.\" Copyright (c) 1992, 1994, 1996 Bunyip Information Systems Inc. .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Archie 3.5 .\" August 1996 .\" .\" @(#)parse_anonftp_ .\" .TH PARSE_ANONFTP_SYS N "August 1996" .SH NAME parse_anonftp_ \- generate input to the insertion routine from recursive listings for the anonftp catalog .SH SYNOPSIS parse_anonftp_\fIsys_type\fP [ .B \-h ] [ .BI \-i \ ] [ .BI \-o \ ] [ .BI \-p \ ] [ .BI \-r \ ] .SH DESCRIPTION .LP \fBparse_anonftp\fP_\fIsys_type\fP describes a family of parsers, currenly with members .B parse_anonftp_unix_bsd for BDS UNIX systems .B parse_anonftp_novell for Novell systems and .BR parse_anonftp_vms_std for VMS systems. .PP \fBparse_anonftp\fP_\fIsys_type\fP reads a pre-filtered recursive directory listing obtained under the \fIsys_type\fR operating system. Its output is intended to be the input to the .BR insert_anonftp (n) program. .SH OPTIONS .LP .TP 5n .B \-h No headers. The listing is not expected to have a special header (normally used by all programs in the database insertion pipeline), nor will it generate one on output. This option can be used for debugging or to test raw (unprocessed) listings. .TP 5n .BI \-i The next argument is the name of the file containing the recursive listing. If unspecified, .I stdin is assumed. .TP 5n .BI \-o \ The next argument is the name of the file to which the output will be written. If unspecified, .I stdout is assumed. .TP 5n .B \-p \ Currently, this is used only by the UNIX parser. The next argument is prepended to the start of all \fIdirectory definitions\fR. For example, an argument of `.' can be used to turn the directory definition `bin:' into `./bin:', which is more easily digested by the parser. .TP 5n .B \-r Root directory. This is currently only used by the UNIX parser. The next argument is the name the root directory from which the listing is assumed to be taken. This option is often, but not always, used in conjunction with the .B \-p option, and is typically the same string, but with the trailing `/' replaced with a `:'. For example, together these arguments might be `-r .: -p .'. .TP 5n .B \-v Verbose. Tell you what it is doing. The output of the program is in Archie Listings Parser Output format which is described in .BR anonftp_parser_output (5). .SH SEE ALSO .BR parse_anonftp (n), .BR anonftp_parser_output (5), .SH AUTHOR Bunyip Information Systems .br Montr\o"\'e"al, Qu\o"\'e"bec, Canada .sp Archie is a registered trademark of Bunyip Information Systems Inc., Canada, 1990.