.\" Copyright (c) 1992, 1994, 1996 Bunyip Information Systems Inc. .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Archie 3.5 .\" August 1996 .\" .\" @(#)arserver.n .\" .TH ARSERVER N "August 1996" .SH NAME .B arserver \- Archie data exchange server .SH SYNOPSIS .B arserver [ .BI \-M " " ] [ .BI \-h " " ] [ .BI \-C " " ] [ .B \-S ] [ .B \-c ] [ .B \-v ] [ .B \-l ] [ .BI \-L " " ] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP .B arserver is responsible for providing remote access to and from the Archie catalogs and data. This process is currently used to perform two functions: .RS .IP a) Allow the exchange of preprocessed data between Archie hosts in conjunction with the .B arexchange program and .IP b) Provide the information to the local data aquisition phase of the update cycle in conjunction with the .B arretrieve program. .RE .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI \-M " " The name of the master Archie database directory. If not given, the program tries to look in the directory .B ~archie/db and, failing that, defaults to .BR ./db . .TP .BI \-h " " The name of the Archie host database directory. If not supplied the program will default first to .B ~archie/db/host_db and failing that, to .BR ./host_db . .TP .BI \-C " " Use the file .I as the configuration file. See below. .TP .B \-S Sleep for 20 seconds after initial startup. This is primarily used for debugging. .TP .B \-c Send outgoing inter-Archie data in compressed format (using the .BR compress (1) program). This results in a significant improvement in transfer times. Remote clients may specifically override this setting and get the data uncompressed. However, in this case a message that this has occurred is logged in the log file. .TP .B \-v Verbose mode. Output is written to the current log file. .TP .BI \-L " " The name of the file to be used for logging information. Note that debugging information is also written to the log file. Logging is by default written to the default log file .BR ~archie/logs/archie.log . .SH CONFIGURATION .PP This program is designed to be run from the .BR inetd (8) process in normal operation (see .SM "Configuring the System" in the Archie documentation). .PP The program uses a configuration file, .BR ~archie/etc/arupdate.cf , unless overridden by the .B \-C option. This file is also used by the arexchange program (See .BR arexchange (n)) Any program contacting the arserver process is called a .IR client . The file has lines of the following format: .IP .IR " " " [, " " ] ..." .PP where .RS .TP .I is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the host with which data is to be exchanged. This name enforces a basic security mechanism by specifying which remote Archie clients are allowed to connect to the local Archie host. The asterisk character (`*') may be used to signify the fact that \fIany\fP remote Archie host may connect to the local Archie host. .RE .PP For each .I there may be multiple .I entries. Since each entry starting with .I is considered to be a single line, the backslash character (`\\') is used as a line continuation marker. Each .I consists of the following fields: .PP .I .PP .B Field Interpretation .RS .PP The fields have the following syntax and semantics: .RS .TP .I A colon separated list of Archie catalog names. The requesting client may query the local server only about the catalogs listed here. .I All catalogs may be queried by using the asterisk character (`*'). .TP .I A colon separated list of Archie pseudo-domains and domains. The client program asks questions of any site in the local server which belongs to the domains listed here. Specify an asterisk (`*') if queries about \fIall\fP domains are to be allowed. .TP .I The maximum number of sites, matching the above constraints, to be returned to the client process. .TP .I If the character `r' occurs in this field then the client has `read permission' on the catalogs/domains specified on this configuration line. This field exists to allow \fIasymmetric\fP data exchanges where Archie site A may request data from Archie site B but not vice versa. .TP .I Ignored (and never modified) by .BR arserver . See below. .TP .I Ignored by .BR arserver . See below. .TP .I Ignored by .BR arserver . See below. .RE .LP Example: .LP The following is a sample configuration file entry accompanied by an explanation of how the server would interpret this line. .sp \fCbunyip.com anonftp:webindex europe:usa 30 r 12h 19920703162322 0\\ .br .RS whois:yp asia 10 r 30d 19920603162322 0\fP .RE .PP Line 1. .RS .TP Field 1. The remote client (RC) on the site `bunyip.com' is allowed to contact the local server. .TP Field 2. The RC is allowed to query the local server about the anonftp \fIand\fP webindex Archie catalogs. .TP Field 3. The RC can query about sites in the Archie pseudo domains of `europe' \fIand\fP `usa' (which of course must be defined in the server Archie system). See .BR ardomains (n). .TP Field 4. The RC data for can request at most 30 sites in any given session. .TP Field 5. The data in the Archie catalogs specified by this line is `enabled' for the RC. .TP Field 6. Ignored. .TP Field 7. Ignored. .TP Field 8. Ignored. .RE .PP Line 2. .RS is a continuation of line 1, due to the continuation character (\\) as the last character on line 1. Therefore line 2 applies to the remote client connecting from `bunyip.com'. .RS .TP Field 1 For the sake of clarity there is no ``Field 1'' used on continuation lines. .TP Field 2. The RC may query for entries in the `whois' and `yp' catalogs. .RE .RE .PP Note that both the .B arserver and .B arexchange programs read the same configuration file, and further note that it is through the .I field that the respective server and client invocations can determine the lines intended for them. The server picks up lines with a .I value of `r'. It is also possible to specify `rw' as the permission field. This means both that the remote client may contact the local server and that the local client can contact the remote server. .PP Example: .RS .PP The following line specifies one .I symmetric and two .I asymmetric examples of data exchange. .LP \fCbunyip.com anonftp usa 50 rw 1d 19920703162322 0\\ .PD .1v .RS .IP \fCwebindex europe 30 r 10d 19920703162322 0\\ .IP .PD 1v \fCwhois usa 70 w 5d 19920703162322 0\ \fP .RE .PP The first line specifies that the local client is to contact the remote server on `bunyip.com' and request all sites in the `anonftp' catalog from the `usa' pseudo-domain. In addition, the remote client may contact the local server and request the same information (symmetric). .PP The second line specifies that the remote client may request information about the `webindex' catalog for sites in the `europe' domain. Since `r' is specified as the permissions field, the local client will not query the remote server for this information (asymmetric). Similarly, the local client is to query the remote server about information on the `webindex' catalog from sites in `usa' (line 3), but may not be queried by the remote client about this catalog in this domain. .RE .RE .RE .RE .PP .B Data Exchange .RS .PP The actual data exchange is not performed by the server or client which just negotiate the information which is to be received and transmitted. The protocol used by arserver and its clients is described in .BR archie_protocol (5). An auxililary process designed specifically to transfer the underlying data is used for actual data transmission. The client and server processes automatically generate the name of the program to run from the following rule: .IP .BI net_ .PP where .I is the name of the Archie catalog with which this data is associated. This auxiliary program resides in the .B ~archie/bin directory. The data exchanged in this manner may be in a `raw' or preprocessed state depending on the catalog. No assumptions should be made as to the state of this data. However, the underlying data exchange routines will produce files appropriately prepared for insertion at some phase of the update cycle. .RE .SH FILES ~archie/etc/arupdate.cf, .br ~archie/db/host_db/* .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR inetd (8), .BR arexchange (n), .BR arretrieve (n), .BR archie_protocol (5), Archie system documentation .SH AUTHOR Bunyip Information Systems. .br Montr\o"\'e"al, Qu\o"\'e"bec, Canada .sp Archie is a registered trademark of Bunyip Information Systems Inc., Canada, 1990.