The 'domains' command allows you to query the current server about the archie 'pseudo-domains' that it supports. The archie system has the concept of "pseudo-domains". This is primarily for the convenience of being able to specify things like "usa" instead of ".gov" and ".com" and ".edu" and ".us" etc. Pseudo-domains are composed of normal Domain Name System (DNS) domains and other pseudo-domains and each archie server administrator may define them aribtrarily. Ultimately all pseudo-domains should resolve into a list of actual DNS domains. For example, the system administrator may define the pseduo-domain "eastcoastu" to be "" (universities in Mass., New York and Princeton University). They could then define "massu" to be "" (Harvard and Boston Universities) and "nyu" to be "" (NY University and Columbia). Thus "eastcoastu" would ultimately be ""