'match_domain' is a string variable which allows you to restrict the scope of your search by only matching results at those sites which are in the pseudo-domain list you have set. See help on the 'domains' command for an explanation of archie psuedo-domains. The syntax for this command is: set match_domain [[':']...] therefore you could say set match_domain ca:mx:uk which would restrict your search to sites in Canada ("ca"), Mexico ("mx") and the United Kingdom ("uk") Comparisons between the domain restrictions given and any site name are case insensitive and performed from right to left. Therefore the pseudo-domain list "EDU:va.us" will match any sites ending in "edu" or in "va.us" (educational US sites and some of those in Virginia). DNS names to any level may be supplied. You may use any combination of real DNS domains and pseudo-domains to specify the restriction criteria, however, any pseudo-domain specified must be supported by the current server. See the "domains" command for a further explanation and list of domains supported.