# This file contains support code for the Tcl test suite. It is # normally sourced by the individual files in the test suite before # they run their tests. This improved approach to testing was designed # and initially implemented by Mary Ann May-Pumphrey of Sun Microsystems. set VERBOSE 0 set TESTS {} # Some of the tests don't work on some system configurations due to # configuration quirks, not due to Tk problems; in order to prevent # false alarms, these tests are only run in the master source directory # at Berkeley. The presence of a file "Berkeley" in this directory is # used to indicate that these tests should be run. set atBerkeley [file exists Berkeley] proc print_verbose {test_name test_description contents_of_test code answer} { puts stdout "\n" puts stdout "==== $test_name $test_description" puts stdout "==== Contents of test case:" puts stdout "$contents_of_test" if {$code != 0} { if {$code == 1} { puts stdout "==== Test generated error:" puts stdout $answer } elseif {$code == 2} { puts stdout "==== Test generated return exception; result was:" puts stdout $answer } elseif {$code == 3} { puts stdout "==== Test generated break exception" } elseif {$code == 4} { puts stdout "==== Test generated continue exception" } else { puts stdout "==== Test generated exception $code; message was:" puts stdout $answer } } else { puts stdout "==== Result was:" puts stdout "$answer" } } proc test {test_name test_description contents_of_test passing_results} { global VERBOSE global TESTS if {[string compare $TESTS ""] != 0} then { set ok 0 foreach test $TESTS { if [string match $test $test_name] then { set ok 1 break } } if !$ok then return } set code [catch {uplevel $contents_of_test} answer] if {$code != 0} { print_verbose $test_name $test_description $contents_of_test \ $code $answer } elseif {[string compare $answer $passing_results] == 0} then { if $VERBOSE then { print_verbose $test_name $test_description $contents_of_test \ $code $answer puts stdout "++++ $test_name PASSED" } } else { print_verbose $test_name $test_description $contents_of_test \ $code $answer puts stdout "---- Result should have been:" puts stdout "$passing_results" puts stdout "---- $test_name FAILED" } } proc dotests {file args} { global TESTS set savedTests $TESTS set TESTS $args source $file set TESTS $savedTests } # If the main window isn't already mapped (e.g. because the tests are # being run automatically) , specify a precise size for it so that the # user won't have to position it manually. if {![winfo ismapped .]} { wm geometry . +0+0 update }