# netinfo.test # # This file tests the dp_netinfo command # if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} then {source ../tests/defs} test netinfo-noargs {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { dp_netinfo } msg] $msg } {1 {wrong # args: should be "dp_netinfo option arg"}} test netinfo-onearg {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { dp_netinfo -foo } msg] $msg } {1 {wrong # args: should be "dp_netinfo option arg"}} test netinfo-toomanyargs {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { dp_netinfo one two three } msg] $msg } {1 {wrong # args: should be "dp_netinfo option arg"}} # # This test may not succeed everywhere. # test netinfo-localhost {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { dp_netinfo -address } msg] $msg } {0 localhost} test netinfo-localhost {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { set host [dp_netinfo -address] string tolower $host } msg] $msg } {0 hercules.cs.cornell.edu} test netinfo-unknownoption {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { dp_netinfo -option arg } msg] $msg } {1 {dp_netinfo: unknown option "-option"}} test netinfo-unknownip {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { dp_netinfo -address } msg] $msg } {1 {dp_netinfo -address unknown host ""}} test netinfo-unknownhost {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { dp_netinfo -address .com } msg] $msg } {1 {dp_netinfo -address unknown host ".com"}} # # This test will fail if there is a service at -1. # This test may take a few seconds. # test netinfo-unknownserviceport {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { dp_netinfo -service -1 } msg] $msg } {1 {dp_netinfo -service unknown service/port# "-1"}} # # This test may take a few seconds. # test netinfo-unknownservicename {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { dp_netinfo -service } msg] $msg } {1 {wrong # args: should be "dp_netinfo option arg"}} test netinfo-num2name {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { lindex [dp_netinfo -service 21] 0 } msg] $msg } {0 ftp} test netinfo-name2num {dp_netinfo command} { list [catch { lindex [dp_netinfo -service ftp] 1 } msg] $msg } {0 21}