/* * Copyright (c) 1992, 1993 by the University of Southern California * * For copying and distribution information, please see the file * <usc-license.h> */ #include <usc-license.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* For malloc and free */ #include <pfs.h> static P_OBJECT lfree = NULL; int p_object_count = 0; int p_object_max = 0; /* * oballoc - allocate and initialize p_object structure * * OBALLOC returns a pointer to an initialized structure of type * P_OBJECT. If it is unable to allocate such a structure, it * signals out_of_memory(); */ P_OBJECT oballoc(void) { P_OBJECT ob; p_th_mutex_lock(p_th_mutexOBALLOC); if(lfree) { ob = lfree; lfree = lfree->next; } else { ob = (P_OBJECT) malloc(sizeof(P_OBJECT_ST)); if (!ob) out_of_memory(); p_object_max++; } p_object_count++; p_th_mutex_unlock(p_th_mutexOBALLOC); /* Initialize and fill in default values */ #ifdef ALLOCATOR_CONSISTENCY_CHECK ob->consistency = INUSE_PATTERN; #endif ob->version = 0; /* version is always zero. */ ob->flags = 0; /* no flags set */ ob->inc_native = VDIN_UNINITIALIZED; /* don't write out object until this is reset. Used only on server. */ ob->magic_no = 0L; /* zero means unset */ ob->acl = NULL; /* */ ob->exp = 0; ob->ttl = 0; ob->last_ref = 0; ob->forward = NULL; ob->backlinks = NULL; ob->attributes = NULL; ob->links = NULL; ob->ulinks = NULL; ob->native_mtime = 0; ob->shadow_file = NULL; /* used only on server.*/ ob->status = DQ_INACTIVE; /* used only in client mode. */ ob->dqs = NULL; /* ditto */ ob->statbuf = NULL; /* Used only on server */ ob->app.ptr = NULL; /* On every architecture I ever heard of, ob-> app.flg is now 0 too */ ob->previous = NULL; ob->next = NULL; return(ob); } static void (*obappfreefunc)(P_OBJECT) = NULL; /* * Specify which special freeing function (if any) to be used to free the * app.ptr member of the P_OBJECT structure, if set. */ void obappfree(void (* appfreefunc)(P_OBJECT)) { obappfreefunc = appfreefunc; } /* * obfree - free a P_OBJECT structure * * OBFREE takes a pointer to a P_OBJECT structure and adds it to * the free list for later reuse. */ void obfree(P_OBJECT ob) { #ifdef ALLOCATOR_CONSISTENCY_CHECK assert(ob->consistency == INUSE_PATTERN); ob->consistency = FREE_PATTERN; #endif if(ob->acl) aclfree(ob->acl); ob->acl = NULL; if(ob->forward) { vllfree(ob->forward); ob->forward = NULL;} if(ob->backlinks) { vllfree(ob->backlinks); ob->backlinks = NULL;} if(ob->attributes) { atlfree(ob->attributes); ob->attributes = NULL;} if(ob->links) { vllfree(ob->links); ob->links = NULL; } if(ob->ulinks) { vllfree(ob->ulinks); ob->ulinks = NULL; } if(ob->shadow_file) {stfree(ob->shadow_file); ob->shadow_file = NULL;} if(ob->statbuf) {stfree(ob->statbuf); ob->statbuf = NULL;} /* If ob->dqs signal a memory leak. */ if(obappfreefunc && ob->app.ptr) { (*obappfreefunc)(ob->app.ptr); ob->app.ptr = NULL; } p_th_mutex_lock(p_th_mutexOBALLOC); ob->next = lfree; ob->previous = NULL; lfree = ob; p_object_count--; p_th_mutex_unlock(p_th_mutexOBALLOC); } /* * oblfree - free a P_OBJECT structure list * * OBLFREE takes a pointer to a P_OBJECT structure frees it and any linked * P_OBJECT structures. It is used to free an entire list of P_OBJECT * structures. */ void oblfree(P_OBJECT ob) { P_OBJECT nxt; while(ob != NULL) { nxt = ob->next; obfree(ob); ob = nxt; } }