# tcp.test -- # # Test the TCP protocol # if {[string compare test [info procs test]] == 1} then {source ../tests/defs} test tcp-1.1 {dp_connect command} { list [catch { dp_connect tcp -bar } msg] $msg } {1 {unknown option "-bar", must be -async, -host, -myaddr, -myport -port or -server}} test tcp-1.2 {dp_connect command} { list [catch { dp_connect tcp -bar foo } msg] $msg } {1 {unknown option "-bar", must be -async, -host, -myaddr, -myport -port or -server}} test tcp-1.3 {dp_connect command} { list [catch { dp_connect tcp -port } msg] $msg } {1 {value for "-port" missing}} test tcp-1.4 {dp_connect command} { list [catch { dp_connect tcp } msg] $msg } {1 {option -port must be specified for clients}} test tcp-1.5 {dp_connect command} { list [catch { dp_connect tcp -port badport } msg] $msg } {1 {expected integer but got "badport"}} test tcp-1.6 {dp_connect command} { list [catch { dp_connect tcp -server 1 } msg] $msg } {1 {option -myport must be specified for servers}} test tcp-1.7 {dp_connect command} { list [catch { dp_connect tcp -server 1 -myport 1234 -async 1 } msg] $msg } {1 {option -async is not valid for servers}} test tcp-1.8 {dp_connect command} { list [catch { dp_connect tcp -server 1 -myport 1234 -host localhost } msg] $msg } {1 {option -host is not valid for servers}} test tcp-1.9 {dp_connect command} { list [catch { dp_connect tcp -server 1 -myport 1234 -port 1234 } msg] $msg } {1 {option -port is not valid for servers}} test tcp-2.0.1 {Opening port with no service.} { list [catch { set csock [dp_connect tcp -host localhost -port 14466] } msg] $msg } {1 {couldn't open socket: connection refused}} test tcp-2.1 {dp_accept command} { list [catch {dp_accept} message] $message } {1 {wrong # args: should be "dp_accept channelId"}} test tcp-2.2 {dp_accept command} { list [catch { set ssock [dp_connect tcp -server 1 -myport 14467] set csock [dp_connect tcp -host localhost -port 14467] after 500 set asock [lindex [dp_accept $ssock] 0] puts $csock hello1 set line [gets $asock] } msg] $msg } {0 hello1} catch {close $ssock} catch {close $csock} catch {close $asock} test tcp-2.3 {Closing of server sockets} { list [catch { set csock [dp_connect tcp -host localhost -port 14470] } msg] $msg } {1 {couldn't open socket: connection refused}} catch {close $csock} test tcp-2.4 {Closing of client sockets} { set ssock [dp_connect tcp -server 1 -myport 14468] set csock [dp_connect tcp -host localhost -port 14468 -async 1] after 500 set asock [lindex [dp_accept $ssock] 0] close $asock after 1000 catch { puts $csock hello1 } msg regexp {^error writing} $msg } [regexp {^error writing} {error writing "tcp2": broken pipe}] catch {close $csock} catch {close $ssock} test tcp-2.5 {asynchronous client Tcp socket} { list [catch { set ssock [dp_connect tcp -server 1 -myport 14469] set csock [dp_connect tcp -host localhost -port 14469 -myport 14470 -async 1] after 500 set asock [lindex [dp_accept $ssock] 0] puts $csock hello1 set line [gets $asock] } msg] $msg } {0 hello1} # # fconfigure tests # catch {set myIpAddr [dp_netinfo -address [info hostname]]} if {$myIpAddr == 0} { puts stdout "Error determining IP address" } test tcp- "fconfigure tcp (ssock)" { list [catch { fconfigure $ssock } msg] $msg } [list 0 [list -blocking 1 -buffering none -buffersize 4096 -eofchar {{} {}} -translation {lf lf} -keepAlive 0 -linger 0 -recvBuffer 8192 -reuseAddr 1 -sendBuffer 8192 -myIpAddr $myIpAddr -myport 14469 -destIpAddr -destport 0]] test tcp- "fconfigure tcp (csock)" { list [catch { fconfigure $csock } msg] $msg } [list 0 [list -blocking 1 -buffering none -buffersize 4096 -eofchar {{} {}} -translation {lf lf} -keepAlive 0 -linger 0 -recvBuffer 8192 -reuseAddr 1 -sendBuffer 8192 -myIpAddr $myIpAddr -myport 14470 -destIpAddr -destport 14469]] test tcp- "fconfigure tcp (asock)" { list [catch { fconfigure $asock } msg] $msg } [list 0 [list -blocking 1 -buffering none -buffersize 4096 -eofchar {{} {}} -translation {lf lf} -keepAlive 0 -linger 0 -recvBuffer 8192 -reuseAddr 1 -sendBuffer 8192 -myIpAddr $myIpAddr -myport 14469 -destIpAddr -destport 14470]] test tcp-2.6 {fconfigure tcp} { foreach type "ssock csock asock" { set sock [set $type] test tcp-2.6.2 "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 } msg] $msg } {0 {}} test tcp-2.6.3 "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock -blocking } msg] $msg } {0 0} test tcp-2.6.4 "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock -sendBuffer 4096 } msg] $msg } {0 {}} test tcp-2.6.5 "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock -sendBuffer } msg] $msg } {0 4096} test tcp-2.6.6 "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock -sendBuffer -1 } msg] $msg } {1 {Buffer size must be > 0}} test tcp-2.6.7 "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock -sendBuffer foo } msg] $msg } {1 {expected integer but got "foo"}} test tcp-2.6.8 "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock -recvBuffer 4096 } msg] $msg } {0 {}} test tcp-2.6.9 "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock -recvBuffer } msg] $msg } {0 4096} test tcp-2.6.10 "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock -recvBuffer -1 } msg] $msg } {1 {Buffer size must be > 0}} test tcp-2.6.11 "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock -recvBuffer foo } msg] $msg } {1 {expected integer but got "foo"}} foreach opt {-keepAlive -reuseAddr} { test tcp- "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock $opt foo } msg] $msg } {1 {expected boolean value but got "foo"}} test tcp- "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock $opt 0 } msg] $msg } {0 {}} test tcp- "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock $opt } msg] $msg } {0 0} test tcp- "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock $opt 1 } msg] $msg } {0 {}} test tcp- "fconfigure tcp ($type)" { list [catch { fconfigure $sock $opt } msg] $msg } {0 1} } } set result_is ok } ok catch {close $ssock} catch {close $csock} catch {close $asock} # CORNELL ONLY TESTS # (ToDo) Connect to a "test server" instead. # test cornell-tcp-3.1 {dp_connect command} { set chan [dp_connect tcp -host www -port 80] puts $chan "GET /" flush $chan string range [gets $chan] 0 5 } {