a pattern match we will keep looking for an exact match
-+ * If we find conflicting pattern matches we will flag (while still
-+ * looking for an exact match). If all we have is a conflict, FALSE
-+ * is returned.
-+ */
-+ list_for_each_entry(entry, &active->file_entryp[POS_AA_MAY_EXEC],
-+ listp[POS_AA_MAY_EXEC]) {
-+ if (!pattern_match_invalid &&
-+ entry->type == aa_entry_pattern &&
-+ aamatch_match(name, entry->filename,
-+ entry->type, entry->extradata)) {
-+ if (match &&
-+ AA_EXEC_MASK(entry->mode) !=
-+ AA_EXEC_MASK(match->mode))
-+ pattern_match_invalid = 1;
-+ else
-+ /* keep searching for an exact match */
-+ match = entry;
-+ } else if ((entry->type == aa_entry_literal ||
-+ (!pattern_match_invalid &&
-+ entry->type == aa_entry_tailglob)) &&
-+ aamatch_match(name, entry->filename,
-+ entry->type,
-+ entry->extradata)) {
-+ if (entry->type == aa_entry_literal) {
-+ /* got an exact match -- there can be only
-+ * one, asserted at profile load time
-+ */
-+ match = entry;
-+ pattern_match_invalid = 0;
-+ break;
-+ } else {
-+ if (match &&
-+ AA_EXEC_MASK(entry->mode) !=
-+ AA_EXEC_MASK(match->mode))
-+ pattern_match_invalid = 1;
-+ else
-+ /* got a tailglob match, keep searching
-+ * for an exact match
-+ */
-+ match = entry;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ rc = match && !pattern_match_invalid;
-+ if (rc) {
-+ int mode = AA_EXEC_MASK(match->mode);
-+ /* check for qualifiers, if present
-+ * we just return the qualifier
-+ */
-+ if (mode & ~AA_MAY_EXEC)
-+ mode = mode & ~AA_MAY_EXEC;
-+ *xmod = mode;
-+ } else if (!match) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: Unable to find execute entry in profile "
-+ "for image '%s'\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ name);
-+ } else if (pattern_match_invalid) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Inconsistency in profile %s. "
-+ "Two (or more) patterns specify conflicting exec "
-+ "qualifiers ('u', 'i' or 'p') for image %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ active->name,
-+ name);
-+ }
-+ return rc;
-+ *xmod = AA_MAY_EXEC;
-+ return 1;
-+ * aa_filter_mask
-+ * @mask: requested mask
-+ * @inode: potential directory inode
-+ *
-+ * This fn performs pre-verification of the requested mask
-+ * We ignore append. Previously we required 'w' on a dir to add a file.
-+ * No longer. Now we require 'w' on just the file itself. Traversal 'x' is
-+ * also ignored for directories.
-+ *
-+ * Returned value of %0 indicates no need to perform a perm check.
-+ */
-+static inline int aa_filter_mask(int mask, struct inode *inode)
-+ if (mask) {
-+ int elim = MAY_APPEND;
-+ if (inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
-+ elim |= (MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
-+ mask &= ~elim;
-+ }
-+ return mask;
-+static inline void aa_permerror2result(int perm_result, struct aa_audit *sa)
-+ if (perm_result == 0) { /* success */
-+ sa->result = 1;
-+ sa->error_code = 0;
-+ } else { /* -ve internal error code or +ve mask of denied perms */
-+ sa->result = 0;
-+ sa->error_code = perm_result;
-+ }
-+ * Main internal functions
-+ ************************/
-+ * aa_file_perm - calculate access mode for file
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @name: name of file to calculate mode for
-+ * @mask: permission mask requested for file
-+ *
-+ * Search the aa_entry list in @active.
-+ * Search looking to verify all permissions passed in mask.
-+ * Perform the search by looking at the partitioned list of entries, one
-+ * partition per permission bit.
-+ *
-+ * Return %0 on success, else mask of non-allowed permissions
-+ */
-+static unsigned int aa_file_perm(struct aaprofile *active, const char *name,
-+ int mask)
-+ int i, error = 0, mode;
-+#define PROCPFX "/proc/"
-+#define PROCLEN sizeof(PROCPFX) - 1
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: %s 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, name, mask);
-+ /* should not enter with other than R/W/X/L */
-+ WARN_ON(mask &
-+ /* Special case access to /proc/self/attr/current
-+ * Currently we only allow access if opened O_WRONLY
-+ */
-+ if (mask == MAY_WRITE && strncmp(PROCPFX, name, PROCLEN) == 0 &&
-+ (!list_empty(&BASE_PROFILE(active)->sub) ||
-+ PROFILE_COMPLAIN(active)) && aa_taskattr_access(name + PROCLEN))
-+ goto done;
-+ mode = 0;
-+ /* iterate over partition, one permission bit at a time */
-+ for (i = 0; i <= POS_AA_FILE_MAX; i++) {
-+ struct aa_entry *entry;
-+ /* do we have to accumulate this bit?
-+ * or have we already accumulated it (shortcut below)? */
-+ if (!(mask & (1 << i)) || mode & (1 << i))
-+ continue;
-+ list_for_each_entry(entry, &active->file_entryp[i],
-+ listp[i]) {
-+ if (aamatch_match(name, entry->filename,
-+ entry->type, entry->extradata)) {
-+ /* Shortcut, accumulate all bits present */
-+ mode |= entry->mode;
-+ /* Mask bits are overloaded
-+ * MAY_{EXEC,WRITE,READ,APPEND} are used by
-+ * kernel, other values are used locally only.
-+ */
-+ if ((mode & mask) == mask) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("MATCH! %s=0x%x [total mode=0x%x]\n",
-+ name, mask, mode);
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* return permissions not satisfied */
-+ error = mask & ~mode;
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_link_perm - test permission to link to a file
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @link: name of link being created
-+ * @target: name of target to be linked to
-+ *
-+ * Look up permission mode on both @link and @target. @link must have same
-+ * permission mode as @target. At least @link must have the link bit enabled.
-+ * Return %0 on success, error otherwise.
-+ */
-+static int aa_link_perm(struct aaprofile *active,
-+ const char *link, const char *target)
-+ int l_mode, t_mode, ret;
-+ l_mode = aa_file_mode(active, link);
-+ if (l_mode & AA_MAY_LINK) {
-+ /* mask off link bit */
-+ l_mode &= ~AA_MAY_LINK;
-+ t_mode = aa_file_mode(active, target);
-+ t_mode &= ~AA_MAY_LINK;
-+ ret = (l_mode == t_mode);
-+ } else {
-+ ret = 0;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+ * _aa_perm_dentry
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @dentry: requested dentry
-+ * @mask: mask of requested operations
-+ * @pname: pointer to hold matched pathname (if any)
-+ *
-+ * Helper function. Obtain pathname for specified dentry. Verify if profile
-+ * authorizes mask operations on pathname (due to lack of vfsmnt it is sadly
-+ * necessary to search mountpoints in namespace -- when nameidata is passed
-+ * more fully, this code can go away). If more than one mountpoint matches
-+ * but none satisfy the profile, only the first pathname (mountpoint) is
-+ * returned for subsequent logging.
-+ *
-+ * Return %0 (success), +ve (mask of permissions not satisfied) or -ve (system
-+ * error, most likely -%ENOMEM).
-+ */
-+static int _aa_perm_dentry(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int mask, const char **pname)
-+ char *name = NULL, *failed_name = NULL;
-+ struct aa_path_data data;
-+ int error = 0, failed_error = 0, path_error,
-+ complain = PROFILE_COMPLAIN(active);
-+ /* search all paths to dentry */
-+ aa_path_begin(dentry, &data);
-+ do {
-+ name = aa_path_getname(&data);
-+ if (name) {
-+ /* error here is 0 (success) or +ve (mask of perms) */
-+ error = aa_file_perm(active, name, mask);
-+ /* access via any path is enough */
-+ if (complain || error == 0)
-+ break; /* Caller must free name */
-+ /* Already have an path that failed? */
-+ if (failed_name) {
-+ aa_put_name(name);
-+ } else {
-+ failed_name = name;
-+ failed_error = error;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } while (name);
-+ if ((path_error = aa_path_end(&data)) != 0) {
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: An error occured while translating dentry %p "
-+ "inode# %lu to a pathname. Error %d\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ dentry,
-+ dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
-+ path_error);
-+ WARN_ON(name); /* name should not be set if error */
-+ error = path_error;
-+ name = NULL;
-+ } else if (name) {
-+ if (failed_name)
-+ aa_put_name(failed_name);
-+ } else {
-+ name = failed_name;
-+ error = failed_error;
-+ }
-+ *pname = name;
-+ return error;
-+ * Global utility functions
-+ *************************/
-+ * attach_nullprofile - allocate and attach a null_profile hat to profile
-+ * @profile: profile to attach a null_profile hat to.
-+ *
-+ * Return %0 (success) or error (-%ENOMEM)
-+ */
-+int attach_nullprofile(struct aaprofile *profile)
-+ struct aaprofile *hat = NULL;
-+ char *hatname = NULL;
-+ hat = alloc_aaprofile();
-+ if (!hat)
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (profile->flags.complain)
-+ hatname = kstrdup("null-complain-profile", GFP_KERNEL);
-+ else
-+ hatname = kstrdup("null-profile", GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!hatname)
-+ goto fail;
-+ hat->flags.complain = profile->flags.complain;
-+ hat->name = hatname;
-+ hat->parent = profile;
-+ profile->null_profile = hat;
-+ return 0;
-+ kfree(hatname);
-+ free_aaprofile(hat);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ * alloc_null_complain_profile - Allocate the global null_complain_profile.
-+ *
-+ * Return %0 (success) or error (-%ENOMEM)
-+ */
-+int alloc_null_complain_profile(void)
-+ null_complain_profile = alloc_aaprofile();
-+ if (!null_complain_profile)
-+ goto fail;
-+ null_complain_profile->name =
-+ kstrdup("null-complain-profile", GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!null_complain_profile->name)
-+ goto fail;
-+ null_complain_profile->flags.complain = 1;
-+ if (attach_nullprofile(null_complain_profile))
-+ goto fail;
-+ return 0;
-+ /* free_aaprofile is safe for freeing partially constructed objects */
-+ free_aaprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ null_complain_profile = NULL;
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ * free_null_complain_profile - Free null profiles
-+ */
-+void free_null_complain_profile(void)
-+ put_aaprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ null_complain_profile = NULL;
-+ * aa_audit_message - Log a message to the audit subsystem
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @gfp: allocation flags
-+ * @flags: audit flags
-+ * @fmt: varargs fmt
-+ */
-+int aa_audit_message(struct aaprofile *active, unsigned int gfp, int flags,
-+ const char *fmt, ...)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct aa_audit sa;
-+ sa.type = AA_AUDITTYPE_MSG;
-+ sa.name = fmt;
-+ va_start(sa.vaval, fmt);
-+ sa.flags = flags;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = gfp;
-+ sa.error_code = 0;
-+ sa.result = 0; /* fake failure: force message to be logged */
-+ ret = aa_audit(active, &sa);
-+ va_end(sa.vaval);
-+ return ret;
-+ * aa_audit_syscallreject - Log a syscall rejection to the audit subsystem
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @msg: string describing syscall being rejected
-+ * @gfp: memory allocation flags
-+ */
-+int aa_audit_syscallreject(struct aaprofile *active, unsigned int gfp,
-+ const char *msg)
-+ struct aa_audit sa;
-+ sa.name = msg;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = gfp;
-+ sa.error_code = 0;
-+ sa.result = 0; /* failure */
-+ return aa_audit(active, &sa);
-+ * aa_audit - Log an audit event to the audit subsystem
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @sa: audit event
-+ */
-+int aa_audit(struct aaprofile *active, const struct aa_audit *sa)
-+ struct audit_buffer *ab = NULL;
-+ struct audit_context *ctx;
-+ const char *logcls;
-+ unsigned int flags;
-+ int audit = 0,
-+ complain = 0,
-+ error = -EINVAL,
-+ opspec_error = -EACCES;
-+ const unsigned int gfp_mask = sa->gfp_mask;
-+ WARN_ON(sa->type >= AA_AUDITTYPE__END);
-+ /*
-+ * sa->result: 1 success, 0 failure
-+ * sa->error_code: success: 0
-+ * failure: +ve mask of failed permissions or -ve
-+ * system error
-+ */
-+ if (likely(sa->result)) {
-+ if (likely(!PROFILE_AUDIT(active))) {
-+ /* nothing to log */
-+ error = 0;
-+ goto out;
-+ } else {
-+ audit = 1;
-+ logcls = "AUDITING";
-+ }
-+ } else if (sa->error_code < 0) {
-+ audit_log(current->audit_context, gfp_mask, AUDIT_AA,
-+ "Internal error auditing event type %d (error %d)",
-+ sa->type, sa->error_code);
-+ AA_ERROR("Internal error auditing event type %d (error %d)\n",
-+ sa->type, sa->error_code);
-+ error = sa->error_code;
-+ goto out;
-+ } else if (sa->type == AA_AUDITTYPE_SYSCALL) {
-+ /* Currently AA_AUDITTYPE_SYSCALL is for rejects only.
-+ * Values set by aa_audit_syscallreject will get us here.
-+ */
-+ logcls = "REJECTING";
-+ } else {
-+ complain = PROFILE_COMPLAIN(active);
-+ logcls = complain ? "PERMITTING" : "REJECTING";
-+ }
-+ /* In future extend w/ per-profile flags
-+ * (flags |= sa->active->flags)
-+ */
-+ flags = sa->flags;
-+ if (apparmor_logsyscall)
-+ /* Force full audit syscall logging regardless of global setting if
-+ * we are rejecting a syscall
-+ */
-+ if (sa->type == AA_AUDITTYPE_SYSCALL) {
-+ ctx = current->audit_context;
-+ } else {
-+ current->audit_context : NULL;
-+ }
-+ ab = audit_log_start(ctx, gfp_mask, AUDIT_AA);
-+ if (!ab) {
-+ AA_ERROR("Unable to log event (%d) to audit subsys\n",
-+ sa->type);
-+ if (complain)
-+ error = 0;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* messages get special handling */
-+ if (sa->type == AA_AUDITTYPE_MSG) {
-+ audit_log_vformat(ab, sa->name, sa->vaval);
-+ audit_log_end(ab);
-+ error = 0;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* log operation */
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "%s ", logcls); /* REJECTING/ALLOWING/etc */
-+ if (sa->type == AA_AUDITTYPE_FILE) {
-+ int perm = audit ? sa->ival : sa->error_code;
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "%s%s%s%s access to %s ",
-+ perm & AA_MAY_READ ? "r" : "",
-+ perm & AA_MAY_WRITE ? "w" : "",
-+ perm & AA_MAY_EXEC ? "x" : "",
-+ perm & AA_MAY_LINK ? "l" : "",
-+ sa->name);
-+ opspec_error = -EPERM;
-+ } else if (sa->type == AA_AUDITTYPE_DIR) {
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "%s on %s ",
-+ sa->ival == aa_dir_mkdir ? "mkdir" : "rmdir",
-+ sa->name);
-+ } else if (sa->type == AA_AUDITTYPE_ATTR) {
-+ struct iattr *iattr = (struct iattr*)sa->pval;
-+ audit_log_format(ab,
-+ "attribute (%s%s%s%s%s%s%s) change to %s ",
-+ iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_MODE ? "mode," : "",
-+ iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_UID ? "uid," : "",
-+ iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_GID ? "gid," : "",
-+ iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE ? "size," : "",
-+ ((iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_ATIME_SET) ||
-+ (iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_ATIME)) ? "atime," : "",
-+ ((iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_MTIME_SET) ||
-+ (iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_MTIME)) ? "mtime," : "",
-+ iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_CTIME ? "ctime," : "",
-+ sa->name);
-+ } else if (sa->type == AA_AUDITTYPE_XATTR) {
-+ const char *fmt;
-+ switch (sa->ival) {
-+ case aa_xattr_get:
-+ fmt = "xattr get";
-+ break;
-+ case aa_xattr_set:
-+ fmt = "xattr set";
-+ break;
-+ case aa_xattr_list:
-+ fmt = "xattr list";
-+ break;
-+ case aa_xattr_remove:
-+ fmt = "xattr remove";
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ fmt = "xattr ";
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "%s on %s ", fmt, sa->name);
-+ } else if (sa->type == AA_AUDITTYPE_LINK) {
-+ audit_log_format(ab,
-+ "link access from %s to %s ",
-+ sa->name,
-+ (char*)sa->pval);
-+ } else if (sa->type == AA_AUDITTYPE_CAP) {
-+ audit_log_format(ab,
-+ "access to capability '%s' ",
-+ capability_to_name(sa->ival));
-+ opspec_error = -EPERM;
-+ } else if (sa->type == AA_AUDITTYPE_SYSCALL) {
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "access to syscall '%s' ", sa->name);
-+ opspec_error = -EPERM;
-+ } else {
-+ /* -EINVAL -- will WARN_ON above */
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "(%s(%d) ", current->comm, current->pid);
-+ if (0)
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "[global deny])");
-+ else
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "profile %s active %s)",
-+ BASE_PROFILE(active)->name,
-+ active->name);
-+ audit_log_end(ab);
-+ if (complain)
-+ error = 0;
-+ else
-+ error = sa->result ? 0 : opspec_error;
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_get_name - retrieve fully qualified path name
-+ * @dentry: relative path element
-+ * @mnt: where in tree
-+ *
-+ * Returns fully qualified path name on sucess, NULL on failure.
-+ * aa_put_name must be used to free allocated buffer.
-+ */
-+char *aa_get_name(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *mnt)
-+ char *page, *name = NULL;
-+ page = (char *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!page)
-+ goto out;
-+ name = d_path_flags(dentry, mnt, page, PAGE_SIZE,
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: full_path=%s\n", __FUNCTION__, name);
-+ return name;
-+ * Global permission check functions
-+ ***********************************/
-+ * aa_attr - check whether attribute change allowed
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @dentry: file to check
-+ * @iattr: attribute changes requested
-+ */
-+int aa_attr(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct iattr *iattr)
-+ int error = 0, permerror;
-+ struct aa_audit sa;
-+ sa.type = AA_AUDITTYPE_ATTR;
-+ sa.pval = iattr;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ permerror = _aa_perm_dentry(active, dentry, MAY_WRITE, &sa.name);
-+ aa_permerror2result(permerror, &sa);
-+ error = aa_audit(active, &sa);
-+ aa_put_name(sa.name);
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_xattr - check whether xattr attribute change allowed
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @dentry: file to check
-+ * @xattr: xattr to check
-+ * @xattroptype: type of xattr operation
-+ */
-+int aa_xattr(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ const char *xattr, enum aa_xattroptype xattroptype)
-+ int error = 0, permerror, mask = 0;
-+ struct aa_audit sa;
-+ /* if not confined or empty mask permission granted */
-+ if (!active)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (xattroptype == aa_xattr_get || xattroptype == aa_xattr_list)
-+ mask = MAY_READ;
-+ else if (xattroptype == aa_xattr_set || xattroptype == aa_xattr_remove)
-+ mask = MAY_WRITE;
-+ sa.type = AA_AUDITTYPE_XATTR;
-+ sa.ival = xattroptype;
-+ sa.pval = xattr;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ permerror = _aa_perm_dentry(active, dentry, mask, &sa.name);
-+ aa_permerror2result(permerror, &sa);
-+ error = aa_audit(active, &sa);
-+ aa_put_name(sa.name);
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_perm - basic subdomain permissions check
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @dentry: dentry
-+ * @mnt: mountpoint
-+ * @mask: access mode requested
-+ *
-+ * Determine if access (mask) for dentry is authorized by subdomain active
-+ * profile. Result, %0 (success), -ve (error)
-+ */
-+int aa_perm(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct vfsmount *mnt, int mask)
-+ int error = 0, permerror;
-+ struct aa_audit sa;
-+ if (!active)
-+ goto out;
-+ if ((mask = aa_filter_mask(mask, dentry->d_inode)) == 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ sa.type = AA_AUDITTYPE_FILE;
-+ sa.name = aa_get_name(dentry, mnt);
-+ sa.ival = mask;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ permerror = (sa.name ? aa_file_perm(active, sa.name, mask) : -ENOMEM);
-+ aa_permerror2result(permerror, &sa);
-+ error = aa_audit(active, &sa);
-+ aa_put_name(sa.name);
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_perm_nameidata: interface to sd_perm accepting nameidata
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @nd: namespace data (for vfsmnt and dentry)
-+ * @mask: access mode requested
-+ */
-+int aa_perm_nameidata(struct aaprofile *active, struct nameidata *nd, int mask)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (nd)
-+ error = aa_perm(active, nd->dentry, nd->mnt, mask);
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_perm_dentry - file permissions interface when no vfsmnt available
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @dentry: requested dentry
-+ * @mask: access mode requested
-+ *
-+ * Determine if access (mask) for dentry is authorized by active profile.
-+ * Result, %0 (success), -ve (error)
-+ */
-+int aa_perm_dentry(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry, int mask)
-+ int error = 0, permerror;
-+ struct aa_audit sa;
-+ if (!active)
-+ goto out;
-+ if ((mask = aa_filter_mask(mask, dentry->d_inode)) == 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ sa.type = AA_AUDITTYPE_FILE;
-+ sa.ival = mask;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ permerror = _aa_perm_dentry(active, dentry, mask, &sa.name);
-+ aa_permerror2result(permerror, &sa);
-+ error = aa_audit(active, &sa);
-+ aa_put_name(sa.name);
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_perm_dir
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @dentry: requested dentry
-+ * @diroptype: aa_dir_mkdir or aa_dir_rmdir
-+ *
-+ * Determine if directory operation (make/remove) for dentry is authorized
-+ * by @active profile.
-+ * Result, %0 (success), -ve (error)
-+ */
-+int aa_perm_dir(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ enum aa_diroptype diroptype)
-+ int error = 0, permerror, mask;
-+ struct aa_audit sa;
-+ WARN_ON(diroptype != aa_dir_mkdir && diroptype != aa_dir_rmdir);
-+ if (!active)
-+ goto out;
-+ mask = MAY_WRITE;
-+ sa.type = AA_AUDITTYPE_DIR;
-+ sa.ival = diroptype;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ permerror = _aa_perm_dentry(active, dentry, mask, &sa.name);
-+ aa_permerror2result(permerror, &sa);
-+ error = aa_audit(active, &sa);
-+ aa_put_name(sa.name);
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_capability - test permission to use capability
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @cap: capability to be tested
-+ *
-+ * Look up capability in active profile capability set.
-+ * Return %0 (success), -%EPERM (error)
-+ */
-+int aa_capability(struct aaprofile *active, int cap)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ struct aa_audit sa;
-+ sa.type = AA_AUDITTYPE_CAP;
-+ sa.name = NULL;
-+ sa.ival = cap;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.error_code = 0;
-+ sa.result = cap_raised(active->capabilities, cap);
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_ATOMIC;
-+ error = aa_audit(active, &sa);
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_link - hard link check
-+ * @active: profile to check against
-+ * @link: dentry for link being created
-+ * @target: dentry for link target
-+ *
-+ * Checks link permissions for all possible name combinations. This is
-+ * particularly ugly. Returns %0 on sucess, error otherwise.
-+ */
-+int aa_link(struct aaprofile *active, struct dentry *link,
-+ struct dentry *target)
-+ char *iname = NULL, *oname = NULL,
-+ *failed_iname = NULL, *failed_oname = NULL;
-+ unsigned int result = 0;
-+ int error, path_error, error_code = 0, match = 0,
-+ complain = PROFILE_COMPLAIN(active);
-+ struct aa_path_data idata, odata;
-+ struct aa_audit sa;
-+ if (!active)
-+ return 0;
-+ /* Perform nested lookup for names.
-+ * This is necessary in the case where /dev/block is mounted
-+ * multiple times, i.e /dev/block->/a and /dev/block->/b
-+ * This allows us to detect links where src/dest are on different
-+ * mounts. N.B no support yet for links across bind mounts of
-+ * the form mount -bind /mnt/subpath /mnt2
-+ *
-+ * Getting direct access to vfsmounts (via nameidata) for link and
-+ * target would allow all this uglyness to go away.
-+ *
-+ * If more than one mountpoint matches but none satisfy the profile,
-+ * only the first pathname (mountpoint) is logged.
-+ */
-+ __aa_path_begin(target, link, &odata);
-+ do {
-+ oname = aa_path_getname(&odata);
-+ if (oname) {
-+ aa_path_begin(target, &idata);
-+ do {
-+ iname = aa_path_getname(&idata);
-+ if (iname) {
-+ result = aa_link_perm(active, oname,
-+ iname);
-+ /* access via any path is enough */
-+ if (result || complain) {
-+ match = 1;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* Already have an path that failed? */
-+ if (failed_iname) {
-+ aa_put_name(iname);
-+ } else {
-+ failed_iname = iname;
-+ failed_oname = oname;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } while (iname && !match);
-+ /* should not be possible if we matched */
-+ if ((path_error = aa_path_end(&idata)) != 0) {
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: An error occured while "
-+ "translating inner dentry %p "
-+ "inode %lu to a pathname. Error %d\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ target,
-+ target->d_inode->i_ino,
-+ path_error);
-+ /* name should not be set if error */
-+ WARN_ON(iname);
-+ error_code = path_error;
-+ }
-+ /* don't release if we're saving it */
-+ if (!match && failed_oname != oname)
-+ aa_put_name(oname);
-+ }
-+ } while (oname && !match);
-+ if (error_code != 0) {
-+ /* inner error */
-+ (void)aa_path_end(&odata);
-+ } else if ((path_error = aa_path_end(&odata)) != 0) {
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: An error occured while translating outer "
-+ "dentry %p inode %lu to a pathname. Error %d\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ link,
-+ link->d_inode->i_ino,
-+ path_error);
-+ error_code = path_error;
-+ }
-+ if (error_code != 0) {
-+ /* inner or outer error */
-+ result = 0;
-+ } else if (match) {
-+ result = 1;
-+ } else {
-+ /* failed to match */
-+ WARN_ON(iname);
-+ WARN_ON(oname);
-+ result = 0;
-+ iname = failed_iname;
-+ oname = failed_oname;
-+ }
-+ sa.type = AA_AUDITTYPE_LINK;
-+ sa.name = oname; /* link */
-+ sa.pval = iname; /* target */
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.error_code = error_code;
-+ sa.result = result;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ error = aa_audit(active, &sa);
-+ if (failed_oname != oname)
-+ aa_put_name(failed_oname);
-+ if (failed_iname != iname)
-+ aa_put_name(failed_iname);
-+ aa_put_name(oname);
-+ aa_put_name(iname);
-+ return error;
-+ * Global task related functions
-+ *******************************/
-+ * aa_fork - create a new subdomain
-+ * @p: new process
-+ *
-+ * Create a new subdomain struct for the newly created process @p.
-+ * Copy parent info to child. If parent has no subdomain, child
-+ * will get one with %NULL values. Return %0 on sucess.
-+ *
-+ * The sd_lock is used to maintain consistency against profile
-+ * replacement/removal.
-+ */
-+int aa_fork(struct task_struct *p)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = AA_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ struct subdomain *newsd = alloc_subdomain(p);
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ if (!newsd)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (sd) {
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ /* Use locking here instead of getting the reference
-+ * because we need both the old reference and the
-+ * new reference to be consistent.
-+ */
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ aa_switch(newsd, sd->active);
-+ newsd->hat_magic = sd->hat_magic;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd->active == null_complain_profile)
-+ "pid=%d child=%d\n",
-+ current->pid, p->pid);
-+ }
-+ p->security = newsd;
-+ return 0;
-+ * aa_register - register a new program
-+ * @filp: file of program being registered
-+ *
-+ * Try to register a new program during execve(). This should give the
-+ * new program a valid subdomain.
-+ */
-+int aa_register(struct file *filp)
-+ char *filename;
-+ struct subdomain *sd;
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ struct aaprofile *newprofile = NULL, unconstrained_flag;
-+ int error = -ENOMEM,
-+ exec_mode = 0,
-+ find_profile = 0,
-+ find_profile_mandatory = 0,
-+ complain = 0;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ sd = AA_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ if (sd) {
-+ complain = SUBDOMAIN_COMPLAIN(sd);
-+ } else {
-+ /* task has no subdomain. This can happen when a task is
-+ * created when subdomain is not loaded. Allocate and
-+ * attach a subdomain to the task
-+ */
-+ sd = alloc_subdomain(current);
-+ if (!sd) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Failed to allocate subdomain\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ current->security = sd;
-+ }
-+ filename = aa_get_name(filp->f_dentry, filp->f_vfsmnt);
-+ if (!filename) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Failed to get filename\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ error = 0;
-+ active = get_active_aaprofile();
-+ if (!active) {
-+ /* Unconfined task, load profile if it exists */
-+ find_profile = 1;
-+ goto find_profile;
-+ }
-+ /* Confined task, determine what mode inherit, unconstrained or
-+ * mandatory to load new profile
-+ */
-+ if (aa_get_execmode(active, filename, &exec_mode)) {
-+ switch (exec_mode) {
-+ /* do nothing - setting of profile
-+ * already handed in aa_fork
-+ */
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: INHERIT %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename);
-+ break;
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename);
-+ /* unload profile */
-+ newprofile = &unconstrained_flag;
-+ break;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: PROFILE %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename);
-+ find_profile = 1;
-+ find_profile_mandatory = 1;
-+ break;
-+ case AA_MAY_EXEC:
-+ /* this should not happen, entries
-+ * with just EXEC only should be
-+ * rejected at profile load time
-+ */
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: Rejecting exec(2) of image '%s'. "
-+ "AA_MAY_EXEC without exec qualifier invalid "
-+ "(%s(%d) profile %s active %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename,
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(active)->name, active->name);
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: Rejecting exec(2) of image '%s'. "
-+ "Unknown exec qualifier %x "
-+ "(%s (pid %d) profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename,
-+ exec_mode,
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(active)->name, sd->active->name);
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ } else if (complain) {
-+ /* There was no entry in calling profile
-+ * describing mode to execute image in.
-+ * Drop into null-profile
-+ */
-+ newprofile = get_aaprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ } else {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Rejecting exec(2) of image '%s'. "
-+ "Unable to determine exec qualifier "
-+ "(%s (pid %d) profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename,
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(active)->name, active->name);
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ }
-+ if (!find_profile)
-+ goto apply_profile;
-+ /* Locate new profile */
-+ newprofile = aa_profilelist_find(filename);
-+ if (newprofile) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: setting profile %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, newprofile->name);
-+ } else if (find_profile_mandatory) {
-+ /* Profile (mandatory) could not be found */
-+ if (complain) {
-+ "image=%s pid=%d profile=%s active=%s\n",
-+ filename,
-+ current->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(active)->name, active->name);
-+ newprofile = get_aaprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ } else {
-+ AA_WARN("REJECTING exec(2) of image '%s'. "
-+ "Profile mandatory and not found "
-+ "(%s(%d) profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ filename,
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(active)->name, active->name);
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ /* Profile (non-mandatory) could not be found */
-+ /* Only way we can get into this code is if task
-+ * is unconstrained.
-+ */
-+ WARN_ON(active);
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: No profile found for exec image %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename);
-+ } /* newprofile */
-+ /* Apply profile if necessary */
-+ if (newprofile) {
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (newprofile == &unconstrained_flag)
-+ newprofile = NULL;
-+ /* grab a lock - this is to guarentee consistency against
-+ * other writers of subdomain (replacement/removal)
-+ *
-+ * Several things may have changed since the code above
-+ *
-+ * - If we are a confined process, active is a refcounted copy
-+ * of the profile that was on the subdomain at entry.
-+ * This allows us to not have to hold a lock around
-+ * all this code. If profile replacement has taken place
-+ * our sd->active may not equal sd->active any more.
-+ * This is okay since the operation is treated as if
-+ * the transition occured before replacement.
-+ *
-+ * - If newprofile points to an actual profile (result of
-+ * aa_profilelist_find above), this profile may have been
-+ * replaced. We need to fix it up. Doing this to avoid
-+ * having to hold a lock around all this code.
-+ */
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ /* Determine if profile we found earlier is stale.
-+ * If so, reobtain it. N.B stale flag should never be
-+ * set on null_complain profile.
-+ */
-+ if (newprofile && unlikely(newprofile->isstale)) {
-+ WARN_ON(newprofile == null_complain_profile);
-+ /* drop refcnt obtained from earlier get_aaprofile */
-+ put_aaprofile(newprofile);
-+ newprofile = aa_profilelist_find(filename);
-+ if (!newprofile) {
-+ /* Race, profile was removed, not replaced.
-+ * Redo with error checking
-+ */
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ goto find_profile;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ aa_switch(sd, newprofile);
-+ put_aaprofile(newprofile);
-+ if (complain && newprofile == null_complain_profile)
-+ "pid=%d\n",
-+ current->pid);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ }
-+ aa_put_name(filename);
-+ put_aaprofile(active);
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_release - release the task's subdomain
-+ * @p: task being released
-+ *
-+ * This is called after a task has exited and the parent has reaped it.
-+ * @p->security blob is freed.
-+ *
-+ * This is the one case where we don't need to hold the sd_lock before
-+ * removing a profile from a subdomain. Once the subdomain has been
-+ * removed from the subdomain_list, we are no longer racing other writers.
-+ * There may still be other readers so we must still use aa_switch
-+ * to put the subdomain's reference safely.
-+ */
-+void aa_release(struct task_struct *p)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = AA_SUBDOMAIN(p->security);
-+ if (sd) {
-+ p->security = NULL;
-+ aa_subdomainlist_remove(sd);
-+ aa_switch_unconfined(sd);
-+ kfree(sd);
-+ }
-+ * global subprofile functions
-+ ****************************/
-+ * do_change_hat - actually switch hats
-+ * @hat_name: name of hat to swtich to
-+ * @sd: current subdomain
-+ *
-+ * Switch to a new hat. Return %0 on success, error otherwise.
-+ */
-+static inline int do_change_hat(const char *hat_name, struct subdomain *sd)
-+ struct aaprofile *sub;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ sub = __aa_find_profile(hat_name, &BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->sub);
-+ if (sub) {
-+ /* change hat */
-+ aa_switch(sd, sub);
-+ put_aaprofile(sub);
-+ } else {
-+ /* There is no such subprofile change to a NULL profile.
-+ * The NULL profile grants no file access.
-+ *
-+ * This feature is used by changehat_apache.
-+ *
-+ * N.B from the null-profile the task can still changehat back
-+ * out to the parent profile (assuming magic != NULL)
-+ */
-+ "%s pid=%d "
-+ "profile=%s active=%s\n",
-+ hat_name,
-+ current->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->name,
-+ sd->active->name);
-+ } else {
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: Unknown hatname '%s'. "
-+ "Changing to NULL profile "
-+ "(%s(%d) profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ hat_name,
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->name,
-+ sd->active->name);
-+ error = -EACCES;
-+ }
-+ aa_switch(sd, sd->active->null_profile);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_change_hat - change hat to/from subprofile
-+ * @hat_name: specifies hat to change to
-+ * @hat_magic: token to validate hat change
-+ *
-+ * Change to new @hat_name when current hat is top level profile, and store
-+ * the @hat_magic in the current subdomain. If the new @hat_name is
-+ * %NULL, and the @hat_magic matches that stored in the current subdomain
-+ * return to original top level profile. Returns %0 on success, error
-+ * otherwise.
-+ */
-+int aa_change_hat(const char *hat_name, u32 hat_magic)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = AA_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ int error = 0;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: %p, 0x%x (pid %d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ hat_name, hat_magic,
-+ current->pid);
-+ /* Dump out above debugging in WARN mode if we are in AUDIT mode */
-+ if (SUBDOMAIN_AUDIT(sd)) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: %s, 0x%x (pid %d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, hat_name ? hat_name : "NULL",
-+ hat_magic, current->pid);
-+ }
-+ /* check to see if an unconfined process is doing a changehat. */
-+ if (!__aa_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ error = -EACCES;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* Check whether current domain is parent
-+ * or one of the sibling children
-+ */
-+ if (!IN_SUBPROFILE(sd->active)) {
-+ /*
-+ * parent
-+ */
-+ if (hat_name) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: switching to %s, 0x%x\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ hat_name,
-+ hat_magic);
-+ /*
-+ * N.B hat_magic == 0 has a special meaning
-+ * this indicates that the task may never changehat
-+ * back to it's parent, it will stay in this subhat
-+ * (or null-profile, if the hat doesn't exist) until
-+ * the task terminates
-+ */
-+ sd->hat_magic = hat_magic;
-+ error = do_change_hat(hat_name, sd);
-+ } else {
-+ /* Got here via changehat(NULL, magic)
-+ *
-+ * We used to simply update the magic cookie.
-+ * That's an odd behaviour, so just do nothing.
-+ */
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ /*
-+ * child -- check to make sure magic is same as what was
-+ * passed when we switched into this profile,
-+ * Handle special casing of NULL magic which confines task
-+ * to subprofile and prohibits further changehats
-+ */
-+ if (hat_magic == sd->hat_magic && sd->hat_magic) {
-+ if (!hat_name) {
-+ /*
-+ * Got here via changehat(NULL, magic)
-+ * Return from subprofile, back to parent
-+ */
-+ aa_switch(sd, sd->active->parent);
-+ /* Reset hat_magic to zero.
-+ * New value will be passed on next changehat
-+ */
-+ sd->hat_magic = 0;
-+ } else {
-+ /* change to another (sibling) profile */
-+ error = do_change_hat(hat_name, sd);
-+ }
-+ } else if (sd->hat_magic) {
-+ AA_ERROR("KILLING process %s(%d) "
-+ "Invalid change_hat() magic# 0x%x "
-+ "(hatname %s profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ hat_magic,
-+ hat_name ? hat_name : "NULL",
-+ BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->name,
-+ sd->active->name);
-+ /* terminate current process */
-+ (void)send_sig_info(SIGKILL, NULL, current);
-+ } else { /* sd->hat_magic == NULL */
-+ AA_ERROR("KILLING process %s(%d) "
-+ "Task was confined to current subprofile "
-+ "(profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->name,
-+ sd->active->name);
-+ /* terminate current process */
-+ (void)send_sig_info(SIGKILL, NULL, current);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return error;
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5004_apparmor-filesystem.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5004_apparmor-filesystem.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 16b00bc..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5004_apparmor-filesystem.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-This patch implements the AppArmor file structure underneath securityfs.
-Securityfs is normally mounted as /sys/kernel/security
-The following files are created under /sys/kernel/security/apparmor
- control
- audit - Controls the global setting for auditing all
- accesses.
- complain - Controls the global setting for learning mode
- (usually this is set per profile rather than
- globally)
- debug - Controls whether debugging is enabled.
- This needs to be made more fine grained
- logsyscall - Controls whether when logging to the audit
- subsystem full syscall auditing is enabled.
- The values by default for all of the above are 0.
- matching - Returns the features of the installed matching submodule
- profiles - Returns the profiles currently loaded and for each whether
- it is in complain (learning) or enforce mode.
- .load
- .remove
- .replace - Used by userspace tools to load, remove and replace new
- profiles.
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- security/apparmor/apparmorfs.c | 432 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 files changed, 432 insertions(+)
---- security/apparmor/apparmorfs.c.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/apparmorfs.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor filesystem (part of securityfs)
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+#include "match/match.h"
-+#define SECFS_AA "apparmor"
-+static struct dentry *aafs_dentry = NULL;
-+/* profile */
-+extern struct seq_operations apparmorfs_profiles_op;
-+static int aa_prof_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
-+static int aa_prof_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
-+static struct file_operations apparmorfs_profiles_fops = {
-+ .open = aa_prof_open,
-+ .read = seq_read,
-+ .llseek = seq_lseek,
-+ .release = aa_prof_release,
-+/* matching */
-+static ssize_t aa_matching_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *ppos);
-+static struct file_operations apparmorfs_matching_fops = {
-+ .read = aa_matching_read,
-+/* interface */
-+static ssize_t aa_profile_load(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos);
-+static ssize_t aa_profile_replace(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos);
-+static ssize_t aa_profile_remove(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos);
-+static struct file_operations apparmorfs_profile_load = {
-+ .write = aa_profile_load
-+static struct file_operations apparmorfs_profile_replace = {
-+ .write = aa_profile_replace
-+static struct file_operations apparmorfs_profile_remove = {
-+ .write = aa_profile_remove
-+/* control */
-+static u64 aa_control_get(void *data);
-+static void aa_control_set(void *data, u64 val);
-+DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE(apparmorfs_control_fops, aa_control_get,
-+ aa_control_set, "%lld\n");
-+/* table of static entries */
-+static struct root_entry {
-+ const char *name;
-+ int mode;
-+ int access;
-+ struct file_operations *fops;
-+ void *data;
-+ /* internal fields */
-+ struct dentry *dentry;
-+ int parent_index;
-+} root_entries[] = {
-+ /* our root, normally /sys/kernel/security/apparmor */
-+ {SECFS_AA, S_IFDIR, 0550}, /* DO NOT EDIT/MOVE */
-+ /* interface for obtaining list of profiles currently loaded */
-+ {"profiles", S_IFREG, 0440, &apparmorfs_profiles_fops,
-+ NULL},
-+ /* interface for obtaining matching features supported */
-+ {"matching", S_IFREG, 0440, &apparmorfs_matching_fops,
-+ NULL},
-+ /* interface for loading/removing/replacing profiles */
-+ {".load", S_IFREG, 0640, &apparmorfs_profile_load,
-+ NULL},
-+ {".replace", S_IFREG, 0640, &apparmorfs_profile_replace,
-+ NULL},
-+ {".remove", S_IFREG, 0640, &apparmorfs_profile_remove,
-+ NULL},
-+ /* interface for setting binary config values */
-+ {"control", S_IFDIR, 0550},
-+ {"complain", S_IFREG, 0640, &apparmorfs_control_fops,
-+ &apparmor_complain},
-+ {"audit", S_IFREG, 0640, &apparmorfs_control_fops,
-+ &apparmor_audit},
-+ {"debug", S_IFREG, 0640, &apparmorfs_control_fops,
-+ &apparmor_debug},
-+ {"logsyscall", S_IFREG, 0640, &apparmorfs_control_fops,
-+ &apparmor_logsyscall},
-+ {NULL, S_IFDIR, 0},
-+ /* root end */
-+ {NULL, S_IFDIR, 0}
-+#define AAFS_DENTRY root_entries[0].dentry
-+static const unsigned int num_entries =
-+ sizeof(root_entries) / sizeof(struct root_entry);
-+static int aa_prof_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return seq_open(file, &apparmorfs_profiles_op);
-+static int aa_prof_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return seq_release(inode, file);
-+static ssize_t aa_matching_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *ppos)
-+ const char *matching = aamatch_features();
-+ return simple_read_from_buffer(buf, size, ppos, matching,
-+ strlen(matching));
-+static char *aa_simple_write_to_buffer(const char __user *userbuf,
-+ size_t alloc_size, size_t copy_size,
-+ loff_t *pos, const char *msg)
-+ struct aaprofile *active;
-+ char *data;
-+ if (*pos != 0) {
-+ /* only writes from pos 0, that is complete writes */
-+ data = ERR_PTR(-ESPIPE);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* Don't allow confined processes to load/replace/remove profiles.
-+ * No sane person would add rules allowing this to a profile
-+ * but we enforce the restriction anyways.
-+ */
-+ rcu_read_lock();
-+ active = get_activeptr_rcu();
-+ if (active) {
-+ AA_WARN("REJECTING access to profile %s (%s(%d) "
-+ "profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ msg, current->comm, current->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(active)->name, active->name);
-+ data = ERR_PTR(-EPERM);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ rcu_read_unlock();
-+ data = vmalloc(alloc_size);
-+ if (data == NULL) {
-+ data = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (copy_from_user(data, userbuf, copy_size)) {
-+ vfree(data);
-+ data = ERR_PTR(-EFAULT);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ return data;
-+static ssize_t aa_profile_load(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
-+ char *data;
-+ ssize_t error;
-+ data = aa_simple_write_to_buffer(buf, size, size, pos, "load");
-+ if (!IS_ERR(data)) {
-+ error = aa_file_prof_add(data, size);
-+ vfree(data);
-+ } else {
-+ error = PTR_ERR(data);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static ssize_t aa_profile_replace(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
-+ char *data;
-+ ssize_t error;
-+ data = aa_simple_write_to_buffer(buf, size, size, pos, "replacement");
-+ if (!IS_ERR(data)) {
-+ error = aa_file_prof_repl(data, size);
-+ vfree(data);
-+ } else {
-+ error = PTR_ERR(data);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static ssize_t aa_profile_remove(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
-+ char *data;
-+ ssize_t error;
-+ /* aa_file_prof_remove needs a null terminated string so 1 extra
-+ * byte is allocated and null the copied data is then null terminated
-+ */
-+ data = aa_simple_write_to_buffer(buf, size+1, size, pos, "removal");
-+ if (!IS_ERR(data)) {
-+ data[size] = 0;
-+ error = aa_file_prof_remove(data, size);
-+ vfree(data);
-+ } else {
-+ error = PTR_ERR(data);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static u64 aa_control_get(void *data)
-+ return *(int *)data;
-+static void aa_control_set(void *data, u64 val)
-+ if (val > 1)
-+ val = 1;
-+ *(int*)data = (int)val;
-+static void clear_apparmorfs(void)
-+ unsigned int i;
-+ for (i=0; i < num_entries;i++) {
-+ unsigned int index;
-+ if (root_entries[i].mode == S_IFDIR) {
-+ if (root_entries[i].name)
-+ /* defer dir free till all sub-entries freed */
-+ continue;
-+ else
-+ /* cleanup parent */
-+ index = root_entries[i].parent_index;
-+ } else {
-+ index = i;
-+ }
-+ if (root_entries[index].dentry) {
-+ securityfs_remove(root_entries[index].dentry);
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: deleted apparmorfs entry name=%s "
-+ "dentry=%p\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ root_entries[index].name,
-+ root_entries[index].dentry);
-+ root_entries[index].dentry = NULL;
-+ root_entries[index].parent_index = 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+static int populate_apparmorfs(struct dentry *root)
-+ unsigned int i, parent_index, depth;
-+ for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
-+ root_entries[i].dentry = NULL;
-+ root_entries[i].parent_index = 0;
-+ }
-+ /* 1. Verify entry 0 is valid [sanity check] */
-+ if (num_entries == 0 ||
-+ !root_entries[0].name ||
-+ strcmp(root_entries[0].name, SECFS_AA) != 0 ||
-+ root_entries[0].mode != S_IFDIR) {
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: root entry 0 is not SECFS_AA/dir\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto error;
-+ }
-+ /* 2. Build back pointers */
-+ parent_index = 0;
-+ depth = 1;
-+ for (i = 1; i < num_entries; i++) {
-+ root_entries[i].parent_index = parent_index;
-+ if (root_entries[i].name &&
-+ root_entries[i].mode == S_IFDIR) {
-+ depth++;
-+ parent_index = i;
-+ } else if (!root_entries[i].name) {
-+ if (root_entries[i].mode != S_IFDIR || depth == 0) {
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: root_entry %d invalid (%u %d)",
-+ __FUNCTION__, i,
-+ root_entries[i].mode,
-+ root_entries[i].parent_index);
-+ goto error;
-+ }
-+ depth--;
-+ parent_index = root_entries[parent_index].parent_index;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (depth != 0) {
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: root_entry table not correctly terminated\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto error;
-+ }
-+ /* 3. Create root (parent=NULL) */
-+ root_entries[0].dentry = securityfs_create_file(
-+ root_entries[0].name,
-+ root_entries[0].mode |
-+ root_entries[0].access,
-+ if (IS_ERR(root_entries[0].dentry))
-+ goto error;
-+ else
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: created securityfs/apparmor [dentry=%p]\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, root_entries[0].dentry);
-+ /* 4. create remaining nodes */
-+ for (i = 1; i < num_entries; i++) {
-+ struct dentry *parent;
-+ void *data = NULL;
-+ struct file_operations *fops = NULL;
-+ /* end of directory ? */
-+ if (!root_entries[i].name)
-+ continue;
-+ parent = root_entries[root_entries[i].parent_index].dentry;
-+ if (root_entries[i].mode != S_IFDIR) {
-+ data = root_entries[i].data;
-+ fops = root_entries[i].fops;
-+ }
-+ root_entries[i].dentry = securityfs_create_file(
-+ root_entries[i].name,
-+ root_entries[i].mode |
-+ root_entries[i].access,
-+ parent,
-+ data,
-+ fops);
-+ if (IS_ERR(root_entries[i].dentry))
-+ goto cleanup_error;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: added apparmorfs entry "
-+ "name=%s mode=%x dentry=%p [parent %p]\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, root_entries[i].name,
-+ root_entries[i].mode|root_entries[i].access,
-+ root_entries[i].dentry, parent);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ clear_apparmorfs();
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+int create_apparmorfs(void)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (AAFS_DENTRY) {
-+ error = -EEXIST;
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: Subdomain securityfs already exists\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ } else {
-+ error = populate_apparmorfs(aafs_dentry);
-+ if (error != 0) {
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: Error populating Subdomain securityfs\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+void destroy_apparmorfs(void)
-+ clear_apparmorfs();
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5005_apparmor-userspace-interface.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5005_apparmor-userspace-interface.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a460e65..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5005_apparmor-userspace-interface.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,907 +0,0 @@
-This patch implements the interface between the userspace policy loader
-and the kernel module. It is called by the .load, .remove and .replace
-file_operations hooks implemented in apparmorfs.c.
-The code is reponsible for serializing data in a platform independant
-manner from userspace and creating/activating the necessary apparmor
-Certain aspects are delegated to the sub matching module which implements
-the aamatch_* functions.
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- security/apparmor/module_interface.c | 840 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- security/apparmor/module_interface.h | 37 +
- 2 files changed, 877 insertions(+)
---- security/apparmor/module_interface.c.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/module_interface.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,840 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor userspace policy interface
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+#include "module_interface.h"
-+#include "match/match.h"
-+/* aa_code defined in module_interface.h */
-+const int aacode_datasize[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 2, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-+struct aa_taskreplace_data {
-+ struct aaprofile *old_profile;
-+ struct aaprofile *new_profile;
-+/* inlines must be forward of there use in newer version of gcc,
-+ just forward declaring with a prototype won't work anymore */
-+static inline void free_aa_entry(struct aa_entry *entry)
-+ if (entry) {
-+ kfree(entry->filename);
-+ aamatch_free(entry->extradata);
-+ kfree(entry);
-+ }
-+ * alloc_aa_entry - create new empty aa_entry
-+ * This routine allocates, initializes, and returns a new aa_entry
-+ * file entry structure. Structure is zeroed. Returns new structure on
-+ * success, %NULL on failure.
-+ */
-+static inline struct aa_entry *alloc_aa_entry(void)
-+ struct aa_entry *entry;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ entry = kzalloc(sizeof(struct aa_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (entry) {
-+ int i;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&entry->list);
-+ for (i = 0; i <= POS_AA_FILE_MAX; i++) {
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&entry->listp[i]);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return entry;
-+ * free_aaprofile_rcu - rcu callback for free profiles
-+ * @head: rcu_head struct of the profile whose reference is being put.
-+ *
-+ * the rcu callback routine, which delays the freeing of a profile when
-+ * its last reference is put.
-+ */
-+static void free_aaprofile_rcu(struct rcu_head *head)
-+ struct aaprofile *p = container_of(head, struct aaprofile, rcu);
-+ free_aaprofile(p);
-+ * task_remove - remove profile from a task's subdomain
-+ * @sd: task's subdomain
-+ *
-+ * remove the active profile from a task's subdomain, switching the task
-+ * to an unconfined state.
-+ */
-+static inline void task_remove(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ /* spin_lock(&sd_lock) held here */
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: removing profile from task %s(%d) profile %s active %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ sd->task->comm,
-+ sd->task->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->name,
-+ sd->active->name);
-+ aa_switch_unconfined(sd);
-+/** taskremove_iter - Iterator to unconfine subdomains which match cookie
-+ * @sd: subdomain to consider for profile removal
-+ * @cookie: pointer to the oldprofile which is being removed
-+ *
-+ * If the subdomain's active profile matches old_profile, then call
-+ * task_remove() to remove the profile leaving the task (subdomain) unconfined.
-+ */
-+static int taskremove_iter(struct subdomain *sd, void *cookie)
-+ struct aaprofile *old_profile = (struct aaprofile *)cookie;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ if (__aa_is_confined(sd) && BASE_PROFILE(sd->active) == old_profile) {
-+ task_remove(sd);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ return 0;
-+/** task_replace - replace subdomain's current profile with a new profile
-+ * @sd: subdomain to replace the profile on
-+ * @new: new profile
-+ *
-+ * Replace a task's (subdomain's) active profile with a new profile. If
-+ * task was in a hat then the new profile will also be in the equivalent
-+ * hat in the new profile if it exists. If it doesn't exist the
-+ * task will be placed in the special null_profile state.
-+ */
-+static inline void task_replace(struct subdomain *sd, struct aaprofile *new)
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: replacing profile for task %s(%d) "
-+ "profile=%s (%p) active=%s (%p)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ sd->task->comm, sd->task->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->name, BASE_PROFILE(sd->active),
-+ sd->active->name, sd->active);
-+ if (!sd->active)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (IN_SUBPROFILE(sd->active)) {
-+ struct aaprofile *nactive;
-+ /* The old profile was in a hat, check to see if the new
-+ * profile has an equivalent hat */
-+ nactive = __aa_find_profile(sd->active->name, &new->sub);
-+ if (!nactive)
-+ nactive = get_aaprofile(new->null_profile);
-+ aa_switch(sd, nactive);
-+ put_aaprofile(nactive);
-+ } else {
-+ aa_switch(sd, new);
-+ }
-+ out:
-+ return;
-+/** taskreplace_iter - Iterator to replace a subdomain's profile
-+ * @sd: subdomain to consider for profile replacement
-+ * @cookie: pointer to the old profile which is being replaced.
-+ *
-+ * If the subdomain's active profile matches old_profile call
-+ * task_replace() to replace with the subdomain's active profile with
-+ * the new profile.
-+ */
-+static int taskreplace_iter(struct subdomain *sd, void *cookie)
-+ struct aa_taskreplace_data *data = (struct aa_taskreplace_data *)cookie;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ if (__aa_is_confined(sd) &&
-+ BASE_PROFILE(sd->active) == data->old_profile)
-+ task_replace(sd, data->new_profile);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ return 0;
-+static inline int aa_inbounds(struct aa_ext *e, size_t size)
-+ return (e->pos + size <= e->end);
-+ * aaconvert - convert trailing values of serialized type codes
-+ * @code: type code
-+ * @dest: pointer to object to receive the converted value
-+ * @src: pointer to value to convert
-+ *
-+ * for serialized type codes which have a trailing value, convert it
-+ * and place it in @dest. If a code does not have a trailing value nop.
-+ */
-+static void aaconvert(enum aa_code code, void *dest, void *src)
-+ switch (code) {
-+ case AA_U8:
-+ *(u8 *)dest = *(u8 *) src;
-+ break;
-+ case AA_U16:
-+ case AA_NAME:
-+ case AA_DYN_STRING:
-+ *(u16 *)dest = le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *)src));
-+ break;
-+ case AA_U32:
-+ *(u32 *)dest = le32_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u32 *)src));
-+ break;
-+ case AA_U64:
-+ *(u64 *)dest = le64_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u64 *)src));
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ /* nop - all other type codes do not have a trailing value */
-+ ;
-+ }
-+ * aa_is_X - check if the next element is of type X
-+ * @e: serialized data extent information
-+ * @code: type code
-+ * @data: object located at @e->pos (of type @code) is written into @data
-+ * if @data is non-null. if data is null it means skip this
-+ * entry
-+ * check to see if the next element in the serialized data stream is of type
-+ * X and check that it is with in bounds, if so put the associated value in
-+ * @data.
-+ * return the size of bytes associated with the returned data
-+ * for complex object like blob and string a pointer to the allocated
-+ * data is returned in data, but the size of the blob or string is
-+ * returned.
-+ */
-+static u32 aa_is_X(struct aa_ext *e, enum aa_code code, void *data)
-+ void *pos = e->pos;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if (!aa_inbounds(e, AA_CODE_BYTE + aacode_datasize[code]))
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (code != *(u8 *)e->pos)
-+ goto out;
-+ e->pos += AA_CODE_BYTE;
-+ if (code == AA_NAME) {
-+ u16 size;
-+ /* name codes are followed by X bytes */
-+ size = le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *)e->pos));
-+ if (!aa_inbounds(e, (size_t) size))
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (data)
-+ *(u16 *)data = size;
-+ e->pos += aacode_datasize[code];
-+ ret = 1 + aacode_datasize[code];
-+ } else if (code == AA_DYN_STRING) {
-+ u16 size;
-+ char *str;
-+ /* strings codes are followed by X bytes */
-+ size = le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *)e->pos));
-+ e->pos += aacode_datasize[code];
-+ if (!aa_inbounds(e, (size_t) size))
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (data) {
-+ * (char **)data = NULL;
-+ str = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!str)
-+ goto fail;
-+ memcpy(str, e->pos, (size_t) size);
-+ str[size-1] = '\0';
-+ * (char **)data = str;
-+ }
-+ e->pos += size;
-+ ret = size;
-+ } else if (code == AA_STATIC_BLOB) {
-+ u32 size;
-+ /* blobs are followed by X bytes, that can be 2^32 */
-+ size = le32_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u32 *)e->pos));
-+ e->pos += aacode_datasize[code];
-+ if (!aa_inbounds(e, (size_t) size))
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (data)
-+ memcpy(data, e->pos, (size_t) size);
-+ e->pos += size;
-+ ret = size;
-+ } else {
-+ if (data)
-+ aaconvert(code, data, e->pos);
-+ e->pos += aacode_datasize[code];
-+ ret = 1 + aacode_datasize[code];
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+ e->pos = pos;
-+ return 0;
-+ * aa_is_nameX - check is the next element is of type X with a name of @name
-+ * @e: serialized data extent information
-+ * @code: type code
-+ * @data: location to store deserialized data if match isX criteria
-+ * @name: name to match to the serialized element.
-+ *
-+ * check that the next serialized data element is of type X and has a tag
-+ * name @name. If the code matches and name (if specified) matches then
-+ * the packed data is unpacked into *data. (Note for strings this is the
-+ * size, and the next data in the stream is the string data)
-+ * returns %0 if either match failes
-+ */
-+static int aa_is_nameX(struct aa_ext *e, enum aa_code code, void *data,
-+ const char *name)
-+ void *pos = e->pos;
-+ u16 size;
-+ u32 ret;
-+ /* check for presence of a tagname, and if present name size
-+ * AA_NAME tag value is a u16 */
-+ if (aa_is_X(e, AA_NAME, &size)) {
-+ /* if a name is specified it must match. otherwise skip tag */
-+ if (name && ((strlen(name) != size-1) ||
-+ strncmp(name, (char *)e->pos, (size_t)size-1)))
-+ goto fail;
-+ e->pos += size;
-+ }
-+ /* now check if data actually matches */
-+ ret = aa_is_X(e, code, data);
-+ if (!ret)
-+ goto fail;
-+ return ret;
-+ e->pos = pos;
-+ return 0;
-+/* macro to wrap error case to make a block of reads look nicer */
-+#define AA_READ_X(E, C, D, N) \
-+ do { \
-+ u32 __ret; \
-+ __ret = aa_is_nameX((E), (C), (D), (N)); \
-+ if (!__ret) \
-+ goto fail; \
-+ } while (0)
-+ * aa_activate_net_entry - unpacked serialized net entries
-+ * @e: serialized data extent information
-+ *
-+ * Ignore/skips net entries if they are present in the serialized data
-+ * stream. Network confinement rules are currently unsupported but some
-+ * user side tools can generate them so they are currently ignored.
-+ */
-+static inline int aa_activate_net_entry(struct aa_ext *e)
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_STRUCT, NULL, "ne");
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, NULL, NULL);
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, NULL, NULL);
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, NULL, NULL);
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U16, NULL, NULL);
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U16, NULL, NULL);
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, NULL, NULL);
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, NULL, NULL);
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U16, NULL, NULL);
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U16, NULL, NULL);
-+ /* interface name is optional so just ignore return code */
-+ aa_is_nameX(e, AA_DYN_STRING, NULL, NULL);
-+ return 1;
-+ return 0;
-+ * aa_activate_file_entry - unpack serialized file entry
-+ * @e: serialized data extent information
-+ *
-+ * unpack the information used for a file ACL entry.
-+ */
-+static inline struct aa_entry *aa_activate_file_entry(struct aa_ext *e)
-+ struct aa_entry *entry = NULL;
-+ if (!(entry = alloc_aa_entry()))
-+ goto fail;
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_STRUCT, NULL, "fe");
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_DYN_STRING, &entry->filename, NULL);
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, &entry->mode, "file.mode");
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, &entry->type, "file.pattern_type");
-+ entry->extradata = aamatch_alloc(entry->type);
-+ if (IS_ERR(entry->extradata)) {
-+ entry->extradata = NULL;
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ if (entry->extradata &&
-+ aamatch_serialize(entry->extradata, e, aa_is_nameX) != 0) {
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ switch (entry->type) {
-+ case aa_entry_literal:
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: %s [no pattern] mode=0x%x\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ entry->filename,
-+ entry->mode);
-+ break;
-+ case aa_entry_tailglob:
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: %s [tailglob] mode=0x%x\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ entry->filename,
-+ entry->mode);
-+ break;
-+ case aa_entry_pattern:
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: %s mode=0x%x\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ entry->filename,
-+ entry->mode);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ AA_WARN("%s: INVALID entry_match_type %d\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ (int)entry->type);
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ return entry;
-+ aamatch_free(entry->extradata);
-+ free_aa_entry(entry);
-+ return NULL;
-+ * check_rule_and_add - check a file rule is valid and add to a profile
-+ * @file_entry: file rule to add
-+ * @profile: profile to add the rule to
-+ * @message: error message returned if the addition failes.
-+ *
-+ * perform consistency check to ensure that a file rule entry is valid.
-+ * If the rule is valid it is added to the profile.
-+ */
-+static inline int check_rule_and_add(struct aa_entry *file_entry,
-+ struct aaprofile *profile,
-+ const char **message)
-+ /* verify consistency of x, px, ix, ux for entry against
-+ possible duplicates for this entry */
-+ int mode = AA_EXEC_MODIFIER_MASK(file_entry->mode);
-+ int i;
-+ if (mode && !(AA_MAY_EXEC & file_entry->mode)) {
-+ *message = "inconsistent rule, x modifiers without x";
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* check that only 1 of the modifiers is set */
-+ if (mode && (mode & (mode - 1))) {
-+ *message = "inconsistent rule, multiple x modifiers";
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ list_add(&file_entry->list, &profile->file_entry);
-+ profile->num_file_entries++;
-+ mode = file_entry->mode;
-+ /* Handle partitioned lists
-+ * Chain entries onto sublists based on individual
-+ * permission bits. This allows more rapid searching.
-+ */
-+ for (i = 0; i <= POS_AA_FILE_MAX; i++) {
-+ if (mode & (1 << i))
-+ /* profile->file_entryp[i] initially set to
-+ * NULL in alloc_aaprofile() */
-+ list_add(&file_entry->listp[i],
-+ &profile->file_entryp[i]);
-+ }
-+ return 1;
-+ free_aa_entry(file_entry);
-+ return 0;
-+#define AA_ENTRY_LIST(NAME) \
-+ do { \
-+ if (aa_is_nameX(e, AA_LIST, NULL, (NAME))) { \
-+ rulename = ""; \
-+ error_string = "Invalid file entry"; \
-+ while (!aa_is_nameX(e, AA_LISTEND, NULL, NULL)) { \
-+ struct aa_entry *file_entry; \
-+ file_entry = aa_activate_file_entry(e); \
-+ if (!file_entry) \
-+ goto fail; \
-+ if (!check_rule_and_add(file_entry, profile, \
-+ &error_string)) { \
-+ rulename = file_entry->filename; \
-+ goto fail; \
-+ } \
-+ } \
-+ } \
-+ } while (0)
-+ * aa_activate_profile - unpack a serialized profile
-+ * @e: serialized data extent information
-+ * @error: error code returned if unpacking fails
-+ */
-+static struct aaprofile *aa_activate_profile(struct aa_ext *e, ssize_t *error)
-+ struct aaprofile *profile = NULL;
-+ const char *rulename = "";
-+ const char *error_string = "Invalid Profile";
-+ *error = -EPROTO;
-+ profile = alloc_aaprofile();
-+ if (!profile) {
-+ error_string = "Could not allocate profile";
-+ *error = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ /* check that we have the right struct being passed */
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_STRUCT, NULL, "profile");
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_DYN_STRING, &profile->name, NULL);
-+ error_string = "Invalid flags";
-+ /* per profile debug flags (debug, complain, audit) */
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_STRUCT, NULL, "flags");
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, &(profile->flags.debug), "profile.flags.debug");
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, &(profile->flags.complain),
-+ "profile.flags.complain");
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, &(profile->flags.audit), "profile.flags.audit");
-+ error_string = "Invalid capabilities";
-+ AA_READ_X(e, AA_U32, &(profile->capabilities), "profile.capabilities");
-+ /* get the file entries. */
-+ AA_ENTRY_LIST("pgent"); /* pcre rules */
-+ AA_ENTRY_LIST("sgent"); /* simple globs */
-+ AA_ENTRY_LIST("fent"); /* regular file entries */
-+ /* get the net entries */
-+ if (aa_is_nameX(e, AA_LIST, NULL, "net")) {
-+ error_string = "Invalid net entry";
-+ while (!aa_is_nameX(e, AA_LISTEND, NULL, NULL)) {
-+ if (!aa_activate_net_entry(e))
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ rulename = "";
-+ /* get subprofiles */
-+ if (aa_is_nameX(e, AA_LIST, NULL, "hats")) {
-+ error_string = "Invalid profile hat";
-+ while (!aa_is_nameX(e, AA_LISTEND, NULL, NULL)) {
-+ struct aaprofile *subprofile;
-+ subprofile = aa_activate_profile(e, error);
-+ if (!subprofile)
-+ goto fail;
-+ subprofile->parent = profile;
-+ list_add(&subprofile->list, &profile->sub);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ error_string = "Invalid end of profile";
-+ return profile;
-+ AA_WARN("%s: %s %s in profile %s\n", INTERFACE_ID, rulename,
-+ error_string, profile && profile->name ? profile->name
-+ : "unknown");
-+ if (profile) {
-+ free_aaprofile(profile);
-+ profile = NULL;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+ * aa_activate_top_profile - unpack a serialized base profile
-+ * @e: serialized data extent information
-+ * @error: error code returned if unpacking fails
-+ *
-+ * check interface version unpack a profile and all its hats and patch
-+ * in any extra information that the profile needs.
-+ */
-+static void *aa_activate_top_profile(struct aa_ext *e, ssize_t *error)
-+ struct aaprofile *profile = NULL;
-+ /* get the interface version */
-+ if (!aa_is_nameX(e, AA_U32, &e->version, "version")) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: version missing\n", INTERFACE_ID);
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ /* check that the interface version is currently supported */
-+ if (e->version != 2) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: unsupported interface version (%d)\n",
-+ INTERFACE_ID, e->version);
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ profile = aa_activate_profile(e, error);
-+ if (!profile)
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (!list_empty(&profile->sub) || profile->flags.complain) {
-+ if (attach_nullprofile(profile))
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ return profile;
-+ free_aaprofile(profile);
-+ return NULL;
-+ * aa_file_prof_add - add a new profile to the profile list
-+ * @data: serialized data stream
-+ * @size: size of the serialized data stream
-+ *
-+ * unpack and add a profile to the profile list. Return %0 or error
-+ */
-+ssize_t aa_file_prof_add(void *data, size_t size)
-+ struct aaprofile *profile = NULL;
-+ struct aa_ext e = {
-+ .start = data,
-+ .end = data + size,
-+ .pos = data
-+ };
-+ ssize_t error;
-+ profile = aa_activate_top_profile(&e, &error);
-+ if (!profile) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("couldn't activate profile\n");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* aa_activate_top_profile allocates profile with initial 1 count
-+ * aa_profilelist_add transfers that ref to profile list without
-+ * further incrementing
-+ */
-+ if (aa_profilelist_add(profile)) {
-+ error = size;
-+ } else {
-+ AA_WARN("trying to add profile (%s) that already exists.\n",
-+ profile->name);
-+ put_aaprofile(profile);
-+ error = -EEXIST;
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_file_prof_repl - replace a profile on the profile list
-+ * @udata: serialized data stream
-+ * @size: size of the serialized data stream
-+ *
-+ * unpack and replace a profile on the profile list and uses of that profile
-+ * by any subdomain. If the profile does not exist on the profile list
-+ * it is added. Return %0 or error.
-+ */
-+ssize_t aa_file_prof_repl(void *udata, size_t size)
-+ struct aa_taskreplace_data data;
-+ struct aa_ext e = {
-+ .start = udata,
-+ .end = udata + size,
-+ .pos = udata
-+ };
-+ ssize_t error;
-+ data.new_profile = aa_activate_top_profile(&e, &error);
-+ if (!data.new_profile) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("couldn't activate profile\n");
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* Refcount on data.new_profile is 1 (aa_activate_top_profile).
-+ *
-+ * This reference will be inherited by aa_profilelist_replace for it's
-+ * profile list reference but this isn't sufficient.
-+ *
-+ * Another replace (*for-same-profile*) may race us here.
-+ * Task A calls aa_profilelist_replace(new_profile) and is interrupted.
-+ * Task B old_profile = aa_profilelist_replace() will return task A's
-+ * new_profile with the count of 1. If task B proceeeds to put this
-+ * profile it will dissapear from under task A.
-+ *
-+ * Grab extra reference on new_profile to prevent this
-+ */
-+ get_aaprofile(data.new_profile);
-+ data.old_profile = aa_profilelist_replace(data.new_profile);
-+ /* If there was an old profile, find all currently executing tasks
-+ * using this profile and replace the old profile with the new.
-+ */
-+ if (data.old_profile) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: try to replace profile (%p)%s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ data.old_profile,
-+ data.old_profile->name);
-+ aa_subdomainlist_iterate(taskreplace_iter, (void *)&data);
-+ /* it's off global list, and we are done replacing */
-+ put_aaprofile(data.old_profile);
-+ }
-+ /* release extra reference obtained above (race) */
-+ put_aaprofile(data.new_profile);
-+ error = size;
-+ return error;
-+ * aa_file_prof_remove - remove a profile from the system
-+ * @name: name of the profile to remove
-+ * @size: size of the name
-+ *
-+ * remove a profile from the profile list and all subdomain references
-+ * to said profile. Return %0 on success, else error.
-+ */
-+ssize_t aa_file_prof_remove(const char *name, size_t size)
-+ struct aaprofile *old_profile;
-+ /* if the old profile exists it will be removed from the list and
-+ * a reference is returned.
-+ */
-+ old_profile = aa_profilelist_remove(name);
-+ if (old_profile) {
-+ /* remove profile from any tasks using it */
-+ aa_subdomainlist_iterate(taskremove_iter, (void *)old_profile);
-+ /* drop reference obtained by aa_profilelist_remove */
-+ put_aaprofile(old_profile);
-+ } else {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: trying to remove profile (%s) that "
-+ "doesn't exist - skipping.\n", __FUNCTION__, name);
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ }
-+ return size;
-+ * free_aaprofile_kref - free aaprofile by kref (called by put_aaprofile)
-+ * @kr: kref callback for freeing of a profile
-+ */
-+void free_aaprofile_kref(struct kref *kr)
-+ struct aaprofile *p=container_of(kr, struct aaprofile, count);
-+ call_rcu(&p->rcu, free_aaprofile_rcu);
-+ * free_aaprofile - free aaprofile structure
-+ * @profile: the profile to free
-+ *
-+ * free a profile, its file entries hats and null_profile. All references
-+ * to the profile, its hats and null_profile must have been put.
-+ * If the profile was referenced by a subdomain free_aaprofile should be
-+ * called from an rcu callback routine.
-+ */
-+void free_aaprofile(struct aaprofile *profile)
-+ struct aa_entry *ent, *tmp;
-+ struct aaprofile *p, *ptmp;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s(%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, profile);
-+ if (!profile)
-+ return;
-+ /* profile is still on global profile list -- invalid */
-+ if (!list_empty(&profile->list)) {
-+ AA_ERROR("%s: internal error, "
-+ "profile '%s' still on global list\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ profile->name);
-+ BUG();
-+ }
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(ent, tmp, &profile->file_entry, list) {
-+ if (ent->filename)
-+ AA_DEBUG("freeing aa_entry: %p %s\n",
-+ ent->filename, ent->filename);
-+ list_del_init(&ent->list);
-+ free_aa_entry(ent);
-+ }
-+ /* use free_aaprofile instead of put_aaprofile to destroy the
-+ * null_profile, because the null_profile use the same reference
-+ * counting as hats, ie. the count goes to the base profile.
-+ */
-+ free_aaprofile(profile->null_profile);
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(p, ptmp, &profile->sub, list) {
-+ list_del_init(&p->list);
-+ p->parent = NULL;
-+ put_aaprofile(p);
-+ }
-+ if (profile->name) {
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, profile->name);
-+ kfree(profile->name);
-+ }
-+ kfree(profile);
---- security/apparmor/module_interface.h.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/module_interface.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
-+/* Codes of the types of basic structures that are understood */
-+#define AA_CODE_BYTE (sizeof(u8))
-+enum aa_code {
-+ AA_U8,
-+ AA_U16,
-+ AA_U32,
-+ AA_U64,
-+ AA_NAME, /* same as string except it is items name */
-+/* aa_ext tracks the kernel buffer and read position in it. The interface
-+ * data is copied into a kernel buffer in apparmorfs and then handed off to
-+ * the activate routines.
-+ */
-+struct aa_ext {
-+ void *start;
-+ void *end;
-+ void *pos; /* pointer to current position in the buffer */
-+ u32 version;
-+#endif /* __MODULEINTERFACE_H */
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5006_apparmor-misc.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5006_apparmor-misc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9336bda..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5006_apparmor-misc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,681 +0,0 @@
-This patch implements three distinct chunks.
-- list management, for profiles loaded into the system (profile_list) and for
- the set of confined tasks (subdomain_list)
-- the proc/pid/attr interface used by userspace for setprofile (forcing
- a task into a new profile) and changehat (switching a task into one of it's
- defined sub profiles). Access to change_hat is normally via code provided
- in libapparmor. See the overview posting for more information in change hat.
-- capability utility functions (for displaying capability names)
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- security/apparmor/capabilities.c | 54 ++++++
- security/apparmor/list.c | 268 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- security/apparmor/procattr.c | 327 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 3 files changed, 649 insertions(+)
---- security/apparmor/capabilities.c.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/capabilities.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor capability definitions
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+static const char *cap_names[] = {
-+ "chown",
-+ "dac_override",
-+ "dac_read_search",
-+ "fowner",
-+ "fsetid",
-+ "kill",
-+ "setgid",
-+ "setuid",
-+ "setpcap",
-+ "linux_immutable",
-+ "net_bind_service",
-+ "net_broadcast",
-+ "net_admin",
-+ "net_raw",
-+ "ipc_lock",
-+ "ipc_owner",
-+ "sys_module",
-+ "sys_rawio",
-+ "sys_chroot",
-+ "sys_ptrace",
-+ "sys_pacct",
-+ "sys_admin",
-+ "sys_boot",
-+ "sys_nice",
-+ "sys_resource",
-+ "sys_time",
-+ "sys_tty_config",
-+ "mknod",
-+ "lease"
-+const char *capability_to_name(unsigned int cap)
-+ const char *name;
-+ name = (cap < (sizeof(cap_names) / sizeof(char *))
-+ ? cap_names[cap] : "invalid-capability");
-+ return name;
---- security/apparmor/list.c.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/list.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor Profile List Management
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+/* list of all profiles and lock */
-+static LIST_HEAD(profile_list);
-+static rwlock_t profile_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+/* list of all subdomains and lock */
-+static LIST_HEAD(subdomain_list);
-+static rwlock_t subdomain_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+ * aa_profilelist_find
-+ * @name: profile name (program name)
-+ *
-+ * Search the profile list for profile @name. Return refcounted profile on
-+ * success, NULL on failure.
-+ */
-+struct aaprofile *aa_profilelist_find(const char *name)
-+ struct aaprofile *p = NULL;
-+ if (name) {
-+ read_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ p = __aa_find_profile(name, &profile_list);
-+ read_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+ }
-+ return p;
-+ * aa_profilelist_add - add new profile to list
-+ * @profile: new profile to add to list
-+ *
-+ * NOTE: Caller must allocate necessary reference count that will be used
-+ * by the profile_list. This is because profile allocation alloc_aaprofile()
-+ * returns an unreferenced object with a initial count of %1.
-+ *
-+ * Return %1 on success, %0 on failure (already exists)
-+ */
-+int aa_profilelist_add(struct aaprofile *profile)
-+ struct aaprofile *old_profile;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if (!profile)
-+ goto out;
-+ write_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ old_profile = __aa_find_profile(profile->name, &profile_list);
-+ if (old_profile) {
-+ put_aaprofile(old_profile);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ list_add(&profile->list, &profile_list);
-+ ret = 1;
-+ out:
-+ write_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+ * aa_profilelist_remove - remove a profile from the list by name
-+ * @name: name of profile to be removed
-+ *
-+ * If the profile exists remove profile from list and return its reference.
-+ * The reference count on profile is not decremented and should be decremented
-+ * when the profile is no longer needed
-+ */
-+struct aaprofile *aa_profilelist_remove(const char *name)
-+ struct aaprofile *profile = NULL;
-+ struct aaprofile *p, *tmp;
-+ if (!name)
-+ goto out;
-+ write_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(p, tmp, &profile_list, list) {
-+ if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) {
-+ list_del_init(&p->list);
-+ /* mark old profile as stale */
-+ p->isstale = 1;
-+ profile = p;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+ return profile;
-+ * aa_profilelist_replace - replace a profile on the list
-+ * @profile: new profile
-+ *
-+ * Replace a profile on the profile list. Find the old profile by name in
-+ * the list, and replace it with the new profile. NOTE: Caller must allocate
-+ * necessary initial reference count for new profile as aa_profilelist_add().
-+ *
-+ * This is an atomic list operation. Returns the old profile (which is still
-+ * refcounted) if there was one, or NULL.
-+ */
-+struct aaprofile *aa_profilelist_replace(struct aaprofile *profile)
-+ struct aaprofile *oldprofile;
-+ write_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ oldprofile = __aa_find_profile(profile->name, &profile_list);
-+ if (oldprofile) {
-+ list_del_init(&oldprofile->list);
-+ /* mark old profile as stale */
-+ oldprofile->isstale = 1;
-+ /* __aa_find_profile incremented count, so adjust down */
-+ put_aaprofile(oldprofile);
-+ }
-+ list_add(&profile->list, &profile_list);
-+ write_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+ return oldprofile;
-+ * aa_profilelist_release - Remove all profiles from profile_list
-+ */
-+void aa_profilelist_release(void)
-+ struct aaprofile *p, *tmp;
-+ write_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(p, tmp, &profile_list, list) {
-+ list_del_init(&p->list);
-+ put_aaprofile(p);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+ * aa_subdomainlist_add - Add subdomain to subdomain_list
-+ * @sd: new subdomain
-+ */
-+void aa_subdomainlist_add(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (!sd) {
-+ AA_INFO("%s: bad subdomain\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ /* new subdomains must be added to the end of the list due to a
-+ * subtle interaction between fork and profile replacement.
-+ */
-+ list_add_tail(&sd->list, &subdomain_list);
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ * aa_subdomainlist_remove - Remove subdomain from subdomain_list
-+ * @sd: subdomain to be removed
-+ */
-+void aa_subdomainlist_remove(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (sd) {
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ list_del_init(&sd->list);
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ }
-+ * aa_subdomainlist_iterate - iterate over the subdomain list applying @func
-+ * @func: method to be called for each element
-+ * @cookie: user passed data
-+ *
-+ * Iterate over subdomain list applying @func, stop when @func returns
-+ * non zero
-+ */
-+void aa_subdomainlist_iterate(aa_iter func, void *cookie)
-+ struct subdomain *node;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ list_for_each_entry(node, &subdomain_list, list) {
-+ ret = (*func) (node, cookie);
-+ if (ret != 0)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ * aa_subdomainlist_release - Remove all subdomains from subdomain_list
-+ */
-+void aa_subdomainlist_release()
-+ struct subdomain *node, *tmp;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(node, tmp, &subdomain_list, list) {
-+ list_del_init(&node->list);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+/* seq_file helper routines
-+ * Used by apparmorfs.c to iterate over profile_list
-+ */
-+static void *p_start(struct seq_file *f, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct aaprofile *node;
-+ loff_t l = *pos;
-+ read_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry(node, &profile_list, list)
-+ if (!l--)
-+ return node;
-+ return NULL;
-+static void *p_next(struct seq_file *f, void *p, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct list_head *lh = ((struct aaprofile *)p)->list.next;
-+ (*pos)++;
-+ return lh == &profile_list ?
-+ NULL : list_entry(lh, struct aaprofile, list);
-+static void p_stop(struct seq_file *f, void *v)
-+ read_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+static int seq_show_profile(struct seq_file *f, void *v)
-+ struct aaprofile *profile = (struct aaprofile *)v;
-+ seq_printf(f, "%s (%s)\n", profile->name,
-+ PROFILE_COMPLAIN(profile) ? "complain" : "enforce");
-+ return 0;
-+struct seq_operations apparmorfs_profiles_op = {
-+ .start = p_start,
-+ .next = p_next,
-+ .stop = p_stop,
-+ .show = seq_show_profile,
---- security/apparmor/procattr.c.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/procattr.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor /proc/pid/attr handling
-+ */
-+/* for isspace */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+size_t aa_getprocattr(struct aaprofile *active, char *str, size_t size)
-+ int error = -EACCES; /* default to a perm denied */
-+ size_t len;
-+ if (active) {
-+ size_t lena, lenm, lenp = 0;
-+ const char *enforce_str = " (enforce)";
-+ const char *complain_str = " (complain)";
-+ const char *mode_str =
-+ PROFILE_COMPLAIN(active) ? complain_str : enforce_str;
-+ lenm = strlen(mode_str);
-+ lena = strlen(active->name);
-+ len = lena;
-+ if (IN_SUBPROFILE(active)) {
-+ lenp = strlen(BASE_PROFILE(active)->name);
-+ len += (lenp + 1); /* +1 for ^ */
-+ }
-+ /* DONT null terminate strings we output via proc */
-+ len += (lenm + 1); /* for \n */
-+ if (len <= size) {
-+ if (lenp) {
-+ memcpy(str, BASE_PROFILE(active)->name,
-+ lenp);
-+ str += lenp;
-+ *str++ = '^';
-+ }
-+ memcpy(str, active->name, lena);
-+ str += lena;
-+ memcpy(str, mode_str, lenm);
-+ str += lenm;
-+ *str++ = '\n';
-+ error = len;
-+ } else {
-+ error = -ERANGE;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ const char *unconstrained_str = "unconstrained\n";
-+ len = strlen(unconstrained_str);
-+ /* DONT null terminate strings we output via proc */
-+ if (len <= size) {
-+ memcpy(str, unconstrained_str, len);
-+ error = len;
-+ } else {
-+ error = -ERANGE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+int aa_setprocattr_changehat(char *hatinfo, size_t infosize)
-+ int error = -EINVAL;
-+ char *token = NULL, *hat, *smagic, *tmp;
-+ u32 magic;
-+ int rc, len, consumed;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: %p %zd\n", __FUNCTION__, hatinfo, infosize);
-+ /* strip leading white space */
-+ while (infosize && isspace(*hatinfo)) {
-+ hatinfo++;
-+ infosize--;
-+ }
-+ if (infosize == 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ /*
-+ * Copy string to a new buffer so we can play with it
-+ * It may be zero terminated but we add a trailing 0
-+ * for 100% safety
-+ */
-+ token = kmalloc(infosize + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!token) {
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ memcpy(token, hatinfo, infosize);
-+ token[infosize] = 0;
-+ /* error is INVAL until we have at least parsed something */
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ tmp = token;
-+ while (*tmp && *tmp != '^') {
-+ tmp++;
-+ }
-+ if (!*tmp || tmp == token) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Invalid input '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, token);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* split magic and hat into two strings */
-+ *tmp = 0;
-+ smagic = token;
-+ /*
-+ * Initially set consumed=strlen(magic), as if sscanf
-+ * consumes all input via the %x it will not process the %n
-+ * directive. Otherwise, if sscanf does not consume all the
-+ * input it will process the %n and update consumed.
-+ */
-+ consumed = len = strlen(smagic);
-+ rc = sscanf(smagic, "%x%n", &magic, &consumed);
-+ if (rc != 1 || consumed != len) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Invalid hex magic %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ smagic);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ hat = tmp + 1;
-+ if (!*hat)
-+ hat = NULL;
-+ if (!hat && !magic) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Invalid input, NULL hat and NULL magic\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: Magic 0x%x Hat '%s'\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, magic, hat ? hat : NULL);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ error = aa_change_hat(hat, magic);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ if (token) {
-+ memset(token, 0, infosize);
-+ kfree(token);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+int aa_setprocattr_setprofile(struct task_struct *p, char *profilename,
-+ size_t profilesize)
-+ int error = -EINVAL;
-+ struct aaprofile *profile = NULL;
-+ struct subdomain *sd;
-+ char *name = NULL;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ AA_DEBUG("%s: current %s(%d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, current->comm, current->pid);
-+ /* strip leading white space */
-+ while (profilesize && isspace(*profilename)) {
-+ profilename++;
-+ profilesize--;
-+ }
-+ if (profilesize == 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ /*
-+ * Copy string to a new buffer so we guarantee it is zero
-+ * terminated
-+ */
-+ name = kmalloc(profilesize + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!name) {
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ strncpy(name, profilename, profilesize);
-+ name[profilesize] = 0;
-+ repeat:
-+ if (strcmp(name, "unconstrained") != 0) {
-+ profile = aa_profilelist_find(name);
-+ if (!profile) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Unable to switch task %s(%d) to profile"
-+ "'%s'. No such profile.\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ p->comm, p->pid,
-+ name);
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd = AA_SUBDOMAIN(p->security);
-+ /* switch to unconstrained */
-+ if (!profile) {
-+ if (__aa_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Unconstraining task %s(%d) "
-+ "profile %s active %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ p->comm, p->pid,
-+ BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->name,
-+ sd->active->name);
-+ aa_switch_unconfined(sd);
-+ } else {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: task %s(%d) "
-+ "is already unconstrained\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, p->comm, p->pid);
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ if (!sd) {
-+ /* this task was created before module was
-+ * loaded, allocate a subdomain
-+ */
-+ AA_WARN("%s: task %s(%d) has no subdomain\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, p->comm, p->pid);
-+ /* unlock so we can safely GFP_KERNEL */
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd = alloc_subdomain(p);
-+ if (!sd) {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Unable to allocate subdomain for "
-+ "task %s(%d). Cannot confine task to "
-+ "profile %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ p->comm, p->pid,
-+ name);
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ put_aaprofile(profile);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ if (!AA_SUBDOMAIN(p->security)) {
-+ p->security = sd;
-+ } else { /* race */
-+ free_subdomain(sd);
-+ sd = AA_SUBDOMAIN(p->security);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* ensure the profile hasn't been replaced */
-+ if (unlikely(profile->isstale)) {
-+ WARN_ON(profile == null_complain_profile);
-+ /* drop refcnt obtained from earlier get_aaprofile */
-+ put_aaprofile(profile);
-+ profile = aa_profilelist_find(name);
-+ if (!profile) {
-+ /* Race, profile was removed. */
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ goto repeat;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* we do not do a normal task replace since we are not
-+ * replacing with the same profile.
-+ * If existing process is in a hat, it will be moved
-+ * into the new parent profile, even if this new
-+ * profile has a identical named hat.
-+ */
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Switching task %s(%d) "
-+ "profile %s active %s to new profile %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ p->comm, p->pid,
-+ sd->active ? BASE_PROFILE(sd->active)->name :
-+ "unconstrained",
-+ sd->active ? sd->active->name : "unconstrained",
-+ name);
-+ aa_switch(sd, profile);
-+ put_aaprofile(profile); /* drop ref we obtained above
-+ * from aa_profilelist_find
-+ */
-+ /* Reset magic in case we were in a subhat before
-+ * This is the only case where we zero the magic after
-+ * calling aa_switch
-+ */
-+ sd->hat_magic = 0;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ kfree(name);
-+ return error;
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
-the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
-More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
-Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5007_apparmor-pathname-matching-submodule.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5007_apparmor-pathname-matching-submodule.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a51d9c0..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5007_apparmor-pathname-matching-submodule.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-The file match.h specifies a sub module interface consisting of the following
- aamatch_alloc
- aamatch_free
- Allocates/deallocates submodule specific data used by each
- loaded profile (policy).
- aamatch_features
- Returns the list of features implemented by the submodule.
- These are literal, tailglob ("/path/**" match all paths
- below /path) and pattern (full shell based pathname expansion).
- aamatch_serialize
- Called by the module interface to serialize submodule specific
- data from userspace.
- aamatch_match
- Called to perform matching on a generated pathname.
-The submodule submitted here implements only "literal" and "tailglob".
-The version included with SuSE Linux implements "pattern" but via a method
-that is not acceptable for mainline inclusion. We plan on developing
-a new submodule as soon as possible that will implement the missing
-functionality of the SuSE release using the textsearch framework and
-a new bounded textsearch algorithm acceptable for subsequent inclusion
-into the mainline kernel.
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- security/apparmor/match/Makefile | 5 +
- security/apparmor/match/match.h | 132 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- security/apparmor/match/match_default.c | 57 +++++++++++++
- 3 files changed, 194 insertions(+)
---- security/apparmor/match/Makefile.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/match/Makefile
-@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-+# Makefile for AppArmor aamatch submodule
-+obj-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR) += aamatch_default.o
-+aamatch_default-y := match_default.o
---- security/apparmor/match/match.h.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/match/match.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor submodule (match) prototypes
-+ */
-+#ifndef __MATCH_H
-+#define __MATCH_H
-+#include "../module_interface.h"
-+#include "../apparmor.h"
-+/* The following functions implement an interface used by the primary
-+ * AppArmor module to perform name matching (n.b. "AppArmor" was previously
-+ * called "SubDomain").
-+ * aamatch_alloc
-+ * aamatch_free
-+ * aamatch_features
-+ * aamatch_serialize
-+ * aamatch_match
-+ *
-+ * The intent is for the primary module to export (via virtual fs entries)
-+ * the features provided by the submodule (aamatch_features) so that the
-+ * parser may only load policy that can be supported.
-+ *
-+ * The primary module will call aamatch_serialize to allow the submodule
-+ * to consume submodule specific data from parser data stream and will call
-+ * aamatch_match to determine if a pathname matches an aa_entry.
-+ */
-+typedef int (*aamatch_serializecb)
-+ (struct aa_ext *, enum aa_code, void *, const char *);
-+ * aamatch_alloc: allocate extradata (if necessary)
-+ * @type: type of entry being allocated
-+ * Return value: NULL indicates no data was allocated (ERR_PTR(x) on error)
-+ */
-+extern void* aamatch_alloc(enum entry_match_type type);
-+ * aamatch_free: release data allocated by aamatch_alloc
-+ * @entry_extradata: data previously allocated by aamatch_alloc
-+ */
-+extern void aamatch_free(void *entry_extradata);
-+ * aamatch_features: return match types supported
-+ * Return value: space seperated string (of types supported - use type=value
-+ * to indicate variants of a type)
-+ */
-+extern const char* aamatch_features(void);
-+ * aamatch_serialize: serialize extradata
-+ * @entry_extradata: data previously allocated by aamatch_alloc
-+ * @e: input stream
-+ * @cb: callback fn (consume incoming data stream)
-+ * Return value: 0 success, -ve error
-+ */
-+extern int aamatch_serialize(void *entry_extradata, struct aa_ext *e,
-+ aamatch_serializecb cb);
-+ * aamatch_match: determine if pathname matches entry
-+ * @pathname: pathname to verify
-+ * @entry_name: entry name
-+ * @type: type of entry
-+ * @entry_extradata: data previously allocated by aamatch_alloc
-+ * Return value: 1 match, 0 othersise
-+ */
-+extern unsigned int aamatch_match(const char *pathname, const char *entry_name,
-+ enum entry_match_type type,
-+ void *entry_extradata);
-+ * sd_getmatch_type - return string representation of entry_match_type
-+ * @type: entry match type
-+ */
-+static inline const char *sd_getmatch_type(enum entry_match_type type)
-+ const char *names[] = {
-+ "aa_entry_literal",
-+ "aa_entry_tailglob",
-+ "aa_entry_pattern",
-+ "aa_entry_invalid"
-+ };
-+ if (type >= aa_entry_invalid) {
-+ type = aa_entry_invalid;
-+ }
-+ return names[type];
-+ * aamatch_match_common - helper function to check if a pathname matches
-+ * a literal/tailglob
-+ * @path: path requested to search for
-+ * @entry_name: name from aa_entry
-+ * @type: type of entry
-+ */
-+static inline int aamatch_match_common(const char *path,
-+ const char *entry_name,
-+ enum entry_match_type type)
-+ int retval;
-+ /* literal, no pattern matching characters */
-+ if (type == aa_entry_literal) {
-+ retval = (strcmp(entry_name, path) == 0);
-+ /* trailing ** glob pattern */
-+ } else if (type == aa_entry_tailglob) {
-+ retval = (strncmp(entry_name, path,
-+ strlen(entry_name) - 2) == 0);
-+ } else {
-+ AA_WARN("%s: Invalid entry_match_type %d\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, type);
-+ retval = 0;
-+ }
-+ return retval;
-+#endif /* __MATCH_H */
---- security/apparmor/match/match_default.c.orig
-+++ security/apparmor/match/match_default.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?apparmor
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor default match submodule (literal and tailglob)
-+ */
-+#include "match.h"
-+static const char *features="literal tailglob";
-+void* aamatch_alloc(enum entry_match_type type)
-+ return NULL;
-+void aamatch_free(void *ptr)
-+const char *aamatch_features(void)
-+ return features;
-+int aamatch_serialize(void *entry_extradata, struct aa_ext *e,
-+ aamatch_serializecb cb)
-+ return 0;
-+unsigned int aamatch_match(const char *pathname, const char *entry_name,
-+ enum entry_match_type type, void *entry_extradata)
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = aamatch_match_common(pathname, entry_name, type);
-+ return ret;
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AppArmor match module (aamatch) [default]");
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("Tony Jones ");
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
-the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
-More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
-Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5008_apparmor-audit-changes.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5008_apparmor-audit-changes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 917ca58..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5008_apparmor-audit-changes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-This patch adds AppArmor support to the audit subsystem.
-It creates id 1500 (already included in the the upstream auditd package) for
-AppArmor messages.
-It also exports the audit_log_vformat function (analagous to having both
-printk and vprintk exported).
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- include/linux/audit.h | 5 +++++
- kernel/audit.c | 3 ++-
- 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
---- linux-2.6.17-rc1.orig/include/linux/audit.h
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/include/linux/audit.h
-@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@
- #define AUDIT_ANOM_PROMISCUOUS 1700 /* Device changed promiscuous mode */
-+#define AUDIT_AA 1500 /* AppArmor audit */
- #define AUDIT_KERNEL 2000 /* Asynchronous audit record. NOT A REQUEST. */
- /* Rule flags */
-@@ -349,6 +351,9 @@
- __attribute__((format(printf,4,5)));
- extern struct audit_buffer *audit_log_start(struct audit_context *ctx, gfp_t gfp_mask, int type);
-+extern void audit_log_vformat(struct audit_buffer *ab,
-+ const char *fmt, va_list args)
-+ __attribute__((format(printf,2,0)));
- extern void audit_log_format(struct audit_buffer *ab,
- const char *fmt, ...)
- __attribute__((format(printf,2,3)));
---- linux-2.6.17-rc1.orig/kernel/audit.c
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/kernel/audit.c
-@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@
- * will be called a second time. Currently, we assume that a printk
- * can't format message larger than 1024 bytes, so we don't either.
- */
--static void audit_log_vformat(struct audit_buffer *ab, const char *fmt,
-+void audit_log_vformat(struct audit_buffer *ab, const char *fmt,
- va_list args)
- {
- int len, avail;
-@@ -999,4 +999,5 @@
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(audit_log_start);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(audit_log_end);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(audit_log_format);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(audit_log);
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
-the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
-More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
-Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5009_apparmor-add-flags.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5009_apparmor-add-flags.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a74988..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5009_apparmor-add-flags.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-This patch adds a new function d_path_flags which takes an additional flags
-parameter. Adding a new function rather than ammending the existing d_path
-was done to avoid impact on the current users.
-It is not essential for inclusion with AppArmor (the apparmor_mediation.patch
-can easily be revised to use plain d_path) but it enables cleaner code
-["(delete)" handling] and closes a loophole with pathname generation for
-chrooted tasks.
-It currently adds two flags:
- d_path should generate a path from the system root rather than the
- task's current root.
- For AppArmor this enables generation of absolute pathnames in all
- cases. Currently when a task is chrooted, file access is reported
- relative to the chroot. Because it is currently not possible to
- obtain the absolute path in an SMP safe way, without this patch
- AppArmor will have to report chroot-relative pathnames.
- d_path should not append "(deleted)" to unhashed entries. Sometimes
- this information is not useful for the caller and the string can
- exist as the suffix of a valid pathname.
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- fs/dcache.c | 48 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
- include/linux/dcache.h | 7 +++++++
- 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
---- linux-2.6.17-rc1.orig/fs/dcache.c
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/fs/dcache.c
-@@ -1381,9 +1381,11 @@
- * @rootmnt: vfsmnt to which the root dentry belongs
- * @buffer: buffer to return value in
- * @buflen: buffer length
-+ * @flags: control flags
- *
- * Convert a dentry into an ASCII path name. If the entry has been deleted
-- * the string " (deleted)" is appended. Note that this is ambiguous.
-+ * and DPATH_NODELETED is not specified in flags then the string " (deleted)"
-+ * is appended. Note that this is ambiguous.
- *
- * Returns the buffer or an error code if the path was too long.
- *
-@@ -1391,7 +1393,7 @@
- */
- static char * __d_path( struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *vfsmnt,
- struct dentry *root, struct vfsmount *rootmnt,
-- char *buffer, int buflen)
-+ char *buffer, int buflen, unsigned int flags)
- {
- char * end = buffer+buflen;
- char * retval;
-@@ -1399,7 +1401,8 @@
- *--end = '\0';
- buflen--;
-- if (!IS_ROOT(dentry) && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
-+ if (!(flags & DPATH_NODELETED) &&
-+ !IS_ROOT(dentry) && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
- buflen -= 10;
- end -= 10;
- if (buflen < 0)
-@@ -1416,7 +1419,8 @@
- for (;;) {
- struct dentry * parent;
-- if (dentry == root && vfsmnt == rootmnt)
-+ if (!(flags & DPATH_SYSROOT) &&
-+ dentry == root && vfsmnt == rootmnt)
- break;
- if (dentry == vfsmnt->mnt_root || IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
- /* Global root? */
-@@ -1458,25 +1462,36 @@
- }
- /* write full pathname into buffer and return start of pathname */
--char * d_path(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *vfsmnt,
-- char *buf, int buflen)
-+char * d_path_flags(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *vfsmnt,
-+ char *buf, int buflen, unsigned int flags)
- {
- char *res;
-- struct vfsmount *rootmnt;
-- struct dentry *root;
-+ struct vfsmount *rootmnt = NULL;
-+ struct dentry *root = NULL;
-- read_lock(¤t->fs->lock);
-- rootmnt = mntget(current->fs->rootmnt);
-- root = dget(current->fs->root);
-- read_unlock(¤t->fs->lock);
-+ if (!(flags & DPATH_SYSROOT)){
-+ read_lock(¤t->fs->lock);
-+ rootmnt = mntget(current->fs->rootmnt);
-+ root = dget(current->fs->root);
-+ read_unlock(¤t->fs->lock);
-+ }
- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-- res = __d_path(dentry, vfsmnt, root, rootmnt, buf, buflen);
-+ res = __d_path(dentry, vfsmnt, root, rootmnt, buf, buflen, flags);
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-- dput(root);
-- mntput(rootmnt);
-+ if (!(flags & DPATH_SYSROOT)){
-+ dput(root);
-+ mntput(rootmnt);
-+ }
- return res;
- }
-+/* original d_path without support for flags */
-+char * d_path(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *vfsmnt,
-+ char *buf, int buflen)
-+ return d_path_flags(dentry, vfsmnt, buf, buflen, 0);
- /*
- * NOTE! The user-level library version returns a
- * character pointer. The kernel system call just
-@@ -1519,7 +1534,7 @@
- unsigned long len;
- char * cwd;
-- cwd = __d_path(pwd, pwdmnt, root, rootmnt, page, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ cwd = __d_path(pwd, pwdmnt, root, rootmnt, page, PAGE_SIZE, 0);
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- error = PTR_ERR(cwd);
-@@ -1771,6 +1786,7 @@
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(d_invalidate);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(d_lookup);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(d_move);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(d_path);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(d_prune_aliases);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(d_rehash);
---- linux-2.6.17-rc1.orig/include/linux/dcache.h
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/include/linux/dcache.h
-@@ -164,6 +164,10 @@
- #define DCACHE_INOTIFY_PARENT_WATCHED 0x0020 /* Parent inode is watched */
-+/* dpath flags */
-+#define DPATH_SYSROOT 0x0001 /* continue past fsroot (chroot) */
-+#define DPATH_NODELETED 0x0002 /* do not append " (deleted)" */
- extern spinlock_t dcache_lock;
- /**
-@@ -281,6 +285,9 @@
- extern int d_validate(struct dentry *, struct dentry *);
- extern char * d_path(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *, char *, int);
-+extern char * d_path_flags(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *, char *, int,
-+ unsigned int);
- /* Allocation counts.. */
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
-the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
-More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
-Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5010_apparmor-export-namespace-semaphor.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5010_apparmor-export-namespace-semaphor.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8504f75..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/5010_apparmor-export-namespace-semaphor.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-This patch exports the namespace_sem semaphore.
-The shared subtree patches which went into 2.6.15-rc1 replaced the old
-namespace semaphore which used to be per namespace (and visible) with a
-new single static semaphore.
-The reason for this change is that currently visibility of vfsmount information
-to the LSM hooks is fairly patchy. Either there is no passed parameter or
-it can be NULL. For the case of the former, several LSM hooks that we
-require to mediate have no vfsmount/nameidata passed. We previously (mis)used
-the visibility of the old per namespace semaphore to walk the processes
-namespace looking for vfsmounts with a root dentry matching the dentry we were
-trying to mediate.
-Clearly this is not viable long term strategy and changes working towards
-passing a vfsmount to all relevant LSM hooks would seem necessary (and also
-useful for other users of LSM). Alternative suggestions and ideas are welcomed.
-Signed-off-by: Tony Jones
- fs/namespace.c | 3 ++-
- include/linux/namespace.h | 2 ++
- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
---- linux-2.6.17-rc1.orig/fs/namespace.c
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/fs/namespace.c
-@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@
- static struct list_head *mount_hashtable __read_mostly;
- static int hash_mask __read_mostly, hash_bits __read_mostly;
- static kmem_cache_t *mnt_cache __read_mostly;
--static struct rw_semaphore namespace_sem;
-+struct rw_semaphore namespace_sem;
- /* /sys/fs */
- decl_subsys(fs, NULL, NULL);
---- linux-2.6.17-rc1.orig/include/linux/namespace.h
-+++ linux-2.6.17-rc1/include/linux/namespace.h
-@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- #include
- #include
-+extern struct rw_semaphore namespace_sem;
- struct namespace {
- atomic_t count;
- struct vfsmount * root;
-To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
-the body of a message to majordomo@vger.kernel.org
-More majordomo info at http://vger.kernel.org/majordomo-info.html
-Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_audit.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_audit.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 89c65e2..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_audit.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Subject: Export audit subsystem for use by modules
-Patch-mainline: no
-Adds necessary export symbols for audit subsystem routines.
-Changes audit_log_vformat to be externally visible (analagous to vprintf)
-Patch is not in mainline -- pending AppArmor code submission to lkml
-Index: linux-2.6.17/include/linux/audit.h
---- linux-2.6.17.orig/include/linux/audit.h
-+++ linux-2.6.17/include/linux/audit.h
-@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@
- #define AUDIT_MAC_STATUS 1404 /* Changed enforcing,permissive,off */
- #define AUDIT_MAC_CONFIG_CHANGE 1405 /* Changes to booleans */
-+#define AUDIT_SD 1500 /* AppArmor (SubDomain) audit */
- #define AUDIT_ANOM_PROMISCUOUS 1700 /* Device changed promiscuous mode */
-@@ -357,6 +359,9 @@
- __attribute__((format(printf,4,5)));
- extern struct audit_buffer *audit_log_start(struct audit_context *ctx, gfp_t gfp_mask, int type);
-+extern void audit_log_vformat(struct audit_buffer *ab,
-+ const char *fmt, va_list args)
-+ __attribute__((format(printf,2,0)));
- extern void audit_log_format(struct audit_buffer *ab,
- const char *fmt, ...)
- __attribute__((format(printf,2,3)));
-Index: linux-2.6.17/kernel/audit.c
---- linux-2.6.17.orig/kernel/audit.c
-+++ linux-2.6.17/kernel/audit.c
-@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@
- * will be called a second time. Currently, we assume that a printk
- * can't format message larger than 1024 bytes, so we don't either.
- */
--static void audit_log_vformat(struct audit_buffer *ab, const char *fmt,
-+void audit_log_vformat(struct audit_buffer *ab, const char *fmt,
- va_list args)
- {
- int len, avail;
-@@ -1092,7 +1092,10 @@
- }
- }
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_main.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_main.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index faba686..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_main.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7917 +0,0 @@
-From: tonyj@suse.de
-Subject: AppArmor (SubDomain)
-Patch-mainline: no
-AppArmor security module (previously called SubDomain)
-Patch is not in mainline -- pending code submission to lkml
---- linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH.orig/security/Kconfig
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/Kconfig
-@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
- If you are unsure how to answer this question, answer N.
- source security/selinux/Kconfig
-+source security/apparmor/Kconfig
- endmenu
---- linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH.orig/security/Makefile
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/Makefile
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
- obj-$(CONFIG_KEYS) += keys/
- subdir-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX) += selinux
-+subdir-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR) += apparmor
- # We always need commoncap as it's default
- obj-y += commoncap.o
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/Makefile
-@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-+# Makefile for AppArmor Linux Security Module (previously called "SubDomain")
-+subdir-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR) += aamatch
-+obj-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR) += apparmor.o
-+apparmor-y := main.o list.o procattr.o lsm.o apparmorfs.o capabilities.o module_interface.o apparmor_version.o
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/capabilities.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor capability definitions
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+static const char *capnames[] = {
-+ "chown",
-+ "dac_override",
-+ "dac_read_search",
-+ "fowner",
-+ "fsetid",
-+ "kill",
-+ "setgid",
-+ "setuid",
-+ "setpcap",
-+ "linux_immutable",
-+ "net_bind_service",
-+ "net_broadcast",
-+ "net_admin",
-+ "net_raw",
-+ "ipc_lock",
-+ "ipc_owner",
-+ "sys_module",
-+ "sys_rawio",
-+ "sys_chroot",
-+ "sys_ptrace",
-+ "sys_pacct",
-+ "sys_admin",
-+ "sys_boot",
-+ "sys_nice",
-+ "sys_resource",
-+ "sys_time",
-+ "sys_tty_config",
-+ "mknod",
-+ "lease"
-+const char *capability_to_name(unsigned int cap)
-+ const char *capname;
-+ capname = (cap < (sizeof(capnames) / sizeof(char *))
-+ ? capnames[cap] : "invalid-capability");
-+ return capname;
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/inline.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ */
-+#ifndef __INLINE_H
-+#define __INLINE_H
-+static inline int __sd_is_confined(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ int rc = 0;
-+ if (sd && sd->sd_magic == SD_ID_MAGIC && sd->profile) {
-+ BUG_ON(!sd->active);
-+ rc = 1;
-+ }
-+ return rc;
-+ * sd_is_confined
-+ * @sd: subdomain
-+ *
-+ * Check if @sd is confined (contains a valid profile)
-+ * Return 1 if confined, 0 otherwise.
-+ */
-+static inline int sd_is_confined(void)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ return __sd_is_confined(sd);
-+static inline int __sd_sub_defined(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ return __sd_is_confined(sd) && !list_empty(&sd->profile->sub);
-+ * sd_sub_defined
-+ * @sd: subdomain
-+ *
-+ * Check if @sd has at least one subprofile
-+ * Return 1 if true, 0 otherwise
-+ */
-+static inline int sd_sub_defined(void)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ return __sd_sub_defined(sd);
-+ * get_sdprofile
-+ * @p: profile
-+ *
-+ * Increment refcount on profile
-+ */
-+static inline struct sdprofile *get_sdprofile(struct sdprofile *p)
-+ if (p)
-+ atomic_inc(&p->count);
-+ return p;
-+ * put_sdprofile
-+ * @p: profile
-+ *
-+ * Decrement refcount on profile
-+ */
-+static inline void put_sdprofile(struct sdprofile *p)
-+ if (p)
-+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&p->count))
-+ free_sdprofile(p);
-+ * sd_switch
-+ * @sd: subdomain to switch
-+ * @profile: new profile
-+ * @active: new active
-+ *
-+ * Change subdomain to use new profiles.
-+ */
-+static inline void sd_switch(struct subdomain *sd,
-+ struct sdprofile *profile,
-+ struct sdprofile *active)
-+ /* noop if NULL */
-+ put_sdprofile(sd->profile);
-+ put_sdprofile(sd->active);
-+ sd->profile = get_sdprofile(profile);
-+ sd->active = get_sdprofile(active);
-+ * sd_switch_unconfined
-+ * @sd: subdomain to switch
-+ *
-+ * Change subdomain to unconfined
-+ */
-+static inline void sd_switch_unconfined(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ sd_switch(sd, NULL, NULL);
-+ /* reset magic in case we were in a subhat before */
-+ sd->sd_hat_magic = 0;
-+ * alloc_subdomain
-+ * @tsk: task struct
-+ *
-+ * Allocate a new subdomain including a backpointer to it's referring task.
-+ */
-+static inline struct subdomain *alloc_subdomain(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ struct subdomain *sd;
-+ sd = kmalloc(sizeof(struct subdomain), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!sd)
-+ goto out;
-+ /* zero it first */
-+ memset(sd, 0, sizeof(struct subdomain));
-+ sd->sd_magic = SD_ID_MAGIC;
-+ /* back pointer to task */
-+ sd->task = tsk;
-+ /* any readers of the list must make sure that they can handle
-+ * case where sd->profile and sd->active are not yet set (null)
-+ */
-+ sd_subdomainlist_add(sd);
-+ return sd;
-+ * free_subdomain
-+ * @sd: subdomain
-+ *
-+ * Free a subdomain previously allocated by alloc_subdomain
-+ */
-+static inline void free_subdomain(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ sd_subdomainlist_remove(sd);
-+ kfree(sd);
-+ * alloc_sdprofile
-+ *
-+ * Allocate, initialize and return a new zeroed profile.
-+ * Returns NULL on failure.
-+ */
-+static inline struct sdprofile *alloc_sdprofile(void)
-+ struct sdprofile *profile;
-+ profile = (struct sdprofile *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct sdprofile),
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s(%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, profile);
-+ if (profile) {
-+ int i;
-+ memset(profile, 0, sizeof(struct sdprofile));
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&profile->list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&profile->sub);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&profile->file_entry);
-+ for (i = 0; i <= POS_SD_FILE_MAX; i++) {
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&profile->file_entryp[i]);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return profile;
-+ * sd_put_name
-+ * @name: name to release.
-+ *
-+ * Release space (free_page) allocated to hold pathname
-+ * name may be NULL (checked for by free_page)
-+ */
-+static inline void sd_put_name(const char *name)
-+ free_page((unsigned long)name);
-+/** __sd_find_profile
-+ * @name: name of profile to find
-+ * @head: list to search
-+ *
-+ * Return reference counted copy of profile. NULL if not found
-+ * Caller must hold any necessary locks
-+ */
-+static inline struct sdprofile *__sd_find_profile(const char *name,
-+ struct list_head *head)
-+ struct sdprofile *p;
-+ if (!name || !head)
-+ return NULL;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: finding profile %s\n", __FUNCTION__, name);
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, head, list) {
-+ if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) {
-+ /* return refcounted object */
-+ p = get_sdprofile(p);
-+ return p;
-+ } else {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: skipping %s\n", __FUNCTION__, p->name);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static inline struct subdomain *__get_sdcopy(struct subdomain *new,
-+ struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ struct subdomain *old, *temp = NULL;
-+ old = SD_SUBDOMAIN(tsk->security);
-+ if (old) {
-+ new->sd_magic = old->sd_magic;
-+ new->sd_hat_magic = old->sd_hat_magic;
-+ new->active = get_sdprofile(old->active);
-+ if (old->profile == old->active)
-+ new->profile = new->active;
-+ else
-+ new->profile = get_sdprofile(old->profile);
-+ temp = new;
-+ }
-+ return temp;
-+/** get_sdcopy
-+ * @new: subdomain to hold copy
-+ *
-+ * Make copy of current subdomain containing refcounted profile and active
-+ * Used to protect readers against racing writers (changehat and profile
-+ * replacement).
-+ */
-+static inline struct subdomain *get_sdcopy(struct subdomain *new)
-+ struct subdomain *temp;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ temp = __get_sdcopy(new, current);
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ return temp;
-+/** get_sdcopy
-+ * @temp: subdomain to drop refcounts on
-+ *
-+ * Drop refcounted profile/active in copy of subdomain made by get_sdcopy
-+ */
-+static inline void put_sdcopy(struct subdomain *temp)
-+ if (temp) {
-+ put_sdprofile(temp->active);
-+ if (temp->active != temp->profile)
-+ (void)put_sdprofile(temp->profile);
-+ }
-+/** sd_path_begin2
-+ * @rdentry: filesystem root dentry (searching for vfsmnts matching this)
-+ * @dentry: dentry object to obtain pathname from (relative to matched vfsmnt)
-+ *
-+ * Setup data for iterating over vfsmounts (in current tasks namespace).
-+ */
-+static inline void sd_path_begin2(struct dentry *rdentry,
-+ struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct sd_path_data *data)
-+ data->dentry = dentry;
-+ data->root = dget(rdentry->d_sb->s_root);
-+ data->namespace = current->namespace;
-+ data->head = &data->namespace->list;
-+ data->pos = data->head->next;
-+ prefetch(data->pos->next);
-+ data->errno = 0;
-+ down_read(&namespace_sem);
-+/** sd_path_begin
-+ * @dentry filesystem root dentry and object to obtain pathname from
-+ *
-+ * Utility function for calling _sd_path_begin for when the dentry we are
-+ * looking for and the root are the same (this is the usual case).
-+ */
-+static inline void sd_path_begin(struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct sd_path_data *data)
-+ sd_path_begin2(dentry, dentry, data);
-+/** sd_path_end
-+ * @data: data object previously initialized by sd_path_begin
-+ *
-+ * End iterating over vfsmounts.
-+ * If an error occured in begin or get, it is returned. Otherwise 0.
-+ */
-+static inline int sd_path_end(struct sd_path_data *data)
-+ up_read(&namespace_sem);
-+ dput(data->root);
-+ return data->errno;
-+/** sd_path_getname
-+ * @data: data object previously initialized by sd_path_begin
-+ *
-+ * Return the next mountpoint which has the same root dentry as data->root.
-+ * If no more mount points exist (or in case of error) NULL is returned
-+ * (caller should call sd_path_end() and inspect return code to differentiate)
-+ */
-+static inline char *sd_path_getname(struct sd_path_data *data)
-+ char *name = NULL;
-+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
-+ while (data->pos != data->head) {
-+ mnt = list_entry(data->pos, struct vfsmount, mnt_list);
-+ /* advance to next -- so that it is done before we break */
-+ data->pos = data->pos->next;
-+ prefetch(data->pos->next);
-+ if (mnt->mnt_root == data->root) {
-+ name = sd_get_name(data->dentry, mnt);
-+ if (!name)
-+ data->errno = -ENOMEM;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return name;
-+#endif /* __INLINE_H__ */
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/list.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor Profile List Management
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+/* list of all profiles and lock */
-+static LIST_HEAD(profile_list);
-+static rwlock_t profile_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+/* list of all subdomains and lock */
-+static LIST_HEAD(subdomain_list);
-+static rwlock_t subdomain_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+ * sd_profilelist_find
-+ * @name: profile name (program name)
-+ *
-+ * Search the profile list for profile @name. Return refcounted profile on
-+ * success, NULL on failure.
-+ */
-+struct sdprofile *sd_profilelist_find(const char *name)
-+ struct sdprofile *p = NULL;
-+ if (name) {
-+ read_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ p = __sd_find_profile(name, &profile_list);
-+ read_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+ }
-+ return p;
-+ * sd_profilelist_add
-+ * @profile: new profile to add to list
-+ *
-+ * Add new profile to list. Reference count on profile is incremented.
-+ * Return 1 on success, 0 on failure (bad profile or already exists)
-+ */
-+int sd_profilelist_add(struct sdprofile *profile)
-+ struct sdprofile *old_profile;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if (!profile)
-+ goto out;
-+ write_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ old_profile = __sd_find_profile(profile->name, &profile_list);
-+ if (old_profile) {
-+ put_sdprofile(old_profile);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ profile = get_sdprofile(profile);
-+ list_add(&profile->list, &profile_list);
-+ ret = 1;
-+ out:
-+ write_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+ * sd_profilelist_remove
-+ * @name: name of profile to be removed
-+ *
-+ * Remove profile from list. Reference count on profile is decremented.
-+ */
-+int sd_profilelist_remove(const char *name)
-+ struct sdprofile *profile = NULL;
-+ struct sdprofile *p, *tmp;
-+ int error = -ENOENT;
-+ if (!name)
-+ goto out;
-+ write_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(p, tmp, &profile_list, list) {
-+ if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) {
-+ list_del_init(&p->list);
-+ profile = p;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+ if (!profile)
-+ goto out;
-+ put_sdprofile(profile);
-+ error = 0;
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_profilelist_replace
-+ * @profile - new profile
-+ *
-+ * Replace a profile on the profile list. Find the old profile by name in
-+ * the list, and replace it with the new profile. This is an atomic
-+ * list operation. Returns the old profile (which is still refcounted) if
-+ * there was one, or NULL.
-+ */
-+struct sdprofile *sd_profilelist_replace(struct sdprofile *profile)
-+ struct sdprofile *oldprofile;
-+ write_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ oldprofile = __sd_find_profile(profile->name, &profile_list);
-+ if (oldprofile) {
-+ list_del_init(&oldprofile->list);
-+ /* __sd_find_profile incremented count, so adjust down */
-+ put_sdprofile(oldprofile);
-+ }
-+ profile = get_sdprofile(profile);
-+ list_add(&profile->list, &profile_list);
-+ write_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+ return oldprofile;
-+ * sd_profilelist_release
-+ *
-+ * Remove all profiles from profile_list
-+ */
-+void sd_profilelist_release(void)
-+ struct sdprofile *p, *tmp;
-+ write_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(p, tmp, &profile_list, list) {
-+ list_del_init(&p->list);
-+ put_sdprofile(p);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+ * sd_subdomainlist_add
-+ * @sd: new subdomain
-+ *
-+ * Add subdomain to subdomain_list
-+ */
-+void sd_subdomainlist_add(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (!sd) {
-+ SD_INFO("%s: bad subdomain\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ list_add(&sd->list, &subdomain_list);
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ * sd_subdomainlist_remove
-+ * @sd: subdomain to be removed
-+ *
-+ * Remove subdomain from subdomain_list
-+ */
-+void sd_subdomainlist_remove(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (sd) {
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ list_del_init(&sd->list);
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ }
-+ * sd_subdomainlist_iterate
-+ * @func: method to be called for each element
-+ * @cookie: user passed data
-+ *
-+ * Iterate over subdomain list, stop when sd_iter func returns non zero
-+ */
-+void sd_subdomainlist_iterate(sd_iter func, void *cookie)
-+ struct subdomain *node;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ list_for_each_entry(node, &subdomain_list, list) {
-+ ret = (*func) (node, cookie);
-+ if (ret != 0)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ * sd_subdomainlist_iterateremove
-+ * @func: method to be called for each element
-+ * @cookie: user passed data
-+ *
-+ * Iterate over subdomain_list, remove element when sd_iter func returns
-+ * non zero
-+ */
-+void sd_subdomainlist_iterateremove(sd_iter func, void *cookie)
-+ struct subdomain *node, *tmp;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(node, tmp, &subdomain_list, list) {
-+ ret = (*func) (node, cookie);
-+ if (ret != 0)
-+ list_del_init(&node->list);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ * sd_subdomainlist_release
-+ *
-+ * Remove all subdomains from subdomain_list
-+ */
-+void sd_subdomainlist_release()
-+ struct subdomain *node, *tmp;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(node, tmp, &subdomain_list, list) {
-+ list_del_init(&node->list);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&subdomain_lock, flags);
-+/* seq_file helper routines
-+ * Used by subdomainfs.c to iterate over profile_list
-+ */
-+static void *p_start(struct seq_file *f, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct sdprofile *node;
-+ loff_t l = *pos;
-+ read_lock(&profile_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry(node, &profile_list, list)
-+ if (!l--)
-+ return node;
-+ return NULL;
-+static void *p_next(struct seq_file *f, void *p, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct list_head *lh = ((struct sdprofile *)p)->list.next;
-+ (*pos)++;
-+ return lh == &profile_list ?
-+ NULL : list_entry(lh, struct sdprofile, list);
-+static void p_stop(struct seq_file *f, void *v)
-+ read_unlock(&profile_lock);
-+static int seq_show_profile(struct seq_file *f, void *v)
-+ struct sdprofile *profile = (struct sdprofile *)v;
-+ seq_printf(f, "%s (%s)\n", profile->name,
-+ PROFILE_COMPLAIN(profile) ? "complain" : "enforce");
-+ return 0;
-+struct seq_operations subdomainfs_profiles_op = {
-+ .start = p_start,
-+ .next = p_next,
-+ .stop = p_stop,
-+ .show = seq_show_profile,
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/lsm.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?apparmor
-+ *
-+ * Immunix AppArmor LSM interface (previously called "SubDomain")
-+ */
-+/* superblock types */
-+/* from net/socket.c */
-+#define SOCKFS_MAGIC 0x534F434B
-+/* from inotify.c */
-+#define VALID_FSTYPE(inode) ((inode)->i_sb->s_magic != PIPEFS_MAGIC && \
-+ (inode)->i_sb->s_magic != SOCKFS_MAGIC && \
-+ (inode)->i_sb->s_magic != INOTIFYFS_MAGIC)
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+/* main SD lock [see get_sdcopy and put_sdcopy] */
-+rwlock_t sd_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+/* Flag values, also controllable via subdomainfs/control.
-+ * We explicitly do not allow these to be modifiable when exported via
-+ * /sys/modules/parameters, as we want to do additional mediation and
-+ * don't want to add special path code. */
-+/* Complain mode (used to be 'bitch' mode) */
-+int subdomain_complain = 0;
-+module_param_named(complain, subdomain_complain, int, S_IRUSR);
-+MODULE_PARM_DESC(subdomain_complain, "Toggle AppArmor complain mode");
-+/* Debug mode */
-+int subdomain_debug = 0;
-+module_param_named(debug, subdomain_debug, int, S_IRUSR);
-+MODULE_PARM_DESC(subdomain_debug, "Toggle AppArmor debug mode");
-+/* Audit mode */
-+int subdomain_audit = 0;
-+module_param_named(audit, subdomain_audit, int, S_IRUSR);
-+MODULE_PARM_DESC(subdomain_audit, "Toggle AppArmor audit mode");
-+/* Syscall logging mode */
-+int subdomain_logsyscall = 0;
-+module_param_named(logsyscall, subdomain_logsyscall, int, S_IRUSR);
-+MODULE_PARM_DESC(subdomain_logsyscall, "Toggle AppArmor logsyscall mode");
-+#ifndef MODULE
-+static int __init sd_getopt_complain(char *str)
-+ get_option(&str, &subdomain_complain);
-+ return 1;
-+__setup("subdomain_complain=", sd_getopt_complain);
-+static int __init sd_getopt_debug(char *str)
-+ get_option(&str, &subdomain_debug);
-+ return 1;
-+__setup("subdomain_debug=", sd_getopt_debug);
-+static int __init sd_getopt_audit(char *str)
-+ get_option(&str, &subdomain_audit);
-+ return 1;
-+__setup("subdomain_audit=", sd_getopt_audit);
-+static int __init sd_getopt_logsyscall(char *str)
-+ get_option(&str, &subdomain_logsyscall);
-+ return 1;
-+__setup("subdomain_logsyscall=", sd_getopt_logsyscall);
-+static int subdomain_ptrace(struct task_struct *parent,
-+ struct task_struct *child)
-+ int error;
-+ struct subdomain *sd;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ error = cap_ptrace(parent, child);
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ if (!error && __sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ error = sd_audit_syscallreject(sd, GFP_ATOMIC, "ptrace");
-+ WARN_ON(error != -EPERM);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_capget(struct task_struct *target,
-+ kernel_cap_t * effective,
-+ kernel_cap_t * inheritable,
-+ kernel_cap_t * permitted)
-+ return cap_capget(target, effective, inheritable, permitted);
-+static int subdomain_capset_check(struct task_struct *target,
-+ kernel_cap_t *effective,
-+ kernel_cap_t *inheritable,
-+ kernel_cap_t *permitted)
-+ return cap_capset_check(target, effective, inheritable, permitted);
-+static void subdomain_capset_set(struct task_struct *target,
-+ kernel_cap_t *effective,
-+ kernel_cap_t *inheritable,
-+ kernel_cap_t *permitted)
-+ cap_capset_set(target, effective, inheritable, permitted);
-+ return;
-+static int subdomain_capable(struct task_struct *tsk, int cap)
-+ int error;
-+ /* cap_capable returns 0 on success, else -EPERM */
-+ error = cap_capable(tsk, cap);
-+ if (error == 0) {
-+ struct subdomain *sd, sdcopy;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd = __get_sdcopy(&sdcopy, tsk);
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ error = sd_capability(sd, cap);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_sysctl(struct ctl_table *table, int op)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ struct subdomain *sd;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ if ((op & 002) && __sd_is_confined(sd) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
-+ error = sd_audit_syscallreject(sd, GFP_ATOMIC,
-+ "sysctl (write)");
-+ WARN_ON(error != -EPERM);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_syslog(int type)
-+ return cap_syslog(type);
-+static int subdomain_netlink_send(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return cap_netlink_send(sk, skb);
-+static int subdomain_netlink_recv(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return cap_netlink_recv(skb);
-+static void subdomain_bprm_apply_creds(struct linux_binprm *bprm, int unsafe)
-+ cap_bprm_apply_creds(bprm, unsafe);
-+ return;
-+static int subdomain_bprm_set_security(struct linux_binprm *bprm)
-+ /* handle capability bits with setuid, etc */
-+ cap_bprm_set_security(bprm);
-+ /* already set based on script name */
-+ if (bprm->sh_bang)
-+ return 0;
-+ return sd_register(bprm->file);
-+static int subdomain_sb_mount(char *dev_name, struct nameidata *nd, char *type,
-+ unsigned long flags, void *data)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ struct subdomain *sd;
-+ unsigned long lockflags;
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, lockflags);
-+ sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ if (__sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ error = sd_audit_syscallreject(sd, GFP_ATOMIC, "mount");
-+ WARN_ON(error != -EPERM);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, lockflags);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_umount(struct vfsmount *mnt, int flags)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ struct subdomain *sd;
-+ unsigned long lockflags;
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, lockflags);
-+ sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ if (__sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ error = sd_audit_syscallreject(sd, GFP_KERNEL, "umount");
-+ WARN_ON(error != -EPERM);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, lockflags);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_mkdir(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int mask)
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ int error;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_perm_dir(sd, dentry, SD_DIR_MKDIR);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_rmdir(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ int error;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_perm_dir(sd, dentry, SD_DIR_RMDIR);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_create(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int mask)
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ int error;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ /* At a minimum, need write perm to create */
-+ error = sd_perm_dentry(sd, dentry, MAY_WRITE);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_link(struct dentry *old_dentry, struct inode *inode,
-+ struct dentry *new_dentry)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_link(sd, new_dentry, old_dentry);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_unlink(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry)
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ int error;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_perm_dentry(sd, dentry, MAY_WRITE);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_mknod(struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int mode, dev_t dev)
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_perm_dentry(sd, dentry, MAY_WRITE);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_rename(struct inode *old_inode,
-+ struct dentry *old_dentry,
-+ struct inode *new_inode,
-+ struct dentry *new_dentry)
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_perm_dentry(sd, old_dentry,
-+ if (!error)
-+ error = sd_perm_dentry(sd, new_dentry, MAY_WRITE);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask,
-+ struct nameidata *nd)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ /* Do not perform check on pipes or sockets
-+ * Same as subdomain_file_permission
-+ */
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(inode)) {
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_perm_nameidata(sd, nd, mask);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *iattr)
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(dentry->d_inode)) {
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ /*
-+ * Mediate any attempt to change attributes of a file
-+ * (chmod, chown, chgrp, etc)
-+ */
-+ error = sd_attr(sd, dentry, iattr);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_setxattr(struct dentry *dentry, char *name,
-+ void *value, size_t size, int flags)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(dentry->d_inode)) {
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_xattr(sd, dentry, name, SD_XATTR_SET);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_getxattr(struct dentry *dentry, char *name)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(dentry->d_inode)) {
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_xattr(sd, dentry, name, SD_XATTR_GET);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_listxattr(struct dentry *dentry)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(dentry->d_inode)) {
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_xattr(sd, dentry, NULL, SD_XATTR_LIST);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_inode_removexattr(struct dentry *dentry, char *name)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (VALID_FSTYPE(dentry->d_inode)) {
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ error = sd_xattr(sd, dentry, name, SD_XATTR_REMOVE);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_file_permission(struct file *file, int mask)
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ struct sdprofile *f_profile;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ f_profile = SD_PROFILE(file->f_security);
-+ /* bail out early if this isn't a mediated file */
-+ if (!(f_profile && VALID_FSTYPE(file->f_dentry->d_inode)))
-+ goto out;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ if (__sd_is_confined(sd) && f_profile != sd->active)
-+ error = sd_perm(sd, file->f_dentry, file->f_vfsmnt,
-+ mask & (MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE | MAY_READ));
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_file_alloc_security(struct file *file)
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ if (__sd_is_confined(sd))
-+ file->f_security = get_sdprofile(sd->active);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return 0;
-+static void subdomain_file_free_security(struct file *file)
-+ struct sdprofile *p = SD_PROFILE(file->f_security);
-+ put_sdprofile(p);
-+static int subdomain_file_mmap (struct file *file, unsigned long reqprot,
-+ unsigned long prot, unsigned long flags)
-+ int error = 0, mask = 0;
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ struct sdprofile *f_profile;
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ f_profile = file ? SD_PROFILE(file->f_security) : NULL;
-+ if (prot & PROT_READ)
-+ mask |= MAY_READ;
-+ if (prot & PROT_WRITE)
-+ mask |= MAY_WRITE;
-+ if (prot & PROT_EXEC)
-+ mask |= MAY_EXEC;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, mask);
-+ /* Don't check if no subdomain's, profiles haven't changed, or
-+ * mapping in the executable
-+ */
-+ if (file && __sd_sub_defined(sd) &&
-+ f_profile != sd->active &&
-+ !(flags & MAP_EXECUTABLE))
-+ error = sd_perm(sd, file->f_dentry, file->f_vfsmnt, mask);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_task_alloc_security(struct task_struct *p)
-+ return sd_fork(p);
-+static void subdomain_task_free_security(struct task_struct *p)
-+ sd_release(p);
-+static int subdomain_task_post_setuid(uid_t id0, uid_t id1, uid_t id2,
-+ int flags)
-+ return cap_task_post_setuid(id0, id1, id2, flags);
-+static void subdomain_task_reparent_to_init(struct task_struct *p)
-+ cap_task_reparent_to_init(p);
-+ return;
-+static int subdomain_getprocattr(struct task_struct *p, char *name, void *value,
-+ size_t size)
-+ int error;
-+ struct subdomain sdcopy, *sd;
-+ char *str = value;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ /* Subdomain only supports the "current" process attribute */
-+ if (strcmp(name, "current") != 0) {
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (!size) {
-+ error = -ERANGE;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* must be task querying itself or admin */
-+ if (current != p && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd = __get_sdcopy(&sdcopy, p);
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ error = sd_getprocattr(sd, str, size);
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_setprocattr(struct task_struct *p, char *name, void *value,
-+ size_t size)
-+ const char *cmd_changehat = "changehat ",
-+ *cmd_setprofile = "setprofile ";
-+ int error = -EACCES; /* default to a perm denied */
-+ char *cmd = (char *)value;
-+ /* only support messages to current */
-+ if (strcmp(name, "current") != 0) {
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (!size) {
-+ error = -ERANGE;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* CHANGE HAT */
-+ if (size > strlen(cmd_changehat) &&
-+ strncmp(cmd, cmd_changehat, strlen(cmd_changehat)) == 0) {
-+ char *hatinfo = cmd + strlen(cmd_changehat);
-+ size_t infosize = size - strlen(cmd_changehat);
-+ /* Only the current process may change it's hat */
-+ if (current != p) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Attempt by foreign task %s(%d) "
-+ "[user %d] to changehat of task %s(%d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ current->comm,
-+ current->pid,
-+ current->uid,
-+ p->comm,
-+ p->pid);
-+ error = -EACCES;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ error = sd_setprocattr_changehat(hatinfo, infosize);
-+ if (error == 0)
-+ /* success, set return to #bytes in orig request */
-+ error = size;
-+ } else if (size > strlen(cmd_setprofile) &&
-+ strncmp(cmd, cmd_setprofile, strlen(cmd_setprofile)) == 0) {
-+ int confined;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ /* only an unconfined process with admin capabilities
-+ * may change the profile of another task
-+ */
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Unprivileged attempt by task %s(%d) "
-+ "[user %d] to assign profile to task %s(%d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ current->comm,
-+ current->pid,
-+ current->uid,
-+ p->comm,
-+ p->pid);
-+ error = -EACCES;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ confined = sd_is_confined();
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ if (!confined) {
-+ char *profile = cmd + strlen(cmd_setprofile);
-+ size_t profilesize = size - strlen(cmd_setprofile);
-+ error = sd_setprocattr_setprofile(p, profile, profilesize);
-+ if (error == 0)
-+ /* success,
-+ * set return to #bytes in orig request
-+ */
-+ error = size;
-+ } else {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Attempt by confined task %s(%d) "
-+ "[user %d] to assign profile to task %s(%d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ current->comm,
-+ current->pid,
-+ current->uid,
-+ p->comm,
-+ p->pid);
-+ error = -EACCES;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ /* unknown operation */
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Unknown setprocattr command '%.*s' by task %s(%d) "
-+ "[user %d] for task %s(%d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ size < 16 ? (int)size : 16,
-+ cmd,
-+ current->comm,
-+ current->pid,
-+ current->uid,
-+ p->comm,
-+ p->pid);
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+struct security_operations subdomain_ops = {
-+ .ptrace = subdomain_ptrace,
-+ .capget = subdomain_capget,
-+ .capset_check = subdomain_capset_check,
-+ .capset_set = subdomain_capset_set,
-+ .sysctl = subdomain_sysctl,
-+ .capable = subdomain_capable,
-+ .syslog = subdomain_syslog,
-+ .netlink_send = subdomain_netlink_send,
-+ .netlink_recv = subdomain_netlink_recv,
-+ .bprm_apply_creds = subdomain_bprm_apply_creds,
-+ .bprm_set_security = subdomain_bprm_set_security,
-+ .sb_mount = subdomain_sb_mount,
-+ .sb_umount = subdomain_umount,
-+ .inode_mkdir = subdomain_inode_mkdir,
-+ .inode_rmdir = subdomain_inode_rmdir,
-+ .inode_create = subdomain_inode_create,
-+ .inode_link = subdomain_inode_link,
-+ .inode_unlink = subdomain_inode_unlink,
-+ .inode_mknod = subdomain_inode_mknod,
-+ .inode_rename = subdomain_inode_rename,
-+ .inode_permission = subdomain_inode_permission,
-+ .inode_setattr = subdomain_inode_setattr,
-+ .inode_setxattr = subdomain_inode_setxattr,
-+ .inode_getxattr = subdomain_inode_getxattr,
-+ .inode_listxattr = subdomain_inode_listxattr,
-+ .inode_removexattr = subdomain_inode_removexattr,
-+ .file_permission = subdomain_file_permission,
-+ .file_alloc_security = subdomain_file_alloc_security,
-+ .file_free_security = subdomain_file_free_security,
-+ .file_mmap = subdomain_file_mmap,
-+ .task_alloc_security = subdomain_task_alloc_security,
-+ .task_free_security = subdomain_task_free_security,
-+ .task_post_setuid = subdomain_task_post_setuid,
-+ .task_reparent_to_init = subdomain_task_reparent_to_init,
-+ .getprocattr = subdomain_getprocattr,
-+ .setprocattr = subdomain_setprocattr,
-+static int __init subdomain_init(void)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ const char *complainmsg = ": complainmode enabled";
-+ if (!create_subdomainfs()) {
-+ SD_ERROR("Unable to activate AppArmor filesystem\n");
-+ error = -ENOENT;
-+ goto createfs_out;
-+ }
-+ if (!alloc_nullprofiles()){
-+ SD_ERROR("Unable to allocate null profiles\n");
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto createfs_out;
-+ }
-+ if ((error = register_security(&subdomain_ops))) {
-+ SD_WARN("Unable to load AppArmor\n");
-+ goto dealloc_out;
-+ }
-+ SD_INFO("AppArmor (version %s) initialized%s\n",
-+ apparmor_version(),
-+ subdomain_complain ? complainmsg : "");
-+ sd_audit_message(NULL, GFP_KERNEL, 0,
-+ "AppArmor (version %s) initialized%s\n",
-+ apparmor_version(),
-+ subdomain_complain ? complainmsg : "");
-+ return error;
-+ free_nullprofiles();
-+ (void)destroy_subdomainfs();
-+ return error;
-+static int subdomain_exit_removeall_iter(struct subdomain *sd, void *cookie)
-+ /* write_lock(&sd_lock) held here */
-+ if (__sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: Dropping profiles %s(%d) "
-+ "profile %s(%p) active %s(%p)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ sd->task->comm, sd->task->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->profile,
-+ sd->active->name, sd->active);
-+ sd_switch_unconfined(sd);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static void __exit subdomain_exit(void)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ /* Remove profiles from the global profile list.
-+ * This is just for tidyness as there is no way to reference this
-+ * list once the AppArmor lsm hooks are detached (below)
-+ */
-+ sd_profilelist_release();
-+ /* Remove profiles from active tasks
-+ * If this is not done, if module is reloaded after being removed,
-+ * old profiles (still refcounted in memory) will become 'magically'
-+ * reattached
-+ */
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd_subdomainlist_iterate(subdomain_exit_removeall_iter, NULL);
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ /* Free up list of active subdomain */
-+ sd_subdomainlist_release();
-+ free_nullprofiles();
-+ if (!destroy_subdomainfs())
-+ SD_WARN("Unable to properly deactivate AppArmor fs\n");
-+ if (unregister_security(&subdomain_ops))
-+ SD_WARN("Unable to properly unregister AppArmor\n");
-+ SD_INFO("AppArmor protection removed\n");
-+ sd_audit_message(NULL, GFP_KERNEL, 0,
-+ "AppArmor protection removed\n");
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AppArmor process confinement");
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("Tony Jones ");
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/main.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,1648 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor Core
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "aamatch/match.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+/* NULL profile
-+ *
-+ * Used when an attempt is made to changehat into a non-existant
-+ * subhat. In the NULL profile, no file access is allowed
-+ * (currently full network access is allowed). Using a NULL
-+ * profile ensures that active is always non zero.
-+ *
-+ * Leaving the NULL profile is by either successfully changehatting
-+ * into a sibling hat, or changehatting back to the parent (NULL hat).
-+ */
-+struct sdprofile *null_profile;
-+/* NULL complain profile
-+ *
-+ * Used when in complain mode, to emit Permitting messages for non-existant
-+ * profiles and hats. This is necessary because of selective mode, in which
-+ * case we need a complain null_profile and enforce null_profile
-+ *
-+ * The null_complain_profile cannot be statically allocated, because it
-+ * can be associated to files which keep their reference even if subdomain is
-+ * unloaded
-+ */
-+struct sdprofile *null_complain_profile;
-+ **************************/
-+ * sd_taskattr_access:
-+ * @name: name of file to check permission
-+ * @mask: permission mask requested for file
-+ *
-+ * Determine if request is for write access to /proc/self/attr/current
-+ */
-+static inline int sd_taskattr_access(const char *procrelname)
-+ * assumes a 32bit pid, which requires max 10 decimal digits to represent
-+ * sizeof includes trailing \0
-+ */
-+ char buf[sizeof("/attr/current") + 10];
-+ const int maxbuflen = sizeof(buf);
-+ snprintf(buf, maxbuflen, "%d/attr/current", current->pid);
-+ buf[maxbuflen - 1] = 0;
-+ return strcmp(buf, procrelname) == 0;
-+ * sd_file_mode - get full mode for file entry from profile
-+ * @profile: profile
-+ * @name: filename
-+ */
-+static inline int sd_file_mode(struct sdprofile *profile, const char *name)
-+ struct sd_entry *entry;
-+ int mode = 0;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, name);
-+ if (!name) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: no name\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (!profile) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: no profile\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ list_for_each_entry(entry, &profile->file_entry, list) {
-+ if (sdmatch_match(name, entry->filename,
-+ entry->entry_type, entry->extradata))
-+ mode |= entry->mode;
-+ }
-+ return mode;
-+ * sd_get_execmode - calculate what qualifier to apply to an exec
-+ * @sd: subdomain to search
-+ * @name: name of file to exec
-+ * @xmod: pointer to a execution mode bit for the rule that was matched
-+ * if the rule has no execuition qualifier {pui} then
-+ * SD_MAY_EXEC is returned indicating a naked x
-+ * if the has an exec qualifier then only the qualifier bit {pui}
-+ * is returned (SD_MAY_EXEC) is not set.
-+ *
-+ * Returns 0 (false):
-+ * if unable to find profile or there are conflicting pattern matches.
-+ * *xmod - is not modified
-+ *
-+ * Returns 1 (true):
-+ * if not confined
-+ * *xmod = SD_MAY_EXEC
-+ * if exec rule matched
-+ * if the rule has an execution mode qualifier {pui} then
-+ * *xmod = the execution qualifier of the rule {pui}
-+ * else
-+ * *xmod = SD_MAY_EXEC
-+ */
-+static inline int sd_get_execmode(struct subdomain *sd, const char *name,
-+ int *xmod)
-+ struct sdprofile *profile;
-+ struct sd_entry *entry;
-+ struct sd_entry *match = NULL;
-+ int pattern_match_invalid = 0, rc = 0;
-+ /* not confined */
-+ if (!__sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: not confined\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto not_confined;
-+ }
-+ profile = sd->active;
-+ /* search list of profiles with 'x' permission
-+ * this will also include entries with 'p', 'u' and 'i'
-+ * qualifiers.
-+ *
-+ * If we find a pattern match we will keep looking for an exact match
-+ * If we find conflicting pattern matches we will flag (while still
-+ * looking for an exact match). If all we have is a conflict, FALSE
-+ * is returned.
-+ */
-+ list_for_each_entry(entry, &profile->file_entryp[POS_SD_MAY_EXEC],
-+ listp[POS_SD_MAY_EXEC]) {
-+ if (!pattern_match_invalid &&
-+ entry->entry_type == sd_entry_pattern &&
-+ sdmatch_match(name, entry->filename,
-+ entry->entry_type, entry->extradata)) {
-+ if (match &&
-+ SD_EXEC_MASK(entry->mode) !=
-+ SD_EXEC_MASK(match->mode))
-+ pattern_match_invalid = 1;
-+ else
-+ /* keep searching for an exact match */
-+ match = entry;
-+ } else if ((entry->entry_type == sd_entry_literal ||
-+ (!pattern_match_invalid &&
-+ entry->entry_type == sd_entry_tailglob)) &&
-+ sdmatch_match(name, entry->filename,
-+ entry->entry_type,
-+ entry->extradata)) {
-+ if (entry->entry_type == sd_entry_literal) {
-+ /* got an exact match -- there can be only
-+ * one, asserted at profile load time
-+ */
-+ match = entry;
-+ pattern_match_invalid = 0;
-+ break;
-+ } else {
-+ if (match &&
-+ SD_EXEC_MASK(entry->mode) !=
-+ SD_EXEC_MASK(match->mode))
-+ pattern_match_invalid = 1;
-+ else
-+ /* got a tailglob match, keep searching
-+ * for an exact match
-+ */
-+ match = entry;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ rc = match && !pattern_match_invalid;
-+ if (rc) {
-+ int mode = SD_EXEC_MASK(match->mode);
-+ /* check for qualifiers, if present
-+ * we just return the qualifier
-+ */
-+ if (mode & ~SD_MAY_EXEC)
-+ mode = mode & ~SD_MAY_EXEC;
-+ *xmod = mode;
-+ } else if (!match) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: Unable to find execute entry in profile "
-+ "for image '%s'\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ name);
-+ } else if (pattern_match_invalid) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Inconsistency in profile %s. "
-+ "Two (or more) patterns specify conflicting exec "
-+ "qualifiers ('u', 'i' or 'p') for image %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ sd->active->name,
-+ name);
-+ }
-+ return rc;
-+ *xmod = SD_MAY_EXEC;
-+ return 1;
-+ * sd_filter_mask
-+ * @mask: requested mask
-+ * @inode: potential directory inode
-+ *
-+ * This fn performs pre-verification of the requested mask
-+ * We ignore append. Previously we required 'w' on a dir to add a file.
-+ * No longer. Now we require 'w' on just the file itself. Traversal 'x' is
-+ * also ignored for directories.
-+ *
-+ * Returned value of 0 indicates no need to perform a perm check.
-+ */
-+static inline int sd_filter_mask(int mask, struct inode *inode)
-+ if (mask) {
-+ int elim = MAY_APPEND;
-+ if (inode && S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
-+ elim |= (MAY_EXEC | MAY_WRITE);
-+ mask &= ~elim;
-+ }
-+ return mask;
-+static inline void sd_permerror2result(int perm_result, struct sd_audit *sa)
-+ if (perm_result == 0) { /* success */
-+ sa->result = 1;
-+ sa->errorcode = 0;
-+ } else { /* -ve internal error code or +ve mask of denied perms */
-+ sa->result = 0;
-+ sa->errorcode = perm_result;
-+ }
-+ ************************/
-+ * sd_file_perm - calculate access mode for file
-+ * @subdomain: current subdomain
-+ * @name: name of file to calculate mode for
-+ * @mask: permission mask requested for file
-+ *
-+ * Search the sd_entry list in @profile.
-+ * Search looking to verify all permissions passed in mask.
-+ * Perform the search by looking at the partitioned list of entries, one
-+ * partition per permission bit.
-+ *
-+ * Return 0 on success, else mask of non-allowed permissions
-+ */
-+static unsigned int sd_file_perm(struct subdomain *sd, const char *name,
-+ int mask)
-+ struct sdprofile *profile;
-+ int i, error = 0, mode;
-+#define PROCPFX "/proc/"
-+#define PROCLEN sizeof(PROCPFX) - 1
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: %s 0x%x\n", __FUNCTION__, name, mask);
-+ /* should not enter with other than R/W/X/L */
-+ BUG_ON(mask &
-+ /* not confined */
-+ if (!__sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ /* exit with access allowed */
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: not confined\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ /* Special case access to /proc/self/attr/current
-+ * Currently we only allow access if opened O_WRONLY
-+ */
-+ if (mask == MAY_WRITE && strncmp(PROCPFX, name, PROCLEN) == 0 &&
-+ (!list_empty(&sd->profile->sub) || SUBDOMAIN_COMPLAIN(sd)) &&
-+ sd_taskattr_access(name + PROCLEN))
-+ goto done;
-+ profile = sd->active;
-+ mode = 0;
-+ /* iterate over partition, one permission bit at a time */
-+ for (i = 0; i <= POS_SD_FILE_MAX; i++) {
-+ struct sd_entry *entry;
-+ /* do we have to accumulate this bit?
-+ * or have we already accumulated it (shortcut below)? */
-+ if (!(mask & (1 << i)) || mode & (1 << i))
-+ continue;
-+ list_for_each_entry(entry, &profile->file_entryp[i],
-+ listp[i]) {
-+ if (sdmatch_match(name, entry->filename,
-+ entry->entry_type, entry->extradata)) {
-+ /* Shortcut, accumulate all bits present */
-+ mode |= entry->mode;
-+ /*
-+ * Mask bits are overloaded
-+ * MAY_{EXEC,WRITE,READ,APPEND} are used by
-+ * kernel, other values are used locally only.
-+ */
-+ if ((mode & mask) == mask) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("MATCH! %s=0x%x [total mode=0x%x]\n",
-+ name, mask, mode);
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* return permissions not satisfied */
-+ error = mask & ~mode;
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_link_perm - test permission to link to a file
-+ * @sd: current subdomain
-+ * @link: name of link being created
-+ * @target: name of target to be linked to
-+ *
-+ * Look up permission mode on both @link and @target. @link must have same
-+ * permission mode as @target. At least @link must have the link bit enabled.
-+ * Return 0 on success, error otherwise.
-+ */
-+static int sd_link_perm(struct subdomain *sd,
-+ const char *link, const char *target)
-+ int l_mode, t_mode, ret;
-+ struct sdprofile *profile = sd->active;
-+ l_mode = sd_file_mode(profile, link);
-+ if (l_mode & SD_MAY_LINK) {
-+ /* mask off link bit */
-+ l_mode &= ~SD_MAY_LINK;
-+ t_mode = sd_file_mode(profile, target);
-+ t_mode &= ~SD_MAY_LINK;
-+ ret = (l_mode == t_mode);
-+ } else {
-+ ret = 0;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+ * _sd_perm_dentry
-+ * @sd: current subdomain
-+ * @dentry: requested dentry
-+ * @mask: mask of requested operations
-+ * @pname: pointer to hold matched pathname (if any)
-+ *
-+ * Helper function. Obtain pathname for specified dentry. Verify if profile
-+ * authorizes mask operations on pathname (due to lack of vfsmnt it is sadly
-+ * necessary to search mountpoints in namespace -- when nameidata is passed
-+ * more fully, this code can go away). If more than one mountpoint matches
-+ * but none satisfy the profile, only the first pathname (mountpoint) is
-+ * returned for subsequent logging.
-+ *
-+ * Return 0 (success), +ve (mask of permissions not satisfied) or -ve (system
-+ * error, most likely -ENOMEM).
-+ */
-+static int _sd_perm_dentry(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int mask, const char **pname)
-+ char *name = NULL, *failed_name = NULL;
-+ struct sd_path_data data;
-+ int error = 0, failed_error = 0, sdpath_error,
-+ sdcomplain = SUBDOMAIN_COMPLAIN(sd);
-+ /* search all paths to dentry */
-+ sd_path_begin(dentry, &data);
-+ do {
-+ name = sd_path_getname(&data);
-+ if (name) {
-+ /* error here is 0 (success) or +ve (mask of perms) */
-+ error = sd_file_perm(sd, name, mask);
-+ /* access via any path is enough */
-+ if (sdcomplain || error == 0)
-+ break; /* Caller must free name */
-+ /* Already have an path that failed? */
-+ if (failed_name) {
-+ sd_put_name(name);
-+ } else {
-+ failed_name = name;
-+ failed_error = error;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } while (name);
-+ if ((sdpath_error = sd_path_end(&data)) != 0) {
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: An error occured while translating dentry %p "
-+ "inode# %lu to a pathname. Error %d\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ dentry,
-+ dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
-+ sdpath_error);
-+ WARN_ON(name); /* name should not be set if error */
-+ error = sdpath_error;
-+ name = NULL;
-+ } else if (name) {
-+ if (failed_name)
-+ sd_put_name(failed_name);
-+ } else {
-+ name = failed_name;
-+ error = failed_error;
-+ }
-+ *pname = name;
-+ return error;
-+ *************************/
-+ * alloc_nullprofiles - Allocate null profiles
-+ */
-+int alloc_nullprofiles(void)
-+ null_profile = alloc_sdprofile();
-+ null_complain_profile = alloc_sdprofile();
-+ if (!null_profile || !null_complain_profile)
-+ goto fail;
-+ null_profile->name = kstrdup("null-profile", GFP_KERNEL);
-+ null_complain_profile->name =
-+ kstrdup("null-complain-profile", GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!null_profile->name ||
-+ !null_complain_profile->name)
-+ goto fail;
-+ get_sdprofile(null_profile);
-+ get_sdprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ null_complain_profile->flags.complain = 1;
-+ return 1;
-+ /* free_sdprofile is safe for freeing partially constructed objects */
-+ free_sdprofile(null_profile);
-+ free_sdprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ null_profile = null_complain_profile = NULL;
-+ return 0;
-+ * free_nullprofiles - Free null profiles
-+ */
-+void free_nullprofiles(void)
-+ put_sdprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ put_sdprofile(null_profile);
-+ null_profile = null_complain_profile = NULL;
-+ * sd_audit_message - Log a message to the audit subsystem
-+ * @sd: current subdomain
-+ * @gfp: allocation flags
-+ * @flags: audit flags
-+ * @fmt: varargs fmt
-+ */
-+int sd_audit_message(struct subdomain *sd, unsigned int gfp, int flags,
-+ const char *fmt, ...)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct sd_audit sa;
-+ sa.type = SD_AUDITTYPE_MSG;
-+ sa.name = fmt;
-+ va_start(sa.vaval, fmt);
-+ sa.flags = flags;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = gfp;
-+ sa.errorcode = 0;
-+ sa.result = 0; /* fake failure: force message to be logged */
-+ ret = sd_audit(sd, &sa);
-+ va_end(sa.vaval);
-+ return ret;
-+ * sd_audit_syscallreject - Log a syscall rejection to the audit subsystem
-+ * @sd: current subdomain
-+ * @msg: string describing syscall being rejected
-+ * @gfp: memory allocation flags
-+ */
-+int sd_audit_syscallreject(struct subdomain *sd, unsigned int gfp,
-+ const char *msg)
-+ struct sd_audit sa;
-+ sa.name = msg;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = gfp;
-+ sa.errorcode = 0;
-+ sa.result = 0; /* failure */
-+ return sd_audit(sd, &sa);
-+ * sd_audit - Log an audit event to the audit subsystem
-+ * @sd: current subdomain
-+ * @sa: audit event
-+ */
-+int sd_audit(struct subdomain *sd, const struct sd_audit *sa)
-+ struct audit_buffer *ab = NULL;
-+ struct audit_context *ctx;
-+ const char *logcls;
-+ unsigned int flags;
-+ int sdaudit = 0,
-+ sdcomplain = 0,
-+ error = -EINVAL,
-+ opspec_error = -EACCES;
-+ const unsigned int gfp_mask = sa->gfp_mask;
-+ WARN_ON(sa->type >= SD_AUDITTYPE__END);
-+ /*
-+ * sa->result: 1 success, 0 failure
-+ * sa->errorcode: success: 0
-+ * failure: +ve mask of failed permissions or -ve
-+ * system error
-+ */
-+ if (likely(sa->result)) {
-+ if (likely(!SUBDOMAIN_AUDIT(sd))) {
-+ /* nothing to log */
-+ error = 0;
-+ goto out;
-+ } else {
-+ sdaudit = 1;
-+ logcls = "AUDITING";
-+ }
-+ } else if (sa->errorcode < 0) {
-+ audit_log(current->audit_context, gfp_mask, AUDIT_SD,
-+ "Internal error auditing event type %d (error %d)\n",
-+ sa->type, sa->errorcode);
-+ SD_ERROR("Internal error auditing event type %d (error %d)\n",
-+ sa->type, sa->errorcode);
-+ error = sa->errorcode;
-+ goto out;
-+ } else if (sa->type == SD_AUDITTYPE_SYSCALL) {
-+ /* Currently SD_AUDITTYPE_SYSCALL is for rejects only.
-+ * Values set by sd_audit_syscallreject will get us here.
-+ */
-+ logcls = "REJECTING";
-+ } else {
-+ sdcomplain = SUBDOMAIN_COMPLAIN(sd);
-+ logcls = sdcomplain ? "PERMITTING" : "REJECTING";
-+ }
-+ /* In future extend w/ per-profile flags
-+ * (flags |= sa->active->flags)
-+ */
-+ flags = sa->flags;
-+ if (subdomain_logsyscall)
-+ /* Force full audit syscall logging regardless of global setting if
-+ * we are rejecting a syscall
-+ */
-+ if (sa->type == SD_AUDITTYPE_SYSCALL) {
-+ ctx = current->audit_context;
-+ } else {
-+ current->audit_context : NULL;
-+ }
-+ ab = audit_log_start(ctx, gfp_mask, AUDIT_SD);
-+ if (!ab) {
-+ SD_ERROR("Unable to log event (%d) to audit subsys\n",
-+ sa->type);
-+ if (sdcomplain)
-+ error = 0;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* messages get special handling */
-+ if (sa->type == SD_AUDITTYPE_MSG) {
-+ audit_log_vformat(ab, sa->name, sa->vaval);
-+ audit_log_end(ab);
-+ error = 0;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* log operation */
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "%s ", logcls); /* REJECTING/ALLOWING/etc */
-+ if (sa->type == SD_AUDITTYPE_FILE) {
-+ int perm = sdaudit ? sa->ival : sa->errorcode;
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "%s%s%s%s access to %s ",
-+ perm & SD_MAY_READ ? "r" : "",
-+ perm & SD_MAY_WRITE ? "w" : "",
-+ perm & SD_MAY_EXEC ? "x" : "",
-+ perm & SD_MAY_LINK ? "l" : "",
-+ sa->name);
-+ opspec_error = -EPERM;
-+ } else if (sa->type == SD_AUDITTYPE_DIR) {
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "%s on %s ",
-+ sa->ival == SD_DIR_MKDIR ? "mkdir" : "rmdir",
-+ sa->name);
-+ } else if (sa->type == SD_AUDITTYPE_ATTR) {
-+ struct iattr *iattr = (struct iattr*)sa->pval;
-+ audit_log_format(ab,
-+ "attribute (%s%s%s%s%s%s%s) change to %s ",
-+ iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_MODE ? "mode," : "",
-+ iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_UID ? "uid," : "",
-+ iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_GID ? "gid," : "",
-+ iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE ? "size," : "",
-+ ((iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_ATIME_SET) ||
-+ (iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_ATIME)) ? "atime," : "",
-+ ((iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_MTIME_SET) ||
-+ (iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_MTIME)) ? "mtime," : "",
-+ iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_CTIME ? "ctime," : "",
-+ sa->name);
-+ } else if (sa->type == SD_AUDITTYPE_XATTR) {
-+ const char *fmt;
-+ switch (sa->ival) {
-+ case SD_XATTR_GET:
-+ fmt = "xattr get";
-+ break;
-+ case SD_XATTR_SET:
-+ fmt = "xattr set";
-+ break;
-+ case SD_XATTR_LIST:
-+ fmt = "xattr list";
-+ break;
-+ fmt = "xattr remove";
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ fmt = "xattr ";
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "%s on %s ", fmt, sa->name);
-+ } else if (sa->type == SD_AUDITTYPE_LINK) {
-+ audit_log_format(ab,
-+ "link access from %s to %s ",
-+ sa->name,
-+ (char*)sa->pval);
-+ } else if (sa->type == SD_AUDITTYPE_CAP) {
-+ audit_log_format(ab,
-+ "access to capability '%s' ",
-+ capability_to_name(sa->ival));
-+ opspec_error = -EPERM;
-+ } else if (sa->type == SD_AUDITTYPE_SYSCALL) {
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "access to syscall '%s' ", sa->name);
-+ opspec_error = -EPERM;
-+ } else {
-+ /* -EINVAL -- will WARN_ON above */
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "(%s(%d) ", current->comm, current->pid);
-+ if (0)
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "[global deny])\n");
-+ else
-+ audit_log_format(ab, "profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->active->name);
-+ audit_log_end(ab);
-+ if (sdcomplain)
-+ error = 0;
-+ else
-+ error = sa->result ? 0 : opspec_error;
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_get_name - retrieve fully qualified path name
-+ * @dentry: relative path element
-+ * @mnt: where in tree
-+ *
-+ * Returns fully qualified path name on sucess, NULL on failure.
-+ * sd_put_name must be used to free allocated buffer.
-+ */
-+char *sd_get_name(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *mnt)
-+ char *page, *name = NULL;
-+ page = (char *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!page)
-+ goto out;
-+ name = d_path(dentry, mnt, page, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ /* check for (deleted) that d_path appends to pathnames if the dentry
-+ * has been removed from the cache.
-+ * The size > deleted_size and strcmp checks are redundant safe guards.
-+ */
-+ if (name) {
-+ const char deleted_str[] = " (deleted)";
-+ const size_t deleted_size = sizeof(deleted_str) - 1;
-+ size_t size;
-+ size = strlen(name);
-+ if (!IS_ROOT(dentry) && d_unhashed(dentry) &&
-+ size > deleted_size &&
-+ strcmp(name + size - deleted_size, deleted_str) == 0)
-+ name[size - deleted_size] = '\0';
-+ }
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: full_path=%s\n", __FUNCTION__, name);
-+ return name;
-+ ***********************************/
-+ * sd_attr - check whether attribute change allowed
-+ * @sd: subdomain to check against to check against
-+ * @dentry: file to check
-+ * @iattr: attribute changes requested
-+ */
-+int sd_attr(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *iattr)
-+ int error = 0, permerror;
-+ struct sd_audit sa;
-+ if (!__sd_is_confined(sd))
-+ goto out;
-+ sa.type = SD_AUDITTYPE_ATTR;
-+ sa.pval = iattr;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ permerror = _sd_perm_dentry(sd, dentry, MAY_WRITE, &sa.name);
-+ sd_permerror2result(permerror, &sa);
-+ error = sd_audit(sd, &sa);
-+ sd_put_name(sa.name);
-+ return error;
-+int sd_xattr(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry, const char *xattr,
-+ int xattroptype)
-+ int error = 0, permerror, mask = 0;
-+ struct sd_audit sa;
-+ /* if not confined or empty mask permission granted */
-+ if (!__sd_is_confined(sd))
-+ goto out;
-+ if (xattroptype == SD_XATTR_GET || xattroptype == SD_XATTR_LIST)
-+ mask = MAY_READ;
-+ else if (xattroptype == SD_XATTR_SET || xattroptype == SD_XATTR_REMOVE)
-+ mask = MAY_WRITE;
-+ sa.type = SD_AUDITTYPE_XATTR;
-+ sa.ival = xattroptype;
-+ sa.pval = xattr;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ permerror = _sd_perm_dentry(sd, dentry, mask, &sa.name);
-+ sd_permerror2result(permerror, &sa);
-+ error = sd_audit(sd, &sa);
-+ sd_put_name(sa.name);
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_perm - basic subdomain permissions check
-+ * @sd: subdomain to check against
-+ * @dentry: dentry
-+ * @mnt: mountpoint
-+ * @mask: access mode requested
-+ *
-+ * Determine if access (mask) for dentry is authorized by subdomain sd.
-+ * Result, 0 (success), -ve (error)
-+ */
-+int sd_perm(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *mnt,
-+ int mask)
-+ int error = 0, permerror;
-+ struct sd_audit sa;
-+ if (!__sd_is_confined(sd))
-+ goto out;
-+ if ((mask = sd_filter_mask(mask, dentry->d_inode)) == 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ sa.type = SD_AUDITTYPE_FILE;
-+ sa.name = sd_get_name(dentry, mnt);
-+ sa.ival = mask;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ permerror = (sa.name ? sd_file_perm(sd, sa.name, mask) : -ENOMEM);
-+ sd_permerror2result(permerror, &sa);
-+ error = sd_audit(sd, &sa);
-+ sd_put_name(sa.name);
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_perm_nameidata: interface to sd_perm accepting nameidata
-+ * @sd: subdomain to check against
-+ * @nd: namespace data (for vfsmnt and dentry)
-+ * @mask: access mode requested
-+ */
-+int sd_perm_nameidata(struct subdomain *sd, struct nameidata *nd, int mask)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (nd)
-+ error = sd_perm(sd, nd->dentry, nd->mnt, mask);
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_perm_dentry - file permissions interface when no vfsmnt available
-+ * @sd: current subdomain
-+ * @dentry: requested dentry
-+ * @mask: access mode requested
-+ *
-+ * Determine if access (mask) for dentry is authorized by subdomain sd.
-+ * Result, 0 (success), -ve (error)
-+ */
-+int sd_perm_dentry(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry, int mask)
-+ int error = 0, permerror;
-+ struct sd_audit sa;
-+ if (!__sd_is_confined(sd))
-+ goto out;
-+ if ((mask = sd_filter_mask(mask, dentry->d_inode)) == 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ sa.type = SD_AUDITTYPE_FILE;
-+ sa.ival = mask;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ permerror = _sd_perm_dentry(sd, dentry, mask, &sa.name);
-+ sd_permerror2result(permerror, &sa);
-+ error = sd_audit(sd, &sa);
-+ sd_put_name(sa.name);
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_perm_dir
-+ * @sd: current subdomain
-+ * @dentry: requested dentry
-+ * @mode: SD_DIR_MKDIR or SD_DIR_RMDIR
-+ *
-+ * Determine if directory operation (make/remove) for dentry is authorized
-+ * by subdomain sd.
-+ * Result, 0 (success), -ve (error)
-+ */
-+int sd_perm_dir(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry, int diroptype)
-+ int error = 0, permerror, mask;
-+ struct sd_audit sa;
-+ BUG_ON(diroptype != SD_DIR_MKDIR && diroptype != SD_DIR_RMDIR);
-+ if (!__sd_is_confined(sd))
-+ goto out;
-+ mask = MAY_WRITE;
-+ sa.type = SD_AUDITTYPE_DIR;
-+ sa.ival = diroptype;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ permerror = _sd_perm_dentry(sd, dentry, mask, &sa.name);
-+ sd_permerror2result(permerror, &sa);
-+ error = sd_audit(sd, &sa);
-+ sd_put_name(sa.name);
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_capability - test permission to use capability
-+ * @sd: subdomain to check against
-+ * @cap: capability to be tested
-+ *
-+ * Look up capability in active profile capability set.
-+ * Return 0 (success), -EPERM (error)
-+ */
-+int sd_capability(struct subdomain *sd, int cap)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ if (__sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ struct sd_audit sa;
-+ sa.type = SD_AUDITTYPE_CAP;
-+ sa.name = NULL;
-+ sa.ival = cap;
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.errorcode = 0;
-+ sa.result = cap_raised(sd->active->capabilities, cap);
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_ATOMIC;
-+ error = sd_audit(sd, &sa);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_link - hard link check
-+ * @link: dentry for link being created
-+ * @target: dentry for link target
-+ * @sd: subdomain to check against
-+ *
-+ * Checks link permissions for all possible name combinations. This is
-+ * particularly ugly. Returns 0 on sucess, error otherwise.
-+ */
-+int sd_link(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *link, struct dentry *target)
-+ char *iname = NULL, *oname = NULL,
-+ *failed_iname = NULL, *failed_oname = NULL;
-+ unsigned int result = 0;
-+ int error, sdpath_error, errorcode = 0, match = 0,
-+ sdcomplain = SUBDOMAIN_COMPLAIN(sd);
-+ struct sd_path_data idata, odata;
-+ struct sd_audit sa;
-+ if (!__sd_is_confined(sd))
-+ return 0;
-+ /* Perform nested lookup for names.
-+ * This is necessary in the case where /dev/block is mounted
-+ * multiple times, i.e /dev/block->/a and /dev/block->/b
-+ * This allows us to detect links where src/dest are on different
-+ * mounts. N.B no support yet for links across bind mounts of
-+ * the form mount -bind /mnt/subpath /mnt2
-+ *
-+ * Getting direct access to vfsmounts (via nameidata) for link and
-+ * target would allow all this uglyness to go away.
-+ *
-+ * If more than one mountpoint matches but none satisfy the profile,
-+ * only the first pathname (mountpoint) is logged.
-+ */
-+ sd_path_begin2(target, link, &odata);
-+ do {
-+ oname = sd_path_getname(&odata);
-+ if (oname) {
-+ sd_path_begin(target, &idata);
-+ do {
-+ iname = sd_path_getname(&idata);
-+ if (iname) {
-+ result = sd_link_perm(sd, oname, iname);
-+ /* access via any path is enough */
-+ if (result || sdcomplain) {
-+ match = 1;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* Already have an path that failed? */
-+ if (failed_iname) {
-+ sd_put_name(iname);
-+ } else {
-+ failed_iname = iname;
-+ failed_oname = oname;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ } while (iname && !match);
-+ /* should not be possible if we matched */
-+ if ((sdpath_error = sd_path_end(&idata)) != 0) {
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: An error occured while "
-+ "translating inner dentry %p "
-+ "inode %lu to a pathname. Error %d\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ target,
-+ target->d_inode->i_ino,
-+ sdpath_error);
-+ /* name should not be set if error */
-+ WARN_ON(iname);
-+ errorcode = sdpath_error;
-+ }
-+ /* don't release if we're saving it */
-+ if (!match && failed_oname != oname)
-+ sd_put_name(oname);
-+ }
-+ } while (oname && !match);
-+ if (errorcode != 0) {
-+ /* inner error */
-+ (void)sd_path_end(&odata);
-+ } else if ((sdpath_error = sd_path_end(&odata)) != 0) {
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: An error occured while translating outer "
-+ "dentry %p inode %lu to a pathname. Error %d\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ link,
-+ link->d_inode->i_ino,
-+ sdpath_error);
-+ errorcode = sdpath_error;
-+ }
-+ if (errorcode != 0) {
-+ /* inner or outer error */
-+ result = 0;
-+ } else if (match) {
-+ result = 1;
-+ } else {
-+ /* failed to match */
-+ WARN_ON(iname);
-+ WARN_ON(oname);
-+ result = 0;
-+ iname = failed_iname;
-+ oname = failed_oname;
-+ }
-+ sa.type = SD_AUDITTYPE_LINK;
-+ sa.name = oname; /* link */
-+ sa.pval = iname; /* target */
-+ sa.flags = 0;
-+ sa.errorcode = errorcode;
-+ sa.result = result;
-+ sa.gfp_mask = GFP_KERNEL;
-+ error = sd_audit(sd, &sa);
-+ if (failed_oname != oname)
-+ sd_put_name(failed_oname);
-+ if (failed_iname != iname)
-+ sd_put_name(failed_iname);
-+ sd_put_name(oname);
-+ sd_put_name(iname);
-+ return error;
-+ *********************************/
-+ * sd_fork - create a new subdomain
-+ * @p: new process
-+ *
-+ * Create a new subdomain struct for the newly created process @p.
-+ * Copy parent info to child. If parent has no subdomain, child
-+ * will get one with NULL values. Return 0 on sucess.
-+ */
-+int sd_fork(struct task_struct *p)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ struct subdomain *newsd = alloc_subdomain(p);
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ if (!newsd)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (sd) {
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ /* Can get away with a read rather than write lock here
-+ * as we just allocated newsd above, so we can guarantee
-+ * that it's active/profile are null and therefore a replace
-+ * cannot happen.
-+ */
-+ read_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd_switch(newsd, sd->profile, sd->active);
-+ newsd->sd_hat_magic = sd->sd_hat_magic;
-+ read_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd->active == null_complain_profile)
-+ "pid=%d child=%d\n",
-+ current->pid, p->pid);
-+ }
-+ p->security = newsd;
-+ return 0;
-+ * sd_register - register a new program
-+ * @filp: file of program being registered
-+ *
-+ * Try to register a new program during execve(). This should give the
-+ * new program a valid subdomain.
-+ *
-+ * This _used_ to be a really simple piece of code :-(
-+ *
-+ */
-+int sd_register(struct file *filp)
-+ char *filename;
-+ struct subdomain *sd, sdcopy;
-+ struct sdprofile *newprofile = NULL, unconstrained_flag;
-+ int error = -ENOMEM,
-+ exec_mode = 0,
-+ findprofile = 0,
-+ findprofile_mandatory = 0,
-+ issdcopy = 1,
-+ complain = 0;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ sd = get_sdcopy(&sdcopy);
-+ if (sd) {
-+ complain = SUBDOMAIN_COMPLAIN(sd);
-+ } else {
-+ /* task has no subdomain. This can happen when a task is
-+ * created when subdomain is not loaded. Allocate and
-+ * attach a subdomain to the task
-+ */
-+ issdcopy = 0;
-+ sd = alloc_subdomain(current);
-+ if (!sd) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Failed to allocate subdomain\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ current->security = sd;
-+ }
-+ filename = sd_get_name(filp->f_dentry, filp->f_vfsmnt);
-+ if (!filename) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Failed to get filename\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ error = 0;
-+ if (!__sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ /* Unconfined task, load profile if it exists */
-+ findprofile = 1;
-+ goto find_profile;
-+ }
-+ /* Confined task, determine what mode inherit, unconstrained or
-+ * mandatory to load new profile
-+ */
-+ if (sd_get_execmode(sd, filename, &exec_mode)) {
-+ switch (exec_mode) {
-+ /* do nothing - setting of profile
-+ * already handed in sd_fork
-+ */
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: INHERIT %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename);
-+ break;
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename);
-+ /* unload profile */
-+ newprofile = &unconstrained_flag;
-+ break;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: PROFILE %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename);
-+ findprofile = 1;
-+ findprofile_mandatory = 1;
-+ break;
-+ case SD_MAY_EXEC:
-+ /* this should not happen, entries
-+ * with just EXEC only should be
-+ * rejected at profile load time
-+ */
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: Rejecting exec(2) of image '%s'. "
-+ "SD_MAY_EXEC without exec qualifier invalid "
-+ "(%s(%d) profile %s active %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename,
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->active->name);
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: Rejecting exec(2) of image '%s'. "
-+ "Unknown exec qualifier %x "
-+ "(%s (pid %d) profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename,
-+ exec_mode,
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->active->name);
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ } else if (complain) {
-+ /* There was no entry in calling profile
-+ * describing mode to execute image in.
-+ * Drop into null-profile
-+ */
-+ newprofile = get_sdprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ } else {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Rejecting exec(2) of image '%s'. "
-+ "Unable to determine exec qualifier "
-+ "(%s (pid %d) profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename,
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->active->name);
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ }
-+ if (!findprofile)
-+ goto apply_profile;
-+ /* Locate new profile */
-+ newprofile = sd_profilelist_find(filename);
-+ if (newprofile) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: setting profile %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, newprofile->name);
-+ } else if (findprofile_mandatory) {
-+ /* Profile (mandatory) could not be found */
-+ if (complain) {
-+ "image=%s pid=%d profile=%s active=%s\n",
-+ filename,
-+ current->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name,
-+ sd->active->name);
-+ newprofile = get_sdprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ } else {
-+ SD_WARN("REJECTING exec(2) of image '%s'. "
-+ "Profile mandatory and not found "
-+ "(%s(%d) profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ filename,
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->active->name);
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ /* Profile (non-mandatory) could not be found */
-+ /* Only way we can get into this code is if task
-+ * is unconstrained.
-+ */
-+ BUG_ON(__sd_is_confined(sd));
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: No profile found for exec image %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ filename);
-+ } /* newprofile */
-+ /* Apply profile if necessary */
-+ if (newprofile) {
-+ struct subdomain *latest_sd;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (newprofile == &unconstrained_flag)
-+ newprofile = NULL;
-+ /* grab a write lock
-+ *
-+ * Several things may have changed since the code above
-+ *
-+ * - If we are a confined process, sd is a refcounted copy of
-+ * the subdomain (get_sdcopy) and not the actual subdomain.
-+ * This allows us to not have to hold a read lock around
-+ * all this code. However, we need to change the actual
-+ * subdomain, not the copy. Also, if profile replacement
-+ * has taken place, our sd->profile may be inaccurate
-+ * so we need to undo the copy and reverse the refcounting.
-+ *
-+ * - If newprofile points to an actual profile (result of
-+ * sd_profilelist_find above), this profile may have been
-+ * replaced. We need to fix it up. Doing this to avoid
-+ * having to hold a write lock around all this code.
-+ */
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ /* task is guaranteed to have a subdomain (->security)
-+ * by this point
-+ */
-+ latest_sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ /* Determine if profile we found earlier is stale.
-+ * If so, reobtain it. N.B stale flag should never be
-+ * set on null_complain profile.
-+ */
-+ if (newprofile && unlikely(newprofile->isstale)) {
-+ BUG_ON(newprofile == null_complain_profile);
-+ /* drop refcnt obtained from earlier get_sdprofile */
-+ put_sdprofile(newprofile);
-+ newprofile = sd_profilelist_find(filename);
-+ if (!newprofile) {
-+ /* Race, profile was removed, not replaced.
-+ * Redo with error checking
-+ */
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ goto find_profile;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* need to drop reference counts we obtained in get_sdcopy
-+ * above. Need to do it before overwriting latest_sd, in
-+ * case latest_sd == sd (no async replacement has taken place).
-+ */
-+ if (issdcopy) {
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ issdcopy = 0;
-+ }
-+ sd_switch(latest_sd, newprofile, newprofile);
-+ put_sdprofile(newprofile);
-+ if (complain && newprofile == null_complain_profile)
-+ "pid=%d\n",
-+ current->pid);
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ }
-+ sd_put_name(filename);
-+ if (issdcopy)
-+ put_sdcopy(sd);
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_release - release the task's subdomain
-+ * @p: task being released
-+ *
-+ * This is called after a task has exited and the parent has reaped it.
-+ * @p->security blob is freed.
-+ */
-+void sd_release(struct task_struct *p)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(p->security);
-+ if (sd) {
-+ p->security = NULL;
-+ sd_subdomainlist_remove(sd);
-+ /* release profiles */
-+ put_sdprofile(sd->profile);
-+ put_sdprofile(sd->active);
-+ kfree(sd);
-+ }
-+ ****************************/
-+ * do_change_hat - actually switch hats
-+ * @name: name of hat to swtich to
-+ * @sd: current subdomain
-+ *
-+ * Switch to a new hat. Return 0 on success, error otherwise.
-+ */
-+static inline int do_change_hat(const char *hat_name, struct subdomain *sd)
-+ struct sdprofile *sub;
-+ struct sdprofile *p = sd->active;
-+ int error = 0;
-+ sub = __sd_find_profile(hat_name, &sd->profile->sub);
-+ if (sub) {
-+ /* change hat */
-+ sd->active = sub;
-+ } else {
-+ /* There is no such subprofile change to a NULL profile.
-+ * The NULL profile grants no file access.
-+ *
-+ * This feature is used by changehat_apache.
-+ *
-+ * N.B from the null-profile the task can still changehat back
-+ * out to the parent profile (assuming magic != NULL)
-+ */
-+ "%s pid=%d "
-+ "profile=%s active=%s\n",
-+ hat_name,
-+ current->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name,
-+ sd->active->name);
-+ sd->active = get_sdprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ } else {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: Unknown hatname '%s'. "
-+ "Changing to NULL profile "
-+ "(%s(%d) profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ hat_name,
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->active->name);
-+ sd->active = get_sdprofile(null_profile);
-+ error = -EACCES;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ put_sdprofile(p);
-+ return error;
-+ * sd_change_hat - change hat to/from subprofile
-+ * @hat_name: specifies hat to change to
-+ * @hat_magic: token to validate hat change
-+ *
-+ * Change to new @hat_name when current hat is top level profile, and store
-+ * the @hat_magic in the current subdomain. If the new @hat_name is
-+ * NULL, and the @hat_magic matches that stored in the current subdomain
-+ * return to original top level profile. Returns 0 on success, error
-+ * otherwise.
-+ */
-+#define IN_SUBPROFILE(sd) ((sd)->profile != (sd)->active)
-+int sd_change_hat(const char *hat_name, __u32 hat_magic)
-+ struct subdomain *sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ int error = 0;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: %p, 0x%x (pid %d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ hat_name, hat_magic,
-+ current->pid);
-+ /* Dump out above debugging in WARN mode if we are in AUDIT mode */
-+ if (SUBDOMAIN_AUDIT(sd)) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: %s, 0x%x (pid %d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, hat_name ? hat_name : "NULL",
-+ hat_magic, current->pid);
-+ }
-+ /* no subdomain: changehat into the null_profile, since the process
-+ has no subdomain do_change_hat won't find a match which will cause
-+ a changehat to null_profile. We could short circuit this but since
-+ the subdprofile (hat) list is empty we would save very little. */
-+ /* check to see if an unconfined process is doing a changehat. */
-+ if (!__sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ error = -EACCES;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* Check whether current domain is parent
-+ * or one of the sibling children
-+ */
-+ if (sd->profile == sd->active) {
-+ /*
-+ * parent
-+ */
-+ if (hat_name) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: switching to %s, 0x%x\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ hat_name,
-+ hat_magic);
-+ /*
-+ * N.B hat_magic == 0 has a special meaning
-+ * this indicates that the task may never changehat
-+ * back to it's parent, it will stay in this subhat
-+ * (or null-profile, if the hat doesn't exist) until
-+ * the task terminates
-+ */
-+ sd->sd_hat_magic = hat_magic;
-+ error = do_change_hat(hat_name, sd);
-+ } else {
-+ /* Got here via changehat(NULL, magic)
-+ *
-+ * We used to simply update the magic cookie.
-+ * That's an odd behaviour, so just do nothing.
-+ */
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ /*
-+ * child -- check to make sure magic is same as what was
-+ * passed when we switched into this profile,
-+ * Handle special casing of NULL magic which confines task
-+ * to subprofile and prohibits further changehats
-+ */
-+ if (hat_magic == sd->sd_hat_magic && sd->sd_hat_magic) {
-+ if (!hat_name) {
-+ /*
-+ * Got here via changehat(NULL, magic)
-+ * Return from subprofile, back to parent
-+ */
-+ put_sdprofile(sd->active);
-+ sd->active = get_sdprofile(sd->profile);
-+ /* Reset hat_magic to zero.
-+ * New value will be passed on next changehat
-+ */
-+ sd->sd_hat_magic = 0;
-+ } else {
-+ /* change to another (sibling) profile */
-+ error = do_change_hat(hat_name, sd);
-+ }
-+ } else if (sd->sd_hat_magic) {
-+ SD_ERROR("KILLING process %s(%d) "
-+ "Invalid change_hat() magic# 0x%x "
-+ "(hatname %s profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ hat_magic,
-+ hat_name ? hat_name : "NULL",
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->active->name);
-+ /* terminate current process */
-+ (void)send_sig_info(SIGKILL, NULL, current);
-+ } else { /* sd->sd_hat_magic == NULL */
-+ SD_ERROR("KILLING process %s(%d) "
-+ "Task was confined to current subprofile "
-+ "(profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->active->name);
-+ /* terminate current process */
-+ (void)send_sig_info(SIGKILL, NULL, current);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return error;
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/module_interface.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor userspace policy interface
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+#include "module_interface.h"
-+#include "aamatch/match.h"
-+/* sd_code defined in module_interface.h */
-+const int sdcode_datasize[] = { 1, 2, 4, 8, 2, 2, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
-+struct sd_taskreplace_data {
-+ struct sdprofile *old_profile;
-+ struct sdprofile *new_profile;
-+/* inlines must be forward of there use in newer version of gcc,
-+ just forward declaring with a prototype won't work anymore */
-+static inline void free_sd_entry(struct sd_entry *entry)
-+ if (entry) {
-+ kfree(entry->filename);
-+ sdmatch_free(entry->extradata);
-+ kfree(entry);
-+ }
-+ * alloc_sd_entry - create new empty sd_entry
-+ *
-+ * This routine allocates, initializes, and returns a new subdomain
-+ * file entry structure. Structure is zeroed. Returns new structure on
-+ * success, NULL on failure.
-+ */
-+static inline struct sd_entry *alloc_sd_entry(void)
-+ struct sd_entry *entry;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);
-+ entry = kmalloc(sizeof(struct sd_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (entry) {
-+ int i;
-+ memset(entry, 0, sizeof(struct sd_entry));
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&entry->list);
-+ for (i = 0; i <= POS_SD_FILE_MAX; i++) {
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&entry->listp[i]);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return entry;
-+ * free_sdprofile - free sdprofile structure
-+ */
-+void free_sdprofile(struct sdprofile *profile)
-+ struct sd_entry *sdent, *tmp;
-+ struct sdprofile *p, *ptmp;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s(%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, profile);
-+ if (!profile)
-+ return;
-+ /* profile is still on global profile list -- invalid */
-+ if (!list_empty(&profile->list)) {
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: internal error, "
-+ "profile '%s' still on global list\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ profile->name);
-+ BUG();
-+ }
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(sdent, tmp, &profile->file_entry, list) {
-+ if (sdent->filename)
-+ SD_DEBUG("freeing sd_entry: %p %s\n",
-+ sdent->filename, sdent->filename);
-+ list_del_init(&sdent->list);
-+ free_sd_entry(sdent);
-+ }
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(p, ptmp, &profile->sub, list) {
-+ list_del_init(&p->list);
-+ put_sdprofile(p);
-+ }
-+ if (profile->name) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, profile->name);
-+ kfree(profile->name);
-+ }
-+ kfree(profile);
-+/** task_remove
-+ *
-+ * remove profile in a task's subdomain leaving the task unconfined
-+ *
-+ * @sd: task's subdomain
-+ */
-+static inline void task_remove(struct subdomain *sd)
-+ /* write_lock(&sd_lock) held here */
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: removing profile from task %s(%d) profile %s active %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ sd->task->comm,
-+ sd->task->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name,
-+ sd->active->name);
-+ sd_switch_unconfined(sd);
-+/** taskremove_iter
-+ *
-+ * Iterate over all subdomains.
-+ *
-+ * If any matches old_profile, then call task_remove to remove it.
-+ * This leaves the task (subdomain) unconfined.
-+ */
-+static int taskremove_iter(struct subdomain *sd, void *cookie)
-+ struct sdprofile *old_profile = (struct sdprofile *)cookie;
-+ int remove = 0;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ if (__sd_is_confined(sd) && sd->profile == old_profile) {
-+ remove = 1; /* remove item from list */
-+ task_remove(sd);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ return remove;
-+/** task_replace
-+ *
-+ * replace profile in a task's subdomain with newly loaded profile
-+ *
-+ * @sd: task's subdomain
-+ * @new: old profile
-+ */
-+static inline void task_replace(struct subdomain *sd, struct sdprofile *new)
-+ struct sdprofile *nactive = NULL;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: replacing profile for task %s(%d) "
-+ "profile=%s (%p) active=%s (%p)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ sd->task->comm, sd->task->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->profile,
-+ sd->active->name, sd->active);
-+ if (sd->profile == sd->active)
-+ nactive = get_sdprofile(new);
-+ else if (sd->active) {
-+ /* old in hat, new profile has hats */
-+ nactive = __sd_find_profile(sd->active->name, &new->sub);
-+ if (!nactive) {
-+ if (new->flags.complain)
-+ nactive = get_sdprofile(null_complain_profile);
-+ else
-+ nactive = get_sdprofile(null_profile);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ sd_switch(sd, new, nactive);
-+ put_sdprofile(nactive);
-+/** taskreplace_iter
-+ *
-+ * Iterate over all subdomains.
-+ *
-+ * If any matches old_profile, then call task_replace to replace with
-+ * new_profile
-+ */
-+static int taskreplace_iter(struct subdomain *sd, void *cookie)
-+ struct sd_taskreplace_data *data = (struct sd_taskreplace_data *)cookie;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ if (__sd_is_confined(sd) && sd->profile == data->old_profile)
-+ task_replace(sd, data->new_profile);
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ return 0;
-+static inline int sd_inbounds(struct sd_ext *e, size_t size)
-+ return (e->pos + size <= e->end);
-+ * sdconvert - for codes that have a trailing value, convert that value
-+ * and put it in dest.
-+ * if a code does not have a trailing value nop
-+ * @code: type code
-+ * @dest: pointer to object to receive the converted value
-+ * @src: pointer to value to convert
-+ */
-+static void sdconvert(enum sd_code code, void *dest, void *src)
-+ switch (code) {
-+ case SD_U8:
-+ *(u8 *)dest = *(u8 *) src;
-+ break;
-+ case SD_U16:
-+ case SD_NAME:
-+ case SD_DYN_STRING:
-+ *(u16 *)dest = le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *)src));
-+ break;
-+ case SD_U32:
-+ *(u32 *)dest = le32_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u32 *)src));
-+ break;
-+ case SD_U64:
-+ *(u64 *)dest = le64_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u64 *)src));
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ /* nop - all other type codes do not have a trailing value */
-+ ;
-+ }
-+ * sd_is_X - check if the next element is of type X and if it is within
-+ * bounds. If it is put the associated value in data.
-+ * @e: extent information
-+ * @code: type code
-+ * @data: object located at @e->pos (of type @code) is written into @data
-+ * if @data is non-null. if data is null it means skip this
-+ * entry
-+ * return the size of bytes associated with the returned data
-+ * for complex object like blob and string a pointer to the allocated
-+ * data is returned in data, but the size of the blob or string is
-+ * returned.
-+ */
-+static u32 sd_is_X(struct sd_ext *e, enum sd_code code, void *data)
-+ void *pos = e->pos;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if (!sd_inbounds(e, SD_CODE_BYTE + sdcode_datasize[code]))
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (code != *(u8 *)e->pos)
-+ goto out;
-+ e->pos += SD_CODE_BYTE;
-+ if (code == SD_NAME) {
-+ u16 size;
-+ /* name codes are followed by X bytes */
-+ size = le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *)e->pos));
-+ if (!sd_inbounds(e, (size_t) size))
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (data)
-+ *(u16 *)data = size;
-+ e->pos += sdcode_datasize[code];
-+ ret = 1 + sdcode_datasize[code];
-+ } else if (code == SD_DYN_STRING) {
-+ u16 size;
-+ char *str;
-+ /* strings codes are followed by X bytes */
-+ size = le16_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u16 *)e->pos));
-+ e->pos += sdcode_datasize[code];
-+ if (!sd_inbounds(e, (size_t) size))
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (data) {
-+ * (char **)data = NULL;
-+ str = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!str)
-+ goto fail;
-+ memcpy(str, e->pos, (size_t) size);
-+ str[size-1] = '\0';
-+ * (char **)data = str;
-+ }
-+ e->pos += size;
-+ ret = size;
-+ } else if (code == SD_STATIC_BLOB) {
-+ u32 size;
-+ /* blobs are followed by X bytes, that can be 2^32 */
-+ size = le32_to_cpu(get_unaligned((u32 *)e->pos));
-+ e->pos += sdcode_datasize[code];
-+ if (!sd_inbounds(e, (size_t) size))
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (data)
-+ memcpy(data, e->pos, (size_t) size);
-+ e->pos += size;
-+ ret = size;
-+ } else {
-+ if (data)
-+ sdconvert(code, data, e->pos);
-+ e->pos += sdcode_datasize[code];
-+ ret = 1 + sdcode_datasize[code];
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+ e->pos = pos;
-+ return 0;
-+/* sd_is_nameX - check is the next element is X, and its tag is name.
-+ * if the code matches and name (if specified) matches then the packed data
-+ * is unpacked into *data. (Note for strings this is the size, and the next
-+ * data in the stream is the string data)
-+ * returns 0 if either match failes
-+ */
-+static int sd_is_nameX(struct sd_ext *e, enum sd_code code, void *data,
-+ const char *name)
-+ void *pos = e->pos;
-+ u16 size;
-+ u32 ret;
-+ /* check for presence of a tagname, and if present name size
-+ * SD_NAME tag value is a u16 */
-+ if (sd_is_X(e, SD_NAME, &size)) {
-+ /* if a name is specified it must match. otherwise skip tag */
-+ if (name && ((strlen(name) != size-1) ||
-+ strncmp(name, (char *)e->pos, (size_t)size-1)))
-+ goto fail;
-+ e->pos += size;
-+ }
-+ /* now check if data actually matches */
-+ ret = sd_is_X(e, code, data);
-+ if (!ret)
-+ goto fail;
-+ return ret;
-+ e->pos = pos;
-+ return 0;
-+/* macro to wrap error case to make a block of reads look nicer */
-+#define SD_READ_X(E, C, D, N) \
-+ do { \
-+ u32 __ret; \
-+ __ret = sd_is_nameX((E), (C), (D), (N)); \
-+ if (!__ret) \
-+ goto fail; \
-+ } while (0)
-+ * sd_activate_net_entry - ignores/skips net entries if the they are present
-+ * in the data stream.
-+ * @e: extent information
-+ */
-+static inline int sd_activate_net_entry(struct sd_ext *e)
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_STRUCT, NULL, "ne");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, NULL, NULL);
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, NULL, NULL);
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, NULL, NULL);
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U16, NULL, NULL);
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U16, NULL, NULL);
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, NULL, NULL);
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, NULL, NULL);
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U16, NULL, NULL);
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U16, NULL, NULL);
-+ /* interface name is optional so just ignore return code */
-+ sd_is_nameX(e, SD_DYN_STRING, NULL, NULL);
-+ return 1;
-+ return 0;
-+static inline struct sd_entry *sd_activate_file_entry(struct sd_ext *e)
-+ struct sd_entry *entry = NULL;
-+ if (!(entry = alloc_sd_entry()))
-+ goto fail;
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_STRUCT, NULL, "fe");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_DYN_STRING, &entry->filename, NULL);
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, &entry->mode, "file.mode");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, &entry->entry_type, "file.pattern_type");
-+ entry->extradata = sdmatch_alloc(entry->entry_type);
-+ if (IS_ERR(entry->extradata)) {
-+ entry->extradata = NULL;
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ if (entry->extradata &&
-+ sdmatch_serialize(entry->extradata, e, sd_is_nameX) != 0) {
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ switch (entry->entry_type) {
-+ case sd_entry_literal:
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: %s [no pattern] mode=0x%x\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ entry->filename,
-+ entry->mode);
-+ break;
-+ case sd_entry_tailglob:
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: %s [tailglob] mode=0x%x\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ entry->filename,
-+ entry->mode);
-+ break;
-+ case sd_entry_pattern:
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: %s mode=0x%x\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ entry->filename,
-+ entry->mode);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ SD_WARN("%s: INVALID entry_type %d\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ (int)entry->entry_type);
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ return entry;
-+ sdmatch_free(entry->extradata);
-+ free_sd_entry(entry);
-+ return NULL;
-+static inline int check_rule_and_add(struct sd_entry *file_entry,
-+ struct sdprofile *profile,
-+ const char **message)
-+ /* verify consistency of x, px, ix, ux for entry against
-+ possible duplicates for this entry */
-+ int mode = SD_EXEC_MODIFIER_MASK(file_entry->mode);
-+ int i;
-+ if (mode && !(SD_MAY_EXEC & file_entry->mode)) {
-+ *message = "inconsistent rule, x modifiers without x";
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* check that only 1 of the modifiers is set */
-+ if (mode && (mode & (mode - 1))) {
-+ *message = "inconsistent rule, multiple x modifiers";
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ list_add(&file_entry->list, &profile->file_entry);
-+ profile->num_file_entries++;
-+ mode = file_entry->mode;
-+ /* Handle partitioned lists
-+ * Chain entries onto sublists based on individual
-+ * permission bits. This allows more rapid searching.
-+ */
-+ for (i = 0; i <= POS_SD_FILE_MAX; i++) {
-+ if (mode & (1 << i))
-+ /* profile->file_entryp[i] initially set to
-+ * NULL in alloc_sdprofile() */
-+ list_add(&file_entry->listp[i],
-+ &profile->file_entryp[i]);
-+ }
-+ return 1;
-+ free_sd_entry(file_entry);
-+ return 0;
-+#define SD_ENTRY_LIST(NAME) \
-+ do { \
-+ if (sd_is_nameX(e, SD_LIST, NULL, (NAME))) { \
-+ rulename = ""; \
-+ error_string = "Invalid file entry"; \
-+ while (!sd_is_nameX(e, SD_LISTEND, NULL, NULL)) { \
-+ struct sd_entry *file_entry; \
-+ file_entry = sd_activate_file_entry(e); \
-+ if (!file_entry) \
-+ goto fail; \
-+ if (!check_rule_and_add(file_entry, profile, \
-+ &error_string)) { \
-+ rulename = file_entry->filename; \
-+ goto fail; \
-+ } \
-+ } \
-+ } \
-+ } while (0)
-+struct sdprofile *sd_activate_profile(struct sd_ext *e, ssize_t *error)
-+ struct sdprofile *profile = NULL;
-+ const char *rulename = "";
-+ const char *error_string = "Invalid Profile";
-+ *error = -EPROTO;
-+ profile = alloc_sdprofile();
-+ if (!profile) {
-+ error_string = "Could not allocate profile";
-+ *error = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ /* check that we have the right struct being passed */
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_STRUCT, NULL, "profile");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_DYN_STRING, &profile->name, NULL);
-+ error_string = "Invalid flags";
-+ /* per profile debug flags (debug, complain, audit) */
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_STRUCT, NULL, "flags");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, &(profile->flags.debug), "profile.flags.debug");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, &(profile->flags.complain),
-+ "profile.flags.complain");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, &(profile->flags.audit), "profile.flags.audit");
-+ error_string = "Invalid capabilities";
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, &(profile->capabilities), "profile.capabilities");
-+ /* get the file entries. */
-+ SD_ENTRY_LIST("pgent"); /* pcre rules */
-+ SD_ENTRY_LIST("sgent"); /* simple globs */
-+ SD_ENTRY_LIST("fent"); /* regular file entries */
-+ /* get the net entries */
-+ if (sd_is_nameX(e, SD_LIST, NULL, "net")) {
-+ error_string = "Invalid net entry";
-+ while (!sd_is_nameX(e, SD_LISTEND, NULL, NULL)) {
-+ if (!sd_activate_net_entry(e))
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ rulename = "";
-+ /* get subprofiles */
-+ if (sd_is_nameX(e, SD_LIST, NULL, "hats")) {
-+ error_string = "Invalid profile hat";
-+ while (!sd_is_nameX(e, SD_LISTEND, NULL, NULL)) {
-+ struct sdprofile *subprofile;
-+ subprofile = sd_activate_profile(e, error);
-+ if (!subprofile)
-+ goto fail;
-+ get_sdprofile(subprofile);
-+ list_add(&subprofile->list, &profile->sub);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ error_string = "Invalid end of profile";
-+ return profile;
-+ SD_WARN("%s: %s %s in profile %s\n", INTERFACE_ID, rulename,
-+ error_string, profile && profile->name ? profile->name
-+ : "unknown");
-+ if (profile) {
-+ free_sdprofile(profile);
-+ profile = NULL;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+void *sd_activate_top_profile(struct sd_ext *e, ssize_t *error)
-+ /* get the interface version */
-+ if (!sd_is_nameX(e, SD_U32, &e->version, "version")) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: version missing\n", INTERFACE_ID);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* check that the interface version is currently supported */
-+ if (e->version != 2) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: unsupported interface version (%d)\n",
-+ INTERFACE_ID, e->version);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ return sd_activate_profile(e, error);
-+ return NULL;
-+ssize_t sd_file_prof_add(void *data, size_t size)
-+ struct sdprofile *profile = NULL;
-+ struct sd_ext e = { data, data + size, data };
-+ ssize_t error;
-+ profile = sd_activate_top_profile(&e, &error);
-+ if (!profile) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("couldn't activate profile\n");
-+ return error;
-+ }
-+ if (!sd_profilelist_add(profile)) {
-+ SD_WARN("trying to add profile (%s) that already exists.\n",
-+ profile->name);
-+ free_sdprofile(profile);
-+ return -EEXIST;
-+ }
-+ return size;
-+ssize_t sd_file_prof_repl(void *udata, size_t size)
-+ struct sd_taskreplace_data data;
-+ struct sd_ext e = { udata, udata + size, udata };
-+ ssize_t error;
-+ data.new_profile = sd_activate_top_profile(&e, &error);
-+ if (!data.new_profile) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("couldn't activate profile\n");
-+ return error;
-+ }
-+ /* Grab reference to close race window (see comment below) */
-+ get_sdprofile(data.new_profile);
-+ /* Replace the profile on the global profile list.
-+ * This list is used by all new exec's to find the correct profile.
-+ * If there was a previous profile, it is returned, else NULL.
-+ *
-+ * N.B sd_profilelist_replace does not drop the refcnt on
-+ * old_profile when removing it from the global list, otherwise it
-+ * could reach zero and be automatically free'd. We nust manually
-+ * drop it at the end of this function when we are finished with it.
-+ */
-+ data.old_profile = sd_profilelist_replace(data.new_profile);
-+ /* RACE window here.
-+ * At this point another task could preempt us trying to replace
-+ * the SAME profile. If it makes it to this point, it has removed
-+ * the original tasks new_profile from the global list and holds a
-+ * reference of 1 to it in it's old_profile. If the new task
-+ * reaches the end of the function it will put old_profile causing
-+ * the profile to be deleted.
-+ * When the original task is rescheduled it will continue calling
-+ * sd_subdomainlist_iterate relabelling tasks with a profile
-+ * which points to free'd memory.
-+ */
-+ /* If there was an old profile, find all currently executing tasks
-+ * using this profile and replace the old profile with the new.
-+ */
-+ if (data.old_profile) {
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: try to replace profile (%p)%s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ data.old_profile,
-+ data.old_profile->name);
-+ sd_subdomainlist_iterate(taskreplace_iter, (void *)&data);
-+ /* mark old profile as stale */
-+ data.old_profile->isstale = 1;
-+ /* it's off global list, and we are done replacing */
-+ put_sdprofile(data.old_profile);
-+ }
-+ /* Free reference obtained above */
-+ put_sdprofile(data.new_profile);
-+ return size;
-+ssize_t sd_file_prof_remove(const char *name, size_t size)
-+ struct sdprofile *old_profile;
-+ /* Do this step to get a guaranteed reference to profile
-+ * as sd_profilelist_remove may drop it to zero which would
-+ * made subsequent attempt to iterate using it unsafe
-+ */
-+ old_profile = sd_profilelist_find(name);
-+ if (old_profile) {
-+ if (sd_profilelist_remove(name) != 0)
-+ SD_WARN("%s: race trying to remove profile (%s)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, name);
-+ /* remove profile from any tasks using it */
-+ sd_subdomainlist_iterateremove(taskremove_iter,
-+ (void *)old_profile);
-+ /* drop reference obtained by sd_profilelist_find */
-+ put_sdprofile(old_profile);
-+ } else {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: trying to remove profile (%s) that "
-+ "doesn't exist - skipping.\n", __FUNCTION__, name);
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ }
-+ return size;
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/module_interface.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
-+/* Codes of the types of basic structures that are understood */
-+#define SD_CODE_BYTE (sizeof(u8))
-+enum sd_code {
-+ SD_U8,
-+ SD_U16,
-+ SD_U32,
-+ SD_U64,
-+ SD_NAME, /* same as string except it is items name */
-+/* sd_ext tracks the kernel buffer and read position in it. The interface
-+ * data is copied into a kernel buffer in subdomainfs and then handed off to
-+ * the activate routines.
-+ */
-+struct sd_ext {
-+ void *start;
-+ void *end;
-+ void *pos; /* pointer to current position in the buffer */
-+ u32 version;
-+#endif /* __MODULEINTERFACE_H */
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/procattr.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor /proc/pid/attr handling
-+ */
-+/* for isspace */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+size_t sd_getprocattr(struct subdomain *sd, char *str, size_t size)
-+ int error = -EACCES; /* default to a perm denied */
-+ size_t len;
-+ if (__sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ size_t lena, lenm, lenp = 0;
-+ const char *enforce_str = " (enforce)";
-+ const char *complain_str = " (complain)";
-+ const char *mode_str =
-+ SUBDOMAIN_COMPLAIN(sd) ? complain_str : enforce_str;
-+ lenm = strlen(mode_str);
-+ lena = strlen(sd->active->name);
-+ len = lena;
-+ if (sd->active != sd->profile) {
-+ lenp = strlen(sd->profile->name);
-+ len += (lenp + 1); /* +1 for ^ */
-+ }
-+ /* DONT null terminate strings we output via proc */
-+ len += (lenm + 1); /* for \n */
-+ if (len <= size) {
-+ if (lenp) {
-+ memcpy(str, sd->profile->name, lenp);
-+ str += lenp;
-+ *str++ = '^';
-+ }
-+ memcpy(str, sd->active->name, lena);
-+ str += lena;
-+ memcpy(str, mode_str, lenm);
-+ str += lenm;
-+ *str++ = '\n';
-+ error = len;
-+ } else {
-+ error = -ERANGE;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ const char *unconstrained_str = SD_UNCONSTRAINED "\n";
-+ len = strlen(unconstrained_str);
-+ /* DONT null terminate strings we output via proc */
-+ if (len <= size) {
-+ memcpy(str, unconstrained_str, len);
-+ error = len;
-+ } else {
-+ error = -ERANGE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+int sd_setprocattr_changehat(char *hatinfo, size_t infosize)
-+ int error = -EINVAL;
-+ char *token = NULL, *hat, *smagic, *tmp;
-+ __u32 magic;
-+ int rc, len, consumed;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: %p %zd\n", __FUNCTION__, hatinfo, infosize);
-+ /* strip leading white space */
-+ while (infosize && isspace(*hatinfo)) {
-+ hatinfo++;
-+ infosize--;
-+ }
-+ if (infosize == 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ /*
-+ * Copy string to a new buffer so we can play with it
-+ * It may be zero terminated but we add a trailing 0
-+ * for 100% safety
-+ */
-+ token = kmalloc(infosize + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!token) {
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ memcpy(token, hatinfo, infosize);
-+ token[infosize] = 0;
-+ /* error is INVAL until we have at least parsed something */
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ tmp = token;
-+ while (*tmp && *tmp != '^') {
-+ tmp++;
-+ }
-+ if (!*tmp || tmp == token) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Invalid input '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, token);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* split magic and hat into two strings */
-+ *tmp = 0;
-+ smagic = token;
-+ /*
-+ * Initially set consumed=strlen(magic), as if sscanf
-+ * consumes all input via the %x it will not process the %n
-+ * directive. Otherwise, if sscanf does not consume all the
-+ * input it will process the %n and update consumed.
-+ */
-+ consumed = len = strlen(smagic);
-+ rc = sscanf(smagic, "%x%n", &magic, &consumed);
-+ if (rc != 1 || consumed != len) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Invalid hex magic %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ smagic);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ hat = tmp + 1;
-+ if (!*hat)
-+ hat = NULL;
-+ if (!hat && !magic) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Invalid input, NULL hat and NULL magic\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: Magic 0x%x Hat '%s'\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, magic, hat ? hat : NULL);
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ error = sd_change_hat(hat, magic);
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ if (token) {
-+ memset(token, 0, infosize);
-+ kfree(token);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+int sd_setprocattr_setprofile(struct task_struct *p, char *profilename,
-+ size_t profilesize)
-+ int error = -EINVAL;
-+ struct sdprofile *profile;
-+ struct subdomain *sd;
-+ char *name = NULL;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: current %s(%d)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, current->comm, current->pid);
-+ /* strip leading white space */
-+ while (profilesize && isspace(*profilename)) {
-+ profilename++;
-+ profilesize--;
-+ }
-+ if (profilesize == 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ /*
-+ * Copy string to a new buffer so we guarantee it is zero
-+ * terminated
-+ */
-+ name = kmalloc(profilesize + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!name) {
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ strncpy(name, profilename, profilesize);
-+ name[profilesize] = 0;
-+ if (strcmp(name, SD_UNCONSTRAINED) == 0)
-+ profile = null_profile;
-+ else
-+ profile = sd_profilelist_find(name);
-+ if (!profile) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Unable to switch task %s(%d) to profile '%s'. "
-+ "No such profile.\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ p->comm, p->pid,
-+ name);
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(p->security);
-+ /* switch to unconstrained */
-+ if (profile == null_profile) {
-+ if (__sd_is_confined(sd)) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Unconstraining task %s(%d) "
-+ "profile %s active %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ p->comm, p->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name,
-+ sd->active->name);
-+ sd_switch_unconfined(sd);
-+ } else {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: task %s(%d) "
-+ "is already unconstrained\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, p->comm, p->pid);
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ if (!sd) {
-+ /* this task was created before module was
-+ * loaded, allocate a subdomain
-+ */
-+ SD_WARN("%s: task %s(%d) has no subdomain\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, p->comm, p->pid);
-+ /* unlock so we can safely GFP_KERNEL */
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ sd = alloc_subdomain(p);
-+ if (!sd) {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Unable to allocate subdomain for "
-+ "task %s(%d). Cannot confine task to "
-+ "profile %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ p->comm, p->pid,
-+ name);
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ put_sdprofile(profile);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ if (!SD_SUBDOMAIN(p->security)) {
-+ p->security = sd;
-+ } else { /* race */
-+ free_subdomain(sd);
-+ sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(p->security);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* we do not do a normal task replace since we are not
-+ * replacing with the same profile.
-+ * If existing process is in a hat, it will be moved
-+ * into the new parent profile, even if this new
-+ * profile has a identical named hat.
-+ */
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Switching task %s(%d) "
-+ "profile %s active %s to new profile %s\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ p->comm, p->pid,
-+ sd->profile ? sd->profile->name : SD_UNCONSTRAINED,
-+ sd->active ? sd->profile->name : SD_UNCONSTRAINED,
-+ name);
-+ sd_switch(sd, profile, profile);
-+ put_sdprofile(profile); /* drop ref we obtained above
-+ * from sd_profilelist_find
-+ */
-+ /* Reset magic in case we were in a subhat before
-+ * This is the only case where we zero the magic after
-+ * calling sd_switch
-+ */
-+ sd->sd_hat_magic = 0;
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&sd_lock, flags);
-+ kfree(name);
-+ return error;
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/aamatch/match.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor submodule (match) prototypes
-+ */
-+#ifndef __MATCH_H
-+#define __MATCH_H
-+#include "../module_interface.h"
-+#include "../apparmor.h"
-+/* The following functions implement an interface used by the primary
-+ * AppArmor module to perform name matching (n.b. "AppArmor" was previously
-+ * called "SubDomain").
-+ * sdmatch_alloc
-+ * sdmatch_free
-+ * sdmatch_features
-+ * sdmatch_serialize
-+ * sdmatch_match
-+ *
-+ * The intent is for the primary module to export (via virtual fs entries)
-+ * the features provided by the submodule (sdmatch_features) so that the
-+ * parser may only load policy that can be supported.
-+ *
-+ * The primary module will call sdmatch_serialize to allow the submodule
-+ * to consume submodule specific data from parser data stream and will call
-+ * sdmatch_match to determine if a pathname matches an sd_entry.
-+ */
-+typedef int (*sdmatch_serializecb)
-+ (struct sd_ext *, enum sd_code, void *, const char *);
-+ * sdmatch_alloc: allocate extradata (if necessary)
-+ * @entry_type: type of entry being allocated
-+ * Return value: NULL indicates no data was allocated (ERR_PTR(x) on error)
-+ */
-+extern void* sdmatch_alloc(enum entry_t entry_type);
-+ * sdmatch_free: release data allocated by sdmatch_alloc
-+ * @entry_extradata: data previously allocated by sdmatch_alloc
-+ */
-+extern void sdmatch_free(void *entry_extradata);
-+ * sdmatch_features: return match types supported
-+ * Return value: space seperated string (of types supported - use type=value
-+ * to indicate variants of a type)
-+ */
-+extern const char* sdmatch_features(void);
-+ * sdmatch_serialize: serialize extradata
-+ * @entry_extradata: data previously allocated by sdmatch_alloc
-+ * @e: input stream
-+ * @cb: callback fn (consume incoming data stream)
-+ * Return value: 0 success, -ve error
-+ */
-+extern int sdmatch_serialize(void *entry_extradata, struct sd_ext *e,
-+ sdmatch_serializecb cb);
-+ * sdmatch_match: determine if pathname matches entry
-+ * @pathname: pathname to verify
-+ * @entry_name: entry name
-+ * @entry_type: type of entry
-+ * @entry_extradata: data previously allocated by sdmatch_alloc
-+ * Return value: 1 match, 0 othersise
-+ */
-+extern unsigned int sdmatch_match(const char *pathname, const char *entry_name,
-+ enum entry_t entry_type,
-+ void *entry_extradata);
-+ * sd_getentry_type - return string representation of entry_t
-+ * @etype: entry type
-+ */
-+static inline const char *sd_getentry_type(enum entry_t etype)
-+ const char *etype_names[] = {
-+ "sd_entry_literal",
-+ "sd_entry_tailglob",
-+ "sd_entry_pattern",
-+ "sd_entry_invalid"
-+ };
-+ if (etype >= sd_entry_invalid) {
-+ etype = sd_entry_invalid;
-+ }
-+ return etype_names[etype];
-+ * sdmatch_match_common - helper function to check if a pathname matches
-+ * a literal/tailglob
-+ * @path: path requested to search for
-+ * @entry_name: name from sd_entry
-+ * @etype: type of entry
-+ */
-+static inline int sdmatch_match_common(const char *path,
-+ const char *entry_name,
-+ enum entry_t etype)
-+ int retval;
-+ /* literal, no pattern matching characters */
-+ if (etype == sd_entry_literal) {
-+ retval = (strcmp(entry_name, path) == 0);
-+ /* trailing ** glob pattern */
-+ } else if (etype == sd_entry_tailglob) {
-+ retval = (strncmp(entry_name, path,
-+ strlen(entry_name) - 2) == 0);
-+ } else {
-+ SD_WARN("%s: Invalid entry_t %d\n", __FUNCTION__, etype);
-+ retval = 0;
-+ }
-+#if 0
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s(%d): %s %s [%s]\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, retval, path, entry_name,
-+ sd_getentry_type(etype));
-+ return retval;
-+#endif /* __MATCH_H */
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/aamatch/match_pcre.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * http://forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?apparmor
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor aamatch submodule (w/ pattern expansion).
-+ *
-+ * This module makes use of a slightly modified version of the PCRE
-+ * library developed by Philip Hazel . See the files
-+ * pcre_* in this directory.
-+ */
-+#include "match.h"
-+#include "pcre_exec.h"
-+#include "pcre_tables.h"
-+static const char *features="literal tailglob pattern=pcre";
-+struct sdmatch_entry
-+ char *pattern;
-+ pcre *compiled;
-+void* sdmatch_alloc(enum entry_t entry_type)
-+void *ptr=NULL;
-+ if (entry_type == sd_entry_pattern) {
-+ ptr = kmalloc(sizeof(struct sdmatch_entry), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (ptr)
-+ memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(struct sdmatch_entry));
-+ else
-+ ptr=ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-+ } else if (entry_type != sd_entry_literal &&
-+ entry_type != sd_entry_tailglob) {
-+ ptr = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-+ }
-+ return ptr;
-+void sdmatch_free(void *ptr)
-+ if (ptr) {
-+ struct sdmatch_entry *ed = (struct sdmatch_entry *) ptr;
-+ kfree(ed->pattern);
-+ kfree(ed->compiled); /* allocated by SD_READ_X */
-+ }
-+ kfree(ptr);
-+const char *sdmatch_features(void)
-+ return features;
-+int sdmatch_serialize(void *entry_extradata, struct sd_ext *e,
-+ sdmatch_serializecb cb)
-+#define SD_READ_X(E, C, D, N) \
-+ do { \
-+ if (!cb((E), (C), (D), (N))) { \
-+ error = -EINVAL; \
-+ goto done; \
-+ }\
-+ } while (0)
-+ int error = 0;
-+ u32 size, magic, opts;
-+ u8 t_char;
-+ struct sdmatch_entry *ed = (struct sdmatch_entry *) entry_extradata;
-+ if (ed == NULL)
-+ goto done;
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_DYN_STRING, &ed->pattern, NULL);
-+ /* size determines the real size of the pcre struct,
-+ it is size_t - sizeof(pcre) on user side.
-+ uschar must be the same in user and kernel space */
-+ /* check that we are processing the correct structure */
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_STRUCT, NULL, "pcre");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, &size, "pattern.size");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, &magic, "pattern.magic");
-+ /* the allocation of pcre is delayed because it depends on the size
-+ * of the pattern */
-+ ed->compiled = (pcre *) kmalloc(size + sizeof(pcre), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!ed->compiled) {
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ memset(ed->compiled, 0, size + sizeof(pcre));
-+ ed->compiled->magic_number = magic;
-+ ed->compiled->size = size + sizeof(pcre);
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U32, &opts, "pattern.options");
-+ ed->compiled->options = opts;
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U16, &ed->compiled->top_bracket, "pattern.top_bracket");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U16, &ed->compiled->top_backref, "pattern.top_backref");
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U8, &t_char, "pattern.first_char");
-+ ed->compiled->first_char = t_char;
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U8, &t_char, "pattern.req_char");
-+ ed->compiled->req_char = t_char;
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_U8, &t_char, "pattern.code[0]");
-+ ed->compiled->code[0] = t_char;
-+ SD_READ_X(e, SD_STATIC_BLOB, &ed->compiled->code[1], NULL);
-+ /* stitch in pcre patterns, it was NULLed out by parser
-+ * pcre_default_tables defined in pcre_tables.h */
-+ ed->compiled->tables = pcre_default_tables;
-+ if (error != 0 && ed) {
-+ kfree(ed->pattern); /* allocated by SD_READ_X */
-+ kfree(ed->compiled);
-+ ed->pattern = NULL;
-+ ed->compiled = NULL;
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+unsigned int sdmatch_match(const char *pathname, const char *entry_name,
-+ enum entry_t entry_type, void *entry_extradata)
-+ int ret;
-+ if (entry_type == sd_entry_pattern) {
-+ int pcreret;
-+ struct sdmatch_entry *ed =
-+ (struct sdmatch_entry *) entry_extradata;
-+ pcreret = pcre_exec(ed->compiled, NULL,
-+ pathname, strlen(pathname),
-+ 0, 0, NULL, 0);
-+ ret = (pcreret >= 0);
-+ // XXX - this needs access to subdomain_debug, hmmm
-+ //SD_DEBUG("%s(%d): %s %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__,
-+ // ret, pathname, ed->pattern, pcreret);
-+ } else {
-+ ret = sdmatch_match_common(pathname, entry_name, entry_type);
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AppArmor aa_match module [pcre]");
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("Tony Jones ");
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/aamatch/pcre_exec.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,1945 @@
-+ * This is a modified version of pcre.c containing only the code/data
-+ * required to support pcre_exec()
-+ */
-+* Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions *
-+This is a library of functions to support regular expressions whose syntax
-+and semantics are as close as possible to those of the Perl 5 language. See
-+the file Tech.Notes for some information on the internals.
-+Written by: Philip Hazel
-+ Copyright (c) 1997-2001 University of Cambridge
-+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose on any
-+computer system, and to redistribute it freely, subject to the following
-+1. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either by
-+ explicit claim or by omission.
-+3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-+ misrepresented as being the original software.
-+4. If PCRE is embedded in any software that is released under the GNU
-+ General Purpose Licence (GPL), then the terms of that licence shall
-+ supersede any condition above with which it is incompatible.
-+/* Define DEBUG to get debugging output on stdout. */
-+/* #define DEBUG */
-+/* Use a macro for debugging printing, 'cause that eliminates the use of #ifdef
-+inline, and there are *still* stupid compilers about that don't like indented
-+pre-processor statements. I suppose it's only been 10 years... */
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+#define DPRINTF(p) PCRE_PRINTF p
-+#define DPRINTF(p) /*nothing*/
-+/* Include the internals header, which itself includes Standard C headers plus
-+the external pcre header. */
-+#include "pcre_exec.h"
-+/* ---- CODE DELETED ---- */
-+/* Min and max values for the common repeats; for the maxima, 0 => infinity */
-+static const char rep_min[] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 };
-+static const char rep_max[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 };
-+/* ---- CODE DELETED ---- */
-+/* Structure for building a chain of data that actually lives on the
-+ * stack, for holding the values of the subject pointer at the start of each
-+ * subpattern, so as to detect when an empty string has been matched by a
-+ * subpattern - to break infinite loops. */
-+typedef struct eptrblock {
-+ struct eptrblock *prev;
-+ const uschar *saved_eptr;
-+} eptrblock;
-+/* Flag bits for the match() function */
-+#define match_condassert 0x01 /* Called to check a condition assertion */
-+#define match_isgroup 0x02 /* Set if start of bracketed group */
-+/* ---- CODE DELETED ---- */
-+ * * Global variables *
-+ * *************************************************/
-+/* PCRE is thread-clean and doesn't use any global variables in the normal
-+ * sense. However, it calls memory allocation and free functions via the two
-+ * indirections below, which are can be changed by the caller, but are shared
-+ * between all threads. */
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+static void *kern_malloc(size_t sz)
-+ return kmalloc(sz, GFP_KERNEL);
-+void *(*pcre_malloc)(size_t) = kern_malloc;
-+void (*pcre_free)(const void *) = kfree;
-+void *(*pcre_malloc)(size_t) = malloc;
-+void (*pcre_free)(const void *) = free;
-+ * * Macros and tables for character handling *
-+ * *************************************************/
-+/* When UTF-8 encoding is being used, a character is no longer just a single
-+ * byte. The macros for character handling generate simple sequences when used in
-+ * byte-mode, and more complicated ones for UTF-8 characters. */
-+#ifndef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+#define GETCHARINC(c, eptr) c = *eptr++;
-+#define GETCHARLEN(c, eptr, len) c = *eptr;
-+#define BACKCHAR(eptr)
-+/* ---- CODE DELETED ---- */
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+* Debugging function to print chars *
-+/* Print a sequence of chars in printable format, stopping at the end of the
-+subject if the requested.
-+ p points to characters
-+ length number to print
-+ is_subject TRUE if printing from within md->start_subject
-+ md pointer to matching data block, if is_subject is TRUE
-+Returns: nothing
-+static void
-+pchars(const uschar *p, int length, BOOL is_subject, match_data *md)
-+int c;
-+if (is_subject && length > md->end_subject - p) length = md->end_subject - p;
-+while (length-- > 0)
-+ if (isprint(c = *(p++))) PCRE_PRINTF("%c", c); else PCRE_PRINTF("\\x%02x", c);
-+#endif /* DEBUG */
-+/* ---- CODE DELETED ---- */
-+* Match a back-reference *
-+/* If a back reference hasn't been set, the length that is passed is greater
-+than the number of characters left in the string, so the match fails.
-+ offset index into the offset vector
-+ eptr points into the subject
-+ length length to be matched
-+ md points to match data block
-+ ims the ims flags
-+Returns: TRUE if matched
-+static BOOL
-+match_ref(int offset, register const uschar *eptr, int length, match_data *md,
-+ unsigned long int ims)
-+const uschar *p = md->start_subject + md->offset_vector[offset];
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+if (eptr >= md->end_subject)
-+ PCRE_PRINTF("matching subject ");
-+ {
-+ PCRE_PRINTF("matching subject ");
-+ pchars(eptr, length, TRUE, md);
-+ }
-+PCRE_PRINTF(" against backref ");
-+pchars(p, length, FALSE, md);
-+/* Always fail if not enough characters left */
-+if (length > md->end_subject - eptr) return FALSE;
-+/* Separate the caselesss case for speed */
-+if ((ims & PCRE_CASELESS) != 0)
-+ {
-+ while (length-- > 0)
-+ if (md->lcc[*p++] != md->lcc[*eptr++]) return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ { while (length-- > 0) if (*p++ != *eptr++) return FALSE; }
-+return TRUE;
-+* Match from current position *
-+/* On entry ecode points to the first opcode, and eptr to the first character
-+in the subject string, while eptrb holds the value of eptr at the start of the
-+last bracketed group - used for breaking infinite loops matching zero-length
-+ eptr pointer in subject
-+ ecode position in code
-+ offset_top current top pointer
-+ md pointer to "static" info for the match
-+ ims current /i, /m, and /s options
-+ eptrb pointer to chain of blocks containing eptr at start of
-+ brackets - for testing for empty matches
-+ flags can contain
-+ match_condassert - this is an assertion condition
-+ match_isgroup - this is the start of a bracketed group
-+Returns: TRUE if matched
-+static BOOL
-+match(register const uschar *eptr, register const uschar *ecode,
-+ int offset_top, match_data *md, unsigned long int ims, eptrblock *eptrb,
-+ int flags)
-+unsigned long int original_ims = ims; /* Save for resetting on ')' */
-+eptrblock newptrb;
-+/* At the start of a bracketed group, add the current subject pointer to the
-+stack of such pointers, to be re-instated at the end of the group when we hit
-+the closing ket. When match() is called in other circumstances, we don't add to
-+the stack. */
-+if ((flags & match_isgroup) != 0)
-+ {
-+ newptrb.prev = eptrb;
-+ newptrb.saved_eptr = eptr;
-+ eptrb = &newptrb;
-+ }
-+/* Now start processing the operations. */
-+for (;;)
-+ {
-+ int op = (int)*ecode;
-+ int min, max, ctype;
-+ register int i;
-+ register int c;
-+ BOOL minimize = FALSE;
-+ /* Opening capturing bracket. If there is space in the offset vector, save
-+ the current subject position in the working slot at the top of the vector. We
-+ mustn't change the current values of the data slot, because they may be set
-+ from a previous iteration of this group, and be referred to by a reference
-+ inside the group.
-+ If the bracket fails to match, we need to restore this value and also the
-+ values of the final offsets, in case they were set by a previous iteration of
-+ the same bracket.
-+ If there isn't enough space in the offset vector, treat this as if it were a
-+ non-capturing bracket. Don't worry about setting the flag for the error case
-+ here; that is handled in the code for KET. */
-+ if (op > OP_BRA)
-+ {
-+ int offset;
-+ int number = op - OP_BRA;
-+ /* For extended extraction brackets (large number), we have to fish out the
-+ number from a dummy opcode at the start. */
-+ if (number > EXTRACT_BASIC_MAX) number = (ecode[4] << 8) | ecode[5];
-+ offset = number << 1;
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ PCRE_PRINTF("start bracket %d subject=", number);
-+ pchars(eptr, 16, TRUE, md);
-+ PCRE_PRINTF("\n");
-+ if (offset < md->offset_max)
-+ {
-+ int save_offset1 = md->offset_vector[offset];
-+ int save_offset2 = md->offset_vector[offset+1];
-+ int save_offset3 = md->offset_vector[md->offset_end - number];
-+ DPRINTF(("saving %d %d %d\n", save_offset1, save_offset2, save_offset3));
-+ md->offset_vector[md->offset_end - number] = eptr - md->start_subject;
-+ do
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ ecode += (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ }
-+ while (*ecode == OP_ALT);
-+ DPRINTF(("bracket %d failed\n", number));
-+ md->offset_vector[offset] = save_offset1;
-+ md->offset_vector[offset+1] = save_offset2;
-+ md->offset_vector[md->offset_end - number] = save_offset3;
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* Insufficient room for saving captured contents */
-+ else op = OP_BRA;
-+ }
-+ /* Other types of node can be handled by a switch */
-+ switch(op)
-+ {
-+ case OP_BRA: /* Non-capturing bracket: optimized */
-+ DPRINTF(("start bracket 0\n"));
-+ do
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ ecode += (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ }
-+ while (*ecode == OP_ALT);
-+ DPRINTF(("bracket 0 failed\n"));
-+ return FALSE;
-+ /* Conditional group: compilation checked that there are no more than
-+ two branches. If the condition is false, skipping the first branch takes us
-+ past the end if there is only one branch, but that's OK because that is
-+ exactly what going to the ket would do. */
-+ case OP_COND:
-+ if (ecode[3] == OP_CREF) /* Condition is extraction test */
-+ {
-+ int offset = (ecode[4] << 9) | (ecode[5] << 1); /* Doubled ref number */
-+ return match(eptr,
-+ ecode + ((offset < offset_top && md->offset_vector[offset] >= 0)?
-+ 6 : 3 + (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2]),
-+ offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup);
-+ }
-+ /* The condition is an assertion. Call match() to evaluate it - setting
-+ the final argument TRUE causes it to stop at the end of an assertion. */
-+ else
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, NULL,
-+ match_condassert | match_isgroup))
-+ {
-+ ecode += 3 + (ecode[4] << 8) + ecode[5];
-+ while (*ecode == OP_ALT) ecode += (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ }
-+ else ecode += (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ return match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup);
-+ }
-+ /* Control never reaches here */
-+ /* Skip over conditional reference or large extraction number data if
-+ encountered. */
-+ case OP_CREF:
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ break;
-+ /* End of the pattern. If PCRE_NOTEMPTY is set, fail if we have matched
-+ an empty string - recursion will then try other alternatives, if any. */
-+ case OP_END:
-+ if (md->notempty && eptr == md->start_match) return FALSE;
-+ md->end_match_ptr = eptr; /* Record where we ended */
-+ md->end_offset_top = offset_top; /* and how many extracts were taken */
-+ return TRUE;
-+ /* Change option settings */
-+ case OP_OPT:
-+ ims = ecode[1];
-+ ecode += 2;
-+ DPRINTF(("ims set to %02lx\n", ims));
-+ break;
-+ /* Assertion brackets. Check the alternative branches in turn - the
-+ matching won't pass the KET for an assertion. If any one branch matches,
-+ the assertion is true. Lookbehind assertions have an OP_REVERSE item at the
-+ start of each branch to move the current point backwards, so the code at
-+ this level is identical to the lookahead case. */
-+ case OP_ASSERT:
-+ do
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, NULL, match_isgroup)) break;
-+ ecode += (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ }
-+ while (*ecode == OP_ALT);
-+ if (*ecode == OP_KET) return FALSE;
-+ /* If checking an assertion for a condition, return TRUE. */
-+ if ((flags & match_condassert) != 0) return TRUE;
-+ /* Continue from after the assertion, updating the offsets high water
-+ mark, since extracts may have been taken during the assertion. */
-+ do ecode += (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2]; while (*ecode == OP_ALT);
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ offset_top = md->end_offset_top;
-+ continue;
-+ /* Negative assertion: all branches must fail to match */
-+ case OP_ASSERT_NOT:
-+ do
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, NULL, match_isgroup))
-+ return FALSE;
-+ ecode += (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ }
-+ while (*ecode == OP_ALT);
-+ if ((flags & match_condassert) != 0) return TRUE;
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ continue;
-+ /* Move the subject pointer back. This occurs only at the start of
-+ each branch of a lookbehind assertion. If we are too close to the start to
-+ move back, this match function fails. When working with UTF-8 we move
-+ back a number of characters, not bytes. */
-+ case OP_REVERSE:
-+#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+ c = (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
-+ {
-+ eptr--;
-+ BACKCHAR(eptr)
-+ }
-+ eptr -= (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ if (eptr < md->start_subject) return FALSE;
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ break;
-+ /* Recursion matches the current regex, nested. If there are any capturing
-+ brackets started but not finished, we have to save their starting points
-+ and reinstate them after the recursion. However, we don't know how many
-+ such there are (offset_top records the completed total) so we just have
-+ to save all the potential data. There may be up to 99 such values, which
-+ is a bit large to put on the stack, but using malloc for small numbers
-+ seems expensive. As a compromise, the stack is used when there are fewer
-+ than 16 values to store; otherwise malloc is used. A problem is what to do
-+ if the malloc fails ... there is no way of returning to the top level with
-+ an error. Save the top 15 values on the stack, and accept that the rest
-+ may be wrong. */
-+ case OP_RECURSE:
-+ {
-+ BOOL rc;
-+ int *save;
-+ int stacksave[15];
-+ c = md->offset_max;
-+ if (c < 16) save = stacksave; else
-+ {
-+ save = (int *)(pcre_malloc)((c+1) * sizeof(int));
-+ if (save == NULL)
-+ {
-+ save = stacksave;
-+ c = 15;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ for (i = 1; i <= c; i++)
-+ save[i] = md->offset_vector[md->offset_end - i];
-+ rc = match(eptr, md->start_pattern, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb,
-+ match_isgroup);
-+ for (i = 1; i <= c; i++)
-+ md->offset_vector[md->offset_end - i] = save[i];
-+ if (save != stacksave) (pcre_free)(save);
-+ if (!rc) return FALSE;
-+ /* In case the recursion has set more capturing values, save the final
-+ number, then move along the subject till after the recursive match,
-+ and advance one byte in the pattern code. */
-+ offset_top = md->end_offset_top;
-+ eptr = md->end_match_ptr;
-+ ecode++;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ /* "Once" brackets are like assertion brackets except that after a match,
-+ the point in the subject string is not moved back. Thus there can never be
-+ a move back into the brackets. Check the alternative branches in turn - the
-+ matching won't pass the KET for this kind of subpattern. If any one branch
-+ matches, we carry on as at the end of a normal bracket, leaving the subject
-+ pointer. */
-+ case OP_ONCE:
-+ {
-+ const uschar *prev = ecode;
-+ const uschar *saved_eptr = eptr;
-+ do
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup))
-+ break;
-+ ecode += (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ }
-+ while (*ecode == OP_ALT);
-+ /* If hit the end of the group (which could be repeated), fail */
-+ if (*ecode != OP_ONCE && *ecode != OP_ALT) return FALSE;
-+ /* Continue as from after the assertion, updating the offsets high water
-+ mark, since extracts may have been taken. */
-+ do ecode += (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2]; while (*ecode == OP_ALT);
-+ offset_top = md->end_offset_top;
-+ eptr = md->end_match_ptr;
-+ /* For a non-repeating ket, just continue at this level. This also
-+ happens for a repeating ket if no characters were matched in the group.
-+ This is the forcible breaking of infinite loops as implemented in Perl
-+ 5.005. If there is an options reset, it will get obeyed in the normal
-+ course of events. */
-+ if (*ecode == OP_KET || eptr == saved_eptr)
-+ {
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* The repeating kets try the rest of the pattern or restart from the
-+ preceding bracket, in the appropriate order. We need to reset any options
-+ that changed within the bracket before re-running it, so check the next
-+ opcode. */
-+ if (ecode[3] == OP_OPT)
-+ {
-+ ims = (ims & ~PCRE_IMS) | ecode[4];
-+ DPRINTF(("ims set to %02lx at group repeat\n", ims));
-+ }
-+ if (*ecode == OP_KETRMIN)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0) ||
-+ match(eptr, prev, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ }
-+ else /* OP_KETRMAX */
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, prev, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup) ||
-+ match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0)) return TRUE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return FALSE;
-+ /* An alternation is the end of a branch; scan along to find the end of the
-+ bracketed group and go to there. */
-+ case OP_ALT:
-+ do ecode += (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2]; while (*ecode == OP_ALT);
-+ break;
-+ /* BRAZERO and BRAMINZERO occur just before a bracket group, indicating
-+ that it may occur zero times. It may repeat infinitely, or not at all -
-+ i.e. it could be ()* or ()? in the pattern. Brackets with fixed upper
-+ repeat limits are compiled as a number of copies, with the optional ones
-+ preceded by BRAZERO or BRAMINZERO. */
-+ case OP_BRAZERO:
-+ {
-+ const uschar *next = ecode+1;
-+ if (match(eptr, next, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ do next += (next[1] << 8) + next[2]; while (*next == OP_ALT);
-+ ecode = next + 3;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ {
-+ const uschar *next = ecode+1;
-+ do next += (next[1] << 8) + next[2]; while (*next == OP_ALT);
-+ if (match(eptr, next+3, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ /* End of a group, repeated or non-repeating. If we are at the end of
-+ an assertion "group", stop matching and return TRUE, but record the
-+ current high water mark for use by positive assertions. Do this also
-+ for the "once" (not-backup up) groups. */
-+ case OP_KET:
-+ case OP_KETRMIN:
-+ case OP_KETRMAX:
-+ {
-+ const uschar *prev = ecode - (ecode[1] << 8) - ecode[2];
-+ const uschar *saved_eptr = eptrb->saved_eptr;
-+ eptrb = eptrb->prev; /* Back up the stack of bracket start pointers */
-+ if (*prev == OP_ASSERT || *prev == OP_ASSERT_NOT ||
-+ *prev == OP_ASSERTBACK || *prev == OP_ASSERTBACK_NOT ||
-+ *prev == OP_ONCE)
-+ {
-+ md->end_match_ptr = eptr; /* For ONCE */
-+ md->end_offset_top = offset_top;
-+ return TRUE;
-+ }
-+ /* In all other cases except a conditional group we have to check the
-+ group number back at the start and if necessary complete handling an
-+ extraction by setting the offsets and bumping the high water mark. */
-+ if (*prev != OP_COND)
-+ {
-+ int offset;
-+ int number = *prev - OP_BRA;
-+ /* For extended extraction brackets (large number), we have to fish out
-+ the number from a dummy opcode at the start. */
-+ if (number > EXTRACT_BASIC_MAX) number = (prev[4] << 8) | prev[5];
-+ offset = number << 1;
-+#ifdef DEBUG
-+ PCRE_PRINTF("end bracket %d", number);
-+ PCRE_PRINTF("\n");
-+ if (number > 0)
-+ {
-+ if (offset >= md->offset_max) md->offset_overflow = TRUE; else
-+ {
-+ md->offset_vector[offset] =
-+ md->offset_vector[md->offset_end - number];
-+ md->offset_vector[offset+1] = eptr - md->start_subject;
-+ if (offset_top <= offset) offset_top = offset + 2;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Reset the value of the ims flags, in case they got changed during
-+ the group. */
-+ ims = original_ims;
-+ DPRINTF(("ims reset to %02lx\n", ims));
-+ /* For a non-repeating ket, just continue at this level. This also
-+ happens for a repeating ket if no characters were matched in the group.
-+ This is the forcible breaking of infinite loops as implemented in Perl
-+ 5.005. If there is an options reset, it will get obeyed in the normal
-+ course of events. */
-+ if (*ecode == OP_KET || eptr == saved_eptr)
-+ {
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* The repeating kets try the rest of the pattern or restart from the
-+ preceding bracket, in the appropriate order. */
-+ if (*ecode == OP_KETRMIN)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0) ||
-+ match(eptr, prev, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ }
-+ else /* OP_KETRMAX */
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, prev, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, match_isgroup) ||
-+ match(eptr, ecode+3, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0)) return TRUE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return FALSE;
-+ /* Start of subject unless notbol, or after internal newline if multiline */
-+ case OP_CIRC:
-+ if (md->notbol && eptr == md->start_subject) return FALSE;
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_MULTILINE) != 0)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr != md->start_subject && eptr[-1] != NEWLINE) return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* ... else fall through */
-+ /* Start of subject assertion */
-+ case OP_SOD:
-+ if (eptr != md->start_subject) return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ /* Assert before internal newline if multiline, or before a terminating
-+ newline unless endonly is set, else end of subject unless noteol is set. */
-+ case OP_DOLL:
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_MULTILINE) != 0)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr < md->end_subject) { if (*eptr != NEWLINE) return FALSE; }
-+ else { if (md->noteol) return FALSE; }
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ if (md->noteol) return FALSE;
-+ if (!md->endonly)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr < md->end_subject - 1 ||
-+ (eptr == md->end_subject - 1 && *eptr != NEWLINE)) return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* ... else fall through */
-+ /* End of subject assertion (\z) */
-+ case OP_EOD:
-+ if (eptr < md->end_subject) return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ /* End of subject or ending \n assertion (\Z) */
-+ case OP_EODN:
-+ if (eptr < md->end_subject - 1 ||
-+ (eptr == md->end_subject - 1 && *eptr != NEWLINE)) return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ /* Word boundary assertions */
-+ {
-+ BOOL prev_is_word = (eptr != md->start_subject) &&
-+ ((md->ctypes[eptr[-1]] & ctype_word) != 0);
-+ BOOL cur_is_word = (eptr < md->end_subject) &&
-+ ((md->ctypes[*eptr] & ctype_word) != 0);
-+ if ((*ecode++ == OP_WORD_BOUNDARY)?
-+ cur_is_word == prev_is_word : cur_is_word != prev_is_word)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ /* Match a single character type; inline for speed */
-+ case OP_ANY:
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_DOTALL) == 0 && eptr < md->end_subject && *eptr == NEWLINE)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ if (eptr++ >= md->end_subject) return FALSE;
-+#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+ if (md->utf8)
-+ while (eptr < md->end_subject && (*eptr & 0xc0) == 0x80) eptr++;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_NOT_DIGIT:
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject ||
-+ (md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_digit) != 0)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_DIGIT:
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject ||
-+ (md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_digit) == 0)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject ||
-+ (md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_space) != 0)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject ||
-+ (md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_space) == 0)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject ||
-+ (md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_word) != 0)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_WORDCHAR:
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject ||
-+ (md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_word) == 0)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ break;
-+ /* Match a back reference, possibly repeatedly. Look past the end of the
-+ item to see if there is repeat information following. The code is similar
-+ to that for character classes, but repeated for efficiency. Then obey
-+ similar code to character type repeats - written out again for speed.
-+ However, if the referenced string is the empty string, always treat
-+ it as matched, any number of times (otherwise there could be infinite
-+ loops). */
-+ case OP_REF:
-+ {
-+ int length;
-+ int offset = (ecode[1] << 9) | (ecode[2] << 1); /* Doubled ref number */
-+ ecode += 3; /* Advance past item */
-+ /* If the reference is unset, set the length to be longer than the amount
-+ of subject left; this ensures that every attempt at a match fails. We
-+ can't just fail here, because of the possibility of quantifiers with zero
-+ minima. */
-+ length = (offset >= offset_top || md->offset_vector[offset] < 0)?
-+ md->end_subject - eptr + 1 :
-+ md->offset_vector[offset+1] - md->offset_vector[offset];
-+ /* Set up for repetition, or handle the non-repeated case */
-+ switch (*ecode)
-+ {
-+ case OP_CRSTAR:
-+ case OP_CRPLUS:
-+ case OP_CRQUERY:
-+ c = *ecode++ - OP_CRSTAR;
-+ minimize = (c & 1) != 0;
-+ min = rep_min[c]; /* Pick up values from tables; */
-+ max = rep_max[c]; /* zero for max => infinity */
-+ if (max == 0) max = INT_MAX;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_CRRANGE:
-+ minimize = (*ecode == OP_CRMINRANGE);
-+ min = (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ max = (ecode[3] << 8) + ecode[4];
-+ if (max == 0) max = INT_MAX;
-+ ecode += 5;
-+ break;
-+ default: /* No repeat follows */
-+ if (!match_ref(offset, eptr, length, md, ims)) return FALSE;
-+ eptr += length;
-+ continue; /* With the main loop */
-+ }
-+ /* If the length of the reference is zero, just continue with the
-+ main loop. */
-+ if (length == 0) continue;
-+ /* First, ensure the minimum number of matches are present. We get back
-+ the length of the reference string explicitly rather than passing the
-+ address of eptr, so that eptr can be a register variable. */
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (!match_ref(offset, eptr, length, md, ims)) return FALSE;
-+ eptr += length;
-+ }
-+ /* If min = max, continue at the same level without recursion.
-+ They are not both allowed to be zero. */
-+ if (min == max) continue;
-+ /* If minimizing, keep trying and advancing the pointer */
-+ if (minimize)
-+ {
-+ for (i = min;; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ if (i >= max || !match_ref(offset, eptr, length, md, ims))
-+ return FALSE;
-+ eptr += length;
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ }
-+ /* If maximizing, find the longest string and work backwards */
-+ else
-+ {
-+ const uschar *pp = eptr;
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (!match_ref(offset, eptr, length, md, ims)) break;
-+ eptr += length;
-+ }
-+ while (eptr >= pp)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ eptr -= length;
-+ }
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ /* Match a character class, possibly repeatedly. Look past the end of the
-+ item to see if there is repeat information following. Then obey similar
-+ code to character type repeats - written out again for speed. */
-+ case OP_CLASS:
-+ {
-+ const uschar *data = ecode + 1; /* Save for matching */
-+ ecode += 33; /* Advance past the item */
-+ switch (*ecode)
-+ {
-+ case OP_CRSTAR:
-+ case OP_CRPLUS:
-+ case OP_CRQUERY:
-+ c = *ecode++ - OP_CRSTAR;
-+ minimize = (c & 1) != 0;
-+ min = rep_min[c]; /* Pick up values from tables; */
-+ max = rep_max[c]; /* zero for max => infinity */
-+ if (max == 0) max = INT_MAX;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_CRRANGE:
-+ minimize = (*ecode == OP_CRMINRANGE);
-+ min = (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ max = (ecode[3] << 8) + ecode[4];
-+ if (max == 0) max = INT_MAX;
-+ ecode += 5;
-+ break;
-+ default: /* No repeat follows */
-+ min = max = 1;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* First, ensure the minimum number of matches are present. */
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject) return FALSE;
-+ GETCHARINC(c, eptr) /* Get character; increment eptr */
-+#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+ /* We do not yet support class members > 255 */
-+ if (c > 255) return FALSE;
-+ if ((data[c/8] & (1 << (c&7))) != 0) continue;
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* If max == min we can continue with the main loop without the
-+ need to recurse. */
-+ if (min == max) continue;
-+ /* If minimizing, keep testing the rest of the expression and advancing
-+ the pointer while it matches the class. */
-+ if (minimize)
-+ {
-+ for (i = min;; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ if (i >= max || eptr >= md->end_subject) return FALSE;
-+ GETCHARINC(c, eptr) /* Get character; increment eptr */
-+#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+ /* We do not yet support class members > 255 */
-+ if (c > 255) return FALSE;
-+ if ((data[c/8] & (1 << (c&7))) != 0) continue;
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ }
-+ /* If maximizing, find the longest possible run, then work backwards. */
-+ else
-+ {
-+ const uschar *pp = eptr;
-+ int len = 1;
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject) break;
-+ GETCHARLEN(c, eptr, len) /* Get character, set length if UTF-8 */
-+#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+ /* We do not yet support class members > 255 */
-+ if (c > 255) break;
-+ if ((data[c/8] & (1 << (c&7))) == 0) break;
-+ eptr += len;
-+ }
-+ while (eptr >= pp)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr--, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+ BACKCHAR(eptr)
-+ }
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ /* Match a run of characters */
-+ case OP_CHARS:
-+ {
-+ register int length = ecode[1];
-+ ecode += 2;
-+#ifdef DEBUG /* Sigh. Some compilers never learn. */
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject)
-+ PCRE_PRINTF("matching subject against pattern ");
-+ else
-+ {
-+ PCRE_PRINTF("matching subject ");
-+ pchars(eptr, length, TRUE, md);
-+ PCRE_PRINTF(" against pattern ");
-+ }
-+ pchars(ecode, length, FALSE, md);
-+ PCRE_PRINTF("\n");
-+ if (length > md->end_subject - eptr) return FALSE;
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_CASELESS) != 0)
-+ {
-+ while (length-- > 0)
-+ if (md->lcc[*ecode++] != md->lcc[*eptr++])
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ while (length-- > 0) if (*ecode++ != *eptr++) return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ /* Match a single character repeatedly; different opcodes share code. */
-+ case OP_EXACT:
-+ min = max = (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ case OP_UPTO:
-+ case OP_MINUPTO:
-+ min = 0;
-+ max = (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ minimize = *ecode == OP_MINUPTO;
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ case OP_STAR:
-+ case OP_MINSTAR:
-+ case OP_PLUS:
-+ case OP_MINPLUS:
-+ case OP_QUERY:
-+ case OP_MINQUERY:
-+ c = *ecode++ - OP_STAR;
-+ minimize = (c & 1) != 0;
-+ min = rep_min[c]; /* Pick up values from tables; */
-+ max = rep_max[c]; /* zero for max => infinity */
-+ if (max == 0) max = INT_MAX;
-+ /* Common code for all repeated single-character matches. We can give
-+ up quickly if there are fewer than the minimum number of characters left in
-+ the subject. */
-+ if (min > md->end_subject - eptr) return FALSE;
-+ c = *ecode++;
-+ /* The code is duplicated for the caseless and caseful cases, for speed,
-+ since matching characters is likely to be quite common. First, ensure the
-+ minimum number of matches are present. If min = max, continue at the same
-+ level without recursing. Otherwise, if minimizing, keep trying the rest of
-+ the expression and advancing one matching character if failing, up to the
-+ maximum. Alternatively, if maximizing, find the maximum number of
-+ characters and work backwards. */
-+ DPRINTF(("matching %c{%d,%d} against subject %.*s\n", c, min, max,
-+ max, eptr));
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_CASELESS) != 0)
-+ {
-+ c = md->lcc[c];
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ if (c != md->lcc[*eptr++]) return FALSE;
-+ if (min == max) continue;
-+ if (minimize)
-+ {
-+ for (i = min;; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ if (i >= max || eptr >= md->end_subject ||
-+ c != md->lcc[*eptr++])
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ const uschar *pp = eptr;
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || c != md->lcc[*eptr]) break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ while (eptr >= pp)
-+ if (match(eptr--, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ }
-+ /* Caseful comparisons */
-+ else
-+ {
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++) if (c != *eptr++) return FALSE;
-+ if (min == max) continue;
-+ if (minimize)
-+ {
-+ for (i = min;; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ if (i >= max || eptr >= md->end_subject || c != *eptr++) return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ const uschar *pp = eptr;
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || c != *eptr) break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ while (eptr >= pp)
-+ if (match(eptr--, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ /* Match a negated single character */
-+ case OP_NOT:
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject) return FALSE;
-+ ecode++;
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_CASELESS) != 0)
-+ {
-+ if (md->lcc[*ecode++] == md->lcc[*eptr++]) return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ if (*ecode++ == *eptr++) return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ /* Match a negated single character repeatedly. This is almost a repeat of
-+ the code for a repeated single character, but I haven't found a nice way of
-+ commoning these up that doesn't require a test of the positive/negative
-+ option for each character match. Maybe that wouldn't add very much to the
-+ time taken, but character matching *is* what this is all about... */
-+ case OP_NOTEXACT:
-+ min = max = (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ case OP_NOTUPTO:
-+ min = 0;
-+ max = (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ minimize = *ecode == OP_NOTMINUPTO;
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ case OP_NOTSTAR:
-+ case OP_NOTPLUS:
-+ case OP_NOTQUERY:
-+ c = *ecode++ - OP_NOTSTAR;
-+ minimize = (c & 1) != 0;
-+ min = rep_min[c]; /* Pick up values from tables; */
-+ max = rep_max[c]; /* zero for max => infinity */
-+ if (max == 0) max = INT_MAX;
-+ /* Common code for all repeated single-character matches. We can give
-+ up quickly if there are fewer than the minimum number of characters left in
-+ the subject. */
-+ if (min > md->end_subject - eptr) return FALSE;
-+ c = *ecode++;
-+ /* The code is duplicated for the caseless and caseful cases, for speed,
-+ since matching characters is likely to be quite common. First, ensure the
-+ minimum number of matches are present. If min = max, continue at the same
-+ level without recursing. Otherwise, if minimizing, keep trying the rest of
-+ the expression and advancing one matching character if failing, up to the
-+ maximum. Alternatively, if maximizing, find the maximum number of
-+ characters and work backwards. */
-+ DPRINTF(("negative matching %c{%d,%d} against subject %.*s\n", c, min, max,
-+ max, eptr));
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_CASELESS) != 0)
-+ {
-+ c = md->lcc[c];
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ if (c == md->lcc[*eptr++]) return FALSE;
-+ if (min == max) continue;
-+ if (minimize)
-+ {
-+ for (i = min;; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ if (i >= max || eptr >= md->end_subject ||
-+ c == md->lcc[*eptr++])
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ const uschar *pp = eptr;
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || c == md->lcc[*eptr]) break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ while (eptr >= pp)
-+ if (match(eptr--, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ }
-+ /* Caseful comparisons */
-+ else
-+ {
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++) if (c == *eptr++) return FALSE;
-+ if (min == max) continue;
-+ if (minimize)
-+ {
-+ for (i = min;; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ if (i >= max || eptr >= md->end_subject || c == *eptr++) return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ const uschar *pp = eptr;
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || c == *eptr) break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ while (eptr >= pp)
-+ if (match(eptr--, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ /* Match a single character type repeatedly; several different opcodes
-+ share code. This is very similar to the code for single characters, but we
-+ repeat it in the interests of efficiency. */
-+ min = max = (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ minimize = TRUE;
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ case OP_TYPEUPTO:
-+ min = 0;
-+ max = (ecode[1] << 8) + ecode[2];
-+ minimize = *ecode == OP_TYPEMINUPTO;
-+ ecode += 3;
-+ case OP_TYPESTAR:
-+ case OP_TYPEPLUS:
-+ c = *ecode++ - OP_TYPESTAR;
-+ minimize = (c & 1) != 0;
-+ min = rep_min[c]; /* Pick up values from tables; */
-+ max = rep_max[c]; /* zero for max => infinity */
-+ if (max == 0) max = INT_MAX;
-+ /* Common code for all repeated single character type matches */
-+ ctype = *ecode++; /* Code for the character type */
-+ /* First, ensure the minimum number of matches are present. Use inline
-+ code for maximizing the speed, and do the type test once at the start
-+ (i.e. keep it out of the loop). Also we can test that there are at least
-+ the minimum number of bytes before we start, except when doing '.' in
-+ UTF8 mode. Leave the test in in all cases; in the special case we have
-+ to test after each character. */
-+ if (min > md->end_subject - eptr) return FALSE;
-+ if (min > 0) switch(ctype)
-+ {
-+ case OP_ANY:
-+#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+ if (md->utf8)
-+ {
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject ||
-+ (*eptr++ == NEWLINE && (ims & PCRE_DOTALL) == 0))
-+ return FALSE;
-+ while (eptr < md->end_subject && (*eptr & 0xc0) == 0x80) eptr++;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* Non-UTF8 can be faster */
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_DOTALL) == 0)
-+ { for (i = 1; i <= min; i++) if (*eptr++ == NEWLINE) return FALSE; }
-+ else eptr += min;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_NOT_DIGIT:
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ if ((md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_digit) != 0) return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_DIGIT:
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ if ((md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_digit) == 0) return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ if ((md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_space) != 0) return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ if ((md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_space) == 0) return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ if ((md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_word) != 0)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_WORDCHAR:
-+ for (i = 1; i <= min; i++)
-+ if ((md->ctypes[*eptr++] & ctype_word) == 0)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* If min = max, continue at the same level without recursing */
-+ if (min == max) continue;
-+ /* If minimizing, we have to test the rest of the pattern before each
-+ subsequent match. */
-+ if (minimize)
-+ {
-+ for (i = min;; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0)) return TRUE;
-+ if (i >= max || eptr >= md->end_subject) return FALSE;
-+ c = *eptr++;
-+ switch(ctype)
-+ {
-+ case OP_ANY:
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_DOTALL) == 0 && c == NEWLINE) return FALSE;
-+#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+ if (md->utf8)
-+ while (eptr < md->end_subject && (*eptr & 0xc0) == 0x80) eptr++;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_NOT_DIGIT:
-+ if ((md->ctypes[c] & ctype_digit) != 0) return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_DIGIT:
-+ if ((md->ctypes[c] & ctype_digit) == 0) return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ if ((md->ctypes[c] & ctype_space) != 0) return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ if ((md->ctypes[c] & ctype_space) == 0) return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ if ((md->ctypes[c] & ctype_word) != 0) return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ case OP_WORDCHAR:
-+ if ((md->ctypes[c] & ctype_word) == 0) return FALSE;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ }
-+ /* If maximizing it is worth using inline code for speed, doing the type
-+ test once at the start (i.e. keep it out of the loop). */
-+ else
-+ {
-+ const uschar *pp = eptr;
-+ switch(ctype)
-+ {
-+ case OP_ANY:
-+ /* Special code is required for UTF8, but when the maximum is unlimited
-+ we don't need it. */
-+#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+ if (md->utf8 && max < INT_MAX)
-+ {
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_DOTALL) == 0)
-+ {
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || *eptr++ == NEWLINE) break;
-+ while (eptr < md->end_subject && (*eptr & 0xc0) == 0x80) eptr++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ eptr++;
-+ while (eptr < md->end_subject && (*eptr & 0xc0) == 0x80) eptr++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* Non-UTF8 can be faster */
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_DOTALL) == 0)
-+ {
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || *eptr == NEWLINE) break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else
-+ {
-+ c = max - min;
-+ if (c > md->end_subject - eptr) c = md->end_subject - eptr;
-+ eptr += c;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ case OP_NOT_DIGIT:
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || (md->ctypes[*eptr] & ctype_digit) != 0)
-+ break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ case OP_DIGIT:
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || (md->ctypes[*eptr] & ctype_digit) == 0)
-+ break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || (md->ctypes[*eptr] & ctype_space) != 0)
-+ break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || (md->ctypes[*eptr] & ctype_space) == 0)
-+ break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || (md->ctypes[*eptr] & ctype_word) != 0)
-+ break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ case OP_WORDCHAR:
-+ for (i = min; i < max; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (eptr >= md->end_subject || (md->ctypes[*eptr] & ctype_word) == 0)
-+ break;
-+ eptr++;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ while (eptr >= pp)
-+ {
-+ if (match(eptr--, ecode, offset_top, md, ims, eptrb, 0))
-+ return TRUE;
-+#ifdef SUPPORT_UTF8
-+ if (md->utf8)
-+ while (eptr > pp && (*eptr & 0xc0) == 0x80) eptr--;
-+ }
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* Control never gets here */
-+ /* There's been some horrible disaster. */
-+ default:
-+ DPRINTF(("Unknown opcode %d\n", *ecode));
-+ md->errorcode = PCRE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_NODE;
-+ return FALSE;
-+ }
-+ /* Do not stick any code in here without much thought; it is assumed
-+ that "continue" in the code above comes out to here to repeat the main
-+ loop. */
-+ } /* End of main loop */
-+/* Control never reaches here */
-+* Execute a Regular Expression *
-+/* This function applies a compiled re to a subject string and picks out
-+portions of the string if it matches. Two elements in the vector are set for
-+each substring: the offsets to the start and end of the substring.
-+ external_re points to the compiled expression
-+ external_extra points to "hints" from pcre_study() or is NULL
-+ subject points to the subject string
-+ length length of subject string (may contain binary zeros)
-+ start_offset where to start in the subject string
-+ options option bits
-+ offsets points to a vector of ints to be filled in with offsets
-+ offsetcount the number of elements in the vector
-+Returns: > 0 => success; value is the number of elements filled in
-+ = 0 => success, but offsets is not big enough
-+ -1 => failed to match
-+ < -1 => some kind of unexpected problem
-+pcre_exec(const pcre *external_re, const pcre_extra *external_extra,
-+ const char *subject, int length, int start_offset, int options, int *offsets,
-+ int offsetcount)
-+int resetcount, ocount;
-+int first_char = -1;
-+int req_char = -1;
-+int req_char2 = -1;
-+unsigned long int ims = 0;
-+match_data match_block;
-+const uschar *start_bits = NULL;
-+const uschar *start_match = (const uschar *)subject + start_offset;
-+const uschar *end_subject;
-+const uschar *req_char_ptr = start_match - 1;
-+const real_pcre *re = (const real_pcre *)external_re;
-+const real_pcre_extra *extra = (const real_pcre_extra *)external_extra;
-+BOOL using_temporary_offsets = FALSE;
-+BOOL anchored;
-+BOOL startline;
-+if ((options & ~PUBLIC_EXEC_OPTIONS) != 0) return PCRE_ERROR_BADOPTION;
-+if (re == NULL || subject == NULL ||
-+ (offsets == NULL && offsetcount > 0)) return PCRE_ERROR_NULL;
-+if (re->magic_number != MAGIC_NUMBER) return PCRE_ERROR_BADMAGIC;
-+anchored = ((re->options | options) & PCRE_ANCHORED) != 0;
-+startline = (re->options & PCRE_STARTLINE) != 0;
-+match_block.start_pattern = re->code;
-+match_block.start_subject = (const uschar *)subject;
-+match_block.end_subject = match_block.start_subject + length;
-+end_subject = match_block.end_subject;
-+match_block.endonly = (re->options & PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY) != 0;
-+match_block.utf8 = (re->options & PCRE_UTF8) != 0;
-+match_block.notbol = (options & PCRE_NOTBOL) != 0;
-+match_block.noteol = (options & PCRE_NOTEOL) != 0;
-+match_block.notempty = (options & PCRE_NOTEMPTY) != 0;
-+match_block.errorcode = PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH; /* Default error */
-+match_block.lcc = re->tables + lcc_offset;
-+match_block.ctypes = re->tables + ctypes_offset;
-+/* The ims options can vary during the matching as a result of the presence
-+of (?ims) items in the pattern. They are kept in a local variable so that
-+restoring at the exit of a group is easy. */
-+/* If the expression has got more back references than the offsets supplied can
-+hold, we get a temporary bit of working store to use during the matching.
-+Otherwise, we can use the vector supplied, rounding down its size to a multiple
-+of 3. */
-+ocount = offsetcount - (offsetcount % 3);
-+if (re->top_backref > 0 && re->top_backref >= ocount/3)
-+ {
-+ ocount = re->top_backref * 3 + 3;
-+ match_block.offset_vector = (int *)(pcre_malloc)(ocount * sizeof(int));
-+ if (match_block.offset_vector == NULL) return PCRE_ERROR_NOMEMORY;
-+ using_temporary_offsets = TRUE;
-+ DPRINTF(("Got memory to hold back references\n"));
-+ }
-+else match_block.offset_vector = offsets;
-+match_block.offset_end = ocount;
-+match_block.offset_max = (2*ocount)/3;
-+match_block.offset_overflow = FALSE;
-+/* Compute the minimum number of offsets that we need to reset each time. Doing
-+this makes a huge difference to execution time when there aren't many brackets
-+in the pattern. */
-+resetcount = 2 + re->top_bracket * 2;
-+if (resetcount > offsetcount) resetcount = ocount;
-+/* Reset the working variable associated with each extraction. These should
-+never be used unless previously set, but they get saved and restored, and so we
-+initialize them to avoid reading uninitialized locations. */
-+if (match_block.offset_vector != NULL)
-+ {
-+ register int *iptr = match_block.offset_vector + ocount;
-+ register int *iend = iptr - resetcount/2 + 1;
-+ while (--iptr >= iend) *iptr = -1;
-+ }
-+/* Set up the first character to match, if available. The first_char value is
-+never set for an anchored regular expression, but the anchoring may be forced
-+at run time, so we have to test for anchoring. The first char may be unset for
-+an unanchored pattern, of course. If there's no first char and the pattern was
-+studied, there may be a bitmap of possible first characters. */
-+if (!anchored)
-+ {
-+ if ((re->options & PCRE_FIRSTSET) != 0)
-+ {
-+ first_char = re->first_char;
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_CASELESS) != 0) first_char = match_block.lcc[first_char];
-+ }
-+ else
-+ if (!startline && extra != NULL &&
-+ (extra->options & PCRE_STUDY_MAPPED) != 0)
-+ start_bits = extra->start_bits;
-+ }
-+/* For anchored or unanchored matches, there may be a "last known required
-+character" set. If the PCRE_CASELESS is set, implying that the match starts
-+caselessly, or if there are any changes of this flag within the regex, set up
-+both cases of the character. Otherwise set the two values the same, which will
-+avoid duplicate testing (which takes significant time). This covers the vast
-+majority of cases. It will be suboptimal when the case flag changes in a regex
-+and the required character in fact is caseful. */
-+if ((re->options & PCRE_REQCHSET) != 0)
-+ {
-+ req_char = re->req_char;
-+ req_char2 = ((re->options & (PCRE_CASELESS | PCRE_ICHANGED)) != 0)?
-+ (re->tables + fcc_offset)[req_char] : req_char;
-+ }
-+/* Loop for handling unanchored repeated matching attempts; for anchored regexs
-+the loop runs just once. */
-+ {
-+ int rc;
-+ register int *iptr = match_block.offset_vector;
-+ register int *iend = iptr + resetcount;
-+ /* Reset the maximum number of extractions we might see. */
-+ while (iptr < iend) *iptr++ = -1;
-+ /* Advance to a unique first char if possible */
-+ if (first_char >= 0)
-+ {
-+ if ((ims & PCRE_CASELESS) != 0)
-+ while (start_match < end_subject &&
-+ match_block.lcc[*start_match] != first_char)
-+ start_match++;
-+ else
-+ while (start_match < end_subject && *start_match != first_char)
-+ start_match++;
-+ }
-+ /* Or to just after \n for a multiline match if possible */
-+ else if (startline)
-+ {
-+ if (start_match > match_block.start_subject + start_offset)
-+ {
-+ while (start_match < end_subject && start_match[-1] != NEWLINE)
-+ start_match++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Or to a non-unique first char after study */
-+ else if (start_bits != NULL)
-+ {
-+ while (start_match < end_subject)
-+ {
-+ register int c = *start_match;
-+ if ((start_bits[c/8] & (1 << (c&7))) == 0) start_match++; else break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+#ifdef DEBUG /* Sigh. Some compilers never learn. */
-+ PCRE_PRINTF(">>>> Match against: ");
-+ pchars(start_match, end_subject - start_match, TRUE, &match_block);
-+ PCRE_PRINTF("\n");
-+ /* If req_char is set, we know that that character must appear in the subject
-+ for the match to succeed. If the first character is set, req_char must be
-+ later in the subject; otherwise the test starts at the match point. This
-+ optimization can save a huge amount of backtracking in patterns with nested
-+ unlimited repeats that aren't going to match. We don't know what the state of
-+ case matching may be when this character is hit, so test for it in both its
-+ cases if necessary. However, the different cased versions will not be set up
-+ unless PCRE_CASELESS was given or the casing state changes within the regex.
-+ Writing separate code makes it go faster, as does using an autoincrement and
-+ backing off on a match. */
-+ if (req_char >= 0)
-+ {
-+ register const uschar *p = start_match + ((first_char >= 0)? 1 : 0);
-+ /* We don't need to repeat the search if we haven't yet reached the
-+ place we found it at last time. */
-+ if (p > req_char_ptr)
-+ {
-+ /* Do a single test if no case difference is set up */
-+ if (req_char == req_char2)
-+ {
-+ while (p < end_subject)
-+ {
-+ if (*p++ == req_char) { p--; break; }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* Otherwise test for either case */
-+ else
-+ {
-+ while (p < end_subject)
-+ {
-+ register int pp = *p++;
-+ if (pp == req_char || pp == req_char2) { p--; break; }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* If we can't find the required character, break the matching loop */
-+ if (p >= end_subject) break;
-+ /* If we have found the required character, save the point where we
-+ found it, so that we don't search again next time round the loop if
-+ the start hasn't passed this character yet. */
-+ req_char_ptr = p;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ /* When a match occurs, substrings will be set for all internal extractions;
-+ we just need to set up the whole thing as substring 0 before returning. If
-+ there were too many extractions, set the return code to zero. In the case
-+ where we had to get some local store to hold offsets for backreferences, copy
-+ those back references that we can. In this case there need not be overflow
-+ if certain parts of the pattern were not used. */
-+ match_block.start_match = start_match;
-+ if (!match(start_match, re->code, 2, &match_block, ims, NULL, match_isgroup))
-+ continue;
-+ /* Copy the offset information from temporary store if necessary */
-+ if (using_temporary_offsets)
-+ {
-+ if (offsetcount >= 4)
-+ {
-+ memcpy(offsets + 2, match_block.offset_vector + 2,
-+ (offsetcount - 2) * sizeof(int));
-+ DPRINTF(("Copied offsets from temporary memory\n"));
-+ }
-+ if (match_block.end_offset_top > offsetcount)
-+ match_block.offset_overflow = TRUE;
-+ DPRINTF(("Freeing temporary memory\n"));
-+ (pcre_free)(match_block.offset_vector);
-+ }
-+ rc = match_block.offset_overflow? 0 : match_block.end_offset_top/2;
-+ if (offsetcount < 2) rc = 0; else
-+ {
-+ offsets[0] = start_match - match_block.start_subject;
-+ offsets[1] = match_block.end_match_ptr - match_block.start_subject;
-+ }
-+ DPRINTF((">>>> returning %d\n", rc));
-+ return rc;
-+ }
-+/* This "while" is the end of the "do" above */
-+while (!anchored &&
-+ match_block.errorcode == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH &&
-+ start_match++ < end_subject);
-+if (using_temporary_offsets)
-+ {
-+ DPRINTF(("Freeing temporary memory\n"));
-+ (pcre_free)(match_block.offset_vector);
-+ }
-+DPRINTF((">>>> returning %d\n", match_block.errorcode));
-+return match_block.errorcode;
-+/* End of pcre.c */
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/aamatch/pcre_exec.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
-+ * This is a modified header file containing the definitions from
-+ * pcre.h and internal.h required to support pcre_exec()
-+ */
-+* Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions *
-+/* Copyright (c) 1997-2001 University of Cambridge */
-+#ifndef _PCRE_H
-+#define _PCRE_H
-+/* ----- CODE ADDED ---- */
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#include // for kmalloc/kfree
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#define PCRE_PRINTF printk
-+#define isprint(x) ((unsigned char)(x) >= 128 && (unsigned char)(x) <= 255)
-+#define PCRE_PRINTF printf
-+/* The value of NEWLINE determines the newline character. The default is to
-+ * leave it up to the compiler, but some sites want to force a particular value.
-+ * On Unix systems, "configure" can be used to override this default. */
-+#ifndef NEWLINE
-+#define NEWLINE '\n'
-+/* ---- CODE DELETED ---- */
-+/* Options */
-+#define PCRE_CASELESS 0x0001
-+#define PCRE_MULTILINE 0x0002
-+#define PCRE_DOTALL 0x0004
-+#define PCRE_EXTENDED 0x0008
-+#define PCRE_ANCHORED 0x0010
-+#define PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY 0x0020
-+#define PCRE_EXTRA 0x0040
-+#define PCRE_NOTBOL 0x0080
-+#define PCRE_NOTEOL 0x0100
-+#define PCRE_UNGREEDY 0x0200
-+#define PCRE_NOTEMPTY 0x0400
-+#define PCRE_UTF8 0x0800
-+/* Exec-time and get-time error codes */
-+#define PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH (-1)
-+#define PCRE_ERROR_NULL (-2)
-+#define PCRE_ERROR_BADMAGIC (-4)
-+#define PCRE_ERROR_NOMEMORY (-6)
-+/* ---- CODE DELETED ---- */
-+/* Types */
-+struct real_pcre; /* declaration; the definition is private */
-+struct real_pcre_extra; /* declaration; the definition is private */
-+typedef struct real_pcre pcre;
-+typedef struct real_pcre_extra pcre_extra;
-+/* ---- CODE DELETED ---- */
-+extern int pcre_exec(const pcre *, const pcre_extra *,
-+ const char *, int, int, int, int *,
-+ int);
-+/* ---- CODE ADDED (from internal.h) ---- */
-+/* These are the public options that can change during matching. */
-+/* Private options flags start at the most significant end of the four bytes,
-+but skip the top bit so we can use ints for convenience without getting tangled
-+with negative values. The public options defined in pcre.h start at the least
-+significant end. Make sure they don't overlap, though now that we have expanded
-+to four bytes there is plenty of space. */
-+#define PCRE_FIRSTSET 0x40000000 /* first_char is set */
-+#define PCRE_REQCHSET 0x20000000 /* req_char is set */
-+#define PCRE_STARTLINE 0x10000000 /* start after \n for multiline */
-+#define PCRE_ICHANGED 0x04000000 /* i option changes within regex */
-+/* Options for the "extra" block produced by pcre_study(). */
-+#define PCRE_STUDY_MAPPED 0x01 /* a map of starting chars exists */
-+/* Masks for identifying the public options which are permitted at compile
-+time, run time or study time, respectively. */
-+/* Magic number to provide a small check against being handed junk. */
-+#define MAGIC_NUMBER 0x50435245UL /* 'PCRE' */
-+typedef int BOOL;
-+#define FALSE 0
-+#define TRUE 1
-+/* Opcode table: OP_BRA must be last, as all values >= it are used for brackets
-+that extract substrings. Starting from 1 (i.e. after OP_END), the values up to
-+OP_EOD must correspond in order to the list of escapes immediately above. */
-+enum {
-+ OP_END, /* End of pattern */
-+ /* Values corresponding to backslashed metacharacters */
-+ OP_SOD, /* Start of data: \A */
-+ OP_WORD_BOUNDARY, /* \b */
-+ OP_NOT_DIGIT, /* \D */
-+ OP_DIGIT, /* \d */
-+ OP_WHITESPACE, /* \s */
-+ OP_NOT_WORDCHAR, /* \W */
-+ OP_WORDCHAR, /* \w */
-+ OP_EODN, /* End of data or \n at end of data: \Z. */
-+ OP_EOD, /* End of data: \z */
-+ OP_OPT, /* Set runtime options */
-+ OP_CIRC, /* Start of line - varies with multiline switch */
-+ OP_DOLL, /* End of line - varies with multiline switch */
-+ OP_ANY, /* Match any character */
-+ OP_CHARS, /* Match string of characters */
-+ OP_NOT, /* Match anything but the following char */
-+ OP_STAR, /* The maximizing and minimizing versions of */
-+ OP_MINSTAR, /* all these opcodes must come in pairs, with */
-+ OP_PLUS, /* the minimizing one second. */
-+ OP_MINPLUS, /* This first set applies to single characters */
-+ OP_UPTO, /* From 0 to n matches */
-+ OP_EXACT, /* Exactly n matches */
-+ OP_NOTSTAR, /* The maximizing and minimizing versions of */
-+ OP_NOTMINSTAR, /* all these opcodes must come in pairs, with */
-+ OP_NOTPLUS, /* the minimizing one second. */
-+ OP_NOTMINPLUS, /* This first set applies to "not" single characters */
-+ OP_NOTUPTO, /* From 0 to n matches */
-+ OP_NOTEXACT, /* Exactly n matches */
-+ OP_TYPESTAR, /* The maximizing and minimizing versions of */
-+ OP_TYPEMINSTAR, /* all these opcodes must come in pairs, with */
-+ OP_TYPEPLUS, /* the minimizing one second. These codes must */
-+ OP_TYPEMINPLUS, /* be in exactly the same order as those above. */
-+ OP_TYPEQUERY, /* This set applies to character types such as \d */
-+ OP_TYPEUPTO, /* From 0 to n matches */
-+ OP_TYPEEXACT, /* Exactly n matches */
-+ OP_CRSTAR, /* The maximizing and minimizing versions of */
-+ OP_CRMINSTAR, /* all these opcodes must come in pairs, with */
-+ OP_CRPLUS, /* the minimizing one second. These codes must */
-+ OP_CRMINPLUS, /* be in exactly the same order as those above. */
-+ OP_CRQUERY, /* These are for character classes and back refs */
-+ OP_CRRANGE, /* These are different to the three seta above. */
-+ OP_CLASS, /* Match a character class */
-+ OP_REF, /* Match a back reference */
-+ OP_RECURSE, /* Match this pattern recursively */
-+ OP_ALT, /* Start of alternation */
-+ OP_KET, /* End of group that doesn't have an unbounded repeat */
-+ OP_KETRMAX, /* These two must remain together and in this */
-+ OP_KETRMIN, /* order. They are for groups the repeat for ever. */
-+ /* The assertions must come before ONCE and COND */
-+ OP_ASSERT, /* Positive lookahead */
-+ OP_ASSERT_NOT, /* Negative lookahead */
-+ OP_ASSERTBACK, /* Positive lookbehind */
-+ OP_ASSERTBACK_NOT, /* Negative lookbehind */
-+ OP_REVERSE, /* Move pointer back - used in lookbehind assertions */
-+ /* ONCE and COND must come after the assertions, with ONCE first, as there's
-+ a test for >= ONCE for a subpattern that isn't an assertion. */
-+ OP_ONCE, /* Once matched, don't back up into the subpattern */
-+ OP_COND, /* Conditional group */
-+ OP_CREF, /* Used to hold an extraction string number (cond ref) */
-+ OP_BRAZERO, /* These two must remain together and in this */
-+ OP_BRAMINZERO, /* order. */
-+ OP_BRANUMBER, /* Used for extracting brackets whose number is greater
-+ than can fit into an opcode. */
-+ OP_BRA /* This and greater values are used for brackets that
-+ extract substrings up to a basic limit. After that,
-+ use is made of OP_BRANUMBER. */
-+/* The highest extraction number before we have to start using additional
-+bytes. (Originally PCRE didn't have support for extraction counts highter than
-+this number.) The value is limited by the number of opcodes left after OP_BRA,
-+i.e. 255 - OP_BRA. We actually set it a bit lower to leave room for additional
-+opcodes. */
-+#define EXTRACT_BASIC_MAX 150
-+/* All character handling must be done as unsigned characters. Otherwise there
-+are problems with top-bit-set characters and functions such as isspace().
-+However, we leave the interface to the outside world as char *, because that
-+should make things easier for callers. We define a short type for unsigned char
-+to save lots of typing. I tried "uchar", but it causes problems on Digital
-+Unix, where it is defined in sys/types, so use "uschar" instead. */
-+typedef unsigned char uschar;
-+/* The real format of the start of the pcre block; the actual code vector
-+runs on as long as necessary after the end. */
-+typedef struct real_pcre {
-+ unsigned long int magic_number;
-+ size_t size;
-+ const unsigned char *tables;
-+ unsigned long int options;
-+ unsigned short int top_bracket;
-+ unsigned short int top_backref;
-+ uschar first_char;
-+ uschar req_char;
-+ uschar code[1];
-+} real_pcre;
-+/* The real format of the extra block returned by pcre_study(). */
-+typedef struct real_pcre_extra {
-+ uschar options;
-+ uschar start_bits[32];
-+} real_pcre_extra;
-+/* Structure for passing "static" information around between the functions
-+doing the matching, so that they are thread-safe. */
-+typedef struct match_data {
-+ int errorcode; /* As it says */
-+ int *offset_vector; /* Offset vector */
-+ int offset_end; /* One past the end */
-+ int offset_max; /* The maximum usable for return data */
-+ const uschar *lcc; /* Points to lower casing table */
-+ const uschar *ctypes; /* Points to table of type maps */
-+ BOOL offset_overflow; /* Set if too many extractions */
-+ BOOL notbol; /* NOTBOL flag */
-+ BOOL noteol; /* NOTEOL flag */
-+ BOOL utf8; /* UTF8 flag */
-+ BOOL endonly; /* Dollar not before final \n */
-+ BOOL notempty; /* Empty string match not wanted */
-+ const uschar *start_pattern; /* For use when recursing */
-+ const uschar *start_subject; /* Start of the subject string */
-+ const uschar *end_subject; /* End of the subject string */
-+ const uschar *start_match; /* Start of this match attempt */
-+ const uschar *end_match_ptr; /* Subject position at end match */
-+ int end_offset_top; /* Highwater mark at end of match */
-+} match_data;
-+/* Bit definitions for entries in the pcre_ctypes table. */
-+#define ctype_space 0x01
-+#define ctype_letter 0x02
-+#define ctype_digit 0x04
-+#define ctype_xdigit 0x08
-+#define ctype_word 0x10 /* alphameric or '_' */
-+#define ctype_meta 0x80 /* regexp meta char or zero (end pattern) */
-+/* Offsets for the bitmap tables in pcre_cbits. Each table contains a set
-+of bits for a class map. Some classes are built by combining these tables. */
-+#define cbit_length 320 /* Length of the cbits table */
-+/* Offsets of the various tables from the base tables pointer, and
-+total length. */
-+#define lcc_offset 0
-+#define fcc_offset 256
-+#define fcc_offset 256
-+#define cbits_offset 512
-+#define ctypes_offset (cbits_offset + cbit_length)
-+/* ----- CODE ADDED ---- */
-+#endif // _PCRE_H
-+ /* End of pcre.h */
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/aamatch/pcre_tables.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
-+* Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions *
-+/* This file is automatically written by the dftables auxiliary
-+program. If you edit it by hand, you might like to edit the Makefile to
-+prevent its ever being regenerated.
-+This file is #included in the compilation of pcre.c to build the default
-+character tables which are used when no tables are passed to the compile
-+function. */
-+static unsigned char pcre_default_tables[] = {
-+/* This table is a lower casing table. */
-+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
-+ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
-+ 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
-+ 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
-+ 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
-+ 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
-+ 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
-+ 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
-+ 64, 97, 98, 99,100,101,102,103,
-+ 104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,
-+ 112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,
-+ 120,121,122, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
-+ 96, 97, 98, 99,100,101,102,103,
-+ 104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,
-+ 112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,
-+ 120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,
-+ 128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,
-+ 136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,
-+ 144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,
-+ 152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,
-+ 160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,
-+ 168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,
-+ 176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,
-+ 184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,
-+ 192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,
-+ 200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,
-+ 208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,
-+ 216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,
-+ 224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,
-+ 232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,
-+ 240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,
-+ 248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,
-+/* This table is a case flipping table. */
-+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
-+ 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
-+ 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
-+ 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
-+ 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
-+ 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
-+ 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
-+ 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63,
-+ 64, 97, 98, 99,100,101,102,103,
-+ 104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,
-+ 112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,
-+ 120,121,122, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
-+ 96, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,
-+ 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,
-+ 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87,
-+ 88, 89, 90,123,124,125,126,127,
-+ 128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,
-+ 136,137,138,139,140,141,142,143,
-+ 144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,
-+ 152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,
-+ 160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,
-+ 168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175,
-+ 176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183,
-+ 184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,
-+ 192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199,
-+ 200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,
-+ 208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,
-+ 216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,
-+ 224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231,
-+ 232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,
-+ 240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,
-+ 248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255,
-+/* This table contains bit maps for various character classes.
-+Each map is 32 bytes long and the bits run from the least
-+significant end of each byte. The classes that have their own
-+maps are: space, xdigit, digit, upper, lower, word, graph
-+print, punct, and cntrl. Other classes are built from combinations. */
-+ 0x00,0x3e,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0x03,
-+ 0x7e,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x7e,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0x03,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0xfe,0xff,0xff,0x07,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0x07,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0x03,
-+ 0xfe,0xff,0xff,0x87,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0x07,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-+ 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x7f,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,
-+ 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x7f,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xfe,0xff,0x00,0xfc,
-+ 0x01,0x00,0x00,0xf8,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x78,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0xff,0xff,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,
-+/* This table identifies various classes of character by individual bits:
-+ 0x01 white space character
-+ 0x02 letter
-+ 0x04 decimal digit
-+ 0x08 hexadecimal digit
-+ 0x10 alphanumeric or '_'
-+ 0x80 regular expression metacharacter or binary zero
-+ 0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 0- 7 */
-+ 0x00,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x01,0x00,0x00, /* 8- 15 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 16- 23 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 24- 31 */
-+ 0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* - ' */
-+ 0x80,0x80,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00, /* ( - / */
-+ 0x1c,0x1c,0x1c,0x1c,0x1c,0x1c,0x1c,0x1c, /* 0 - 7 */
-+ 0x1c,0x1c,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80, /* 8 - ? */
-+ 0x00,0x1a,0x1a,0x1a,0x1a,0x1a,0x1a,0x12, /* @ - G */
-+ 0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12, /* H - O */
-+ 0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12, /* P - W */
-+ 0x12,0x12,0x12,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x10, /* X - _ */
-+ 0x00,0x1a,0x1a,0x1a,0x1a,0x1a,0x1a,0x12, /* ` - g */
-+ 0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12, /* h - o */
-+ 0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12,0x12, /* p - w */
-+ 0x12,0x12,0x12,0x80,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* x -127 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 128-135 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 136-143 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 144-151 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 152-159 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 160-167 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 168-175 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 176-183 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 184-191 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 192-199 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 200-207 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 208-215 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 216-223 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 224-231 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 232-239 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* 240-247 */
-+ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};/* 248-255 */
-+/* End of chartables.c */
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/Kconfig
-@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
-+ tristate "AppArmor support"
-+ depends on SECURITY!=n
-+ help
-+ This enables the Novell AppArmor security module.
-+ Required userspace tools (if they are not included in your
-+ distribution) and further information may be found at
-+ If you are unsure how to answer this question, answer N.
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/aamatch/Makefile
-@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-+# Makefile for AppArmor aamatch submodule
-+obj-$(CONFIG_SECURITY_APPARMOR) += aamatch_pcre.o
-+aamatch_pcre-y := match_pcre.o pcre_exec.o
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/apparmor.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor internal prototypes
-+ */
-+#ifndef __SUBDOMAIN_H
-+#define __SUBDOMAIN_H
-+/* defn of iattr */
-+#include "shared.h"
-+/* Control parameters (0 or 1), settable thru module/boot flags or
-+ * via /sys/kernel/security/subdomain/control */
-+extern int subdomain_complain;
-+extern int subdomain_debug;
-+extern int subdomain_audit;
-+extern int subdomain_logsyscall;
-+#define SD_UNCONSTRAINED "unconstrained"
-+/* $ echo -n subdomain.o | md5sum | cut -c -8 */
-+#define SD_ID_MAGIC 0x8c235e38
-+#define PROFILE_COMPLAIN(_profile) \
-+ (subdomain_complain == 1 || ((_profile) && (_profile)->flags.complain))
-+#define SUBDOMAIN_COMPLAIN(_sd) \
-+ (subdomain_complain == 1 || \
-+ ((_sd) && (_sd)->active && (_sd)->active->flags.complain))
-+#define SUBDOMAIN_AUDIT(_sd) \
-+ (subdomain_audit == 1 || \
-+ ((_sd) && (_sd)->active && (_sd)->active->flags.audit))
-+ * DEBUG remains global (no per profile flag) since it is mostly used in sysctl
-+ * which is not related to profile accesses.
-+ */
-+#define SD_DEBUG(fmt, args...) \
-+ do { \
-+ if (subdomain_debug) \
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "AppArmor: " fmt, ##args); \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define SD_INFO(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_INFO "AppArmor: " fmt, ##args)
-+#define SD_WARN(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_WARNING "AppArmor: " fmt, ##args)
-+#define SD_ERROR(fmt, args...) printk(KERN_ERR "AppArmor: " fmt, ##args)
-+/* basic AppArmor data structures */
-+struct flagval {
-+ int debug;
-+ int complain;
-+ int audit;
-+enum entry_t {
-+ sd_entry_literal,
-+ sd_entry_tailglob,
-+ sd_entry_pattern,
-+ sd_entry_invalid
-+ * sd_entry - file ACL *
-+ * Each entry describes a file and an allowed access mode.
-+ */
-+struct sd_entry {
-+ char *filename;
-+ int mode; /* mode is 'or' of READ, WRITE, EXECUTE,
-+ * (meaning don't prefetch). */
-+ enum entry_t entry_type;
-+ void *extradata;
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct list_head listp[POS_SD_FILE_MAX + 1];
-+#define SD_EXEC_MASK(mask) ((mask) & (SD_MAY_EXEC |\
-+ * sdprofile - basic confinement data
-+ *
-+ * The AppArmor profile contains the basic confinement data. Each profile
-+ * has a name and potentially a list of subdomain entries. The profiles are
-+ * connected in a list
-+ */
-+struct sdprofile {
-+ char *name; /* profile name */
-+ struct list_head file_entry; /* file ACL */
-+ struct list_head file_entryp[POS_SD_FILE_MAX + 1];
-+ struct list_head list; /* list of profiles */
-+ struct list_head sub; /* sub profiles, for change_hat */
-+ struct flagval flags; /* per profile debug flags */
-+ int isstale; /* is profile stale */
-+ int num_file_entries;
-+ int num_file_pentries[POS_SD_FILE_MAX + 1];
-+ kernel_cap_t capabilities;
-+ atomic_t count; /* reference count */
-+ * subdomain - a task's subdomain
-+ *
-+ * Contains the original profile obtained from execve() as well as the
-+ * current active profile (which could change due to change_hat). Plus
-+ * the hat_magic needed during change_hat.
-+ */
-+struct subdomain {
-+ __u32 sd_magic; /* magic value to distinguish blobs */
-+ struct sdprofile *profile; /* The profile obtained from execve() */
-+ struct sdprofile *active; /* The current active profile */
-+ __u32 sd_hat_magic; /* used with change_hat */
-+ struct list_head list; /* list of subdomains */
-+ struct task_struct *task;
-+typedef int (*sd_iter) (struct subdomain *, void *);
-+/* sd_path_data
-+ * temp (cookie) data used by sd_path_* functions, see inline.h
-+ */
-+struct sd_path_data {
-+ struct dentry *root, *dentry;
-+ struct namespace *namespace;
-+ struct list_head *head, *pos;
-+ int errno;
-+#define SD_SUBDOMAIN(sec) ((struct subdomain*)(sec))
-+#define SD_PROFILE(sec) ((struct sdprofile*)(sec))
-+/* Lock protecting access to 'struct subdomain' accesses */
-+extern rwlock_t sd_lock;
-+extern struct sdprofile *null_profile;
-+extern struct sdprofile *null_complain_profile;
-+/** sd_audit
-+ *
-+ * Auditing structure
-+ */
-+struct sd_audit {
-+ unsigned short type, flags;
-+ unsigned int result;
-+ unsigned int gfp_mask;
-+ int errorcode;
-+ const char *name;
-+ unsigned int ival;
-+ union{
-+ const void *pval;
-+ va_list vaval;
-+ };
-+/* audit types */
-+#define SD_AUDITTYPE_DIR 2
-+#define SD_AUDITTYPE_CAP 6
-+#define SD_AUDITTYPE_MSG 7
-+#define SD_AUDITTYPE__END 9
-+/* audit flags */
-+#define SD_AUDITFLAG_AUDITSS_SYSCALL 1 /* log syscall context */
-+#define SD_AUDITFLAG_LOGERR 2 /* log operations that failed due to
-+ non permission errors */
-+#define HINT_UNKNOWN_HAT "unknown_hat"
-+#define HINT_FORK "fork"
-+#define HINT_MANDPROF "missing_mandatory_profile"
-+#define HINT_CHGPROF "changing_profile"
-+#define LOG_HINT(sd, gfp, hint, fmt, args...) \
-+ do {\
-+ sd_audit_message(sd, gfp, 0, \
-+ "LOGPROF-HINT " hint " " fmt, ##args);\
-+ } while(0)
-+/* diroptype */
-+#define SD_DIR_MKDIR 0
-+#define SD_DIR_RMDIR 1
-+/* xattroptype */
-+#define SD_XATTR_GET 0
-+#define SD_XATTR_SET 1
-+#define SD_XATTR_LIST 2
-+#define SD_XATTR_REMOVE 3
-+/* main.c */
-+extern int alloc_nullprofiles(void);
-+extern void free_nullprofiles(void);
-+extern int sd_audit_message(struct subdomain *, unsigned int gfp, int,
-+ const char *, ...);
-+extern int sd_audit_syscallreject(struct subdomain *, unsigned int gfp,
-+ const char *);
-+extern int sd_audit(struct subdomain *, const struct sd_audit *);
-+extern char *sd_get_name(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *mnt);
-+extern int sd_attr(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct iattr *iattr);
-+extern int sd_xattr(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ const char *xattr, int xattroptype);
-+extern int sd_capability(struct subdomain *sd, int cap);
-+extern int sd_perm(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct vfsmount *mnt, int mask);
-+extern int sd_perm_nameidata(struct subdomain *sd, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ int mask);
-+extern int sd_perm_dentry(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int mask);
-+extern int sd_perm_dir(struct subdomain *sd, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ int diroptype);
-+extern int sd_link(struct subdomain *sd,
-+ struct dentry *link, struct dentry *target);
-+extern int sd_fork(struct task_struct *p);
-+extern int sd_register(struct file *file);
-+extern void sd_release(struct task_struct *p);
-+extern int sd_change_hat(const char *id, __u32 hat_magic);
-+extern int sd_associate_filp(struct file *filp);
-+/* list.c */
-+extern struct sdprofile *sd_profilelist_find(const char *name);
-+extern int sd_profilelist_add(struct sdprofile *profile);
-+extern int sd_profilelist_remove(const char *name);
-+extern void sd_profilelist_release(void);
-+extern struct sdprofile *sd_profilelist_replace(struct sdprofile *profile);
-+extern void sd_profile_dump(struct sdprofile *);
-+extern void sd_profilelist_dump(void);
-+extern void sd_subdomainlist_add(struct subdomain *);
-+extern void sd_subdomainlist_remove(struct subdomain *);
-+extern void sd_subdomainlist_iterate(sd_iter, void *);
-+extern void sd_subdomainlist_iterateremove(sd_iter, void *);
-+extern void sd_subdomainlist_release(void);
-+/* subdomain_interface.c */
-+extern void free_sdprofile(struct sdprofile *profile);
-+extern int sd_sys_security(unsigned int id, unsigned call, unsigned long *args);
-+/* procattr.c */
-+extern size_t sd_getprocattr(struct subdomain *sd, char *str, size_t size);
-+extern int sd_setprocattr_changehat(char *hatinfo, size_t infosize);
-+extern int sd_setprocattr_setprofile(struct task_struct *p, char *profilename,
-+ size_t profilesize);
-+/* apparmorfs.c */
-+extern int create_subdomainfs(void);
-+extern int destroy_subdomainfs(void);
-+/* capabilities.c */
-+extern const char *capability_to_name(unsigned int cap);
-+/* apparmor_version.c */
-+extern const char *apparmor_version(void);
-+extern const char *apparmor_version_nl(void);
-+#endif /* __SUBDOMAIN_H */
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/apparmor_version.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor version definition
-+ */
-+#error "-DAPPARMOR_VERSION must be specified when compiling this file"
-+/* apparmor_version_str exists to allow a strings on module to
-+ * see APPARMOR_VERSION= prefix
-+ */
-+static const char *apparmor_version_str =
-+/* apparmor_version_str_nl exists to allow an easy way to get a newline
-+ * terminated string without having to do dynamic memory allocation
-+ */
-+static const char *apparmor_version_str_nl = APPARMOR_VERSION "\n";
-+const char *apparmor_version(void)
-+ const int len = sizeof(APPARMOR_VERSION_STR_PFX) - 1;
-+ return apparmor_version_str + len;
-+const char *apparmor_version_nl(void)
-+ return apparmor_version_str_nl;
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/apparmorfs.c
-@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ *
-+ * AppArmor filesystem (part of securityfs)
-+ */
-+#include "apparmor.h"
-+#include "inline.h"
-+#define SECFS_SD "apparmor"
-+static struct dentry *sdfs_dentry = NULL;
-+/* profile */
-+extern struct seq_operations subdomainfs_profiles_op;
-+static int sd_prof_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
-+static int sd_prof_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
-+static struct file_operations subdomainfs_profiles_fops = {
-+ .open = sd_prof_open,
-+ .read = seq_read,
-+ .llseek = seq_lseek,
-+ .release = sd_prof_release,
-+/* version */
-+static ssize_t sd_version_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *ppos);
-+static struct file_operations subdomainfs_version_fops = {
-+ .read = sd_version_read,
-+/* interface */
-+extern ssize_t sd_file_prof_add(void *, size_t);
-+extern ssize_t sd_file_prof_repl(void *, size_t);
-+extern ssize_t sd_file_prof_remove(const char *, int);
-+static ssize_t sd_profile_load(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos);
-+static ssize_t sd_profile_replace(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos);
-+static ssize_t sd_profile_remove(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos);
-+static struct file_operations subdomainfs_profile_load = {
-+ .write = sd_profile_load
-+static struct file_operations subdomainfs_profile_replace = {
-+ .write = sd_profile_replace
-+static struct file_operations subdomainfs_profile_remove = {
-+ .write = sd_profile_remove
-+/* control */
-+static u64 sd_control_get(void *data);
-+static void sd_control_set(void *data, u64 val);
-+DEFINE_SIMPLE_ATTRIBUTE(subdomainfs_control_fops, sd_control_get,
-+ sd_control_set, "%lld\n");
-+/* table of static entries */
-+static struct root_entry {
-+ const char *name;
-+ int mode;
-+ int access;
-+ struct file_operations *fops;
-+ void *data;
-+ /* internal fields */
-+ struct dentry *dentry;
-+ int parent_index;
-+} root_entries[] = {
-+ /* our root, normally /sys/kernel/security/subdomain */
-+ {SECFS_SD, S_IFDIR, 0550}, /* DO NOT EDIT/MOVE */
-+ /* interface for obtaining list of profiles currently loaded */
-+ {"profiles", S_IFREG, 0440, &subdomainfs_profiles_fops,
-+ NULL},
-+ /* interface for obtaining version# of subdomain */
-+ {"version", S_IFREG, 0440, &subdomainfs_version_fops,
-+ NULL},
-+ /* interface for loading/removing/replacing profiles */
-+ {".load", S_IFREG, 0640, &subdomainfs_profile_load,
-+ NULL},
-+ {".replace", S_IFREG, 0640, &subdomainfs_profile_replace,
-+ NULL},
-+ {".remove", S_IFREG, 0640, &subdomainfs_profile_remove,
-+ NULL},
-+ /* interface for setting binary config values */
-+ {"control", S_IFDIR, 0550},
-+ {"complain", S_IFREG, 0640, &subdomainfs_control_fops,
-+ &subdomain_complain},
-+ {"audit", S_IFREG, 0640, &subdomainfs_control_fops,
-+ &subdomain_audit},
-+ {"debug", S_IFREG, 0640, &subdomainfs_control_fops,
-+ &subdomain_debug},
-+ {"logsyscall", S_IFREG, 0640, &subdomainfs_control_fops,
-+ &subdomain_logsyscall},
-+ {NULL, S_IFDIR, 0},
-+ /* root end */
-+ {NULL, S_IFDIR, 0}
-+#define SDFS_DENTRY root_entries[0].dentry
-+static const unsigned int num_entries =
-+ sizeof(root_entries) / sizeof(struct root_entry);
-+static int sd_prof_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return seq_open(file, &subdomainfs_profiles_op);
-+static int sd_prof_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return seq_release(inode, file);
-+static ssize_t sd_version_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *ppos)
-+ const char *version = apparmor_version_nl();
-+ return simple_read_from_buffer(buf, size, ppos, version,
-+ strlen(version));
-+static char *sd_simple_write_to_buffer(const char __user *userbuf,
-+ size_t alloc_size, size_t copy_size,
-+ loff_t *pos, const char *msg)
-+ char *data;
-+ if (*pos != 0) {
-+ /* only writes from pos 0, that is complete writes */
-+ data = ERR_PTR(-ESPIPE);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* Don't allow confined processes to load/replace/remove profiles.
-+ * No sane person would add rules allowing this to a profile
-+ * but we enforce the restriction anyways.
-+ */
-+ if (sd_is_confined()) {
-+ struct subdomain *sd = SD_SUBDOMAIN(current->security);
-+ SD_WARN("REJECTING access to profile %s (%s(%d) "
-+ "profile %s active %s)\n",
-+ msg, current->comm, current->pid,
-+ sd->profile->name, sd->active->name);
-+ data = ERR_PTR(-EPERM);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ data = vmalloc(alloc_size);
-+ if (data == NULL) {
-+ data = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (copy_from_user(data, userbuf, copy_size)) {
-+ vfree(data);
-+ data = ERR_PTR(-EFAULT);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ return data;
-+static ssize_t sd_profile_load(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
-+ char *data;
-+ ssize_t error;
-+ data = sd_simple_write_to_buffer(buf, size, size, pos, "load");
-+ if (!IS_ERR(data)) {
-+ error = sd_file_prof_add(data, size);
-+ vfree(data);
-+ } else {
-+ error = PTR_ERR(data);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static ssize_t sd_profile_replace(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
-+ char *data;
-+ ssize_t error;
-+ data = sd_simple_write_to_buffer(buf, size, size, pos, "replacement");
-+ if (!IS_ERR(data)) {
-+ error = sd_file_prof_repl(data, size);
-+ vfree(data);
-+ } else {
-+ error = PTR_ERR(data);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static ssize_t sd_profile_remove(struct file *f, const char __user *buf,
-+ size_t size, loff_t *pos)
-+ char *data;
-+ ssize_t error;
-+ /* sd_file_prof_remove needs a null terminated string so 1 extra
-+ * byte is allocated and null the copied data is then null terminated
-+ */
-+ data = sd_simple_write_to_buffer(buf, size+1, size, pos, "removal");
-+ if (!IS_ERR(data)) {
-+ data[size] = 0;
-+ error = sd_file_prof_remove(data, size);
-+ vfree(data);
-+ } else {
-+ error = PTR_ERR(data);
-+ }
-+ return error;
-+static u64 sd_control_get(void *data)
-+ return *(int *)data;
-+static void sd_control_set(void *data, u64 val)
-+ if (val > 1)
-+ val = 1;
-+ *(int*)data = (int)val;
-+static void clear_subdomainfs(void)
-+ unsigned int i;
-+ for (i=0; i < num_entries;i++) {
-+ unsigned int index;
-+ if (root_entries[i].mode == S_IFDIR) {
-+ if (root_entries[i].name)
-+ /* defer dir free till all sub-entries freed */
-+ continue;
-+ else
-+ /* cleanup parent */
-+ index = root_entries[i].parent_index;
-+ } else {
-+ index = i;
-+ }
-+ if (root_entries[index].dentry) {
-+ securityfs_remove(root_entries[index].dentry);
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: deleted subdomainfs entry name=%s "
-+ "dentry=%p\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ root_entries[index].name,
-+ root_entries[index].dentry);
-+ root_entries[index].dentry = NULL;
-+ root_entries[index].parent_index = 0;
-+ }
-+ }
-+static int populate_subdomainfs(struct dentry *root)
-+ unsigned int i, parent_index, depth;
-+#define ENT root_entries[i]
-+ for (i = 0; i < num_entries; i++) {
-+ root_entries[i].dentry = NULL;
-+ root_entries[i].parent_index = 0;
-+ }
-+ /* 1. Verify entry 0 is valid [sanity check] */
-+ if (num_entries == 0 ||
-+ !root_entries[0].name ||
-+ strcmp(root_entries[0].name, SECFS_SD) != 0 ||
-+ root_entries[0].mode != S_IFDIR) {
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: root entry 0 is not SECFS_SD/dir\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto error;
-+ }
-+ /* 2. Verify table structure */
-+ parent_index = 0;
-+ depth = 1;
-+ for (i = 1; i < num_entries; i++) {
-+ ENT.parent_index = parent_index;
-+ if (ENT.name && ENT.mode == S_IFDIR) {
-+ depth++;
-+ parent_index = i;
-+ } else if (!ENT.name) {
-+ if (ENT.mode != S_IFDIR || depth == 0) {
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: root_entry %d invalid (%u %d)",
-+ __FUNCTION__, i,
-+ ENT.mode, ENT.parent_index);
-+ goto error;
-+ }
-+ depth--;
-+ parent_index = root_entries[parent_index].parent_index;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (depth != 0) {
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: root_entry table not correctly terminated\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ goto error;
-+ }
-+ /* 3. Create root (parent=NULL) */
-+ i=0;
-+ ENT.dentry = securityfs_create_file(ENT.name,
-+ ENT.mode | ENT.access,
-+ if (ENT.dentry)
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: created securityfs/subdomain [dentry=%p]\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, ENT.dentry);
-+ else
-+ goto error;
-+ /* 4. create remaining nodes */
-+ for (i = 1; i < num_entries; i++) {
-+ struct dentry *parent;
-+ /* end of directory ? */
-+ if (!ENT.name)
-+ continue;
-+ parent = root_entries[ENT.parent_index].dentry;
-+ ENT.dentry = securityfs_create_file(ENT.name,
-+ ENT.mode | ENT.access,
-+ parent,
-+ ENT.mode != S_IFDIR ? ENT.data : NULL,
-+ ENT.mode != S_IFDIR ? ENT.fops : NULL);
-+ if (!ENT.dentry)
-+ goto cleanup_error;
-+ SD_DEBUG("%s: added subdomainfs entry "
-+ "name=%s mode=%x dentry=%p [parent %p]\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, ENT.name, ENT.mode|ENT.access,
-+ ENT.dentry, parent);
-+ }
-+ return 1;
-+ clear_subdomainfs();
-+ return 0;
-+int create_subdomainfs(void)
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: Subdomain securityfs already exists\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ else if (!populate_subdomainfs(sdfs_dentry))
-+ SD_ERROR("%s: Error populating Subdomain securityfs\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ return (SDFS_DENTRY != NULL);
-+int destroy_subdomainfs(void)
-+ clear_subdomainfs();
-+ return 1;
---- /dev/null
-+++ linux-2.6.16-SL101_BRANCH/security/apparmor/shared.h
-@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005 Novell/SUSE
-+ *
-+ * Immunix AppArmor LSM
-+ *
-+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-+ * License.
-+ */
-+#ifndef _SHARED_H
-+#define _SHARED_H
-+/* start of system offsets */
-+#define POS_SD_FILE_MIN 0
-+/* not used by Subdomain */
-+/* end of system offsets */
-+/* Modeled after MAY_READ, MAY_WRITE, MAY_EXEC def'ns */
-+#define SD_MAY_EXEC (0x01 << POS_SD_MAY_EXEC)
-+#define SD_MAY_WRITE (0x01 << POS_SD_MAY_WRITE)
-+#define SD_MAY_READ (0x01 << POS_SD_MAY_READ)
-+#define SD_MAY_LINK (0x01 << POS_SD_MAY_LINK)
-+#endif /* _SHARED_H */
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_namespacesem.patch b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_namespacesem.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dd1f54..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1-apparmor_namespacesem.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-Subject: Export namespace semaphore
-Patch-mainline: no
-Export global namespace_sem (this used to be a per namespace semaphore).
-Alas, this isn't going to win _any_ points for style.
-Patch is not in mainline -- pending AppArmor code submission to lkml
-Index: linux-2.6.17/fs/namespace.c
---- linux-2.6.17.orig/fs/namespace.c
-+++ linux-2.6.17/fs/namespace.c
-@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@
- static struct list_head *mount_hashtable __read_mostly;
- static int hash_mask __read_mostly, hash_bits __read_mostly;
- static kmem_cache_t *mnt_cache __read_mostly;
--static struct rw_semaphore namespace_sem;
-+struct rw_semaphore namespace_sem;
- /* /sys/fs */
- decl_subsys(fs, NULL, NULL);
-Index: linux-2.6.17/include/linux/namespace.h
---- linux-2.6.17.orig/include/linux/namespace.h
-+++ linux-2.6.17/include/linux/namespace.h
-@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
- #include
- #include
-+/* exported for AppArmor (SubDomain) */
-+extern struct rw_semaphore namespace_sem;
- struct namespace {
- atomic_t count;
- struct vfsmount * root;
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fb4599..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-MD5 a6a5ccde0c291921c155a74da36463a2 apparmor-kernel-patches- 231231
-RMD160 762d4b59aa508cfd82ebbeba4822ffb0551f5888 apparmor-kernel-patches- 231231
-SHA256 0884cd7bfdff4505fd5271ca68b72f74b352d209321ef60dc81620b0539f0ec7 apparmor-kernel-patches- 231231
-MD5 cd5d67dc1d3514ec240497efff0f8726 genpatches-2.6.17-1.base.tar.bz2 3337
-RMD160 f9b5621fed8fcfee7da697d89097842287b41b24 genpatches-2.6.17-1.base.tar.bz2 3337
-SHA256 2208b72729dce6daef7dc5700192aec0ae17327c794681621d2123f0c483ae21 genpatches-2.6.17-1.base.tar.bz2 3337
-MD5 0b6385904bccbd9d6c5508565e5c76ff genpatches-2.6.17-1.extras.tar.bz2 138704
-RMD160 14b17e02b7893e6b023bee9e1b40f4bc85a30f05 genpatches-2.6.17-1.extras.tar.bz2 138704
-SHA256 fa10ec7d3d74c8bf57fb3bd01c33f83dcca3c1e4cd4601937cc2ef904cce1dfe genpatches-2.6.17-1.extras.tar.bz2 138704
-MD5 37ddefe96625502161f075b9d907f21e linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919
-RMD160 26aad30c9a6610665c6c7d62401d79bf56a6a699 linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919
-SHA256 ab0f647d52f124958439517df9e1ae0efda90cdb851f59f522fa1749f1d87d58 linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d2fbf9..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.17-r1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-MD5 cd5d67dc1d3514ec240497efff0f8726 genpatches-2.6.17-1.base.tar.bz2 3337
-RMD160 f9b5621fed8fcfee7da697d89097842287b41b24 genpatches-2.6.17-1.base.tar.bz2 3337
-SHA256 2208b72729dce6daef7dc5700192aec0ae17327c794681621d2123f0c483ae21 genpatches-2.6.17-1.base.tar.bz2 3337
-MD5 0b6385904bccbd9d6c5508565e5c76ff genpatches-2.6.17-1.extras.tar.bz2 138704
-RMD160 14b17e02b7893e6b023bee9e1b40f4bc85a30f05 genpatches-2.6.17-1.extras.tar.bz2 138704
-SHA256 fa10ec7d3d74c8bf57fb3bd01c33f83dcca3c1e4cd4601937cc2ef904cce1dfe genpatches-2.6.17-1.extras.tar.bz2 138704
-MD5 37ddefe96625502161f075b9d907f21e linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919
-RMD160 26aad30c9a6610665c6c7d62401d79bf56a6a699 linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919
-SHA256 ab0f647d52f124958439517df9e1ae0efda90cdb851f59f522fa1749f1d87d58 linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 41272919
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.18 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.18
deleted file mode 100644
index fed15c6..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/files/digest-apparmor-sources-2.6.18
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-MD5 523e91619920dea824a35bf813db1b67 apparmor-kernel-patches-2.6.18.tar.gz 231072
-RMD160 f734125d986dcb3aec371f0e24126a5473d5637f apparmor-kernel-patches-2.6.18.tar.gz 231072
-SHA256 91224ff1f45de306c0720a5680a8f883888b52f296b0de24c63ec02668782b63 apparmor-kernel-patches-2.6.18.tar.gz 231072
-MD5 0c1cd82748c5d2207fa034e32686bca7 genpatches-2.6.18-1.base.tar.bz2 2397
-RMD160 1b02d9e5adba7a9a17f85691f312ee2c870c9a48 genpatches-2.6.18-1.base.tar.bz2 2397
-SHA256 e87db440591d48f74b8d50f47bde55a1652c969626befa94aba48cee57aa5da8 genpatches-2.6.18-1.base.tar.bz2 2397
-MD5 f565ec95a1f2ac1b675f9a126c27c3c1 genpatches-2.6.18-1.extras.tar.bz2 147040
-RMD160 f62b371d522fa8978cee4e809baea364ed8e804a genpatches-2.6.18-1.extras.tar.bz2 147040
-SHA256 080b19f98ffa8f5edbccabfa9dd4ac845ecc1b21c7fba761ad3d011893117b01 genpatches-2.6.18-1.extras.tar.bz2 147040
-MD5 296a6d150d260144639c3664d127d174 linux-2.6.18.tar.bz2 41863580
-RMD160 f92283f956880676bfb1f1d5288325461e4e02e7 linux-2.6.18.tar.bz2 41863580
-SHA256 c95280ff6c5d2a17788f7cc582d23ae8a9a7ba3f202ec6e4238eaadfce7c163d linux-2.6.18.tar.bz2 41863580
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/metadata.xml b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e43ec03..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-kernel/apparmor-sources/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- zepher@sigalrm.com
- Matthew Snelham
- Primary Maintainer
-Patched kernel sources containing the proper symbol exports, and the full apparmor module suite. Based on gentoo-sources kernel.
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/ChangeLog b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 183ffe0..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for sys-libs/libapparmor
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
- 13 Aug 2006; Mario Fetka
- +libapparmor-2.0_p6288.ebuild:
- Initial Import of
- Matthew Snelham
- Apparmor ebuilds
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/Manifest b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index c977702..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-DIST libapparmor-2.0-132.tar.gz 16744 RMD160 c174a530fadb8c33f2858160f2cdcf5b76289940 SHA1 953851b4079ff864bd9679c2f62b18c424662cb8 SHA256 b4ac4f208b1db08339effaf3362da0e3b240e1b6126b8a367d54006b23ae1b17
-DIST libapparmor-2.0-6288.tar.gz 20725 RMD160 5f4b8a443a23d4cd4a16b35ae8ebf65647683b2e SHA1 cd75d8631bdddb9e873cee5c6b3b45d12d94d416 SHA256 0aebaae48f1917a65c43683ad8f332301fcf46d4dcb392177a4750b245f42882
-EBUILD libapparmor-2.0_p132.ebuild 832 RMD160 b0dc473a86806f47adb4f7d18ad2b084764f2971 SHA1 a322be109eeb3bb78333b59183704b20c54c0960 SHA256 69087039002aa33d329eb1dbeab51b3fb638dde18afc1c3bf0683cd261b5df51
-MD5 29b073603effc975e61720b86b04644f libapparmor-2.0_p132.ebuild 832
-RMD160 b0dc473a86806f47adb4f7d18ad2b084764f2971 libapparmor-2.0_p132.ebuild 832
-SHA256 69087039002aa33d329eb1dbeab51b3fb638dde18afc1c3bf0683cd261b5df51 libapparmor-2.0_p132.ebuild 832
-EBUILD libapparmor-2.0_p6288.ebuild 833 RMD160 2cb68e615d17cb3a8d2dec04eb3e7591ff0b7b0c SHA1 a532c94dad06f14345b10056425eb7a83f86fede SHA256 62b95ca2859d69d52a6c61953323a436445de006e99f696bac2372652c805a62
-MD5 3211838fc17b65a3c9802623a6c7bf26 libapparmor-2.0_p6288.ebuild 833
-RMD160 2cb68e615d17cb3a8d2dec04eb3e7591ff0b7b0c libapparmor-2.0_p6288.ebuild 833
-SHA256 62b95ca2859d69d52a6c61953323a436445de006e99f696bac2372652c805a62 libapparmor-2.0_p6288.ebuild 833
-MISC ChangeLog 284 RMD160 1553535ff05f46ae92828147a583f2f0d5402eee SHA1 343d3606e800346037da0a81e214300916e46917 SHA256 5353c6e36136b7e1b35a257611658d4d61e38f6c534b66d4eeb32bbef767c72a
-MD5 ab9f8c5f4d1aa1b4e3591adb277b2b63 ChangeLog 284
-RMD160 1553535ff05f46ae92828147a583f2f0d5402eee ChangeLog 284
-SHA256 5353c6e36136b7e1b35a257611658d4d61e38f6c534b66d4eeb32bbef767c72a ChangeLog 284
-MISC metadata.xml 450 RMD160 d535fe106e302ca44b57bb84c908879597d95391 SHA1 d1ab915420fa81974724847d4e1dbbcb4b6a2cd6 SHA256 ee835dc483681371f197a3a46241f0fc7ce54869b2578132c268a4dc171cf015
-MD5 61f0a7a9d59cc054a3542313d1515744 metadata.xml 450
-RMD160 d535fe106e302ca44b57bb84c908879597d95391 metadata.xml 450
-SHA256 ee835dc483681371f197a3a46241f0fc7ce54869b2578132c268a4dc171cf015 metadata.xml 450
-MD5 9913e4e3a663787501f86fe85c989cc6 files/digest-libapparmor-2.0_p132 256
-RMD160 efca71ce6079f9be02ca6bec4d0a3edea523f00a files/digest-libapparmor-2.0_p132 256
-SHA256 4d5fbabd865d64ab586b53e90f1fb7ad0ca8ac03dcb69e93fa6a105b7bdf8a9a files/digest-libapparmor-2.0_p132 256
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-SHA256 ae7d5dd76d792a1ff7ee7817846dff1402573c7fee7b19a45120086dac49e898 files/digest-libapparmor-2.0_p6288 259
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/files/digest-libapparmor-2.0_p132 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/files/digest-libapparmor-2.0_p132
deleted file mode 100644
index 20a2b08..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/files/digest-libapparmor-2.0_p132
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 6f62215d4e8d54ac1f79fd8d39c3bbd3 libapparmor-2.0-132.tar.gz 16744
-RMD160 c174a530fadb8c33f2858160f2cdcf5b76289940 libapparmor-2.0-132.tar.gz 16744
-SHA256 b4ac4f208b1db08339effaf3362da0e3b240e1b6126b8a367d54006b23ae1b17 libapparmor-2.0-132.tar.gz 16744
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/files/digest-libapparmor-2.0_p6288 b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/files/digest-libapparmor-2.0_p6288
deleted file mode 100644
index 74898c7..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/files/digest-libapparmor-2.0_p6288
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 e7f5e6f8663919d5998469e842442509 libapparmor-2.0-6288.tar.gz 20725
-RMD160 5f4b8a443a23d4cd4a16b35ae8ebf65647683b2e libapparmor-2.0-6288.tar.gz 20725
-SHA256 0aebaae48f1917a65c43683ad8f332301fcf46d4dcb392177a4750b245f42882 libapparmor-2.0-6288.tar.gz 20725
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/libapparmor-2.0_p132.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/libapparmor-2.0_p132.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index fdd5285..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/libapparmor-2.0_p132.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Primary support library and headers for AppArmor userspace"
-KEYWORDS="~x86 ~amd64"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${MY_S}
- # the Make.rules isn't needed for Gentoo
- sed -i "s/^include Make.rules//g" Makefile
-src_compile() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" || die
-src_install() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/libapparmor-2.0_p6288.ebuild b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/libapparmor-2.0_p6288.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 379dd1b..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/libapparmor-2.0_p6288.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Primary support library and headers for AppArmor userspace"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${MY_S}
- # the Make.rules isn't needed for Gentoo
- sed -i "s/^include Make.rules//g" Makefile
-src_compile() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- emake CC="$(tc-getCC)" CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" || die
-src_install() {
- cd ${MY_S}
- make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
diff --git a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/metadata.xml b/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 35e8e28..0000000
--- a/trunk/novell4gentoo/sys-libs/libapparmor/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- zepher@sigalrm.com
- Matthew Snelham
- Primary Maintainer
-Apparmor shared libraries. Packaged separately due to license difference from primary apparmor code.