# mkRadio w # # Create a top-level window that displays a bunch of radio buttons. # # Arguments: # w - Name to use for new top-level window. proc mkRadio {{w .r1}} { catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w dpos $w wm title $w "Radiobutton Demonstration" wm iconname $w "Radiobuttons" message $w.msg -font -Adobe-times-medium-r-normal--*-180* -aspect 300 \ -text "Two groups of radiobuttons are displayed below. If you click on a button then the button will become selected exclusively among all the buttons in its group. A Tcl variable is associated with each group to indicate which of the group's buttons is selected. Click the \"See Variables\" button to see the current values of the variables. Click the \"OK\" button when you've seen enough." frame $w.frame -borderwidth 10 frame $w.frame2 pack $w.msg -side top pack $w.msg -side top pack $w.frame -side top -fill x -pady 10 pack $w.frame2 -side bottom -fill x frame $w.frame.left frame $w.frame.right pack $w.frame.left $w.frame.right -side left -expand yes radiobutton $w.frame.left.b1 -text "Point Size 10" -variable size \ -relief flat -value 10 radiobutton $w.frame.left.b2 -text "Point Size 12" -variable size \ -relief flat -value 12 radiobutton $w.frame.left.b3 -text "Point Size 18" -variable size \ -relief flat -value 18 radiobutton $w.frame.left.b4 -text "Point Size 24" -variable size \ -relief flat -value 24 pack $w.frame.left.b1 $w.frame.left.b2 $w.frame.left.b3 $w.frame.left.b4 \ -side top -pady 2 -anchor w radiobutton $w.frame.right.b1 -text "Red" -variable color \ -relief flat -value red radiobutton $w.frame.right.b2 -text "Green" -variable color \ -relief flat -value green radiobutton $w.frame.right.b3 -text "Blue" -variable color \ -relief flat -value blue radiobutton $w.frame.right.b4 -text "Yellow" -variable color \ -relief flat -value yellow radiobutton $w.frame.right.b5 -text "Orange" -variable color \ -relief flat -value orange radiobutton $w.frame.right.b6 -text "Purple" -variable color \ -relief flat -value purple pack $w.frame.right.b1 $w.frame.right.b2 $w.frame.right.b3 \ $w.frame.right.b4 $w.frame.right.b5 $w.frame.right.b6 \ -side top -pady 2 -anchor w button $w.frame2.ok -text OK -command "destroy $w" -width 12 button $w.frame2.vars -text "See Variables" -width 12\ -command "showVars $w.dialog size color" pack $w.frame2.ok $w.frame2.vars -side left -expand yes -fill x }