/* WIDE AREA INFORMATION SERVER SOFTWARE: Developed by Thinking Machines Corporation and put into the public domain with no guarantees or restrictions. */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _H_WAIS_util_ #define _H_WAIS_util_ #include "cdialect.h" #include "cutil.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void twais_format_req_apdu _AP(( boolean use_template, char* apdu_buff, long* len)); void twais_dsply_rsp_apdu _AP(( char* rsp_buff, long rsp_len)); void twais_free_apdu _AP((char* apdu_buff)); long twais_format_init_apdu _AP(( boolean use_template, char* apdu_buff)); long twais_format_typ3_srch_apdu _AP(( boolean use_template, char* apdu_buff)); long twais_format_typ1_srch_apdu _AP(( boolean use_template, char* apdu_buff)); void twais_dsply_init_rsp_apdu _AP(( char* buffer)); void twais_dsply_init_apdu _AP(( char* buffer)); void twais_dsply_srch_rsp_apdu _AP(( char* buffer)); void twais_dsply_srch_apdu _AP(( char* buffer)); void twais_tmplt_init_apdu _AP((char* buff, long* buff_len)); void twais_tmplt_init_rsp_apdu _AP((char* buff, long* buff_len)); void twais_tmplt_typ1_srch_apdu _AP(( char* buff, long* buff_len)); void twais_tmplt_typ3_srch_rsp_apdu _AP(( char* buff, long* buff_len)); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif