#/* # * Copyright (c) 1991-1994 by the University of Southern California # * # * For copying and distribution information, please see the file # * <usc-license.h>. # */ # # This is the boilerplate Makefile for the Prospero Directory Service. # It contains generic targets so that they do not have to be repeated # for each inferior makefile. # ## ENVIRONMENT ASSUMPTIONS # Every Makefile in Prospero has (possibly unset) variables in it # named PROGS, SPECIAL_PROGS, DATA_FILE_TARGETS, OTHERPROGS, # CFILES, OBJECTS, SUBDIRS, PROSPERO_ROOT # PROGS: # These are the programs which follow the default rule for making and # which are installed by default. They will be deleted during cleanup. # SPECIAL_PROGS: # These are also installed by default, but it have their own special rules # for making. They will be deleted during cleanup. # DATA_FILE_TARGETS: # Targets made that are installed in the bin (with mode 644 or 664) but # are not executables. They will be deleted # during cleanup. # General-purpose libraries are DATA_FILE_TARGETS # OTHERTARGETS: # These programs and other targets also follow the default making rules, # but are not installed by default. They will be deleted during cleanup. # SPECIAL_OTHERTARGETS: # These programs and other targets are not installed by default. # They have their own special rule sets for making. They will be deleted # during cleanup. # Special-purpose libraries are DATA_FILE_TARGETS # SUBDIRS: # Subdirectories that this Makefile will recursively execute in. # PROSPERO_ROOT: # A relative path up to the top-level Makefile. # Every Prospero Makefile: # # Every Prospero Makefile must have a line labelled '# Dependencies', # after which the 'setdependencies' development utility is free to write. # It must have a first target named 'all' and another target named 'install' # The 'install' target does not currently install libraries. Perhaps later. # Unclear what the users want here. ## ADDITIONAL CONVENTIONS # The targets ending in _LIB are real file names of single libraries that # Prospero is compiled with. # Targets ending in _LIBS are linker command lines. # They refer to libraries in the Prospero distribution (_LIB libraries) # and to system libraries ("-lm", especially). # They also may contain "-u" linker flags. # Each target ending in _LIBS has a matching _LIBS_DEPENDENCIES # That refers to files in this distribution (i.e., everything that may # change during the development process.) They contain no -l or -u. ############################################################################## ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # # This top-level dependency is important so that we will always run # 'all' as our top dependency, and so that Makefile.boilerplate can # be included into a regular Makefile, irrespective of order. boilerplate_all: all ### ### VARIABLES used by all Makefiles. ### # Do not change this line. # CFLAGS set up above. This adds stuff to it. CFLAGS = $(CCFLAGS) $(INCS) $(MACHDEF) #### SED-SCRIPT # We pipe compilation jobs passed on to subdirectories # through this sed script in order to precede CC and GCC error # messages with the full pathname name of the file at fault. # This lets EMACS's (next-error) function visit compilation errors that # occur in subdirectories. SED_SCRIPT = sed -e '/^[a-z0123456789_\/\.]*\.[ch]:/s,^,'$$i'\/,' ##### Prospero Include Files P_INC = -I$(PROSPERO_ROOT)/include # Used by all subsidiary makefiles on an as-needed basis. INCS = $(P_INC) $(K_INC) ### All of these are passed through to the children/descendants. ### These are all the items which might be set differently in ### Makefile.config, and therefore have to be passed on to ### descendants when they change. ## PASTHRU is officially dead now, because it is incompatible with never ## having to specify the old PROSPERO_ROOT. --swa, 5/8/94 ## #PASTHRU = \ # AR="$(AR)" \ # AR_FLAGS="$(AR_FLAGS)" \ # CC="$(CC)" \ # CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" \ # COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE="$(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)" \ # GENERATION="$(GENERATION)" \ # GENERATIONSUFFIX="$(GENERATIONSUFFIX)" \ # GROUP=$(GROUP) \ # INSTALL="$(INSTALL)" \ # KRB_LIBS="$(KRB_LIBS)" \ # LIBS="$(LIBS)" \ # MACHDEF="$(MACHDEF)" MAKE=$(MAKE) \ # MORE_USER_PROGS="$(MORE_USER_PROGS)" \ # MORE_SERVER_PROGS="$(MORE_SERVER_PROGS)" \ # OWNER=$(OWNER) \ # P_BINARIES="$(P_BINARIES)" \ # RANLIB="$(RANLIB)" \ # RM="$(RM)" # VCACHE_LIBS="$(VCACHE_LIBS)" \ # VCACHE_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES="$(VCACHE_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES)" \ # WCFLAGS="$(WCFLAGS)" # The targets ending in _LIB are real file names of single libraries that # Prospero is compiled with. PFS_LIB = $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/lib/pfs/libpfs.a FIL_LIB = $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/lib/filters/libfilter.a CMP_LIB = $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/lib/pcompat/libpcompat.a RDP_LIB = $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/lib/ardp/libardp.a SRV_LIB = $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/lib/psrv/libpsrv.a VCACHE_LIB = $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/user/vcache/libpvcache.a GOPHER_GW_LIB = $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/lib/psrv/gopher_gw/libpgoph_gw.a WAIS_GW_LIB = $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/lib/psrv/wais_gw/libpwais_gw.a # For ARCHIE servers, version 3. To use this, you will need to get the ARCHIE # distribution from Bunyip Information Systems. #ARCHIE2_LIB = $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/lib/psrv/archie2/libpsarchie.a # For ARCHIE servers, version 3. To use this, you will need to get the ARCHIE # distribution from Bunyip Information Systems. ARCHIE3_PSARCHIE_LIB = $(ARCHIE_ROOT)/lib/libpsarchie/$(SYSTYPE)/libpsarchie.a ARCHIE3_PARCHIE_LIB = $(ARCHIE_ROOT)/lib/libparchie/$(SYSTYPE)/libparchie.a #### LIBRARIES USED FOR ACTUALLY LINKING AND DEPENDENCIES ## PFS_VCACHE_LIBS # Libraries to use if you link with LIBPFS and you use the VCACHE library. # This is usually referred to indirectly, through USE_PFS_VCACHE_LIBS, # which is defined in Makefile.config # PFS_VCACHE_LIBS is a list of all the libraries one needs in order to access # the PFS library if it is linked with the VCACHE library. # The libpvcache library (Special purpose hack) has the vcache2a() function # as its only entry point. # Documentation on the content of this entry: # "-u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)vcache2a" is # because of cross-dependencies between $(VCACHE_LIB) and $(PFS_LIB) # "-u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)waisRetrieveFileByHsoname" # is not strictly necessary. It serves as a reminder of why we're # including $(WAIS_GW_LIB). # We need to integrate the WAIS library (at least # waisRetrieveFileByHsoname) in with libpvcache. # -lm is needed for $(WAIS_GW_LIB) # It is unclear to me why we need to GOPHER_GW_LIB PFS_VCACHE_LIBS = \ -u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)vcache2a \ $(VCACHE_LIB) \ $(GOPHER_GW_LIB) \ -u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)waisRetrieveFileByHsoname \ $(WAIS_GW_LIB) -lm \ $(PFS_LIBS) # VCACHE_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES # Bits of Prospero that, if they change, mean that vcache-lib-using # programs should be recompiled too. This is used by the Makefile # dependencies. PFS_VCACHE_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES = \ $(VCACHE_LIB) \ $(GOPHER_GW_LIB) \ $(WAIS_GW_LIB) \ $(PFS_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES) ### PFS_LIBS ### This library is used by any programs that want to link with the normal ### Prospero PFS library. ### This refers to USE_VCACHE_LIBS and USE_VCACHE_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES, in ### "Makefile.config" ### This does NOT include anything having to do with the VCACHE library. ### Makefile.config sets USE_VCACHE_LIBS to either PFS_LIBS or to ### PFS_VCACHE_LIBS # Documentation on the content of this entry: # "-u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)stequal" is here # because the ARDP DNS caching uses "stequal" to make its # comparisons. # "-u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)plog" is because # of cross-dependencies between SRV_LIB and PFS_LIB. There is a # call to plog() from ardp_accept(). Will be fixed in next full # release. # "-u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)pafree" is because # the $(RDP_LIB) depends upon the 'pafree' function in PFS_LIB. # $(LIBS) is here because of SCOUNIX, which needs "-lsocket" PFS_LIBS = \ -u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)plog \ $(SRV_LIB) \ -u ${COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE}stequal \ -u ${COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE}pafree \ -u ${COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE}sindex \ $(PFS_LIB) \ $(FIL_LIB) \ $(RDP_LIB) \ $(KRB_LIBS) \ $(LIBS) PFS_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES = \ $(SRV_LIB) \ $(PFS_LIB) \ $(FIL_LIB) \ $(RDP_LIB) \ $(KRB_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(LIBS_DEPENDENCIES) ### SRV_LIBS ### This library is used by any server program that needs PFS and PSRV ### libraries. (i.e., by DIRSRV). DIRSRV does not do file retrieval, so ### we won't need VCACHE_LIBS here. ### This is used only by programs in the 'server' directory of the Prospero ### distribution. ### # After RDP_LIB's use of plog() is fixed, change to this one: #SRV_LIBS = \ # $(SERVER_DB_LIBS) \ # $(PFS_LIBS) \ # $(SRV_LIB) #For now: # Note that SERVER_DB_LIBS precedes PFS_LIBS so that server DB library # functions can easily refer to PFS library functions. #SRV_LIBS = $(SERVER_DB_LIBS) $(PFS_LIBS) SRV_LIBS = $(SERVER_DB_LIBS)\ $(ARCHIE_ROOT)/lib/libpsarchie/$(SYSTYPE)/libpsarchie.a\ $(ARCHIE_ROOT)/lib/libparchie/$(SYSTYPE)/libparchie.a\ $(ARCHIE_ROOT)/lib/startdb/$(SYSTYPE)/libstartdb.a\ $(ARCHIE_ROOT)/lib/archsearch/$(SYSTYPE)/libarchsearch.a\ $(ARCHIE_ROOT)/lib/libarchie/$(SYSTYPE)/libarchie.a\ $(ARCHIE_ROOT)/lib/archstridx/$(SYSTYPE)/libarchstridx.a\ $(ARCHIE_ROOT)/lib/patrie/$(SYSTYPE)/libpatrie.a\ $(ARCHIE_ROOT)/webindex/lib/$(SYSTYPE)/libwebindex.a\ $(BERKDB_ROOT)/PORT/$(SYSTYPE)/libdb.a \ $(PFS_LIBS) -lm # -u ${COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE}verify_acl_list # -u ${COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE}acl_message # $(LIBPARCHIE_MODULE)/$(SYSTYPE)/libparchie.a\ # ../../wais/libpwais.a \ # ../../freeWAIS/bin/client.a \ # ../../freeWAIS/bin/inv.a \ # ../../freeWAIS/bin/wais.a \ # ../../freeWAIS/bin/libftw.a \ # After RDP_LIB's use of plog() is fixed, change to this one: #SRV_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES = \ # $(SERVER_DB_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES) \ # $(PFS_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES) \ # $(SRV_LIB) #For now: SRV_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES = \ $(SERVER_DB_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(PFS_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES) ### CMP_LIBS ### These libraries are used by programs that link with the compatibility ### library. Such programs do not need anything else magic. ### The distribution only invokes this in app/Makefile. # The -u refers to system calls that are redefined by the compatibility # library. CMP_LIBS = \ -u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)open \ -u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)stat \ -u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)lstat \ -u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)creat \ -u $(COMPILER_PREPENDS_C_SYMBOLS_WITH_UNDERSCORE)execve \ $(CMP_LIB) \ $(USE_PFS_VCACHE_LIBS) CMP_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES = $(CMP_LIB) $(USE_PFS_VCACHE_LIBS_DEPENDENCIES) #### Directories used by "installdirs" dependency. #### note that installdirs assumes 'mkdir -p' exists. #### DIR755 = $(DESTDIR)/$(PSRV_SHADOW) $(DESTDIR)/$(PSRV_STORAGE) $(DESTDIR)/$(PSRV_SECURITY) $(P_BINARIES) VCACHE_DIR1755 = $(DESTDIR)/$(P_CACHE)/p $(DESTDIR)/$(P_CACHE)/vc $(DESTDIR)/$(P_CACHE)/tmp DIR1777 = $(VCACHE_DIR1777) ### ### RULES used by all Makefiles ### ## ## This rule is always used to make OBJECTS from the matching "c" files. ## ## Not needed any more, because with our new conventional use of CFLAGS, ## this is now an implicit rule. # ${OBJECTS}: # ${CC} ${CFLAGS} $*.c ## if Makefile.config changes, recompile everything. ## For this rule to have any effect, Makefile.boilerplate must be included ## after $(OBJECTS) is set. ##$(OBJECTS): $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/Makefile.config # This is a generic go-through-all-subdirs function. It replaces a number # of special cases. SUBDIRS_MAKE_START = for i in $(SUBDIRS) $$unset_dummy_sh_variable; do (cd $$i; echo making in `pwd` ; $(MAKE) SUBDIRS_MAKE_END = ); done ## These are now generic Makefile boilerplate. ## These are all the files that might be generated during the compilation ## process. ## GENERATED_FILES is not referred to outside of this Makefile; it is a ## macro because it is used by the 'clean:' and 'hide:' targets that follow. ## XXX These might also need to be added: *.o makedep GENERATED_FILES=tags TAGS *~ a.out core $(OBJECTS) $(PROGS) $(SPECIAL_PROGS) $(DATA_FILE_TARGETS) $(OTHERTARGETS) $(SPECIAL_OTHERTARGETS) *.old *.new *.backup *.syms clean: rm -f $(GENERATED_FILES) $(SUBDIRS_MAKE_START) clean $(SUBDIRS_MAKE_END) # for i in $(SUBDIRS) $$unset_dummy_sh_variable; do (cd $$i; $(MAKE) clean); done # Piping this through SED hides the many error messages from files not found. # mv -f isn't the same as RM -f; no way to make MV not complain about unfound # files, so we'd have to write our own. hide: -mkdir .hide -(mv -f $(GENERATED_FILES) .hide ; \ $(SUBDIRS_MAKE_START) hide $(SUBDIRS_MAKE_END)) 2>&1 | \ sed -e '/^mv:.*: Cannot access: No such file or directory$$/d' \ -e '/^\*\*\* Error code 1 (ignored)$$/d' \ -e '/^mkdir: .hide: File exists$$/d' # for i in $(SUBDIRS) $$unset_dummy_sh_variable; \ # do (cd $$i; $(MAKE) hide); done 2>&1 | \ # sed -e '/^mv:.*: Cannot access: No such file or directory$$/d' \ # -e '/^\*\*\* Error code 1 (ignored)$$/d' \ # -e '/^mkdir: .hide: File exists$$/d' unhide: -mv .hide/* .hide/.??* . -rmdir .hide $(SUBDIRS_MAKE_START) unhide 2>&1 | $(SED_SCRIPT) $(SUBDIRS_MAKE_END) ## Making all subdirs. all_subdirs: $(SUBDIRS_MAKE_START) ${PASTHRU} all 2>&1 | $(SED_SCRIPT) $(SUBDIRS_MAKE_END) ## ## I do not use these for development; I use emacs TAGS exclusively. ## EMACS tags are not part of the general boilerplate. ## that's because they're all stuck in the top-level directory. ## Send fixes to these if you want them to be generally useful for VI-oriented ## developers. newtags: -rm -f tags touch tags find `pwd` -name "*\.[ch]" -exec ctags -a {} \; # Target has problems: depends on itself (recursively) tags: *.c *.h [ -f tags ] && \ find `pwd` -name "*\.[ch]" -newer tags -exec ctags -u {} \; || \ $(MAKE) newtags ## A nice generic EMACS TAGS rule that I might follow later. ##TAGS: ## etags `find . -name "*\.[ch]" -print` # A different tags file in each subdirectory. etags: TAGS $(SUBDIRS_MAKE_START) etags $(SUBDIRS_MAKE_END) TAGS: $(CFILES) etags $(CFILES) $(PROSPERO_ROOT)/misc/empty.c ### ### Rules and macros for checking out code with RCS ### This is in practice never used by me, but I throw it in here in case ### one day someone misses it. Presumably BCN had a good reason for having ### it here. --swa (hey, bcn, take a look and see if you will ever use ### this again, ok? --swa) XXX CODE = $(CFILES) Makefile src: $(CODE) $(CODE): co -q $@ ### ### Things still to be done XXXX ### none of these urgent. ### Fix archie2 and archie3/makefile after rest are consistent. ### handle INSTALL Dependency appropriately, with or without libraries. ### currently, 'install' is in sad shape. ### rm to $(RM) ### ar to $(AR) ### fix WAIS copyright ### Have BCN look at CODE and src: dependency ## intriguing comment in WAIS makefile. Would like to take a look at this ## (re: configuration) # at WAIS Inc, this is done automatically by the shared .cshrc script # see /usr/local/shared/shared.cshrc # figure out why mitra stuck in the gopher_gw_lib. Fix that dependency