/* qsscanf.c Author: Steven Augart (swa@isi.edu) Designed, Documented, and Written: 7/18/92 -- 7/27/92 Ported from Gnu C to full ANSI C & traditional C, 10/5/92 & modifier added, detraditionalized: 2/16/93. Made a wrapper around qscanf(), 3/2/93 */ /* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 by the University of Southern California. */ /* For copying and distribution information, see the file <usc-copyr.h> */ #include <usc-copyr.h> #include <stdarg.h> /* ANSI variable arguments facility. */ #include <pfs.h> #include <pparse.h> int qsscanf(const char *s, const char *fmt, ...) /* s: source string fmt: format describing what to scan for. remaining args: pointers to places to store the data we read, or integers (field widths). */ { va_list ap; /* for varargs */ int retval; INPUT_ST in_st; INPUT in = &in_st; /* Otherwise vqscanf will fail an assertion*/ if (!s || s[0] == '\0') return 0; in->sourcetype = IO_STRING; in->rreq = NULL; in->s = s; in->file = NULL; in->flags = PERCENT_R_TARGET_IS_STRING; va_start(ap, fmt); retval = vqscanf(in, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return retval; }