.\" Copyright (c) 1992, 1994, 1996 Bunyip Information Systems Inc. .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Archie 3.5 .\" August 1996 .\" .\" @(#)db_check.n .\" .TH DB_CHECK N "August 1996" .SH NAME .B db_check \- Check the consistency of the Archie databases. .SH SYNOPSIS .B db_check [ .BI \-H " " ] [ .BI \-p " " ] [ .BI \-k " " ] [ .BI \-d " " ] [ .BI \-M " " ] [ .BI \-h " " ] [ .BI \-v ] [ .B \-l ] [ .BI \-L " " ] .SH DESCRIPTION .B db_check performs a quick scan over the database files and prints out statistical information. Numbers indicating the size of each site file and the different types of records contained are printed. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI \-H " " The host name of the site about which you want statistics. .TP .BI \-p " " The port number of the site, if it is different from the default value. .TP .BI \-k " " One can check for the existance of a certain word in any site. .B db_check will produce a list of host indicies containing this word. .TP .BI \-M " " The name of the master Archie database directory. If not specified, the program looks in the directory .BR ~archie/db , then .BR ./db . .TP .BI \-d " " The catalog about which to print statistics. By default, the program will examine all available catalogs listed in .BR ~archie/etc/catalogs.cf . .TP .BI \-h " " The name of the Archie host database directory. If not specified, the program will first try .BR ~archie/db/host_db , then .BR ./host_db . .TP .BI \-v Verbose mode. Print messages indicating what the program is doing. .TP .BI \-l Log messages to the file .BR ~archie/logs/archie.log . The location of the file may be overridden with the .B \-L option. By default, messages are written to .IR stderr . .TP .BI \-L " " Specify the log file. For this to have any effect, the .B \-l option must be specified, as well. Note that debugging information is also written to the log file. .SH DIAGNOSTICS .B db_check gives a variety of warning and error messages if the catalog is found to be inconsistent. Messages containing the string `ERROR' are considered serious and are usually the sign of a corrupt catalog. .SH FILES ~archie/db//* .br ~archie/db//start_db/* .br ~archie/db/host_db/* .SH SEE ALSO .BR db_stats (n) .SH AUTHOR Bunyip Information Systems. .br Montr\o"\'e"al, Qu\o"\'e"bec, Canada .sp Archie is a registered trademark of Bunyip Information Systems Inc., Canada, 1990.