# optional debug level # 0: emergency # 1: alert # 2: critical # 3: error # 4: warning # 5: notice # 6: info (default) # 7: debug debug.level = 6 # optional debug categories - a space or comma-separated list of log message categories # all (default) - enable logging for all categories # lifecycle - log messaages pertaining to service lifecycles (threads) # buffer - logs messages pertaining to buffers # net - network-related log messages # auth - authorization-related log messages # stage - log messages pertaining to the request flow through the stages # proc - log messages pertaining to any kind of request processing # db - log messages pertaining storage on OSD or database access on MRC/DIR # replication - logs messages pertaining to replication # misc - any other log messages #debug.categories = all # port for the service to listen on listen.port = 48636 http_port = 46636 # optional address for network device, "any" if not specified #listen.address = # interval for querying the Directory Service for new OSDs osd_check_interval = 10 # Directory Service endpoint dir_service.host = localhost dir_service.port = 48638 # specify whether access time stamps are updated no_atime = true no_fsync = true # granularity of the local clock (in ms) (0 disables it to always use the current system time) local_clock_renewal = 0 # interval between two remote clock syncs (in ms) remote_time_sync = 60000 # specify whether SSL is required ssl.enabled = true # SSL/TLS version to use # in JDK 6: sslv3, ssltls, tlsv1 # in JDK 7 additionally: tlsv12 # tlsv11 comes with JDK 6 or 7, depending on the vendor # 'ssltls' (default) accepts all versions, # the others accept only the exact version they name. ssl.protocol=tlsv12 # server credentials for SSL handshakes ssl.service_creds = ../../tests/certs/client_ssl_test/MRC_Root.p12 ssl.service_creds.pw = mrc_root ssl.service_creds.container = pkcs12 # trusted certificates for SSL handshakes ssl.trusted_certs = ../../tests/certs/client_ssl_test/trusted_root.jks ssl.trusted_certs.pw = trusted_root ssl.trusted_certs.container = jks # time span between two database checkpoint attempts (in ms) database.checkpoint.interval = 1800000 # time span for which no requests must have been received to create a checkpoint (in ms) database.checkpoint.idle_interval = 1000 # minimum size in bytes the log file must have to create a checkpoint database.checkpoint.logfile_size = 16384 # Authentication providers are used to retrieve the user identities # from the client or from certificate. # The default provider is org.xtreemfs.mrc.auth.NullAuthProvider, which just # takes the information provided by the client. The name of a pluggable # provider can be used here. authentication_provider = org.xtreemfs.common.auth.NullAuthProvider # Optional directory containing deployable policy implementations. # Policies can be directly deployed as .java or .class files in this directory # or one of its subdirectories. They will be compiled at startup time and # loaded at runtime. Policies may have external dependencies that can be # deployed either as .java, .class or .jar files. While Java and Class files # may be located in subdirectories, JAR files mustn't. So far, pluggable # policies have to inherit from either org.xtreemfs.mrc.ac.FileAccessPolicy, # org.xtreemfs.mrc.osdstatus.OSDSelectionPolicy, # org.xtreemfs.common.auth.AuthenticationProvider, or javax.ssl.TrustManager. # Policies identified by policy IDs (OSDSelectionPolicy and FileAccessPolicy) # require a public static long field called POLICY_ID that assigns the policy # a unique number. policy_dir = /etc/xos/xtreemfs/policies geographic_coordinates = 52.455483,13.297405 capability_secret = Yagga # administrator password for privileged operations #admin_password = blub ##################################################################### # BabuDB configuration # ##################################################################### # optional debug level ( # 0 = emergency, # 1 = alert, # 2 = critical, # 3 = error, # 4 = warning, # 5 = notice, # 6 = info, # 7 = debug) babudb.debug.level = 4 # optional debug category #babudb.debug.category = all # name for the database configuration file #babudb.cfgFile = config.db # base directory to store database index snapshots in babudb.baseDir = /tmp/xtreemfs-test/mrc_ssl_version/database # directory in which the database logs are stored babudb.logDir = /tmp/xtreemfs-test/mrc_ssl_version/log # SyncMode the synchronization mode to use for the logFile # ASYNC - asynchronously write log entries (data is lost when system crashes). # FSYNC - executes an fsync on the logfile before acknowledging the operation. # FDATASYNC # SYNC_WRITE - synchronously writes the log entry to disk before ack. Does not # update the metadata. # SYNC_WRITE_METADATA - synchronously writes the log entry to disk and updates # the metadata before ack. babudb.sync = ASYNC # max queue length: if > 0, the queue for each worker is limited to maxQ babudb.worker.maxQueueLength = 250 # number of worker threads to use babudb.worker.numThreads = 0 # a checkpoint is generated, if maxLogfileSize is exceeded babudb.maxLogfileSize = 16777216 # interval between two checks in seconds, 0 disables auto checkPointing babudb.checkInterval = 300 # if set to a value > 0, operations are acknowledged immediately before # they are written to the disk log. The disk logger will do batch writes # and call fSync... every pseudoSyncWait seconds. This can be used to # increase performance and emulate PostgreSQL behavior. babudb.pseudoSyncWait = 0 # flag that determines whether the indices shall be compressed or not. #babudb.compression = false # UUID for the MRC uuid = test-localhost-MRC