An Alpha release of version 5.2 of the Prospero file system is now available by anonymous FTP from PROSPERO.ISI.EDU in the file pub/prospero/prospero-alpha.5.2.tar.Z. It can also be obtained through Prospero itself from /releases/prospero/prospero-alpha.5.2.tar.Z. The name prospero.tar.Z in those directories still points to the stable Beta 5.1 release; this has been done for the sake of the archie server maintainers and other information providers who depend upon Prospero. Some important changes since the last Prospero release should be of interest to the readers of comp.infosystems.gopher: (a) A menu-based browser client, similar to the Gopher client (b) A gateway server which makes all of Gopherspace available through Prospero queries. (c) A menu-based browser API interface library to Prospero, which allows one to easily write new browsers that use Prospero to make their underlying calls. The menu-based browser supports all of the basic Gopher types: searches, text files, data files, and portals (what Gopher calls telnet sessions). It does not yet support sophisticated display of binary image files, reading Postscript or MIME documents, playing sounds, or automatic decoding of uuencoded, compressed, or tarred files. These enhancements will be added shortly; the protocol definitions for them have already been made. We support authenticated remote modifications to menus, though not presently from within the browser itself. For now you will have to learn how to use a few Prospero commands to add new menus or items and set descriptions. We plan to eventually support remote update within the browser itself. Prospero, and thus menus available to the menu browser (as a Prospero client), supports fine grained access control based on client identity. Authentication is provided using 4 alternative authentication mechanisms, depending on your specific needs: (a) Kerberos (version 5); (b) per user passwords; (c) trusted port and trusted host assertion (like the Berkeley R commands); and (d) a check of the host from which a request originated and the asserted user identity of the client. Prospero provides full access control list mechanisms for those who wish to put fine-grained permissions on particular objects or directories. For instance, one can easily set some directories so that anybody at your company or university can read data in them, only a particular group of people can insert data into them, and only the system administrator or the author of a particular piece of information is allowed to modify and delete it. Of course, anyone who does not need these security mechanisms can export data using the default permissions defined on a per server basis. An elegant new Prospero feature we're rather proud of is the search interface. We support a variety of search methods, including direct queries to Prospero-speaking database servers, such as Archie servers and all Gopher servers via a Prospero-Gopher gateway. The search servers are self defining, exporting attributes that tell the client what to prompt for, help messages to display if requested by the user, and how to package the search when it is sent to the server. Client implementors need not worry about the generality of this mechanism since they can make perfectly functional clients that use only a small subset of the available data. The menu browser has a subset of this search interface built into it. The philosophy behind this work, or why we are doing this: One of Gopher's greatest strengths is its clear, straightforward user interface. However, the gopher protocol itself has a number of limitations which keep it from being suitable as a universal Internet information infrastructure, such as the fact that all updates to data must be made through means outside the protocol (i.e., editing files on the server) and its lack of security mechanism. Most current Internet information services, such as Gopher, World Wide Web, and WAIS, have their own specialized clients, servers, and network protocols. This makes it difficult for these services to interoperate smoothly. People attempt to address these issues with inefficient ad-hoc gateways, such as the Gopher servers that make Archie queries on behalf of Gopher clients, or even our own Prospero-Gopher gateway. These are not very good solutions. Prospero provides a framework for integrating information from diverse sources. Client writers can work on interesting clients, and service providers can publish their data, without needing to work on issues of little interest to them. We explore these ideas in greater depth in the paper 'Prospero: A Base for Building Information Infrastructure', to be presented at the INET '93 conference in August, and available via anonymous FTP from PROSPERO.ISI.EDU as /pub/papers/prospero/ We encourage others to build clients that make their queries through Prospero and to publish their data through Prospero. We provide an application library (much better documented in this release than in previous ones) and a simple application interface designed specifically for the authors of read-only menu browsers. It is also not difficult to publish your data through Prospero, and we are eager to work with those who wish to do so. -- Steven Seger Augart Research Staff, USC Information Sciences Institute -- B. Clifford Neuman Scientist, USC Information Sciences Institute email: