.\" Copyright (c) 1992, 1994, 1996 Bunyip Information Systems Inc. .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Archie 3.5 .\" August 1996 .\" .\" @(#)weaseld.n .\" .TH WEASELD N "August 1996" .SH NAME weaseld \- convert between Gopher and Prospero protocols .SH SYNOPSIS .B weaseld [\fB\-acl \fIacl\-file\fR] [\fB\-config \fItcl\-script\fR] [\fB\-debug\fR] [\fB\-emesg \fIfile\fR] [\fB\-log \fIlog\-file\fR] [\fB\-pdebug \fInum\fR] [\fB\-phost \fIhost\fR] [\fB\-port \fInum\fR] [\fB\-proot \fIprosp\-root\fR] [\fB\-stay\fR] [\fB\-user \fIname\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .B weaseld serves the contents of a Prospero File System directory tree, while giving the appearance, to Gopher clients, of an ordinary Gopher server. When started without arguments \fBweaseld\fR listens on port 70 (officially assigned to Gopher), and treats the root of the Prospero tree as the main Gopher menu. .SH OPTIONS .LP .TP 5n .B \-acl \fIacl\-file\fR Access control list. .IR acl\-file contains a list of network and host addresses, one per line, which limits the sites that may access the server. All addresses must be in dotted decimal format, and no other type of line may appear in the file. Network addresses may be abreviated; for example, `8' refers to the network `'. .TP 5n .B \-config \fItcl\-script\fR Execute \fItcl\-script\fR upon start\-up. Sending SIGUSR1 to the parent process will cause the script to be re\-executed. This code is still under development, so the exact effect of executing the script is not yet defined. .TP 5n .B \-debug Write debugging information to \fIstderr\fR. Note that in normal operation, as a daemon, \fIstderr\fR is not attached to any file, so any ouput to it will be lost. (See below for information on the \fB\-log\fR and \fB\-stay\fR options.) The \fB\-debug\fR option is normally used for debugging. .TP 5n .B \-emesg \fIfile\fR Where to log special messages. Special messages, as opposed to those written to a log file, are normally sent to the console. They may be directed to the file or device given by the \fIfile\fR argument. This option is normally used for debugging. .TP 5n .B \-log \fIlog\-file\fR Log debugging information to a file. \fIstderr\fR is connected to the file given as the argument. This allows debugging information to be saved when running as a daemon. This option is normally used for debugging. .TP 5n .B \-pdebug \fInum\fR Print Prospero debugging information to \fIstderr\fR. The Prospero libraries use the numeric argument as a debug level. This option is normally used for debugging. .TP 5n .B \-phost \fIhost\fR The argument is the name of the host on which the Prospero directory tree resides. The default is \fIlocalhost\fR. .TP 5n .B \-port \fInum\fR The numeric argument is the port on which to listen for connections from Gopher clients. The default is 70. .TP 5n .B \-proot \fIprosp\-root\fR The argument is the name of the Prospero virtual directory which is to appear as the root of the Gopher directory tree. The default is the root of the Prospero virtual directory tree. .TP 5n .B \-stay Stay in the foreground. The server will not background itself, as it would when started normally. If the \fB\-debug\fR option is specified, debugging information will be sent to \fIstderr\fR, unless overridden by the \fB\-log\fR option. The \fB\-stay\fR option is normally used for debugging. .TP 5n .B \-user \fIname\fR .B weaseld will attempt to change both its real and effective user IDs to that of the specified user, which may be either a name or a number. Normally, this is used only when the daemon is started by root. .SH SEE ALSO Documentation provided with the Prospero distribution, .br Documentation provided with the Gopher distribution. .SH AUTHOR Bunyip Information Systems .br Montr\o"\'e"al, Qu\o"\'e"bec, Canada .sp Archie is a registered trademark of Bunyip Information Systems Inc., Canada, 1990.