Notes about MoreFiles, dnr.c & other non-Tcl source files --------------------------------------------------------- @(#) morefiles.doc 1.2 96/08/28 17:27:22 The Macintosh distribution uses several source files that don't actually ship with Tcl. This sometimes causes problems or confusion to developers. This document should help clear up a few things. dnr.c ----- The C file dnr.c is provided by Apple Computer and is usually included by the various compilier vendors. For Metrowerks, the file is located in the same place as the system include files. This file is required by MacTcp and can't, by license terms, be shiped with Mac Tcl/Tk. Some versions of this file have used the C++ style of comments. (That is comments that start with //.) You may need to modify you version of dnr.c to use normal C style comments. Alternativly, you can change the preferences in your copy of the Mac Tcl/Tk project files to allow C++ style comments. This modification is kind of a pain. Please feel free to notify Metrowerks Support and Apple's Developer Support Center to report this bug. With enough complaints they may fix it... More Files ---------- Macintosh Tcl/Tk also uses Jim Luther's very useful package called More Files. More Files fixes many of the broken or underfunctional parts of the file system. More Files can be found on the MetroWerks CD and Developer CD from Apple. You can also down load the latest version from: The package can also be found at the home of Tcl/Tk for the mac: I used to just link the More Files library in the Tcl projects. However, this caused problems when libraries wern't matched correctly. I'm now including the files in the Tcl project directly. This solves the problem of missmatched libraries - but may not always compile. If you get a compiliation error in MoreFiles you need to contact Jim Luther. His email address: The latest version of More Files is 1.4.3. Early version may work. Unfortunantly, there is one bug in his library. The bug is in the function FSpGetFullPath found in the file FullPath.c. After the call to PBGetCatInfoSync you need to change the line: if ( result == noErr ) to: if ( (result == noErr) || (result == fnfErr) ) Note: the version of MoreFile downloaded from the Sun Tcl/Tk site will have the fix included. (If you want you can send email to Jim Luther suggesting that he use Tcl for regression testing!) Ray Johnson