# # playerO.tcl -- Tcl/Tk script for player O, the RPC client. # # This script should be run after running the player X script. # package require dp 4.0 set player O; puts stdout "Tic Tac Toe - player O"; # Get information from user; # puts stdout "Enter the host address of player X: " nonewline; gets stdin host; puts stdout "Enter the port number of player X: " nonewline; gets stdin port; # Connect to server (player X) as an RPC client; # set server [dp_MakeRPCClient $host $port]; # Instead of creating a local board object, we ask the server to # distribute its board object to us; # source board.tcl; set remFile [dp_RPC $server set dp_rpcFile] dp_RPC $server eval dp_DistributeObject .board $remFile board; # Initialize the user interface; # source interface.tcl; # Trigger a user interface update whenever the state slot of # the distributed board object changes; # dp_SetTrigger after .board state DisplayUpdate