Changes since Alpha.5.2b: Documentation about the list structures is now present in the library manual. NAMED ACLs are new. Database internals have changed: dsrobject() format for files. Databases now call dsrobject(). Databases now use NAMED acls for their database ACLs. Bug fixed: connection ID now reset upon each fork. PROSPERO-CONTENTS access method added. Code ported to SOLARIS and SCO dialects of UNIX. Changes from Alpha.5.2a to Alpha.5.2b: Fixed bug where GOPHER-GW would sometimes crash with a segmentation fault, depending on your compiler's implementation of ANSI C variable-length argument lists. Made Mail/Save/Print features work correctly in the menu browser. They no longer open the same file twice, and they now handle errors appropriately. Changed output format for vls -A; should be less confusing. Multiple tokens in a SEQUENCE are now separated with ' ; '. ARDP library now works correctly even if you make an ARDP call, then fork and make ARDP calls in the child processes. This used to break. This was causing great trouble to potential collaborators. Fixed ACL checking bugs in Version 1 backwards compatability stuff (server/dirsrv_v1()). These bugs were introduced in Alpha.5.2. Changes from Alpha.5.2 to Alpha.5.2a: Major bug fix: Message fragmentation and reassembly seem to be finally fixed correctly. They now work even for messages which do not contain a newline somewhere within them, and work both for the client and for the server. Minor bug fixed in way FORWARDED response is given on the server; this won't affect current users much, since forwarding pointers are still not in widespread use. Minor bugs fixed in lower levels of ARDP library; these do not affect people who were not directly using the ARDP library. Changes between Beta.5.1 and Alpha.5.2: The MENU browser interface and GOPHER-GW gateway are new. See the README file or doc/gopher.ann or the user's manual. Link attributes can now be added to all links, including those which are stored in native UNIX directories (for example the anonymous FTP area). The link target (FILE/DIRECTORY) is now tested and returned for all links in a directory, even if they are in native unix directories. The directory server used to, as an efficiency hack, not bother statting big native directories, but would sometimes lie and claim directories were actually FILEs. This information is cached on the server for most directories. If PSRV_CACHE_NATIVE is defined, then this cacheing will occur even for entirely native directories. OBJECT attributes are cached in cached directories. Bugs fixed in Kerberos version 5 support. There is a new definition in pserver.h, KERBEROS_SRVTAB. Disabled return of connection ID for V4 clients. This change compensates for a bug in some V4 clients due to the use of an incorrect type (signed long vs. unsigned short) as the connection ID. This change has no effect on the V5 protocol. However, it does make a number of older clients, including most versions of the xarchie client, work with the new code. The server's CREATE-OBJECT function with the DIRECTORY option now creates the subdirectory first and only then creates a link to it. This keeps a link to nowhere from appearing in case of a system crash during the directory creation process. The server function dswdir() that writes out modified directories now writes them out to a temporary file and then atomically renames it to the correct filename. This means that in case of running out of disk space or other system failure, no information will be lost and the directory state will remain consistent. This feature was inspired after PROSPERO.ISI.EDU's main disk filled up and a Prospero directory that belonged to the implementor of this feature (swa) was affected. A number of places in the code which used to store protocol messages in static buffers now store them in dynamically allocated buffers. Attributes and protocol messages now can have arbitrarily long tokens in them. This change affected enough places in the code that we have made the first release containing it an Alpha (Alpha.5.2); the default prospero.tar.Z file still points to Beta.5.1. NEWVS used to work incorrectly when making a new virtual system that was to have multiple principals in the initial ACL. Fixed. The old pkl and psrvchat commands have been replaced by the new 'padmin' command. Padmin can be used to administer a Prospero server (kill it, restart it, set the message of the day). It can also be used by a programmer to send raw Prospero protocol messages to the server (with the -command option) and by anybody to retrieve the message of the day (with the -get MOTD option). Documentation in the user's manual. p__vfsetup and p__vcd now let you explicitly override your SHELL environment variable with '-s sh' or '-s csh' flags. gen_vfsetup and p__vfsetup now generate commands which by default include the -s sh or -s csh flag as appropriate. The old hack of checking your SHELL environment variable in the absence of such a flag will stick around for a while, but will probably go away in a future release. This feature was inspired by a problem that a user who had renamed his shell experienced. rd_vlink(".") now works correctly; this fixes the behavior of set_acl and list_acl. list_acl and set_acl don't dump core any more when called with incorrect arguments. In addition, they are now more flexible about how arguments may be specified. Fixed case where some legal arguments to set_acl sometimes segfaulted. Compiling with HPUX prototypes used to generate warnings of the form: "warning: argument passing of non-const * pointer from const *". It doesn't any more. Compiling under HPUX used to generate warnings about the arguments to select() and bcopy() and wait(); it doesn't any more. Enhancement to lib/pfs/p__req.c: userids not in the passwd database are sent across the network as uid# instead of as *nobody*. Changes between Alpha.5.1 and Beta.5.1: One bug fix: The server's CREATE-OBJECT command used to reuse directory names even if there were still active links to those directories. It now generates new unique names. As a result, the following sequence will no longer destroy the contents of the new directory tlink: vmkdir test vln some-file test/some-file vln test tlink vrm test vmkdir test Changes between Alpha.5.0 and Alpha.5.1: A special stripped-down FTP only version of the release is now available, for sites that want to publish their anonymous FTP archive areas through Prospero and don't want to worry about the full gamut of configuration options. The user-level name format has been enhanced. Special characters in user-level names ('#', ':', '/', '(', ')', and now '\') can be quoted by preceding them with a backslash ('\'). This change will be useful as more new databases with unusual names are integrated into the propero naming network. The library routines p_uln_index() and p_uln_rindex() have been added to help in manipulating the new name format. get_vdir() now takes a pointer to a list of tokens as its acomp argument instead of a single string with slash separating the multiple components. This makes the code much cleaner and solves the problem of get_vdir() reading files whose user-level names contain slashes. A similar change has been made to the database function code on the server. The code sending names across the network has been improved; Spaces in file names sent across the network still occasionally caused problems in the Alpha 5.0 release; they no longer do in Alpha 5.1. A new type of link has been added: INVISIBLE links. You can make them by giving the new '-i' option to vln. You can list them by giving the new '-i' option to vls. They are just like dot files in UNIX, except that their names can have any format. A new LOCAL access method has been added. Along with it is a new definition in pserver.h called SHARED_PREFIXES. This definition, among other things, makes it very easy to retrieve files through NFS on systems that run an automount demon. VGET can now retrieve files using any access method. VGET used to not know about AFS or NFS. The psite.h file now also contains a new option for special applications, PCOMPAT_SUPPORT_FTP. If defined, routines linked with the pcompat library (such as our version of CAT) will prompt for an FTP username and password if necessary in order to access a file. In other words, they, too, can retrieve with any access method. Some unusual cases involving forwarding of links and expansion of union links have been fixed. The server logging has been improved slightly. The protocol has been extended so that it is easier to add new types of FIELD attributes and so that multiple-component names are sent in a cleaner fashion. Alpha 5.0 clients continue to work, as do pre-5.0 clients. AIX support for the server has been added. CHANGES between Beta.4.2 and Alpha.5.0: This release speaks version 5 and version 1 of the Prospero protocol. Previous releases have all spoken only version 1. The new server is backwards-compatable with clients speaking the previous version (version 1) of the prospero protocol. This is described in greater depth in the document server/COMPATABILITY. The clients only speak version 5 and will not work with servers still speaking only version 1. There have been many updates in the new version of the protocol. This release can be configured to perform authentication of users using Kerberos version 5. Version 5 is still experimental; version 4 is not supported. This release supports Archie 3 servers in addition to the older Archie 2. Quoting of names internally in the Prospero protocol is now fully supported (it was not in previous versions of Prospero). Therefore, host-specific object names may now have spaces or other strange characters in them, as may attribute names and values and filenames. This release includes support for PREDEFINED filters that run on the server side. Such filters solve the security problems that have plagued filters in the past. A later release will come with a number of predefined standard server and client This release includes support for remotely modifying link and object attributes with the library routines pset_at() and pset_linkat() and the user program SET_ATR. VLN now handles external links rather differently from the way it used to. To make an external link to a file reachable by anonymous FTP, type: vln -e AFTP hostname name-on-that-host BINARY new-name or vln -e AFTP hostname name-on-that-host TEXT new-name Until we finish revising the user's manual, contact us with questions about the new vln and about set_atr. AF has not been ported to the new release and will probably never be. Filters have changed quite a bit. You can add filters to links by using the SET_ATR program with the -linkprec and -filter options to modify the FILTER attribute on the link of interest. Client developers should note that some of the fields in some of the structures have been renamed or changed in format. FILTER and PATTRIB structures have been introduced. See the file doc/v5.announcement for a discussion of additional changes. This release of Prospero includes a standalone client to query archie servers. See the README file. This release also includes an alternative ls. To compile first build Prospero (either with or without the compatibility library), then connect to the user subdirectory and type make als. als is still under development by Steve Cliffe ( Please send any comments or bug reports related to als to him. Eventually, the vls command will be replaced by als.