1.The "Software", below, refers to the Tcl-DP system, developed by the Tcl-DP group (in either source-code, object-code or executable-code form), and related documentation, and a "work based on the Software" means a work based on either the Software, on part of the Software, or on any derivative work of the Software under copyright law: that is, a work containing all or a portion of the Tcl-DP system, either verbatim or with modifications. Each licensee is addressed as "you" or "Licensee." 2.Cornell University as the parent organization of the Tcl-DP group holds copyrights in the Software. The copyright holder reserves all rights except those expressly granted to licensees, and U.S. Government license rights. 3.Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and to redistribute to others. If you distribute a copy or copies of the Software, or you modify a copy or copies of the Software or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Software, and make and/or distribute copies of such work, you must meet the following conditions: 1.If you make a copy of the Software (modified or verbatim) it must include the copyright notice and this license. 2.You must cause the modified Software to carry prominent notices stating that you changed specified portions of the Software. 4.LICENSEE AGREES THAT THE EXPORT OF GOODS AND/OR TECHNICAL DATA FROM THE UNITED STATES MAY REQUIRE SOME FORM OF EXPORT CONTROL LICENSE FROM THE U.S. GOVERNMENT AND THAT FAILURE TO OBTAIN SUCH EXPORT CONTROL LICENSE MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL LIABILITY UNDER U.S. LAWS. 5.Portions of the Software resulted from work developed under a U.S. Government Contract and are subject to the following license: the Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in this computer software to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly. 6.Disclaimer of warranty: Licensor provides the software on an ``as is'' basis. Licensor does not warrent, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use or results of the software with respect to its correctness, accuracy, reliability or performance. The entire risk of the use and performance of the software is assumed by licensee. ALL WARANTIES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. 7.Lack of maintainance or support services: Licensee understands and agrees that licensor is under no obligation to provide maintanance, support or update services, notices of latent defects, or correction of defects for the software. 8.Limitation of liability, indemnification: Even if advised of the possibility of damages, under no circumstances shall licensor be liable to licensee or any third party for damages of any character, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or special damages, loss of profits, loss of use, loss of goodwill, computer failure or malfunction. Licensee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless licensor for any and all liability licensor may incur as a result of licensee's use of the software.