.\" Copyright (c) 1996 Bunyip Information Systems Inc. .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Archie 3.5 .\" August 1996 .\" .\" @(#)arserver.n .\" .TH AREXCHANGE N "August 1996" .SH NAME .B arretrieve \- Archie data exchange program .SH SYNOPSIS .B arexchange [ .BI \-M " " ] [ .BI \-h " " ] [ .BI \-C " " ] [ .BI \-f " " ] [ .BI \-F " " ] [ .BI \-T " " ] [ .B \-e ] [ .BI \-d " " ] [ .BI \-I " " ] [ .BI \-m " " ] [ .B \-Z ] [ .B \-v ] [ .B \-c ] [ .B \-u ] [ .B \-j ] [ .B \-l ] [ .BI \-L " " ] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP .B arexchange is used by the local Archie host to retrieve preprocessed data, from other remote Archie hosts, by contacting the remote .B arserver process. It does so on a per-database basis with the use of the associated .B ~archie/bin/net_* programs. So, for example, to exchange webindex data the .B net_webindex program is invoked, and it is responsible for the actual data transmission. .B arexchange is responsible for the administration of the data exchange. .RE .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI \-M " " The name of the master Archie database directory. If not specified, the program looks in the directory .BR ~archie/db , then .BR ./db . .TP .BI \-h " " The name of the Archie host database directory. If not supplied, the program will first try .BR ~archie/db/host_db , then .BR ./host_db . .TP .BI \-C " " Use .I as the configuration file. See the .SM CONFIGURATION section. .TP .BI \-f " " .I is a colon separated list of data hosts to be retrieved. This overrides the default requests which would normally be obtained from the configuration file, and retrieves the data hosts even if they are not scheduled for retrieval. Note that the data hosts' information will not be retrieved if the server process at the other end of the connection determines that the associated records are currently inactive. All the servers listed in the configuration file are contacted for the specified .I (unless overridden by the .B \-F option). The databases retrieved are those specified in the configuration file. .TP .BI \-F " " .I is the colon separated list of names of Archie servers in the configuration file from which the program should retrieve the information requested. No other servers are contacted, and if the given servers are not listed in the configuration file no action is taken. A simple case insensitive string comparison is performed between the server list on the command line and those in the configuration file. No DNS comparison is done, so the same names in the configuration file must be used on the command line (i.e. aliases must not be used). .TP .BI \-T " " If, during the data exchange, the connection is idle for .I minutes, the process is aborted. The timeout has a default value of 10 minutes. .TP .B \-j The program does not invoke the actual data exchange, but prints the data provided by the remote server process as if the data exchange were being carried out. This is printed out in an internal protocol format. See .BR archie_protocol (5). .TP .B \-e Do not expand pseudo-domains on output. By default, a pseudo-domain specified in the .B arupdate.cf file (to be exchanged) is replaced with its corresponding list of domains. .TP .BI \-d " " Only exchange those databases in the colon separated .IR "" . If none of the databases in the list are present in the configuration file entry for any given server, then no transfers are performed with that server. This option may be used in conjunction with the .B \-F and/or .B \-f options to obtain the specified databases, on particular data hosts, from specific remote Archie servers. .TP .B \-v Verbose mode. Write debugging information to .IR stderr , or to a log file, if one is specified. .TP .B \-c Request compression of the transferred data (using the .BR compress (1) or .BR gzip (1) program). The remote server may choose to ignore the request. .TP .B \-u Request uncompressed transmission of data. The remote server may choose to ignore the request. .TP .B \-l Write any messages to the default log file .BR ~archie/logs/archie.log . The name of the log file can be overridden with the .B \-L option. By default, errors are written to .IR stderr . .TP .B \-Z Force the retrieve programs to pick up the .B ls-lR.Z or .B ls-lR.gz files. .TP .BI \-m " " Specify the maximum number of entries to process. .TP .BI \-I " " Set a minimum size, in bytes, for a site file to be indexed. If the size of the site file is greater than or equal to this size, a `.idx' file will accompany the site file in order to speed up search queries. The default value of .I is 500000 bytes. This option is useful only when updating (using the .B \-u option), and is used by the insert programs. .TP .BI \-L " " The name of the file to which information is logged. This option must be used with the .B \-l option. Note that debugging information is also written to the log file. .RE .SH CONFIGURATION .PP This program is intended to be periodically run by the .BR cron (8) daemon (see .SM "Configuring the System" in the Archie documentation). The program reads the configuration file, .BR ~archie/etc/arupdate.cf , unless overridden by the .B \-C option. This file is also used by the .B arserver program. (See .BR arserver (n)). Lines in the configuration file have the following format: .IP \fI \fP [, \fI\fP ...] .PP where .RS .TP .I is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host with which data is to be exchanged. Note that the local Archie server name should not be in this file. .RE .PP For each .I there may be multiple .I entries. Since each entry starting with .I is considered to be a single line, the backslash, (`\\') is used as a line continuation character. Each .I consists of the following fields: .LP .I .PP .SS Field Interpretation .PP The fields have the following syntax and meaning: .RS .TP .I A list of Archie databases about which to query the server. An asterisk (`*') indicates that the server is to be queried about .I all databases. .TP .I The list of domains about which to query the server. .TP .I The maximum number of sites to accept, from the server, at a time. A value of zero indicates that .I all available sites should be obtained. .TP .I If the character `w' appears here, the arexchange program should query the server about the information on this line (see below). .TP .I A number specifying the minimum delay, by default in minutes, until the server is again contacted. The time may be specified in hours or days by appending an `h' or `d' .I immediately after the number. .TP .I A date, in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format, indicating the last time the .B arexchange program queried this server. .TP .I The number of consecutive, failed attempts to contact this server. .RE .PP Example: .IP The following is an example of a configuration file entry and how the program would interpret it. .LP \fCbunyip.com anonftp:webindex europe:usa 30 w 12h 19920703162322 2\fP .PP .RS .TP Field 1. Contact the server at `bunyip.com' to retrieve the exchanged data. .TP Field 2. Request information about the anonftp and webindex databases. .TP Field 3. Ask only for those sites in `europe' and `usa'. .TP Field 4. Retrieve at most 30 sites from the server, in one session. .TP Field 5. This line is .I enabled so the client is to ask the server about information specified on this line. .TP Field 6. Contact the server every 12 hours. .TP Field 7. The time at which the server was last contacted. .TP Field 8. There have been two consecutive failures to contact this site. .sp .sp .RE Note that both the local .BR arserver and .BR arexchange programs read the same configuration file. Furthermore, it is through the .I field that the respective server and client invocations determine the lines intended for them. The .B arexchange program uses lines with a .I value of `w'. .sp .RE It is also possible to specify `rw' in the permission field. This means both that the remote client may contact the local server and that the local client is to contact the remote server. .sp .RE See .BR arserver (n) for more examples. .RE .SH FILES ~archie/etc/arexchange.cf .br ~archie/db/host_db/* .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR cron (8), .BR arserver (n), .BR arretrieve (n), Archie system documentation. .SH AUTHOR Bunyip Information Systems, .br Montr\o"\'e"al, Qu\o"\'e"bec, Canada .sp Archie is a registered trademark of Bunyip Information Systems Inc., Canada, 1990.